{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main ( main ) where import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Aeson (Value (..), object, (.=)) import Data.Functor (void) import Data.List (find) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust) import qualified Data.Text as T import Ide.Plugin.Config (Config (..)) import qualified Ide.Plugin.Config as Plugin import qualified Ide.Plugin.Hlint as HLint import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L import System.FilePath (()) import Test.Hls main :: IO () main = defaultTestRunner tests hlintPlugin :: PluginTestDescriptor HLint.Log hlintPlugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor HLint.descriptor "hlint" tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "hlint" [ suggestionsTests , configTests , ignoreHintTests , applyHintTests , resolveTests ] getIgnoreHintText :: T.Text -> T.Text getIgnoreHintText name = "Ignore hint \"" <> name <> "\" in this module" getApplyHintText :: T.Text -> T.Text getApplyHintText name = "Apply hint \"" <> name <> "\"" resolveTests :: TestTree resolveTests = testGroup "hlint resolve tests" [ ignoreHintGoldenResolveTest "Resolve version of: Ignore hint in this module inserts -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas and hlint ignore pragma if warn unrecognized pragmas is off" "UnrecognizedPragmasOff" (Point 3 8) "Eta reduce" , applyHintGoldenResolveTest "Resolve version of: [#2612] Apply hint works when operator fixities go right-to-left" "RightToLeftFixities" (Point 6 13) "Avoid reverse" ] ignoreHintTests :: TestTree ignoreHintTests = testGroup "hlint ignore hint tests" [ ignoreHintGoldenTest "Ignore hint in this module inserts -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas and hlint ignore pragma if warn unrecognized pragmas is off" "UnrecognizedPragmasOff" (Point 3 8) "Eta reduce" , ignoreHintGoldenTest "Ignore hint in this module inserts only hlint ignore pragma if warn unrecognized pragmas is on" "UnrecognizedPragmasOn" (Point 3 9) "Eta reduce" ] applyHintTests :: TestTree applyHintTests = testGroup "hlint apply hint tests" [ applyHintGoldenTest "[#2612] Apply hint works when operator fixities go right-to-left" "RightToLeftFixities" (Point 6 13) "Avoid reverse" ] suggestionsTests :: TestTree suggestionsTests = testGroup "hlint suggestions" [ testCase "provides 3.8 code actions including apply all" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "Base.hs" "haskell" diags@(reduceDiag:_) <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "hlint" liftIO $ do length diags @?= 2 -- "Eta Reduce" and "Redundant Id" reduceDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 1 0) (Position 1 12) reduceDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Information reduceDiag ^. L.code @?= Just (InR "refact:Eta reduce") reduceDiag ^. L.source @?= Just "hlint" cas <- map fromAction <$> getAllCodeActions doc let redundantIdHintName = "Redundant id" let etaReduceHintName = "Eta reduce" let applyAll = find (\ca -> "Apply all hints" `T.isSuffixOf` (ca ^. L.title)) cas let redId = find (\ca -> redundantIdHintName `T.isInfixOf` (ca ^. L.title)) cas let redEta = find (\ca -> etaReduceHintName `T.isInfixOf` (ca ^. L.title)) cas let ignoreRedundantIdInThisModule = find (\ca -> getIgnoreHintText redundantIdHintName == (ca ^.L.title)) cas let ignoreEtaReduceThisModule = find (\ca -> getIgnoreHintText etaReduceHintName == (ca ^.L.title)) cas liftIO $ isJust applyAll @? "There is Apply all hints code action" liftIO $ isJust redId @? "There is Redundant id code action" liftIO $ isJust redEta @? "There is Eta reduce code action" liftIO $ isJust ignoreRedundantIdInThisModule @? "There is ignore Redundant id code action" liftIO $ isJust ignoreEtaReduceThisModule @? "There is ignore Eta reduce code action" executeCodeAction (fromJust redId) contents <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit doc liftIO $ contents @?= "main = undefined\nfoo x = x\n" , testCase "falls back to pre 3.8 code actions" $ runSessionWithTestConfig def { testConfigCaps = noLiteralCaps , testDirLocation = Left testDir , testPluginDescriptor = hlintPlugin , testShiftRoot = True} $ const $ do doc <- openDoc "Base.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "hlint" cars <- getAllCodeActions doc etaReduce <- liftIO $ inspectCommand cars ["Eta reduce"] executeCommand etaReduce contents <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit doc liftIO $ contents @?