module Main where import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Either (rights) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Ide.Plugin.ChangeTypeSignature (errorMessageRegexes) import qualified Ide.Plugin.ChangeTypeSignature as ChangeTypeSignature import System.FilePath ((<.>), ()) import Test.Hls (CodeAction (..), Command, GhcVersion (..), PluginTestDescriptor, Position (Position), Range (Range), Session, TestName, TestTree, TextDocumentIdentifier, assertFailure, def, defaultTestRunner, executeCodeAction, getCodeActions, goldenWithHaskellDoc, knownBrokenForGhcVersions, liftIO, mkPluginTestDescriptor', openDoc, runSessionWithServer, testCase, testGroup, toEither, type (|?), waitForBuildQueue, waitForDiagnostics, (@?=)) import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~)) main :: IO () main = defaultTestRunner test changeTypeSignaturePlugin :: PluginTestDescriptor () changeTypeSignaturePlugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor' ChangeTypeSignature.descriptor "changeTypeSignature" test :: TestTree test = testGroup "changeTypeSignature" [ testRegexes , codeActionTest "TExpectedActual" 4 11 , knownBrokenForGhcVersions [GHC92 .. GHC910] "Error Message in 9.2+ does not provide enough info" $ codeActionTest "TRigidType" 4 14 , codeActionTest "TRigidType2" 4 6 , codeActionTest "TLocalBinding" 7 22 , codeActionTest "TLocalBindingShadow1" 11 8 , codeActionTest "TLocalBindingShadow2" 7 22 , codeActionProperties "TErrorGivenPartialSignature" [(4, 13)] $ \actions -> liftIO $ length actions @?= 0 ] testRegexes :: TestTree testRegexes = testGroup "Regex Testing" [ testRegexOne , testRegexTwo , testRegex921One ] testRegexOne :: TestTree testRegexOne = testGroup "Regex One" [ regexTest "error1.txt" regex True , regexTest "error2.txt" regex True , regexTest "error3.txt" regex False , regexTest "error4.txt" regex True , regexTest "error5.txt" regex True ] where regex = errorMessageRegexes !! 0 testRegexTwo :: TestTree testRegexTwo = testGroup "Regex Two" [ regexTest "error1.txt" regex False , regexTest "error2.txt" regex False , regexTest "error3.txt" regex True , regexTest "error4.txt" regex False , regexTest "error5.txt" regex False ] where regex = errorMessageRegexes !! 1 -- test ghc-9.2 error message regex testRegex921One :: TestTree testRegex921One = testGroup "Regex One" [ regexTest "ghc921-error1.txt" regex True , regexTest "ghc921-error2.txt" regex True , regexTest "ghc921-error3.txt" regex True ] where regex = errorMessageRegexes !! 2 testDataDir :: FilePath testDataDir = "plugins" "hls-change-type-signature-plugin" "test" "testdata" goldenChangeSignature :: FilePath -> (TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session ()) -> TestTree goldenChangeSignature fp = goldenWithHaskellDoc def changeTypeSignaturePlugin (fp <> " (golden)") testDataDir fp "expected" "hs" codeActionTest :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> TestTree codeActionTest fp line col = goldenChangeSignature fp $ \doc -> do void waitForDiagnostics -- code actions are triggered from Diagnostics void waitForBuildQueue -- apparently some tests need this to get the CodeAction to show up actions <- getCodeActions doc (pointRange line col) foundActions <- findChangeTypeActions actions liftIO $ length foundActions @?= 1 executeCodeAction (head foundActions) codeActionProperties :: TestName -> [(Int, Int)] -> ([CodeAction] -> Session ()) -> TestTree codeActionProperties fp locs assertions = testCase fp $ do runSessionWithServer def changeTypeSignaturePlugin testDataDir $ do openDoc (fp <.> ".hs") "haskell" >>= codeActionsFromLocs >>= findChangeTypeActions >>= assertions where codeActionsFromLocs doc = concat <$> mapM (getCodeActions doc . uncurry pointRange) locs findChangeTypeActions :: [Command |? CodeAction] -> Session [CodeAction] findChangeTypeActions = pure . filter isChangeTypeAction . rights . map toEither where isChangeTypeAction CodeAction{_kind} = case _kind of Nothing -> False Just kind -> case kind of "quickfix.changeTypeSignature" -> True _ -> False regexTest :: FilePath -> Text -> Bool -> TestTree regexTest fp regex shouldPass = testCase fp $ do msg <- TIO.readFile (testDataDir fp) case (msg =~ regex :: (Text, Text, Text, [Text]), shouldPass) of ((_, _, _, [_, _, _, _]), True) -> pure () ((_, _, _, [_, _, _, _]), False) -> assertFailure $ "Unexpected match: " <> fp <> " with " <> T.unpack regex (_, True) -> assertFailure $ "Failed to match: " <> fp <> " with " <> T.unpack regex (_, False) -> pure () pointRange :: Int -> Int -> Range pointRange (subtract 1 -> fromIntegral -> line) (subtract 1 -> fromIntegral -> col) = Range (Position line col) (Position line $ col + 1)