module Language.Haskell.Meta.Utils where
import Data.List (findIndex)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Generics hiding(Fixity)
import Language.Haskell.Meta
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Pretty(prettyPrint)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
import Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Control.Monad
cleanNames :: (Data a) => a -> a
cleanNames = everywhere (mkT cleanName)
where cleanName :: Name -> Name
cleanName n
| isNameU n = n
| otherwise = (mkName . nameBase) n
isNameU :: Name -> Bool
isNameU (Name _ (NameU _)) = True
isNameU _ = False
pretty :: (Show a) => a -> String
pretty a = case parseHsExp (show a) of
Left _ -> []
Right e -> prettyPrint e
pp :: (Data a, Ppr a) => a -> String
pp = pprint . cleanNames
ppDoc :: (Data a, Ppr a) => a -> Doc
ppDoc = text . pp
gpretty :: (Data a) => a -> String
gpretty = either (const []) prettyPrint . parseHsExp . gshow
instance Show ExpQ where show = show . cleanNames . unsafeRunQ
instance Show (Q [Dec]) where show = unlines . fmap (show . cleanNames) . unsafeRunQ
instance Show DecQ where show = show . cleanNames . unsafeRunQ
instance Show TypeQ where show = show . cleanNames . unsafeRunQ
instance Show (Q String) where show = unsafeRunQ
instance Show (Q Doc) where show = show . unsafeRunQ
#if !MIN_VERSION_th_orphans(0,12,0)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
deriving instance Typeable Q
deriving instance Typeable1 Q
deriving instance Typeable QuasiQuoter
unsafeRunQ :: Q a -> a
unsafeRunQ = unsafePerformIO . runQ
nameToRawCodeStr :: Name -> String
nameToRawCodeStr n =
let s = showNameParens n
in case nameSpaceOf n of
Just VarName -> "'"++s
Just DataName -> "'"++s
Just TcClsName -> "''"++s
_ -> concat ["(mkName \"", filter (/='"') s, "\")"]
where showNameParens :: Name -> String
showNameParens n =
let nb = nameBase n
in case nb of
(c:_) | isSym c -> concat ["(",nb,")"]
_ -> nb
isSym :: Char -> Bool
isSym = (`elem` "><.\\/!@#$%^&*-+?:|")
(|$|) :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
infixr 0 |$|
f |$| x = [|$f $x|]
(|.|) :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
infixr 9 |.|
g |.| f = [|$g . $f|]
(|->|) :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ
infixr 9 |->|
a |->| b = appT (appT arrowT a) b
unForall :: Type -> Type
unForall (ForallT _ _ t) = t
unForall t = t
functionT :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ
functionT = foldl1 (|->|)
mkVarT :: String -> TypeQ
mkVarT = varT . mkName
myNames :: [Name]
myNames = let xs = fmap (:[]) ['a'..'z']
ys = iterate (join (zipWith (++))) xs
in fmap mkName (concat ys)
renameThings _ env new acc [] = (reverse acc, env, new)
renameThings f env new acc (t:ts) =
let (t', env', new') = f env new t
in renameThings f env' new' (t':acc) ts
renameTs :: [(Name, Name)] -> [Name] -> [Type] -> [Type]
-> ([Type], [(Name,Name)], [Name])
renameTs = renameThings renameT
renameT :: [(Name, Name)] -> [Name] -> Type -> (Type, [(Name,Name)], [Name])
renameT env [] _ = error "renameT: ran out of names!"
renameT env (x:new) (VarT n)
| Just n' <- lookup n env = (VarT n',env,x:new)
| otherwise = (VarT x, (n,x):env, new)
renameT env new (ConT n) = (ConT (normaliseName n), env, new)
renameT env new t@(TupleT {}) = (t,env,new)
renameT env new ArrowT = (ArrowT,env,new)
renameT env new ListT = (ListT,env,new)
renameT env new (AppT t t') = let (s,env',new') = renameT env new t
(s',env'',new'') = renameT env' new' t'
in (AppT s s', env'', new'')
renameT env new (ForallT ns cxt t) =
let (ns',env2,new2) = renameTs env new [] (fmap (VarT . toName) ns)
ns'' = fmap unVarT ns'
(cxt',env3,new3) = renamePreds env2 new2 [] cxt
(t',env4,new4) = renameT env3 new3 t
in (ForallT ns'' cxt' t', env4, new4)
unVarT (VarT n) = PlainTV n
renamePreds = renameThings renamePred
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
renamePred = renameT
renamePred env new (ClassP n ts) = let
(ts', env', new') = renameTs env new [] ts
in (ClassP (normaliseName n) ts', env', new')
renamePred env new (EqualP t1 t2) = let
(t1', env1, new1) = renameT env new t1
(t2', env2, new2) = renameT env1 new1 t2
in (EqualP t1' t2', env2, new2)
normaliseName :: Name -> Name
normaliseName = mkName . nameBase
applyT :: Type -> Type -> Type
applyT (ForallT [] _ t) t' = t `AppT` t'
applyT (ForallT (n:ns) cxt t) t' = ForallT ns cxt
