{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Ide.Plugin.ExplicitImports ( descriptor , descriptorForModules , abbreviateImportTitle , Log(..) ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Lens ((&), (?~)) import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError (throwError)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import qualified Data.Aeson as A (ToJSON (toJSON)) import Data.Aeson.Types (FromJSON) import qualified Data.IntMap as IM (IntMap, elems, fromList, (!?)) import Data.IORef (readIORef) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe (isNothing, mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.String (fromString) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Traversable (for) import qualified Data.Unique as U (hashUnique, newUnique) import Development.IDE hiding (pluginHandlers, pluginRules) import Development.IDE.Core.PluginUtils import Development.IDE.Core.PositionMapping import qualified Development.IDE.Core.Shake as Shake import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat hiding ((<+>)) import Development.IDE.Graph.Classes import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Ide.Plugin.Error (PluginError (..), getNormalizedFilePathE, handleMaybe) import Ide.Plugin.RangeMap (filterByRange) import qualified Ide.Plugin.RangeMap as RM (RangeMap, fromList) import Ide.Plugin.Resolve import Ide.PluginUtils import Ide.Types import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types -- This plugin is named explicit-imports for historical reasons. Besides -- providing code actions and lenses to make imports explicit it also provides -- code actions and lens to refine imports. importCommandId :: CommandId importCommandId = "ImportLensCommand" data Log = LogShake Shake.Log | LogWAEResponseError (TResponseError Method_WorkspaceApplyEdit) | forall a. (Pretty a) => LogResolve a instance Pretty Log where pretty = \case LogShake logMsg -> pretty logMsg LogWAEResponseError rspErr -> "RequestWorkspaceApplyEdit Failed with " <+> pretty rspErr LogResolve msg -> pretty msg -- | The "main" function of a plugin descriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState descriptor recorder = -- (almost) no one wants to see an explicit import list for Prelude descriptorForModules recorder (/= moduleName pRELUDE) descriptorForModules :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> (ModuleName -> Bool) -- ^ Predicate to select modules that will be annotated -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState descriptorForModules recorder modFilter plId = let resolveRecorder = cmapWithPrio LogResolve recorder codeActionHandlers = mkCodeActionHandlerWithResolve resolveRecorder (codeActionProvider recorder) (codeActionResolveProvider recorder) in (defaultPluginDescriptor plId "Provides a code action to make imports explicit") { -- This plugin provides a command handler pluginCommands = [PluginCommand importCommandId "Explicit import command" (runImportCommand recorder)], -- This plugin defines a new rule pluginRules = minimalImportsRule recorder modFilter, pluginHandlers = -- This plugin provides code lenses mkPluginHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCodeLens (lensProvider recorder) <> mkResolveHandler SMethod_CodeLensResolve (lensResolveProvider recorder) -- This plugin provides code actions <> codeActionHandlers } -- | The actual command handler runImportCommand :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> CommandFunction IdeState IAResolveData runImportCommand recorder ideState _ eird@(ResolveOne _ _) = do wedit <- resolveWTextEdit ideState eird _ <- lift $ pluginSendRequest SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams Nothing wedit) logErrors return $ InR Null where logErrors (Left re) = do logWith recorder Error (LogWAEResponseError re) pure () logErrors (Right _) = pure () runImportCommand _ _ _ rd = do throwError $ PluginInvalidParams (T.pack $ "Unexpected argument for command handler:" <> show rd) -- | We provide two code lenses for imports. The first lens makes imports -- explicit. For example, for the module below: -- > import Data.List -- > f = intercalate " " . sortBy length -- the provider should produce one code lens associated to the import statement: -- > import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy) -- -- The second one allows us to import functions directly from the