module GarbageCollectionTests (tests) where import Config (testWithDummyPluginEmpty') import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import Development.IDE.Test (expectCurrentDiagnostics, getStoredKeys, waitForGC, waitForTypecheck) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types hiding (SemanticTokenAbsolute (..), SemanticTokenRelative (..), SemanticTokensEdit (..), mkRange) import Language.LSP.Test import System.FilePath import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Text.Printf (printf) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "garbage collection" [ testGroup "dirty keys" [ testWithDummyPluginEmpty' "are collected" $ \dir -> do liftIO $ writeFile (dir "hie.yaml") "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [A]}}" doc <- generateGarbage "A" dir closeDoc doc garbage <- waitForGC liftIO $ assertBool "no garbage was found" $ not $ null garbage , testWithDummyPluginEmpty' "are deleted from the state" $ \dir -> do liftIO $ writeFile (dir "hie.yaml") "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [A]}}" docA <- generateGarbage "A" dir keys0 <- getStoredKeys closeDoc docA garbage <- waitForGC liftIO $ assertBool "something is wrong with this test - no garbage found" $ not $ null garbage keys1 <- getStoredKeys liftIO $ assertBool "keys were not deleted from the state" (length keys1 < length keys0) , testWithDummyPluginEmpty' "are not regenerated unless needed" $ \dir -> do liftIO $ writeFile (dir "hie.yaml") "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [A.hs, B.hs]}}" docA <- generateGarbage "A" dir _docB <- generateGarbage "B" dir -- garbage collect A keys keysBeforeGC <- getStoredKeys closeDoc docA garbage <- waitForGC liftIO $ assertBool "something is wrong with this test - no garbage found" $ not $ null garbage keysAfterGC <- getStoredKeys liftIO $ assertBool "something is wrong with this test - keys were not deleted from the state" (length keysAfterGC < length keysBeforeGC) -- re-typecheck B and check that the keys for A have not materialized back _docB <- generateGarbage "B" dir keysB <- getStoredKeys let regeneratedKeys = Set.filter (not . isExpected) $ Set.intersection (Set.fromList garbage) (Set.fromList keysB) liftIO $ regeneratedKeys @?= mempty , testWithDummyPluginEmpty' "regenerate successfully" $ \dir -> do liftIO $ writeFile (dir "hie.yaml") "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [A]}}" docA <- generateGarbage "A" dir closeDoc docA garbage <- waitForGC liftIO $ assertBool "no garbage was found" $ not $ null garbage let edit = T.unlines [ "module A where" , "a :: Bool" , "a = ()" ] doc <- generateGarbage "A" dir changeDoc doc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR $ TextDocumentContentChangeWholeDocument edit] builds <- waitForTypecheck doc liftIO $ assertBool "it still builds" builds expectCurrentDiagnostics doc [(DiagnosticSeverity_Error, (2,4), "Couldn't match expected type")] ] ] where isExpected k = "GhcSessionIO" `T.isPrefixOf` k generateGarbage :: String -> FilePath -> Session TextDocumentIdentifier generateGarbage modName dir = do let fp = modName <> ".hs" body = printf "module %s where" modName doc <- createDoc fp "haskell" (T.pack body) liftIO $ writeFile (dir fp) body builds <- waitForTypecheck doc liftIO $ assertBool "something is wrong with this test" builds return doc