= "main = undefined\nfoo = id\n" , testCase ".hlint.yaml fixity rules are applied" $ runHlintSession "fixity" $ do doc <- openDoc "FixityUse.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" , testCase "changing document contents updates hlint diagnostics" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "Base.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc let change = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent $ InL TextDocumentContentChangePartial { _range = Range (Position 1 8) (Position 1 12) , _rangeLength = Nothing , _text = "x" } changeDoc doc [change] expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" let change' = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent $ InL TextDocumentContentChangePartial { _range = Range (Position 1 8) (Position 1 12) , _rangeLength = Nothing , _text = "id x" } changeDoc doc [change'] testHlintDiagnostics doc , testCase "[#554] hlint diagnostics works with CPP via ghc -XCPP argument" $ runHlintSession "cpp" $ do doc <- openDoc "CppCond.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc , knownBrokenForHlintOnGhcLib "hlint doesn't take in account cpp flag as ghc -D argument" $ testCase "[#554] hlint diagnostics works with CPP via language pragma" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "CppCond.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc , testCase "[#554] hlint diagnostics works with CPP via -XCPP argument and flag via #include header" $ runHlintSession "cpp" $ do doc <- openDoc "CppHeader.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc , testCase "[#590] apply-refact works with -XLambdaCase argument" $ runHlintSession "lambdacase" $ do testRefactor "LambdaCase.hs" "Redundant bracket" expectedLambdaCase , testCase "[#1242] apply-refact works with -XTypeApplications argument" $ runHlintSession "typeapps" $ do testRefactor "TypeApplication.hs" "Redundant bracket" expectedTypeApp , testCase "apply hints works with LambdaCase via language pragma" $ runHlintSession "" $ do testRefactor "LambdaCase.hs" "Redundant bracket" ("{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}" : expectedLambdaCase) , expectFailBecause "apply-refact doesn't work with cpp" $ testCase "apply hints works with CPP via -XCPP argument" $ runHlintSession "cpp" $ do testRefactor "CppCond.hs" "Redundant bracket" expectedCPP , expectFailBecause "apply-refact doesn't work with cpp" $ testCase "apply hints works with CPP via language pragma" $ runHlintSession "" $ do testRefactor "CppCond.hs" "Redundant bracket" ("{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}" : expectedCPP) , testCase "hlint diagnostics ignore hints honouring .hlint.yaml" $ runHlintSession "ignore" $ do doc <- openDoc "CamelCase.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" , testCase "hlint diagnostics ignore hints honouring ANN annotations" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "IgnoreAnn.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" , testCase "hlint diagnostics ignore hints honouring HLINT annotations" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "IgnoreAnnHlint.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" , testCase "apply-refact preserve regular comments" $ runHlintSession "" $ do testRefactor "Comments.hs" "Redundant bracket" expectedComments , testCase "[#2290] apply all hints works with a trailing comment" $ runHlintSession "" $ do testRefactor "TwoHintsAndComment.hs" "Apply all hints" expectedComments2 , testCase "applyAll is shown only when there is at least one diagnostic in range" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "TwoHints.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "hlint" firstLine <- map fromAction <$> getCodeActions doc (mkRange 0 0 0 0) secondLine <- map fromAction <$> getCodeActions doc (mkRange 1 0 1 0) thirdLine <- map fromAction <$> getCodeActions doc (mkRange 2 0 2 0) multiLine <- map fromAction <$> getCodeActions doc (mkRange 0 0 2 0) let hasApplyAll = isJust . find (\ca -> "Apply all hints" `T.isSuffixOf` (ca ^. L.title)) liftIO $ hasApplyAll firstLine @? "Missing apply all code action" liftIO $ hasApplyAll secondLine @? "Missing apply all code action" liftIO $ not (hasApplyAll thirdLine) @? "Unexpected apply all code action" liftIO $ hasApplyAll multiLine @? "Missing apply all code action" , testCase "hlint should warn about unused extensions" $ runHlintSession "unusedext" $ do doc <- openDoc "UnusedExtension.hs" "haskell" diags@(unusedExt:_) <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "hlint" liftIO $ do length diags @?