original -- module. For example, for the following import -- > import Random.ReExporting.Module (liftIO) -- the provider should produce one code lens associated to the import statement: -- > Refine imports to import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) lensProvider :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginMethodHandler IdeState 'Method_TextDocumentCodeLens lensProvider _ state _ CodeLensParams {_textDocument = TextDocumentIdentifier {_uri}} = do nfp <- getNormalizedFilePathE _uri (ImportActionsResult{forLens}, pm) <- runActionE "ImportActions" state $ useWithStaleE ImportActions nfp let lens = [ generateLens _uri newRange int | (range, int) <- forLens , Just newRange <- [toCurrentRange pm range]] pure $ InL lens where -- because these are non resolved lenses we only need the range and a -- unique id to later resolve them with. These are for both refine -- import lenses and for explicit import lenses. generateLens :: Uri -> Range -> Int -> CodeLens generateLens uri range int = CodeLens { _data_ = Just $ A.toJSON $ ResolveOne uri int , _range = range , _command = Nothing } lensResolveProvider :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> ResolveFunction IdeState IAResolveData 'Method_CodeLensResolve lensResolveProvider _ ideState plId cl uri rd@(ResolveOne _ uid) = do nfp <- getNormalizedFilePathE uri (ImportActionsResult{forResolve}, _) <- runActionE "ImportActions" ideState $ useWithStaleE ImportActions nfp target <- handleMaybe PluginStaleResolve $ forResolve IM.!? uid let updatedCodeLens = cl & L.command ?~ mkCommand plId target pure updatedCodeLens where mkCommand :: PluginId -> ImportEdit -> Command mkCommand pId (ImportEdit{ieResType, ieText}) = let -- The only new thing we need to provide to resolve a lens is the -- title, as the unique Id is the same to resolve the lens title -- as it is to apply the lens through a command. -- The title is written differently depending on what type of lens -- it is. title ExplicitImport = abbreviateImportTitle ieText title RefineImport = "Refine imports to " <> T.intercalate ", " (T.lines ieText) in mkLspCommand pId importCommandId (title ieResType) (Just [A.toJSON rd]) lensResolveProvider _ _ _ _ _ rd = do throwError $ PluginInvalidParams (T.pack $ "Unexpected argument for lens resolve handler: " <> show rd) -- |For explicit imports: If there are any implicit imports, provide both one -- code action per import to make that specific import explicit, and one code -- action to turn them all into explicit imports. For refine imports: If there -- are any reexported imports, provide both one code action per import to refine -- that specific import, and one code action to refine all imports. codeActionProvider :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginMethodHandler IdeState 'Method_TextDocumentCodeAction codeActionProvider _ ideState _pId (CodeActionParams _ _ TextDocumentIdentifier {_uri} range _context) = do nfp <- getNormalizedFilePathE _uri (ImportActionsResult{forCodeActions}, pm) <- runActionE "ImportActions" ideState $ useWithStaleE ImportActions nfp newRange <- toCurrentRangeE pm range let relevantCodeActions = filterByRange newRange forCodeActions allExplicit = [InR $ mkCodeAction "Make all imports explicit" (Just $ A.toJSON $ ExplicitAll _uri) -- We should only provide this code action if there are any code -- of this type | any (\x -> iaResType x == ExplicitImport) relevantCodeActions] allRefine = [InR $ mkCodeAction "Refine all imports" (Just $ A.toJSON $ RefineAll _uri) -- We should only provide this code action if there are any code -- of this type | any (\x -> iaResType x == RefineImport) relevantCodeActions] -- The only thing different in making the two types of code actions, is -- the title. The actual resolve data type, ResolveOne is used by both -- of them toCodeAction uri (ImportAction _ int ExplicitImport) = mkCodeAction "Make this import explicit" (Just $ A.toJSON $ ResolveOne uri int) toCodeAction uri (ImportAction _ int RefineImport) = mkCodeAction "Refine this import" (Just $ A.toJSON $ ResolveOne uri int) pure $ InL ((InR . toCodeAction _uri <$> relevantCodeActions) <> allExplicit <> allRefine) where mkCodeAction title data_ = CodeAction { _title = title , _kind = Just CodeActionKind_QuickFix , _command = Nothing , _edit = Nothing , _diagnostics = Nothing , _isPreferred = Nothing , _disabled = Nothing , _data_ = data_} codeActionResolveProvider :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> ResolveFunction IdeState IAResolveData 'Method_CodeActionResolve codeActionResolveProvider _ ideState _ ca _ rd = do wedit <- resolveWTextEdit ideState rd pure $ ca & L.edit ?