{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Language.Haskell.Exts.ParseSyntax where
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax hiding ( Type(..), Asst(..), Exp(..), FieldUpdate(..), XAttr(..), Context(..) )
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as S ( Type(..), Promoted(..) )
-- Expressions as we parse them (and patterns, and regular patterns)
data PExp l
= Var l (QName l) -- ^ variable
| OverloadedLabel l String -- ^ overloaded label #foo
| IPVar l (IPName l) -- ^ implicit parameter variable
| Con l (QName l) -- ^ data constructor
| Lit l (Literal l) -- ^ literal constant
| InfixApp l (PExp l) (QOp l) (PExp l) -- ^ infix application
| App l (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ ordinary application
| NegApp l (PExp l) -- ^ negation expression @-@ /exp/
| Lambda l [Pat l] (PExp l) -- ^ lambda expression
| Let l (Binds l) (PExp l) -- ^ local declarations with @let@
| If l (PExp l) (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ @if@ /exp/ @then@ /exp/ @else@ /exp/
| MultiIf l [GuardedRhs l] -- ^ @if@ @|@ /stmts/ @->@ /exp/ ...
| Case l (PExp l) [Alt l] -- ^ @case@ /exp/ @of@ /alts/
| Do l [Stmt l] -- ^ @do@-expression:
-- the last statement in the list
-- should be an expression.
| MDo l [Stmt l] -- ^ @mdo@-expression
| TupleSection l Boxed [Maybe (PExp l)] -- ^ tuple section expression, e.g. @(,,3)@
| UnboxedSum l Int Int (PExp l) -- ^ Unboxed sum
| List l [PExp l] -- ^ list expression
| ParArray l [PExp l] -- ^ parallel array expression
| Paren l (PExp l) -- ^ parenthesized expression
| RecConstr l (QName l) [PFieldUpdate l]
-- ^ record construction expression
| RecUpdate l (PExp l) [PFieldUpdate l]
-- ^ record update expression
| EnumFrom l (PExp l) -- ^ unbounded arithmetic sequence,
-- incrementing by 1
| EnumFromTo l (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ bounded arithmetic sequence,
-- incrementing by 1
| EnumFromThen l (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ unbounded arithmetic sequence,
-- with first two elements given
| EnumFromThenTo l (PExp l) (PExp l) (PExp l)
-- ^ bounded arithmetic sequence,
-- with first two elements given
| ParArrayFromTo l (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ bounded arithmetic sequence,
-- incrementing by 1
| ParArrayFromThenTo l (PExp l) (PExp l) (PExp l)
-- ^ bounded arithmetic sequence,
-- with first two elements given
| ParComp l (PExp l) [[QualStmt l]] -- ^ parallel list comprehension
| ParArrayComp l (PExp l) [[QualStmt l]] -- ^ parallel array comprehension
| ExpTypeSig l (PExp l) (S.Type l) -- ^ expression type signature
| AsPat l (Name l) (PExp l) -- ^ patterns only
| WildCard l -- ^ patterns only
| IrrPat l (PExp l) -- ^ patterns only
-- Post-ops for parsing left sections and regular patterns. Not to be left in the final tree.
| PostOp l (PExp l) (QOp l) -- ^ post-ops
| PreOp l (QOp l) (PExp l) -- ^ pre-ops
-- View patterns
| ViewPat l (PExp l) (Pat l) -- ^ patterns only
-- HaRP
| SeqRP l [PExp l] -- ^ regular patterns only
| GuardRP l (PExp l) [Stmt l] -- ^ regular patterns only
| EitherRP l (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ regular patterns only
| CAsRP l (Name l) (PExp l) -- ^ regular patterns only
-- Template Haskell
| VarQuote l (QName l) -- ^ 'x
| TypQuote l (QName l) -- ^ ''T
| BracketExp l (Bracket l)
| SpliceExp l (Splice l)
| QuasiQuote l String String -- ^ [$...|...]