(substT [(toName n,t')] (fmap toName ns) t)
applyT t t' = t `AppT` t'
substT :: [(Name, Type)] -> [Name] -> Type -> Type
substT env bnd (ForallT ns _ t) = substT env (fmap toName ns++bnd) t
substT env bnd t@(VarT n)
| n `elem` bnd = t
| otherwise = maybe t id (lookup n env)
substT env bnd (AppT t t') = AppT (substT env bnd t)
(substT env bnd t')
substT _ _ t = t
splitCon :: Con -> (Name,[Type])
splitCon c = (conName c, conTypes c)
strictTypeTy :: StrictType -> Type
strictTypeTy (_,t) = t
varStrictTypeTy :: VarStrictType -> Type
varStrictTypeTy (_,_,t) = t
conTypes :: Con -> [Type]
conTypes (NormalC _ sts) = fmap strictTypeTy sts
conTypes (RecC _ vts) = fmap varStrictTypeTy vts
conTypes (InfixC t _ t') = fmap strictTypeTy [t,t']
conTypes (ForallC _ _ c) = conTypes c
conToConType :: Type -> Con -> Type
conToConType ofType con = foldr (\a b -> AppT (AppT ArrowT a) b) ofType (conTypes con)
decCons :: Dec -> [Con]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
decCons (DataD _ _ _ _ cons _) = cons
decCons (NewtypeD _ _ _ _ con _) = [con]
decCons (DataD _ _ _ cons _) = cons
decCons (NewtypeD _ _ _ con _) = [con]
decCons _ = []
decTyVars :: Dec -> [TyVarBndr]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
decTyVars (DataD _ _ ns _ _ _) = ns
decTyVars (NewtypeD _ _ ns _ _ _) = ns
decTyVars (DataD _ _ ns _ _) = ns
decTyVars (NewtypeD _ _ ns _ _) = ns
decTyVars (TySynD _ ns _) = ns
decTyVars (ClassD _ _ ns _ _) = ns
decTyVars _ = []
decName :: Dec -> Maybe Name
decName (FunD n _) = Just n
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
decName (DataD _ n _ _ _ _) = Just n
decName (NewtypeD _ n _ _ _ _) = Just n
decName (DataD _ n _ _ _) = Just n
decName (NewtypeD _ n _ _ _) = Just n
decName (TySynD n _ _) = Just n
decName (ClassD _ n _ _ _) = Just n
decName (SigD n _) = Just n
decName (ForeignD fgn) = Just (foreignName fgn)
decName _ = Nothing
foreignName :: Foreign -> Name
foreignName (ImportF _ _ _ n _) = n
foreignName (ExportF _ _ n _) = n
unwindT :: Type -> [Type]
unwindT = go
where go :: Type -> [Type]
go (ForallT _ _ t) = go t
go (AppT (AppT ArrowT t) t') = t : go t'
go _ = []
unwindE :: Exp -> [Exp]
unwindE = go []
where go acc (e `AppE` e') = go (e':acc) e
go acc e = e:acc
arityT :: Type -> Int
arityT = go 0
where go :: Int -> Type -> Int
go n (ForallT _ _ t) = go n t
go n (AppT (AppT ArrowT _) t) =
let n' = n+1 in n' `seq` go n' t
go n _ = n
typeToName :: Type -> Maybe Name
typeToName t
| ConT n <- t = Just n
| ArrowT <- t = Just ''(->)
| ListT <- t = Just ''[]
| TupleT n <- t = Just $ tupleTypeName n
| ForallT _ _ t' <- t = typeToName t'
| otherwise = Nothing
nameSpaceOf :: Name -> Maybe NameSpace
nameSpaceOf (Name _ (NameG ns _ _)) = Just ns
nameSpaceOf _ = Nothing
conName :: Con -> Name
conName (RecC n _) = n
conName (NormalC n _) = n
conName (InfixC _ n _) = n
conName (ForallC _ _ con) = conName con
recCName :: Con -> Maybe Name
recCName (RecC n _) = Just n
recCName _ = Nothing
dataDCons :: Dec -> [Con]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
dataDCons (DataD _ _ _ _ cons _) = cons
dataDCons (DataD _ _ _ cons _) = cons
dataDCons _ = []
fromDataConI :: Info -> Q (Maybe Exp)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
fromDataConI (DataConI dConN ty tyConN) =
fromDataConI (DataConI dConN ty tyConN fxty) =
let n = arityT ty
in replicateM n (newName "a")
>>= \ns -> return (Just (LamE
[ConP dConN (fmap VarP ns)]
(TupE $ fmap VarE ns)))
fromDataConI _ = return Nothing
fromTyConI :: Info -> Maybe Dec
fromTyConI (TyConI dec) = Just dec
fromTyConI _ = Nothing
mkFunD :: Name -> [Pat] -> Exp -> Dec
mkFunD f xs e = FunD f [Clause xs (NormalB e) []]
mkClauseQ :: [PatQ] -> ExpQ -> ClauseQ
mkClauseQ ps e = clause ps (normalB e) []
toExpQ :: (Lift a) => (String -> Q a) -> (String -> ExpQ)
toExpQ parseQ = (lift =<<) . parseQ
toPatQ :: (Show a) => (String -> Q a) -> (String -> PatQ)
toPatQ parseQ = (showToPatQ =<<) . parseQ
showToPatQ :: (Show a) => a -> PatQ
showToPatQ = either fail return . parsePat . show
eitherQ :: (e -> String) -> Either e a -> Q a
eitherQ toStr = either (fail . toStr) return
normalizeT :: (Data a) => a -> a
normalizeT = everywhere (mkT go)
where go :: Type -> Type
go (ConT n) | n == ''[] = ListT
go (AppT (TupleT 1) t) = t
go (ConT n)
| Just m <- findIndex (== n) tupleNames = TupleT (m + 2)
tupleNames = map tupleTypeName [2 .. 64]
go t = t