= 1 unusedExt ^. L.code @?= Just (InR "refact:Unused LANGUAGE pragma") , testCase "[#1279] hlint should not activate extensions like PatternSynonyms" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "PatternKeyword.hs" "haskell" -- hlint will report a parse error if PatternSynonyms is enabled expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" , testCase "hlint should not warn about redundant irrefutable pattern with LANGUAGE Strict" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "StrictData.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" ] where testRefactor file caTitle expected = do doc <- openDoc file "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc cas <- map fromAction <$> getAllCodeActions doc let ca = find (\ca -> caTitle `T.isInfixOf` (ca ^. L.title)) cas liftIO $ isJust ca @? ("There is '" ++ T.unpack caTitle ++"' code action") executeCodeAction (fromJust ca) contents <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit doc liftIO $ contents @?= T.unlines expected expectedLambdaCase = [ "module LambdaCase where", "" , "f = \\case \"true\" -> True" , " _ -> False" ] expectedCPP = [ "module CppCond where", "" , "#ifdef FLAG" , "f = 1" , "#else" , "g = 2" , "#endif", "" ] expectedComments = [ "-- comment before header" , "module Comments where", "" , "{-# standalone annotation #-}", "" , "-- standalone comment", "" , "-- | haddock comment" , "f = {- inline comment -} {- inline comment inside refactored code -}1 -- ending comment", "" , "-- final comment" ] expectedComments2 = [ "module TwoHintsAndComment where" , "biggest = foldr1 max -- the line above will show two hlint hints, \"eta reduce\" and \"use maximum\"" ] expectedTypeApp = [ "module TypeApplication where", "" , "a = id @Int 1" ] configTests :: TestTree configTests = testGroup "hlint plugin config" [ testCase "changing hlint plugin configuration enables or disables hlint diagnostics" $ runHlintSession "" $ do setIgnoringConfigurationRequests False enableHlint doc <- openDoc "Base.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc disableHlint diags' <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc liftIO $ noHlintDiagnostics diags' , testCase "adding hlint flags to plugin configuration removes hlint diagnostics" $ runHlintSession "" $ do setIgnoringConfigurationRequests False enableHlint doc <- openDoc "Base.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc let config' = hlintConfigWithFlags ["--ignore=Redundant id", "--hint=test-hlint-config.yaml"] setHlsConfig config' diags' <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc liftIO $ noHlintDiagnostics diags' , testCase "adding hlint flags to plugin configuration adds hlint diagnostics" $ runHlintSession "" $ do setIgnoringConfigurationRequests False enableHlint doc <- openDoc "Generalise.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" let config' = hlintConfigWithFlags ["--with-group=generalise"] setHlsConfig config' diags' <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "hlint" d <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic diags' ["Use <>"] liftIO $ do length diags' @?= 1 d ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 1 10) (Position 1 21) d ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Information ] testDir :: FilePath testDir = "plugins/hls-hlint-plugin/test/testdata" runHlintSession :: FilePath -> Session a -> IO a runHlintSession subdir = failIfSessionTimeout . runSessionWithTestConfig def { testConfigCaps = codeActionNoResolveCaps , testShiftRoot = True , testDirLocation = Left (testDir subdir) , testPluginDescriptor = hlintPlugin } . const noHlintDiagnostics :: [Diagnostic] -> Assertion noHlintDiagnostics diags = Just "hlint" `notElem` map (^. L.source) diags @? "There are no hlint diagnostics" testHlintDiagnostics :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session () testHlintDiagnostics doc = do diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "hlint" liftIO $ length diags > 0 @? "There are hlint diagnostics" hlintConfigWithFlags :: [T.Text] -> Config hlintConfigWithFlags flags = def { Plugin.plugins = Map.fromList [("hlint", def { Plugin.plcGlobalOn = True, Plugin.plcConfig = unObject $ object ["flags" .