-- Hsx
| XTag l (XName l) [ParseXAttr l] (Maybe (PExp l)) [PExp l]
-- ^ ...
| XETag l (XName l) [ParseXAttr l] (Maybe (PExp l))
-- ^
| XPcdata l String -- ^ PCDATA
| XExpTag l (PExp l) -- ^ <% ... %>
| XChildTag l [PExp l] -- ^ <%> ... %>
| XRPats l [PExp l] -- ^ <[ ... ]>
-- Pragmas
| CorePragma l String (PExp l) -- ^ {-# CORE #-} pragma
| SCCPragma l String (PExp l) -- ^ {-# SCC #-} pragma
| GenPragma l String (Int, Int) (Int, Int) (PExp l)
-- ^ {-# GENERATED ... #-} pragma
-- Bang Patterns
| BangPat l (PExp l) -- ^ f !a = ...
-- Arrows
| Proc l (Pat l) (PExp l) -- ^ proc p -> do
| LeftArrApp l (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ e -< e
| RightArrApp l (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ e >- e
| LeftArrHighApp l (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ e -<< e
| RightArrHighApp l (PExp l) (PExp l) -- ^ e >>- e
-- LambdaCase
| LCase l [Alt l] -- ^ @\case@ /alts/
| TypeApp l (S.Type l)
deriving (Eq,Show,Functor)
data PFieldUpdate l
= FieldUpdate l (QName l) (PExp l)
| FieldPun l (QName l)
| FieldWildcard l
deriving (Eq,Show,Functor)
data ParseXAttr l = XAttr l (XName l) (PExp l)
deriving (Eq,Show,Functor)
instance Annotated PExp where
ann e = case e of
Var l _ -> l
OverloadedLabel l _ -> l
IPVar l _ -> l
Con l _ -> l
Lit l _ -> l
InfixApp l _ _ _ -> l
App l _ _ -> l
NegApp l _ -> l
Lambda l _ _ -> l
Let l _ _ -> l
If l _ _ _ -> l
Case l _ _ -> l
Do l _ -> l
MDo l _ -> l
TupleSection l _ _ -> l
UnboxedSum l _ _ _ -> l
List l _ -> l
ParArray l _ -> l
Paren l _ -> l
RecConstr l _ _ -> l
RecUpdate l _ _ -> l
EnumFrom l _ -> l
EnumFromTo l _ _ -> l
EnumFromThen l _ _ -> l
EnumFromThenTo l _ _ _ -> l
ParArrayFromTo l _ _ -> l
ParArrayFromThenTo l _ _ _ -> l
ParComp l _ _ -> l
ParArrayComp l _ _ -> l
ExpTypeSig l _ _ -> l
AsPat l _ _ -> l
WildCard l -> l
IrrPat l _ -> l
PostOp l _ _ -> l
PreOp l _ _ -> l
ViewPat l _ _ -> l
SeqRP l _ -> l
GuardRP l _ _ -> l
EitherRP l _ _ -> l
CAsRP l _ _ -> l
VarQuote l _ -> l
TypQuote l _ -> l
BracketExp l _ -> l
SpliceExp l _ -> l
QuasiQuote l _ _ -> l
XTag l _ _ _ _ -> l
XETag l _ _ _ -> l
XPcdata l _ -> l
XExpTag l _ -> l
XChildTag l _ -> l
XRPats l _ -> l
CorePragma l _ _ -> l
SCCPragma l _ _ -> l
GenPragma l _ _ _ _ -> l
BangPat l _ -> l
Proc l _ _ -> l
LeftArrApp l _ _ -> l
RightArrApp l _ _ -> l
LeftArrHighApp l _ _ -> l
RightArrHighApp l _ _ -> l
LCase l _ -> l
MultiIf l _ -> l
TypeApp l _ -> l
amap f e' = case e' of
Var l qn -> Var (f l) qn
OverloadedLabel l qn -> OverloadedLabel (f l) qn
IPVar l ipn -> IPVar (f l) ipn
Con l qn -> Con (f l) qn
Lit l lit -> Lit (f l) lit
InfixApp l e1 qop e2 -> InfixApp (f l) e1 qop e2
App l e1 e2 -> App (f l) e1 e2
NegApp l e -> NegApp (f l) e
Lambda l ps e -> Lambda (f l) ps e
Let l bs e -> Let (f l) bs e
If l ec et ee -> If (f l) ec et ee
Case l e alts -> Case (f l) e alts
Do l ss -> Do (f l) ss
MDo l ss -> MDo (f l) ss
TupleSection l bx mes -> TupleSection (f l) bx mes
