{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main ( main, ) where import Completer (completerTests) import Context (contextTests) import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Control.Monad (guard) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Either (isRight) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text as Text import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.LicenseSuggest (licenseErrorSuggestion) import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Parse as Lib import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L import System.FilePath import Test.Hls import Utils main :: IO () main = do defaultTestRunner $ testGroup "Cabal Plugin Tests" [ unitTests , pluginTests , completerTests , contextTests ] -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Unit Tests -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ unitTests :: TestTree unitTests = testGroup "Unit Tests" [ cabalParserUnitTests , codeActionUnitTests ] cabalParserUnitTests :: TestTree cabalParserUnitTests = testGroup "Parsing Cabal" [ testCase "Simple Parsing works" $ do (warnings, pm) <- Lib.parseCabalFileContents =<< BS.readFile (testDataDir "simple.cabal") liftIO $ do null warnings @? "Found unexpected warnings" isRight pm @? "Failed to parse GenericPackageDescription" ] codeActionUnitTests :: TestTree codeActionUnitTests = testGroup "Code Action Tests" [ testCase "Unknown format" $ do -- the message has the wrong format licenseErrorSuggestion maxCompletions "Unknown license identifier: 'BSD3' Do you mean BSD-3-Clause?" @?= [] , testCase "BSD-3-Clause" $ do take 2 (licenseErrorSuggestion maxCompletions "Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'BSD3' Do you mean BSD-3-Clause?") @?= -- Cabal-syntax added bunch of new licenses, so now more licenses match "BSD3" pattern #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal_syntax(3,12,0) [("BSD3", "BSD-4.3RENO"), ("BSD3", "BSD-3-Clause")] #else [("BSD3", "BSD-3-Clause"), ("BSD3", "BSD-3-Clause-LBNL")] #endif , testCase "MiT" $ do -- contains no suggestion take 2 (licenseErrorSuggestion maxCompletions "Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'MiT'") @?= [("MiT", "MIT"), ("MiT", "MIT-0")] ] where maxCompletions = 100 -- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ -- Integration Tests -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pluginTests :: TestTree pluginTests = testGroup "Plugin Tests" [ testGroup "Diagnostics" [ runCabalTestCaseSession "Publishes Diagnostics on Error" "" $ do doc <- openDoc "invalid.cabal" "cabal" diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "cabal" unknownLicenseDiag <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic diags ["Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'BSD3'"] liftIO $ do length diags @?= 1 unknownLicenseDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0) unknownLicenseDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error , runCabalTestCaseSession "Clears diagnostics" "" $ do doc <- openDoc "invalid.cabal" "cabal" diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc unknownLicenseDiag <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic diags ["Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'BSD3'"] liftIO $ do length diags @?= 1 unknownLicenseDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0) unknownLicenseDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error _ <- applyEdit doc $ TextEdit (Range (Position 3 20) (Position 4 0)) "BSD-3-Clause\n" newDiags <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc liftIO $ newDiags @?= [] , runCabalTestCaseSession "No Diagnostics in .hs files from valid .cabal file" "simple-cabal" $ do hsDoc <- openDoc "A.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 1 hsDoc "typechecking" cabalDoc <- openDoc "simple-cabal.cabal" "cabal" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 1 cabalDoc "parsing" , runCabalTestCaseSession "Diagnostics in .hs files from invalid .cabal file" "simple-cabal" $ do hsDoc <- openDoc "A.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 1 hsDoc "typechecking" cabalDoc <- openDoc "simple-cabal.cabal" "cabal" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 1 cabalDoc "parsing" let theRange = Range (Position 3 20) (Position 3 23) -- Invalid license changeDoc cabalDoc [ TextDocumentContentChangeEvent $ InL TextDocumentContentChangePartial { _range = theRange , _rangeLength = Nothing , _text = "MIT3" } ] cabalDiags <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom cabalDoc unknownLicenseDiag <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic cabalDiags ["Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'MIT3'"] expectNoMoreDiagnostics 1 hsDoc "typechecking" liftIO $ do length cabalDiags @?= 1 unknownLicenseDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0) unknownLicenseDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error ] , testGroup "Code Actions" [ runCabalTestCaseSession "BSD-3" "" $ do doc <- openDoc "licenseCodeAction.cabal" "cabal" diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "cabal" reduceDiag <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic diags ["Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'BSD3'"] liftIO $ do length diags @?= 1 reduceDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0) reduceDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error [codeAction] <- getLicenseAction "BSD-3-Clause" <$> getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0)) executeCodeAction codeAction contents <- documentContents doc liftIO $ contents @?= Text.unlines [ "cabal-version: 3.0" , "name: licenseCodeAction" , "version:" , "license: BSD-3-Clause" , "" , "library" , " build-depends: base" , " default-language: Haskell2010" ] , runCabalTestCaseSession "Apache-2.0" "" $ do doc <- openDoc "licenseCodeAction2.cabal" "cabal" diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "cabal" -- test if it supports typos in license name, here 'apahe' reduceDiag <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic diags ["Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'APAHE'"] liftIO $ do length diags @?= 1 reduceDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 25) (Position 4 0) reduceDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error [codeAction] <- getLicenseAction "Apache-2.0" <$> getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0)) executeCodeAction codeAction contents <- documentContents doc liftIO $ contents @?= Text.unlines [ "cabal-version: 3.0" , "name: licenseCodeAction2" , "version:" , "license: Apache-2.0" , "" , "library" , " build-depends: base" , " default-language: Haskell2010" ] ] ] where getLicenseAction :: T.Text -> [Command |? CodeAction] -> [CodeAction] getLicenseAction license codeActions = do InR action@CodeAction{_title} <- codeActions guard (_title == "Replace with " <> license) pure action