~ wedit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- resolveWTextEdit :: IdeState -> IAResolveData -> ExceptT PluginError (HandlerM Config) WorkspaceEdit -- Providing the edit for the command, or the resolve for the code action is -- completely generic, as all we need is the unique id and the text edit. resolveWTextEdit ideState (ResolveOne uri int) = do nfp <- getNormalizedFilePathE uri (ImportActionsResult{forResolve}, pm) <- runActionE "ImportActions" ideState $ useWithStaleE ImportActions nfp iEdit <- handleMaybe PluginStaleResolve $ forResolve IM.!? int pure $ mkWorkspaceEdit uri [iEdit] pm resolveWTextEdit ideState (ExplicitAll uri) = do nfp <- getNormalizedFilePathE uri (ImportActionsResult{forResolve}, pm) <- runActionE "ImportActions" ideState $ useWithStaleE ImportActions nfp let edits = [ ie | ie@ImportEdit{ieResType = ExplicitImport} <- IM.elems forResolve] pure $ mkWorkspaceEdit uri edits pm resolveWTextEdit ideState (RefineAll uri) = do nfp <- getNormalizedFilePathE uri (ImportActionsResult{forResolve}, pm) <- runActionE "ImportActions" ideState $ useWithStaleE ImportActions nfp let edits = [ re | re@ImportEdit{ieResType = RefineImport} <- IM.elems forResolve] pure $ mkWorkspaceEdit uri edits pm mkWorkspaceEdit :: Uri -> [ImportEdit] -> PositionMapping -> WorkspaceEdit mkWorkspaceEdit uri edits pm = WorkspaceEdit {_changes = Just $ Map.singleton uri (mapMaybe toWEdit edits) , _documentChanges = Nothing , _changeAnnotations = Nothing} where toWEdit ImportEdit{ieRange, ieText} = let newRange = toCurrentRange pm ieRange in (\r -> TextEdit r ieText) <$> newRange data ImportActions = ImportActions deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Ord) instance Hashable ImportActions instance NFData ImportActions type instance RuleResult ImportActions = ImportActionsResult data ResultType = ExplicitImport | RefineImport deriving Eq data ImportActionsResult = ImportActionsResult { -- |For providing the code lenses we need to have a range, and a unique id -- that is later resolved to the new text for each import. It is stored in -- a list, because we always need to provide all the code lens in a file. forLens :: [(Range, Int)] -- |For the code actions we have the same data as for the code lenses, but -- we store it in a RangeMap, because that allows us to filter on a specific -- range with better performance, and code actions are almost always only -- requested for a specific range , forCodeActions :: RM.RangeMap ImportAction -- |For resolve we have an intMap where for every previously provided unique id -- we provide a textEdit to allow our code actions or code lens to be resolved , forResolve :: IM.IntMap ImportEdit } -- |For resolving code lenses and code actions we need standard text edit stuff, -- such as range and text, and then we need the result type, because we use this -- for code lenses which need to create a appropriate title data ImportEdit = ImportEdit { ieRange :: Range, ieText :: T.Text, ieResType :: ResultType} -- |The necessary data for providing code actions: the range, a unique ID for -- later resolving the action, and the type of action for giving a proper name. data ImportAction = ImportAction { iaRange :: Range, iaUniqueId :: Int, iaResType :: ResultType} instance Show ImportActionsResult where show _ = "" instance NFData ImportActionsResult where rnf = rwhnf data IAResolveData = ResolveOne { uri :: Uri , importId :: Int } | ExplicitAll { uri :: Uri } | RefineAll { uri :: Uri } deriving (Generic, Show, A.ToJSON, FromJSON) exportedModuleStrings :: ParsedModule -> [String] exportedModuleStrings ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{..