module Language.Haskell.Names.GetBound
( GetBound(..)
) where
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Data.Data
import Language.Haskell.Exts
import Language.Haskell.Names.RecordWildcards
import Language.Haskell.Names.SyntaxUtils
import qualified Language.Haskell.Names.GlobalSymbolTable as Global
class GetBound a l | a -> l where
getBound :: Global.Table -> a -> [Name l]
instance (GetBound a l) => GetBound [a] l where
getBound ctx xs = concatMap (getBound ctx) xs
instance (GetBound a l) => GetBound (Maybe a) l where
getBound ctx = maybe [] (getBound ctx)
instance (GetBound a l, GetBound b l) => GetBound (a, b) l where
getBound ctx (a, b) = getBound ctx a ++ getBound ctx b
instance (Data l) => GetBound (Binds l) l where
getBound ctx e = case e of
BDecls _ ds -> getBound ctx ds
IPBinds _ _ -> []
instance (Data l) => GetBound (Decl l) l where
getBound ctx e = case e of
TypeDecl{} -> []
TypeFamDecl{} -> []
ClosedTypeFamDecl{} -> []
DataDecl _ _ _ _ ds _ -> getBound ctx ds
GDataDecl _ _ _ _ _ ds _ -> getBound ctx ds
DataFamDecl{} -> []
TypeInsDecl{} -> []
DataInsDecl _ _ _ ds _ -> getBound ctx ds
GDataInsDecl _ _ _ _ ds _ -> getBound ctx ds
ClassDecl _ _ _ _ mds -> getBound ctx mds
InstDecl{} -> []
DerivDecl{} -> []
InfixDecl{} -> []
DefaultDecl{} -> []
SpliceDecl{} -> []
TypeSig{} -> []
FunBind _ [] -> error "getBound: FunBind []"
FunBind _ (Match _ n _ _ _ : _) -> [n]
FunBind _ (InfixMatch _ _ n _ _ _ : _) -> [n]
PatBind _ p _ _ -> getBound ctx p
PatSyn _ p _ _ -> case p of
PInfixApp _ _ qn _ -> [qNameToName qn]
PApp _ qn _ -> [qNameToName qn]
PRec _ qn fs -> qNameToName qn : concatMap getFieldBound fs where
getFieldBound (PFieldPat _ qn' _) = [qNameToName qn']
getFieldBound (PFieldPun _ qn') = [qNameToName qn']
_ = []
_ -> []
ForImp _ _ _ _ n _ -> [n]
ForExp _ _ _ n _ -> [n]
RulePragmaDecl{} -> []
DeprPragmaDecl{} -> []
WarnPragmaDecl{} -> []
InlineSig{} -> []
SpecSig{} -> []
SpecInlineSig{} -> []
InstSig{} -> []
AnnPragma{} -> []
InlineConlikeSig{} -> []
MinimalPragma{} -> []
_ -> []
instance (Data l) => GetBound (QualConDecl l) l where
getBound ctx (QualConDecl _ _ _ d) = getBound ctx d
instance (Data l) => GetBound (GadtDecl l) l where
getBound _ctx (GadtDecl _l conName mbFieldDecls _ty) =
[conName] ++
[ fieldName
| Just fieldDecls <- return mbFieldDecls
, FieldDecl _l' fieldNames _fieldTy <- fieldDecls
, fieldName <- fieldNames
instance (Data l) => GetBound (ConDecl l) l where
getBound ctx e = case e of
ConDecl _ n _ -> [n]
InfixConDecl _ _ n _ -> [n]
RecDecl _ n fs -> n : getBound ctx fs
instance (Data l) => GetBound (FieldDecl l) l where
getBound _ctx (FieldDecl _ ns _) = ns
instance (Data l) => GetBound (ClassDecl l) l where
getBound _ctx e = case e of
ClsDecl _ d -> getBoundSign d
ClsDataFam{} -> []
ClsTyFam{} -> []
ClsTyDef{} -> []
ClsDefSig{} -> []
instance (Data l) => GetBound (Match l) l where
getBound _ctx e = case e of
Match _ n _ _ _ -> [n]
InfixMatch _ _ n _ _ _ -> [n]
instance (Data l) => GetBound (Stmt l) l where
getBound ctx e =
case e of
Generator _ pat _ -> getBound ctx pat
LetStmt _ bnds -> getBound ctx bnds
RecStmt _ stmts -> getBound ctx stmts
Qualifier {} -> []
instance (Data l) => GetBound (QualStmt l) l where
getBound ctx e =
case e of
QualStmt _ stmt -> getBound ctx stmt
_ -> []
instance (Data l) => GetBound (Pat l) l where
getBound gt p =
[ n | p' <- universe $ transform dropExp p, n <- varp p' ]
varp (PVar _ n) = [n]
varp (PAsPat _ n _) = [n]
varp (PNPlusK _ n _) = [n]
varp (PRec _ con fs) =
[ n
let elidedFields = map wcFieldName $ patWcNames gt con fs
, f <- fs
, n <- getRecVars elidedFields f
varp _ = []
dropExp (PViewPat _ _ x) = x
dropExp x = x
getRecVars :: [Name ()] -> PatField l -> [Name l]
getRecVars _ PFieldPat {} = []
getRecVars _ (PFieldPun _ qn) = [qNameToName qn]
getRecVars elidedFields (PFieldWildcard l) = map (setAnn l . annName) elidedFields
getBoundSign :: Decl l -> [Name l]
getBoundSign (TypeSig _ ns _) = ns
getBoundSign _ = []