= flags] } )] } where unObject (Object obj) = obj unObject _ = undefined enableHlint :: Session () enableHlint = setHlsConfig $ def { Plugin.plugins = Map.fromList [ ("hlint", def { Plugin.plcGlobalOn = True }) ] } disableHlint :: Session () disableHlint = setHlsConfig $ def { Plugin.plugins = Map.fromList [ ("hlint", def { Plugin.plcGlobalOn = False }) ] } -- We have two main code paths in the plugin depending on how hlint interacts with ghc: -- * One when hlint uses ghc-lib (all ghc versions but the last version supported by hlint) -- * Another one when hlint uses directly ghc (only one version, which not have to be the last version supported by ghcide) -- As we always are using ghc through ghcide the code to get the ghc parsed AST differs -- So the issues and bugs usually only affects to one code path or the other. -- Although a given hlint version supports one direct ghc, we could use several versions of hlint -- each one supporting a different ghc version. It should be a temporary situation though. knownBrokenForHlintOnGhcLib :: String -> TestTree -> TestTree knownBrokenForHlintOnGhcLib = expectFailBecause -- 1's based data Point = Point { line :: !Int, column :: !Int } pointToRange :: Point -> Range pointToRange Point {..} | line <- fromIntegral $ subtract 1 line , column <- fromIntegral $ subtract 1 column = Range (Position line column) (Position line $ column + 1) getCodeActionTitle :: (Command |? CodeAction) -> Maybe T.Text getCodeActionTitle commandOrCodeAction | InR CodeAction {_title} <- commandOrCodeAction = Just _title | otherwise = Nothing makeCodeActionNotFoundAtString :: Point -> String makeCodeActionNotFoundAtString Point {..} = "CodeAction not found at line: " <> show line <> ", column: " <> show column ignoreHintGoldenTest :: TestName -> FilePath -> Point -> T.Text -> TestTree ignoreHintGoldenTest testCaseName goldenFilename point hintName = goldenTest testCaseName goldenFilename point (getIgnoreHintText hintName) applyHintGoldenTest :: TestName -> FilePath -> Point -> T.Text -> TestTree applyHintGoldenTest testCaseName goldenFilename point hintName = do goldenTest testCaseName goldenFilename point (getApplyHintText hintName) goldenTest :: TestName -> FilePath -> Point -> T.Text -> TestTree goldenTest testCaseName goldenFilename point hintText = setupGoldenHlintTest testCaseName goldenFilename $ \document -> do _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource document "hlint" actions <- getCodeActions document $ pointToRange point case find ((== Just hintText) . getCodeActionTitle) actions of Just (InR codeAction) -> do executeCodeAction codeAction when (isJust (codeAction ^. L.command)) $ void $ skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit document _ -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ makeCodeActionNotFoundAtString point setupGoldenHlintTest :: TestName -> FilePath -> (TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session ()) -> TestTree setupGoldenHlintTest testName path = goldenWithTestConfig def { testConfigCaps = codeActionNoResolveCaps , testShiftRoot = True , testPluginDescriptor = hlintPlugin , testDirLocation = Left testDir } testName testDir path "expected" "hs" ignoreHintGoldenResolveTest :: TestName -> FilePath -> Point -> T.Text -> TestTree ignoreHintGoldenResolveTest testCaseName goldenFilename point hintName = goldenResolveTest testCaseName goldenFilename point (getIgnoreHintText hintName) applyHintGoldenResolveTest :: TestName -> FilePath -> Point -> T.Text -> TestTree applyHintGoldenResolveTest testCaseName goldenFilename point hintName = do goldenResolveTest testCaseName goldenFilename point (getApplyHintText hintName) goldenResolveTest :: TestName -> FilePath -> Point -> T.Text -> TestTree goldenResolveTest testCaseName goldenFilename point hintText = setupGoldenHlintResolveTest testCaseName goldenFilename $ \document -> do _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource document "hlint" actions <- getAndResolveCodeActions document $ pointToRange point case find ((== Just hintText) . getCodeActionTitle) actions of Just (InR codeAction) -> executeCodeAction codeAction _ -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ makeCodeActionNotFoundAtString point setupGoldenHlintResolveTest :: TestName -> FilePath -> (TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session ()) -> TestTree setupGoldenHlintResolveTest testName path = goldenWithTestConfig def { testConfigCaps = codeActionResolveCaps , testShiftRoot = True , testPluginDescriptor = hlintPlugin , testDirLocation = Left testDir } testName testDir path "expected" "hs"