}} | Just export <- hsmodExports, exports <- unLoc export = map (T.unpack . printOutputable) exports exportedModuleStrings _ = [] minimalImportsRule :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> (ModuleName -> Bool) -> Rules () minimalImportsRule recorder modFilter = defineNoDiagnostics (cmapWithPrio LogShake recorder) $ \ImportActions nfp -> runMaybeT $ do -- Get the typechecking artifacts from the module tmr <- MaybeT $ use TypeCheck nfp -- We also need a GHC session with all the dependencies hsc <- MaybeT $ use GhcSessionDeps nfp -- refine imports: 2 layer map ModuleName -> ModuleName -> [Avails] (exports) import2Map <- do -- first layer is from current(editing) module to its imports ImportMap currIm <- MaybeT $ use GetImportMap nfp for currIm $ \path -> do -- second layer is from the imports of first layer to their imports ImportMap importIm <- MaybeT $ use GetImportMap path for importIm $ \imp_path -> do imp_hir <- MaybeT $ use GetModIface imp_path return $ mi_exports $ hirModIface imp_hir -- Use the GHC api to extract the "minimal" imports locationImportWithMinimal <- MaybeT $ liftIO $ extractMinimalImports hsc tmr let minimalImportsResult = [ (range, (printOutputable minImport, ExplicitImport)) | (location, impDecl, minImport) <- locationImportWithMinimal , not (isQualifiedImport impDecl) , not (isExplicitImport impDecl) , let L _ moduleName = ideclName impDecl , modFilter moduleName , let range = realSrcSpanToRange location] refineImportsResult = [ (range, (T.intercalate "\n" . map (printOutputable . constructImport origImport minImport) . Map.toList $ filteredInnerImports, RefineImport)) -- for every minimal imports | (location, origImport, minImport@(ImportDecl{ideclName = L _ mn})) <- locationImportWithMinimal -- (almost) no one wants to see an refine import list for Prelude , mn /= moduleName pRELUDE -- we check for the inner imports , Just innerImports <- [Map.lookup mn import2Map] -- and only get those symbols used , Just filteredInnerImports <- [filterByImport minImport innerImports] -- if no symbols from this modules then don't need to generate new import , not $ null filteredInnerImports -- and then convert that to a Range , let range = realSrcSpanToRange location ] uniqueAndRangeAndText <- liftIO $ for (minimalImportsResult ++ refineImportsResult) $ \rt -> do u <- U.hashUnique <$> U.newUnique pure (u, rt) let rangeAndUnique = [ ImportAction r u rt | (u, (r, (_, rt))) <- uniqueAndRangeAndText ] pure ImportActionsResult { forLens = (\ImportAction{..} -> (iaRange, iaUniqueId)) <$> rangeAndUnique , forCodeActions = RM.fromList iaRange rangeAndUnique , forResolve = IM.fromList ((\(u, (r, (te, ty))) -> (u, ImportEdit r te ty)) <$> uniqueAndRangeAndText) } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Use the ghc api to extract a minimal, explicit set of imports for this module extractMinimalImports :: HscEnvEq -> TcModuleResult -> IO (Maybe [(RealSrcSpan, ImportDecl GhcRn, ImportDecl GhcRn)]) extractMinimalImports hsc TcModuleResult {..} = runMaybeT $ do -- extract the original imports and the typechecking environment let tcEnv = tmrTypechecked #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) (_, imports, _, _, _) = tmrRenamed #else (_, imports, _, _) = tmrRenamed #endif ParsedModule {pm_parsed_source = L loc _} = tmrParsed emss = exportedModuleStrings tmrParsed Just srcSpan <- pure $ realSpan loc -- Don't make suggestions for modules which are also exported, the user probably doesn't want this! -- See https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues/2079 let notExportedImports = filter (notExported emss) imports -- GHC is secretly full of mutable state gblElts <- liftIO $ readIORef (tcg_used_gres tcEnv) -- call findImportUsage does exactly what we need -- GHC is full of treats like this let usage = findImportUsage notExportedImports gblElts (_, Just minimalImports) <- liftIO $ initTcWithGbl (hscEnv hsc) tcEnv srcSpan $ getMinimalImports usage let minimalImportsMap = Map.fromList [ (realSrcSpanStart l, impDecl) | L (locA -> RealSrcSpan l _) impDecl <- minimalImports ] results = [ (location, imp, minImport) | L (locA -> RealSrcSpan location _) imp <- imports , Just minImport <- [Map.lookup (realSrcSpanStart location) minimalImportsMap]] -- return both the original imports and the computed minimal ones return results where notExported :: [String] -> LImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool notExported [] _ = True notExported exports (L _ ImportDecl{ideclName = L _ name}) = not $ any (\e -> ("module " ++ moduleNameString name) == e) exports isExplicitImport :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) isExplicitImport ImportDecl {ideclImportList = Just (Exactly, _)} = True #else isExplicitImport ImportDecl {ideclHiding = Just (False, _)} = True #endif isExplicitImport _ = False -- This number is somewhat