{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} module PositionMappingTests (tests) where import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Utf16.Rope.Mixed (Rope) import qualified Data.Text.Utf16.Rope.Mixed as Rope import Development.IDE.Core.PositionMapping (PositionResult (..), fromCurrent, positionResultToMaybe, toCurrent, toCurrentPosition) import Development.IDE.Types.Location import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types hiding (SemanticTokenAbsolute (..), SemanticTokenRelative (..), SemanticTokensEdit (..), mkRange) import Language.LSP.VFS (applyChange) import Test.QuickCheck -- import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import Control.Arrow (second) import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity) import Data.Text (Text) import Development.IDE.Core.Shake (updatePositionMappingHelper) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck enumMapMappingTest :: TestTree enumMapMappingTest = testCase "enumMapMappingTest" $ do let mkCE :: UInt -> UInt -> UInt -> UInt -> Text -> TextDocumentContentChangeEvent mkCE l1 c1 l2 c2 = mkChangeEvent (Range (Position l1 c1) (Position l2 c2)) events :: [(Int32, [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent])] events = map (second return) [(0, mkCE 0 0 0 0 ""), (1, mkCE 0 1 0 1 " "), (2, mkCE 0 2 0 2 " "), (3, mkCE 0 3 0 3 " "), (4, mkCE 0 4 0 4 " "), (5, mkCE 0 5 0 5 " ")] finalMap = Prelude.foldl (\m (i, e) -> updatePositionMappingHelper i e m) mempty events let updatePose fromPos = do mapping <- snd <$> EM.lookup 0 finalMap toCurrentPosition mapping fromPos updatePose (Position 0 4) @?= Just (Position 0 9) updatePose (Position 0 5) @?= Just (Position 0 10) mkChangeEvent :: Range -> Text -> TextDocumentContentChangeEvent mkChangeEvent r t = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent $ InL TextDocumentContentChangePartial {_range = r, _rangeLength = Nothing, _text = t} tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "position mapping" [ enumMapMappingTest , testGroup "toCurrent" [ testCase "before" $ toCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "ab" (Position 0 0) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 0) , testCase "after, same line, same length" $ toCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "ab" (Position 0 3) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 3) , testCase "after, same line, increased length" $ toCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc" (Position 0 3) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 4) , testCase "after, same line, decreased length" $ toCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "a" (Position 0 3) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 2) , testCase "after, next line, no newline" $ toCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc" (Position 1 3) @?= PositionExact (Position 1 3) , testCase "after, next line, newline" $ toCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc\ndef" (Position 1 0) @?= PositionExact (Position 2 0) , testCase "after, same line, newline" $ toCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc\nd" (Position 0 4) @?= PositionExact (Position 1 2) , testCase "after, same line, newline + newline at end" $ toCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc\nd\n" (Position 0 4) @?= PositionExact (Position 2 1) , testCase "after, same line, newline + newline at end" $ toCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 1)) "abc" (Position 0 1) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 4) ] , testGroup "fromCurrent" [ testCase "before" $ fromCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "ab" (Position 0 0) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 0) , testCase "after, same line, same length" $ fromCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "ab" (Position 0 3) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 3) , testCase "after, same line, increased length" $ fromCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc" (Position 0 4) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 3) , testCase "after, same line, decreased length" $ fromCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "a" (Position 0 2) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 3) , testCase "after, next line, no newline" $ fromCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc" (Position 1 3) @?= PositionExact (Position 1 3) , testCase "after, next line, newline" $ fromCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc\ndef" (Position 2 0) @?= PositionExact (Position 1 0) , testCase "after, same line, newline" $ fromCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc\nd" (Position 1 2) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 4) , testCase "after, same line, newline + newline at end" $ fromCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 3)) "abc\nd\n" (Position 2 1) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 4) , testCase "after, same line, newline + newline at end" $ fromCurrent (Range (Position 0 1) (Position 0 1)) "abc" (Position 0 4) @?= PositionExact (Position 0 1) ] , adjustOption (\(QuickCheckTests i) -> QuickCheckTests (max 1000 i)) $ testGroup "properties" [ testProperty "fromCurrent r t <=< toCurrent r t" $ do -- Note that it is important to use suchThatMap on all values at once -- instead of only using it on the position. Otherwise you can get -- into situations where there is no position that can be mapped back -- for the edit which will result in QuickCheck looping forever. let gen = do rope <- genRope range <- genRange rope PrintableText replacement <- arbitrary oldPos <- genPosition rope pure (range, replacement, oldPos) forAll (suchThatMap gen (\(range, replacement, oldPos) -> positionResultToMaybe $ (range, replacement, oldPos,) <$> toCurrent range replacement oldPos)) $ \(range, replacement, oldPos, newPos) -> fromCurrent range replacement newPos === PositionExact oldPos , testProperty "toCurrent r t <=< fromCurrent r t" $ do let gen = do rope <- genRope range <- genRange rope PrintableText replacement <- arbitrary let newRope = runIdentity $ applyChange mempty rope $ mkChangeEvent range replacement newPos <- genPosition newRope pure (range, replacement, newPos) forAll (suchThatMap gen (\(range, replacement, newPos) -> positionResultToMaybe $ (range, replacement, newPos,) <$> fromCurrent range replacement newPos)) $ \(range, replacement, newPos, oldPos) -> toCurrent range replacement oldPos === PositionExact newPos ] ] newtype PrintableText = PrintableText { getPrintableText :: T.Text } deriving Show instance Arbitrary PrintableText where arbitrary = PrintableText . T.pack . getPrintableString <$> arbitrary genRope :: Gen Rope genRope = Rope.fromText . getPrintableText <$> arbitrary genPosition :: Rope -> Gen Position genPosition r = do let rows :: Int = fromIntegral $ Rope.lengthInLines r row <- choose (0, max 0 $ rows - 1) `suchThat` inBounds @UInt let columns = T.length (nthLine (fromIntegral row) r) column <- choose (0, max 0 $ columns - 1) `suchThat` inBounds @UInt pure $ Position (fromIntegral row) (fromIntegral column) genRange :: Rope -> Gen Range genRange r = do let rows :: Int = fromIntegral $ Rope.lengthInLines r startPos@(Position startLine startColumn) <- genPosition r let maxLineDiff = max 0 $ rows - 1 - fromIntegral startLine endLine <- choose (fromIntegral startLine, fromIntegral startLine + maxLineDiff) `suchThat` inBounds @UInt let columns = T.length (nthLine (fromIntegral endLine) r) endColumn <- if fromIntegral startLine == endLine then choose (fromIntegral startColumn, columns) else choose (0, max 0 $ columns - 1) `suchThat` inBounds @UInt pure $ Range startPos (Position (fromIntegral endLine) (fromIntegral endColumn)) inBounds :: forall b a . (Integral a, Integral b, Bounded b) => a -> Bool inBounds a = let i = toInteger a in i <= toInteger (maxBound @b) && i >= toInteger (minBound @b) -- | Get the ith line of a rope, starting from 0. Trailing newline not included. nthLine :: Int -> Rope -> T.Text nthLine i r | Rope.null r = "" | otherwise = Rope.lines r !! i