{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} module InitializeResponseTests (tests) where import Control.Monad import Data.List.Extra import qualified Data.Text as T import Development.IDE.Plugin.TypeLenses (typeLensCommandId) import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message import Language.LSP.Test import Config import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Development.IDE.Plugin.Test (blockCommandId) import Test.Hls tests :: TestTree tests = withResource acquire release tests where -- these tests document and monitor the evolution of the -- capabilities announced by the server in the initialize -- response. Currently the server advertises almost no capabilities -- at all, in some cases failing to announce capabilities that it -- actually does provide! Hopefully this will change ... tests :: IO (TResponseMessage Method_Initialize) -> TestTree tests getInitializeResponse = testGroup "initialize response capabilities" [ chk " text doc sync" _textDocumentSync tds , chk " hover" _hoverProvider (Just $ InR (HoverOptions (Just False))) , chk " completion" _completionProvider (Just $ CompletionOptions (Just False) (Just ["."]) Nothing (Just True) Nothing) , chk "NO signature help" _signatureHelpProvider Nothing , chk " goto definition" _definitionProvider (Just $ InR (DefinitionOptions (Just False))) , chk " goto type definition" _typeDefinitionProvider (Just $ InR (InL (TypeDefinitionOptions (Just False)))) -- BUG in lsp-test, this test fails, just change the accepted response -- for now , chk "NO goto implementation" _implementationProvider Nothing , chk " find references" _referencesProvider (Just $ InR (ReferenceOptions (Just False))) , chk " doc highlight" _documentHighlightProvider (Just $ InR (DocumentHighlightOptions (Just False))) , chk " doc symbol" _documentSymbolProvider (Just $ InR (DocumentSymbolOptions (Just False) Nothing)) , chk " workspace symbol" _workspaceSymbolProvider (Just $ InR (WorkspaceSymbolOptions (Just False) (Just False))) , chk "NO code action" _codeActionProvider Nothing , chk " code lens" _codeLensProvider (Just $ CodeLensOptions (Just False) (Just True)) , chk "NO doc formatting" _documentFormattingProvider Nothing , chk "NO doc range formatting" _documentRangeFormattingProvider Nothing , chk "NO doc formatting on typing" _documentOnTypeFormattingProvider Nothing , chk "NO renaming" _renameProvider Nothing , chk "NO doc link" _documentLinkProvider Nothing , chk "NO color" (^. L.colorProvider) Nothing , chk "NO folding range" _foldingRangeProvider Nothing , che " execute command" _executeCommandProvider [typeLensCommandId, blockCommandId] , chk " workspace" (^. L.workspace) (Just $ WorkspaceOptions { _workspaceFolders = Just WorkspaceFoldersServerCapabilities { _supported = Just True , _changeNotifications = Just (InR True) } , _fileOperations = Nothing }) , chk "NO experimental" (^. L.experimental) Nothing ] where tds = Just (InL (TextDocumentSyncOptions { _openClose = Just True , _change = Just TextDocumentSyncKind_Incremental , _willSave = Nothing , _willSaveWaitUntil = Nothing , _save = Just (InR $ SaveOptions {_includeText = Nothing})})) chk :: (Eq a, Show a) => TestName -> (ServerCapabilities -> a) -> a -> TestTree chk title getActual expected = testCase title $ getInitializeResponse >>= \ir -> expected @=? (getActual . innerCaps) ir che :: TestName -> (ServerCapabilities -> Maybe ExecuteCommandOptions) -> [T.Text] -> TestTree che title getActual expected = testCase title $ do ir <- getInitializeResponse ExecuteCommandOptions {_commands = commands} <- case getActual $ innerCaps ir of Just eco -> pure eco Nothing -> assertFailure "Was expecting Just ExecuteCommandOptions, got Nothing" let commandNames = (!! 2) . T.splitOn ":" <$> commands zipWithM_ (\e o -> T.isSuffixOf e o @? show (e,o)) (sort expected) (sort commandNames) innerCaps :: TResponseMessage Method_Initialize -> ServerCapabilities innerCaps (TResponseMessage _ _ (Right (InitializeResult c _))) = c innerCaps (TResponseMessage _ _ (Left _)) = error "Initialization error" acquire :: IO (TResponseMessage Method_Initialize) acquire = run initializeResponse release :: TResponseMessage Method_Initialize -> IO () release = mempty