arbitrarily chosen. Ideally the protocol would tell us these things, -- but at the moment I don't believe we know it. -- 80 columns is traditional, but Haskellers tend to use longer lines (citation needed) and it's -- probably not too bad if the lens is a *bit* longer than normal lines. maxColumns :: Int maxColumns = 120 -- | The title of the command is ideally the minimal explicit import decl, but -- we don't want to create a really massive code lens (and the decl can be extremely large!). -- So we abbreviate it to fit a max column size, and indicate how many more items are in the list -- after the abbreviation abbreviateImportTitle :: T.Text -> T.Text abbreviateImportTitle input = let -- For starters, we only want one line in the title oneLineText = T.unwords $ T.lines input -- Now, split at the max columns, leaving space for the summary text we're going to add -- (conservatively assuming we won't need to print a number larger than 100) (prefix, suffix) = T.splitAt (maxColumns - T.length (summaryText 100)) oneLineText -- We also want to truncate the last item so we get a "clean" break, rather than half way through -- something. The conditional here is just because 'breakOnEnd' doesn't give us quite the right thing -- if there are actually no commas. (actualPrefix, extraSuffix) = if T.count "," prefix > 0 then T.breakOnEnd "," prefix else (prefix, "") actualSuffix = extraSuffix <> suffix -- The number of additional items is the number of commas+1 numAdditionalItems = T.count "," actualSuffix + 1 -- We want to make text like this: import Foo (AImport, BImport, ... (30 items)) -- We also want it to look sensible if we end up splitting in the module name itself, summaryText :: Int -> T.Text summaryText n = " ... (" <> fromString (show n) <> " items)" -- so we only add a trailing paren if we've split in the export list suffixText = summaryText numAdditionalItems <> if T.count "(" prefix > 0 then ")" else "" title = -- If the original text fits, just use it if T.length oneLineText <= maxColumns then oneLineText else actualPrefix <> suffixText in title -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- filterByImport :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Map.Map ModuleName [AvailInfo] -> Maybe (Map.Map ModuleName [AvailInfo]) #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) filterByImport (ImportDecl{ideclImportList = Just (_, L _ names)}) #else filterByImport (ImportDecl{ideclHiding = Just (_, L _ names)}) #endif avails = -- if there is a function defined in the current module and is used -- i.e. if a function is not reexported but defined in current -- module then this import cannot be refined if importedNames `S.isSubsetOf` allFilteredAvailsNames then Just res else Nothing where importedNames = S.fromList $ map (ieName . unLoc) names res = flip Map.filter avails $ \a -> any (`S.member` importedNames) $ concatMap getAvailNames a allFilteredAvailsNames = S.fromList $ concatMap getAvailNames $ mconcat $ Map.elems res filterByImport _ _ = Nothing constructImport :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> ImportDecl GhcRn -> (ModuleName, [AvailInfo]) -> ImportDecl GhcRn #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) constructImport ImportDecl{ideclQualified = qualified, ideclImportList = origHiding} imd@ImportDecl{ideclImportList = Just (hiding, L _ names)} #else constructImport ImportDecl{ideclQualified = qualified, ideclHiding = origHiding} imd@ImportDecl{ideclHiding = Just (hiding, L _ names)} #endif (newModuleName, avails) = imd { ideclName = noLocA newModuleName #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) , ideclImportList = if isNothing origHiding && qualified /= NotQualified then Nothing else Just (hiding, noLocA newNames) #else , ideclHiding = if isNothing origHiding && qualified /= NotQualified then Nothing else Just (hiding, noLocA newNames) #endif } where newNames = filter (\n -> any (n `containsAvail`) avails) names -- Check if a name is exposed by AvailInfo (the available information of a module) containsAvail :: LIE GhcRn -> AvailInfo -> Bool containsAvail name avail = any (\an -> printOutputable an == (printOutputable . ieName . unLoc $ name)) $ getAvailNames avail constructImport _ lim _ = lim getAvailNames :: AvailInfo -> [Name] getAvailNames = #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0) availNames #else availNamesWithSelectors #endif