UnboxedSum l b a e -> UnboxedSum (f l) b a e
List l es -> List (f l) es
ParArray l es -> ParArray (f l) es
Paren l e -> Paren (f l) e
RecConstr l qn fups -> RecConstr (f l) qn fups
RecUpdate l e fups -> RecUpdate (f l) e fups
EnumFrom l e -> EnumFrom (f l) e
EnumFromTo l ef et -> EnumFromTo (f l) ef et
EnumFromThen l ef et -> EnumFromThen (f l) ef et
EnumFromThenTo l ef eth eto -> EnumFromThenTo (f l) ef eth eto
ParArrayFromTo l ef et -> ParArrayFromTo (f l) ef et
ParArrayFromThenTo l ef eth eto -> ParArrayFromThenTo (f l) ef eth eto
ParComp l e qsss -> ParComp (f l) e qsss
ParArrayComp l e qsss -> ParArrayComp (f l) e qsss
ExpTypeSig l e t -> ExpTypeSig (f l) e t
AsPat l n e -> AsPat (f l) n e
WildCard l -> WildCard (f l)
IrrPat l e -> IrrPat (f l) e
PostOp l e op -> PostOp (f l) e op
PreOp l op e -> PreOp (f l) op e
ViewPat l e1 e2 -> ViewPat (f l) e1 e2
SeqRP l es -> SeqRP (f l) es
GuardRP l e ss -> GuardRP (f l) e ss
EitherRP l e1 e2 -> EitherRP (f l) e1 e2
CAsRP l n e -> CAsRP (f l) n e
BangPat l e -> BangPat (f l) e
VarQuote l qn -> VarQuote (f l) qn
TypQuote l qn -> TypQuote (f l) qn
BracketExp l br -> BracketExp (f l) br
SpliceExp l sp -> SpliceExp (f l) sp
QuasiQuote l sn se -> QuasiQuote (f l) sn se
XTag l xn xas me es -> XTag (f l) xn xas me es
XETag l xn xas me -> XETag (f l) xn xas me
XPcdata l s -> XPcdata (f l) s
XExpTag l e -> XExpTag (f l) e
XChildTag l es -> XChildTag (f l) es
XRPats l es -> XRPats (f l) es
CorePragma l s e -> CorePragma (f l) s e
SCCPragma l s e -> SCCPragma (f l) s e
GenPragma l s n12 n34 e -> GenPragma (f l) s n12 n34 e
Proc l p e -> Proc (f l) p e
LeftArrApp l e1 e2 -> LeftArrApp (f l) e1 e2
RightArrApp l e1 e2 -> RightArrApp (f l) e1 e2
LeftArrHighApp l e1 e2 -> LeftArrHighApp (f l) e1 e2
RightArrHighApp l e1 e2 -> RightArrHighApp (f l) e1 e2
LCase l alts -> LCase (f l) alts
MultiIf l alts -> MultiIf (f l) alts
TypeApp l ty -> TypeApp (f l) ty
instance Annotated PFieldUpdate where
ann (FieldUpdate l _ _) = l
ann (FieldPun l _) = l
ann (FieldWildcard l) = l
amap f (FieldUpdate l qn e) = FieldUpdate (f l) qn e
amap f (FieldPun l n) = FieldPun (f l) n
amap f (FieldWildcard l) = FieldWildcard (f l)
instance Annotated ParseXAttr where
ann (XAttr l _ _) = l
amap f (XAttr l xn e) = XAttr (f l) xn e
p_unit_con :: l -> PExp l
p_unit_con l = Con l (unit_con_name l)
p_tuple_con :: l -> Boxed -> Int -> PExp l
p_tuple_con l b i = Con l (tuple_con_name l b i)
p_unboxed_singleton_con :: l -> PExp l
p_unboxed_singleton_con l = Con l (unboxed_singleton_con_name l)
data PContext l
= CxSingle l (PAsst l)
| CxTuple l [PAsst l]
| CxEmpty l
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
instance Annotated PContext where
ann (CxSingle l _ ) = l
ann (CxTuple l _) = l
ann (CxEmpty l) = l
amap f (CxSingle l asst ) = CxSingle (f l) asst
amap f (CxTuple l assts) = CxTuple (f l) assts
amap f (CxEmpty l) = CxEmpty (f l)
data PType l
= TyForall l
(Maybe [TyVarBind l])
