{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Monad (void) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint as ExactPrint import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction as Refactor import Ide.Logger import Ide.Plugin.Config import qualified Ide.Plugin.Retrie as Retrie import System.FilePath import Test.Hls data LogWrap = RetrieLog Retrie.Log | ExactPrintLog ExactPrint.Log instance Pretty LogWrap where pretty = \case RetrieLog msg -> pretty msg ExactPrintLog msg -> pretty msg main :: IO () main = defaultTestRunner tests retriePlugin :: PluginTestDescriptor LogWrap retriePlugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor (Retrie.descriptor . cmapWithPrio RetrieLog) "retrie" refactorPlugin :: PluginTestDescriptor LogWrap refactorPlugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor (Refactor.iePluginDescriptor . cmapWithPrio ExactPrintLog) "refactor" tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Retrie" [ inlineThisTests ] inlineThisTests :: TestTree inlineThisTests = testGroup "Inline this" [ testGroup "provider" [ testProvider "lhs" "Identity" 4 1 ["Unfold function", "Unfold function in current file", "Fold function", "Fold function in current file"], testProvider "identifier" "Identity" 4 16 ["Inline identity"], testProvider "imported identifier" "Imported" 4 12 ["Inline identity"], testProvider "nested where" "NestedWhere" 4 16 ["Inline identity"], testProvider "nested let" "NestedLet" 6 12 ["Inline identity"], testProvider "class member" "Class" 5 16 [], testProvider "operator" "Operator" 4 16 ["Inline */"] ], testGroup "command" [ testCommand "top level function" "Identity" 4 16, testCommand "top level function in another file" "Imported" 4 12, testCommand "nested where function" "NestedWhere" 4 16, testCommand "nested let function" "NestedLet" 6 12, testCommand "operator" "Operator" 4 16 ] ] testProvider :: TestName -> FilePath -> UInt -> UInt -> [Text] -> TestTree testProvider title file line row expected = testCase title $ runWithRetrie $ do adoc <- openDoc (file <.> "hs") "haskell" _ <- waitForTypecheck adoc let position = Position line row codeActions <- getCodeActions adoc $ Range position position liftIO $ map codeActionTitle codeActions @?= map Just expected testCommand :: TestName -> FilePath -> UInt -> UInt -> TestTree testCommand title file row col = goldenWithRetrie title file $ \adoc -> do _ <- waitForTypecheck adoc let p = Position row col codeActions <- getCodeActions adoc $ Range p p case codeActions of [InR ca] -> do executeCodeAction ca void $ skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit adoc cas -> liftIO . assertFailure $ "One code action expected, got " <> show (length cas) codeActionTitle :: (Command |? CodeAction) -> Maybe Text codeActionTitle (InR CodeAction {_title}) = Just _title codeActionTitle _ = Nothing goldenWithRetrie :: TestName -> FilePath -> (TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session ()) -> TestTree goldenWithRetrie title path act = goldenWithHaskellDoc (def { plugins = M.singleton "retrie" def }) testPlugins title testDataDir path "expected" "hs" act runWithRetrie :: Session a -> IO a runWithRetrie = runSessionWithServer def testPlugins testDataDir testPlugins :: PluginTestDescriptor LogWrap testPlugins = retriePlugin <> refactorPlugin -- needed for the GetAnnotatedParsedSource rule testDataDir :: FilePath testDataDir = "plugins" "hls-retrie-plugin" "test" "testdata"