{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Lens hiding (List, (<.>)) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBSChar8 import Data.String (fromString) import Ide.Plugin.CodeRange (Log, descriptor) import qualified Ide.Plugin.CodeRange.RulesTest import qualified Ide.Plugin.CodeRangeTest import Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens (result) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types import System.FilePath ((<.>), ()) import Test.Hls plugin :: PluginTestDescriptor Log plugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor descriptor "codeRange" main :: IO () main = do defaultTestRunner $ testGroup "Code Range" [ testGroup "Integration Tests" [ selectionRangeGoldenTest "Import" [(4, 36), (1, 8)], selectionRangeGoldenTest "Function" [(5, 19), (5, 12), (4, 4), (3, 5)], selectionRangeGoldenTest "Empty" [(1, 5)], foldingRangeGoldenTest "Function" ], testGroup "Unit Tests" [ Ide.Plugin.CodeRangeTest.testTree, Ide.Plugin.CodeRange.RulesTest.testTree ] ] selectionRangeGoldenTest :: TestName -> [(UInt, UInt)] -> TestTree selectionRangeGoldenTest testName positions = goldenGitDiff testName (testDataDir testName <.> "golden" <.> "txt" <> ghcSuffix) $ do res <- runSessionWithServer def plugin testDataDir $ do doc <- openDoc (testName <.> "hs") "haskell" resp <- request SMethod_TextDocumentSelectionRange $ SelectionRangeParams Nothing Nothing doc $ fmap (uncurry Position . (\(x, y) -> (x-1, y-1))) positions let res = resp ^. result pure $ fmap (showSelectionRangesForTest . absorbNull) res case res of Left (TResponseError (InL LSPErrorCodes_RequestFailed) _ _) -> pure "" Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right golden -> pure golden where testDataDir :: FilePath testDataDir = "plugins" "hls-code-range-plugin" "test" "testdata" "selection-range" showSelectionRangesForTest :: [SelectionRange] -> ByteString showSelectionRangesForTest selectionRanges = LBSChar8.intercalate "\n" $ fmap showSelectionRangeForTest selectionRanges showSelectionRangeForTest :: SelectionRange -> ByteString showSelectionRangeForTest selectionRange = go True (Just selectionRange) where go :: Bool -> Maybe SelectionRange -> ByteString go _ Nothing = "" go isFirst (Just (SelectionRange (Range sp ep) parent)) = (if isFirst then "" else " => ") <> showPosition sp <> " " <> showPosition ep <> go False parent showPosition :: Position -> ByteString showPosition (Position line col) = "(" <> showLBS (line + 1) <> "," <> showLBS (col + 1) <> ")" showLBS = fromString . show foldingRangeGoldenTest :: TestName -> TestTree foldingRangeGoldenTest testName = goldenGitDiff testName (testDataDir testName <.> "golden" <.> "txt" <> ghcSuffix) $ do res <- runSessionWithServer def plugin testDataDir $ do doc <- openDoc (testName <.> "hs") "haskell" resp <- request SMethod_TextDocumentFoldingRange $ FoldingRangeParams Nothing Nothing doc let res = resp ^. result pure $ fmap (showFoldingRangesForTest . absorbNull) res case res of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right golden -> pure golden where testDataDir :: FilePath testDataDir = "plugins" "hls-code-range-plugin" "test" "testdata" "folding-range" showFoldingRangesForTest :: [FoldingRange] -> ByteString showFoldingRangesForTest foldingRanges = (LBSChar8.intercalate "\n" $ fmap showFoldingRangeForTest foldingRanges) `LBSChar8.snoc` '\n' showFoldingRangeForTest :: FoldingRange -> ByteString showFoldingRangeForTest (FoldingRange sl (Just sc) el (Just ec) (Just frk) _) = "((" <> showLBS sl <> ", " <> showLBS sc <> ") : (" <> showLBS el <> ", " <> showLBS ec <> ")) : " <> showFRK frk showFoldingRangeForTest fr = "unexpected FoldingRange: " <> fromString (show fr) showLBS = fromString . show showFRK = fromString . show ghcSuffix :: String ghcSuffix = if ghcVersion >= GHC910 then ".ghc910" else ""