(Maybe (PContext l))
(PType l)
| TyFun l (PType l) (PType l) -- ^ function type
| TyTuple l Boxed [PType l] -- ^ tuple type, possibly boxed
| TyUnboxedSum l [PType l] -- ^ unboxed sum
| TyList l (PType l) -- ^ list syntax, e.g. [a], as opposed to [] a
| TyParArray l (PType l) -- ^ parallel array syntax, e.g. [:a:]
| TyApp l (PType l) (PType l) -- ^ application of a type constructor
| TyVar l (Name l) -- ^ type variable
| TyCon l (QName l) -- ^ named type or type constructor
| TyParen l (PType l) -- ^ type surrounded by parentheses
| TyPred l (PAsst l) -- ^ assertion of an implicit parameter
| TyInfix l (PType l) (MaybePromotedName l) (PType l) -- ^ infix type constructor
| TyKind l (PType l) (Kind l) -- ^ type with explicit kind signature
| TyPromoted l (S.Promoted l) -- ^ promoted data type
| TySplice l (Splice l) -- ^ template haskell splice type
| TyBang l (BangType l) (Unpackedness l) (PType l) -- ^ Strict type marked with \"@!@\" or type marked with UNPACK pragma.
| TyWildCard l (Maybe (Name l)) -- ^ Type wildcard
| TyQuasiQuote l String String -- ^ @[qq| |]@
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
instance Annotated PType where
ann t = case t of
TyForall l _ _ _ -> l
TyFun l _ _ -> l
TyTuple l _ _ -> l
TyUnboxedSum l _ -> l
TyList l _ -> l
TyParArray l _ -> l
TyApp l _ _ -> l
TyVar l _ -> l
TyCon l _ -> l
TyParen l _ -> l
TyInfix l _ _ _ -> l
TyKind l _ _ -> l
TyPromoted l _ -> l
TyPred l _ -> l
TySplice l _ -> l
TyBang l _ _ _ -> l
TyWildCard l _ -> l
TyQuasiQuote l _ _ -> l
amap f t' = case t' of
TyForall l mtvs mcx t -> TyForall (f l) mtvs mcx t
TyFun l t1 t2 -> TyFun (f l) t1 t2
TyTuple l b ts -> TyTuple (f l) b ts
TyUnboxedSum l ts -> TyUnboxedSum (f l) ts
TyList l t -> TyList (f l) t
TyParArray l t -> TyParArray (f l) t
TyApp l t1 t2 -> TyApp (f l) t1 t2
TyVar l n -> TyVar (f l) n
TyCon l qn -> TyCon (f l) qn
TyParen l t -> TyParen (f l) t
TyInfix l ta qn tb -> TyInfix (f l) ta qn tb
TyKind l t k -> TyKind (f l) t k
TyPromoted l p -> TyPromoted (f l) p
TyPred l asst -> TyPred (f l) asst
TySplice l s -> TySplice (f l) s
TyBang l b u t -> TyBang (f l) b u t
TyWildCard l mn -> TyWildCard (f l) mn
TyQuasiQuote l n s -> TyQuasiQuote (f l) n s
data PAsst l
= ClassA l (QName l) [PType l]
| AppA l (Name l) [PType l]
| InfixA l (PType l) (QName l) (PType l)
| IParam l (IPName l) (PType l)
| EqualP l (PType l) (PType l)
| ParenA l (PAsst l)
| WildCardA l (Maybe (Name l))
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
instance Annotated PAsst where
ann asst = case asst of
ClassA l _ _ -> l
AppA l _ _ -> l
InfixA l _ _ _ -> l
IParam l _ _ -> l
EqualP l _ _ -> l
ParenA l _ -> l
WildCardA l _ -> l
amap f asst = case asst of
ClassA l qn ts -> ClassA (f l) qn ts
AppA l t ts -> AppA (f l) t ts
InfixA l ta qn tb -> InfixA (f l) ta qn tb
IParam l ipn t -> IParam (f l) ipn t
EqualP l t1 t2 -> EqualP (f l) t1 t2
ParenA l a -> ParenA (f l) a
WildCardA l mn -> WildCardA (f l) mn