module Language.Haskell.ParseMonad(
P, ParseResult(..), atSrcLoc, LexContext(..),
ParseMode(..), defaultParseMode,
runParserWithMode, runParser,
getSrcLoc, pushCurrentContext, popContext,
Lex(runL), getInput, discard, lexNewline, lexTab, lexWhile,
alternative, checkBOL, setBOL, startToken, getOffside,
pushContextL, popContextL
) where
import Language.Haskell.Syntax(SrcLoc(..))
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
data ParseResult a
= ParseOk a
| ParseFailed SrcLoc String
deriving Show
instance Functor ParseResult where
fmap f (ParseOk x) = ParseOk $ f x
fmap _ (ParseFailed loc msg) = ParseFailed loc msg
instance Applicative ParseResult where
pure = ParseOk
ParseOk f <*> x = f <$> x
ParseFailed loc msg <*> _ = ParseFailed loc msg
instance Monad ParseResult where
return = ParseOk
ParseOk x >>= f = f x
ParseFailed loc msg >>= _ = ParseFailed loc msg
instance Monoid m => Monoid (ParseResult m) where
mempty = ParseOk mempty
ParseOk x `mappend` ParseOk y = ParseOk $ x `mappend` y
ParseOk _ `mappend` err = err
err `mappend` _ = err
data ParseStatus a = Ok ParseState a | Failed SrcLoc String
deriving Show
data LexContext = NoLayout | Layout Int
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
type ParseState = [LexContext]
indentOfParseState :: ParseState -> Int
indentOfParseState (Layout n:_) = n
indentOfParseState _ = 0
data ParseMode = ParseMode {
parseFilename :: String
defaultParseMode :: ParseMode
defaultParseMode = ParseMode {
parseFilename = "<unknown>"
newtype P a = P { runP ::
-> Int
-> Int
-> SrcLoc
-> ParseState
-> ParseMode
-> ParseStatus a
runParserWithMode :: ParseMode -> P a -> String -> ParseResult a
runParserWithMode mode (P m) s = case m s 0 1 start [] mode of
Ok _ a -> ParseOk a
Failed loc msg -> ParseFailed loc msg
where start = SrcLoc {
srcFilename = parseFilename mode,
srcLine = 1,
srcColumn = 1
runParser :: P a -> String -> ParseResult a
runParser = runParserWithMode defaultParseMode
instance Monad P where
return a = P $ \_i _x _y _l s _m -> Ok s a
P m >>= k = P $ \i x y l s mode ->
case m i x y l s mode of
Failed loc msg -> Failed loc msg
Ok s' a -> runP (k a) i x y l s' mode
fail s = P $ \_r _col _line loc _stk _m -> Failed loc s
atSrcLoc :: P a -> SrcLoc -> P a
P m `atSrcLoc` loc = P $ \i x y _l -> m i x y loc
getSrcLoc :: P SrcLoc
getSrcLoc = P $ \_i _x _y l s _m -> Ok s l
pushCurrentContext :: P ()
pushCurrentContext = do
loc <- getSrcLoc
indent <- currentIndent
pushContext (Layout (max (indent+1) (srcColumn loc)))
currentIndent :: P Int
currentIndent = P $ \_r _x _y _loc stk _mode -> Ok stk (indentOfParseState stk)
pushContext :: LexContext -> P ()
pushContext ctxt =
P $ \_i _x _y _l s _m -> Ok (ctxt:s) ()
popContext :: P ()
popContext = P $ \_i _x _y _l stk _m ->
case stk of
(_:s) ->
Ok s ()
[] -> error "Internal error: empty context in popContext"
newtype Lex r a = Lex { runL :: (a -> P r) -> P r }
instance Monad (Lex r) where
return a = Lex $ \k -> k a
Lex v >>= f = Lex $ \k -> v (\a -> runL (f a) k)
Lex v >> Lex w = Lex $ \k -> v (\_ -> w k)
fail s = Lex $ \_ -> fail s
getInput :: Lex r String
getInput = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r -> runP (cont r) r
discard :: Int -> Lex r ()
discard n = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x -> runP (cont ()) (drop n r) (x+n)
lexNewline :: Lex a ()
lexNewline = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \(_:r) _x y -> runP (cont ()) r 1 (y+1)
lexTab :: Lex a ()
lexTab = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \(_:r) x -> runP (cont ()) r (nextTab x)
nextTab :: Int -> Int
nextTab x = x + (tAB_LENGTH (x1) `mod` tAB_LENGTH)
lexWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Lex a String
lexWhile p = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x ->
let (cs,rest) = span p r in
runP (cont cs) rest (x + length cs)
alternative :: Lex a v -> Lex a (Lex a v)
alternative (Lex v) = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y ->
runP (cont (Lex $ \cont' -> P $ \_r _x _y ->
runP (v cont') r x y)) r x y
checkBOL :: Lex a Bool
checkBOL = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc ->
if x == 0 then runP (cont True) r (srcColumn loc) y loc
else runP (cont False) r x y loc
setBOL :: Lex a ()
setBOL = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r _ -> runP (cont ()) r 0
startToken :: Lex a ()
startToken = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \s x y _ stk mode ->
let loc = SrcLoc {
srcFilename = parseFilename mode,
srcLine = y,
srcColumn = x
} in
runP (cont ()) s x y loc stk mode
getOffside :: Lex a Ordering
getOffside = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc stk ->
runP (cont (compare x (indentOfParseState stk))) r x y loc stk
pushContextL :: LexContext -> Lex a ()
pushContextL ctxt = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc stk ->
runP (cont ()) r x y loc (ctxt:stk)
popContextL :: String -> Lex a ()
popContextL fn = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc stk -> case stk of
(_:ctxt) -> runP (cont ()) r x y loc ctxt
[] -> error ("Internal error: empty context in " ++ fn)