{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main ( main ) where import Control.Exception (catch) import Control.Lens (Prism', prism', view, (^.), (^..), (^?)) import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Foldable (find) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Ide.Plugin.Class as Class import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message import System.FilePath import Test.Hls main :: IO () main = defaultTestRunner tests classPlugin :: PluginTestDescriptor Class.Log classPlugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor Class.descriptor "class" tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "class" [ codeActionTests , codeLensTests ] codeActionTests :: TestTree codeActionTests = testGroup "code actions" [ expectCodeActionsAvailable "Produces addMinimalMethodPlaceholders code actions for one instance" "T1" [ "Add placeholders for '=='" , "Add placeholders for '==' with signature(s)" , "Add placeholders for '/='" , "Add placeholders for '/=' with signature(s)" , "Add placeholders for all missing methods" , "Add placeholders for all missing methods with signature(s)" ] , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for '=='" "T1" "eq" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for '=='" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for '/='" "T1" "ne" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for '/='" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for both '==' and '/='" "T1" "all" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for all missing methods" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for 'fmap'" "T2" "fmap" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for 'fmap'" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for multiple methods 1" "T3" "1" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for 'f','g'" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for multiple methods 2" "T3" "2" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for 'g','h'" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for a method starting with '_'" "T4" "" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for '_f'" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for '==' with extra lines" "T5" "" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for '=='" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for only the unimplemented methods of multiple methods" "T6" "1" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for 'g'" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder for other two methods" "T6" "2" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for 'g','h'" , goldenWithClass "Creates a placeholder when all top-level decls are indented" "T7" "" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for 'g','h','i'" , goldenWithClass "Don't insert pragma with GHC2021" "InsertWithGHC2021Enabled" "" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for '==' with signature(s)" , goldenWithClass "Insert pragma if not exist" "InsertWithoutPragma" "" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for '==' with signature(s)" , goldenWithClass "Don't insert pragma if exist" "InsertWithPragma" "" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for '==' with signature(s)" , goldenWithClass "Only insert pragma once" "InsertPragmaOnce" "" $ getActionByTitle "Add placeholders for 'pure','<*>' with signature(s)" , expectCodeActionsAvailable "No code action available when minimal requirements meet" "MinimalDefinitionMeet" [] , expectCodeActionsAvailable "Add placeholders for all missing methods is unavailable when all methods are required" "AllMethodsRequired" [ "Add placeholders for 'f','g'" , "Add placeholders for 'f','g' with signature(s)" ] , testCase "Update text document version" $ runSessionWithServer def classPlugin testDataDir $ do doc <- createDoc "Version.hs" "haskell" "module Version where" ver1 <- (^. L.version) <$> getVersionedDoc doc liftIO $ ver1 @?= 0 -- Change the doc to ensure the version is not 0 changeDoc doc [ TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR . TextDocumentContentChangeWholeDocument $ T.unlines ["module Version where", "data A a = A a", "instance Functor A where"] ] ver2 <- (^. L.version) <$> getVersionedDoc doc _ <- waitForDiagnostics liftIO $ ver2 @?= 1 -- Execute the action and see what the version is action <- head . concatMap (^.. _CACodeAction) <$> getAllCodeActions doc executeCodeAction action _ <- waitForDiagnostics ver3 <- (^. L.version) <$> getVersionedDoc doc liftIO $ ver3 @?= 2 pure mempty ] codeLensTests :: TestTree codeLensTests = testGroup "code lens" [ testCase "Has code lens" $ do runSessionWithServer def classPlugin testDataDir $ do doc <- openDoc "CodeLensSimple.hs" "haskell" lens <- getAndResolveCodeLenses doc let titles = map (^. L.title) $ mapMaybe (^. L.command) lens liftIO $ titles @?= [ "(==) :: B -> B -> Bool" , "(==) :: A -> A -> Bool" ] , testCase "No lens for TH" $ do runSessionWithServer def classPlugin testDataDir $ do doc <- openDoc "TH.hs" "haskell" lens <- getAndResolveCodeLenses doc liftIO $ length lens @?= 0 , testCase "Do not construct error action!, Ticket3942one" $ do runSessionWithServer def classPlugin testDataDir $ do doc <- openDoc "Ticket3942one.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc lens <- getAllCodeActions doc -- should switch to `liftIO $ length lens @?= 2, when Ticket3942 is entirely fixed` -- current fix is just to make sure the code does not throw an exception that would mess up -- the client UI. liftIO $ length lens > 0 @?= True `catch` \(e :: SessionException) -> do liftIO $ assertFailure $ "classPluginTestError: "++ show e , goldenCodeLens "Apply code lens" "CodeLensSimple" 1 , goldenCodeLens "Apply code lens for local class" "LocalClassDefine" 0 , goldenCodeLens "Apply code lens on the same line" "Inline" 0 , goldenCodeLens "Don't insert pragma while existing" "CodeLensWithPragma" 0 , goldenCodeLens "Don't insert pragma while GHC2021 enabled" "CodeLensWithGHC2021" 0 , goldenCodeLens "Qualified name" "Qualified" 0 , goldenCodeLens "Type family" "TypeFamily" 0 , testCase "keep stale lens" $ do runSessionWithServer def classPlugin testDataDir $ do doc <- openDoc "Stale.hs" "haskell" oldLens <- getAndResolveCodeLenses doc let edit = TextEdit (mkRange 4 11 4 12) "" -- Remove the `_` _ <- applyEdit doc edit newLens <- getAndResolveCodeLenses doc liftIO $ (view L.command <$> newLens ) @?= (view L.command <$> oldLens) ] _CACodeAction :: Prism' (Command |? CodeAction) CodeAction _CACodeAction = prism' InR $ \case InR action -> Just action _ -> Nothing goldenCodeLens :: TestName -> FilePath -> Int -> TestTree goldenCodeLens title path idx = goldenWithHaskellDoc def classPlugin title testDataDir path "expected" "hs" $ \doc -> do lens <- getAndResolveCodeLenses doc executeCommand $ fromJust $ (lens !! idx) ^. L.command void $ skipManyTill anyMessage (message SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit) goldenWithClass ::TestName -> FilePath -> FilePath -> ([CodeAction] -> Session CodeAction) -> TestTree goldenWithClass title path desc findAction = goldenWithHaskellDoc def classPlugin title testDataDir path (desc <.> "expected") "hs" $ \doc -> do _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc actions <- concatMap (^.. _CACodeAction) <$> getAllCodeActions doc action <- findAction actions executeCodeAction action void $ skipManyTill anyMessage (getDocumentEdit doc) getActionByTitle :: T.Text -> [CodeAction] -> Session CodeAction getActionByTitle title actions = case find (\a -> a ^. L.title == title) actions of Just a -> pure a Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ "Action " <> show title <> " not found in " <> show [a ^. L.title | a <- actions] expectCodeActionsAvailable :: TestName -> FilePath -> [T.Text] -> TestTree expectCodeActionsAvailable title path actionTitles = testCase title $ do runSessionWithServer def classPlugin testDataDir $ do doc <- openDoc (path <.> "hs") "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc caResults <- getAllCodeActions doc liftIO $ map (^? _CACodeAction . L.title) caResults @?= expectedActions where expectedActions = Just <$> actionTitles testDataDir :: FilePath testDataDir = "plugins" "hls-class-plugin" "test" "testdata"