{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main ( main ) where import qualified Ide.Plugin.CabalFmt as CabalFmt import System.Directory (findExecutable) import System.FilePath import Test.Hls data CabalFmtFound = Found | NotFound isTestIsolated :: Bool #if hls_isolate_cabalfmt_tests isTestIsolated = True #else isTestIsolated = False #endif isCabalFmtFound :: IO CabalFmtFound isCabalFmtFound = case isTestIsolated of True -> pure Found False -> do cabalFmt <- findExecutable "cabal-fmt" pure $ maybe NotFound (const Found) cabalFmt main :: IO () main = do foundCabalFmt <- isCabalFmtFound defaultTestRunner (tests foundCabalFmt) cabalFmtPlugin :: PluginTestDescriptor CabalFmt.Log cabalFmtPlugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor CabalFmt.descriptor "cabal-fmt" tests :: CabalFmtFound -> TestTree tests found = testGroup "cabal-fmt" [ knownBrokenOnWindows "Eats newlines between comments" $ cabalFmtGolden found "formats a simple document" "simple_testdata" "formatted_document" $ \doc -> do formatDoc doc (FormattingOptions 2 True Nothing Nothing Nothing) , expectFailBecause "cabal-fmt can't expand modules if .cabal file is read from stdin. Tracking issue: https://github.com/phadej/cabal-fmt/pull/82" $ cabalFmtGolden found "formats a document with expand:src comment" "commented_testdata" "formatted_document" $ \doc -> do formatDoc doc (FormattingOptions 2 True Nothing Nothing Nothing) , cabalFmtGolden found "formats a document with lib information" "lib_testdata" "formatted_document" $ \doc -> do formatDoc doc (FormattingOptions 10 True Nothing Nothing Nothing) ] cabalFmtGolden :: CabalFmtFound -> TestName -> FilePath -> FilePath -> (TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session ()) -> TestTree cabalFmtGolden NotFound title _ _ _ = testCase title $ assertFailure $ "Couldn't find cabal-fmt on PATH or this is not an isolated run. " <> "Use cabal flag 'isolateCabalFmtTests' to make it isolated or install cabal-fmt locally." cabalFmtGolden Found title path desc act = goldenWithCabalDocFormatter def cabalFmtPlugin "cabal-fmt" conf title testDataDir path desc "cabal" act where conf = def testDataDir :: FilePath testDataDir = "plugins" "hls-cabal-fmt-plugin" "test" "testdata"