{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Main ( main ) where import Control.Monad (void) import Data.List (find) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Ide.Plugin.Splice as Splice import Ide.Plugin.Splice.Types import System.FilePath import Test.Hls main :: IO () main = defaultTestRunner tests splicePlugin :: PluginTestDescriptor () splicePlugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor' Splice.descriptor "splice" tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "splice" [ goldenTest "TSimpleExp" Inplace 6 15 , goldenTest "TSimpleExp" Inplace 6 24 , goldenTest "TTypeAppExp" Inplace 7 5 , goldenTest "TErrorExp" Inplace 6 15 , goldenTest "TErrorExp" Inplace 6 51 , goldenTest "TQQExp" Inplace 6 17 , goldenTest "TQQExp" Inplace 6 25 , goldenTest "TQQExpError" Inplace 6 13 , goldenTest "TQQExpError" Inplace 6 22 , testGroup "Pattern Splices" [ goldenTest "TSimplePat" Inplace 6 3 , goldenTest "TSimplePat" Inplace 6 22 , goldenTest "TSimplePat" Inplace 6 3 , goldenTest "TSimplePat" Inplace 6 22 , goldenTest "TErrorPat" Inplace 6 3 , goldenTest "TErrorPat" Inplace 6 18 , goldenTest "TQQPat" Inplace 6 3 , goldenTest "TQQPat" Inplace 6 11 , goldenTest "TQQPatError" Inplace 6 3 , goldenTest "TQQPatError" Inplace 6 11 ] , goldenTest "TSimpleType" Inplace 5 12 , goldenTest "TSimpleType" Inplace 5 22 , goldenTest "TTypeTypeError" Inplace 7 12 , goldenTest "TTypeTypeError" Inplace 7 52 , goldenTest "TQQType" Inplace 8 19 , goldenTest "TQQType" Inplace 8 28 , goldenTest "TQQTypeTypeError" Inplace 8 19 , goldenTest "TQQTypeTypeError" Inplace 8 28 , goldenTest "TSimpleDecl" Inplace 8 1 , goldenTest "TQQDecl" Inplace 5 1 , goldenTestWithEdit "TTypeKindError" ( if ghcVersion >= GHC96 then "96-expected" else "expected" ) Inplace 7 9 , goldenTestWithEdit "TDeclKindError" "expected" Inplace 8 1 ] goldenTest :: FilePath -> ExpandStyle -> Int -> Int -> TestTree goldenTest fp tc line col = goldenWithHaskellDoc def splicePlugin (fp <> " (golden)") testDataDir fp "expected" "hs" $ \doc -> do -- wait for the entire build to finish, so that code actions that -- use stale data will get uptodate stuff void waitForBuildQueue actions <- getCodeActions doc $ pointRange line col case find ((== Just (toExpandCmdTitle tc)) . codeActionTitle) actions of Just (InR CodeAction {_command = Just c}) -> do executeCommand c void $ skipManyTill anyMessage (message SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit) _ -> liftIO $ assertFailure "No CodeAction detected" goldenTestWithEdit :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ExpandStyle -> Int -> Int -> TestTree goldenTestWithEdit fp expect tc line col = goldenWithHaskellDoc def splicePlugin (fp <> " (golden)") testDataDir fp expect "hs" $ \doc -> do orig <- documentContents doc let lns = T.lines orig theRange = Range { _start = Position 0 0 , _end = Position (fromIntegral $ length lns + 1) 1 } void waitForDiagnostics void waitForBuildQueue alt <- liftIO $ T.readFile (testDataDir fp <.> "error.hs") void $ applyEdit doc $ TextEdit theRange alt changeDoc doc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent $ InL TextDocumentContentChangePartial {_range = theRange, _rangeLength = Nothing, _text = alt} ] void waitForDiagnostics -- wait for the entire build to finish void waitForBuildQueue actions <- getCodeActions doc $ pointRange line col case find ((== Just (toExpandCmdTitle tc)) . codeActionTitle) actions of Just (InR CodeAction {_command = Just c}) -> do executeCommand c void $ skipManyTill anyMessage (message SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit) _ -> liftIO $ assertFailure "No CodeAction detected" testDataDir :: FilePath testDataDir = "plugins" "hls-splice-plugin" "test" "testdata" pointRange :: Int -> Int -> Range pointRange (subtract 1 -> fromIntegral -> line) (subtract 1 -> fromIntegral -> col) = Range (Position line col) (Position line $ col + 1) -- | Get the title of a code action. codeActionTitle :: (Command |? CodeAction) -> Maybe Text codeActionTitle InL {} = Nothing codeActionTitle (InR CodeAction {_title}) = Just _title