{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module FindDefinitionAndHoverTests (tests) where import Control.Monad import Data.Foldable import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L import Language.LSP.Test import System.Info.Extra (isWindows) import Config import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Development.IDE.Test (expectDiagnostics, standardizeQuotes) import Test.Hls import Test.Hls.FileSystem (copyDir) import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~)) tests :: TestTree tests = let tst :: (TextDocumentIdentifier -> Position -> Session a, a -> Session [Expect] -> Session ()) -> Position -> String -> Session [Expect] -> String -> TestTree tst (get, check) pos sfp targetRange title = testWithDummyPlugin title (mkIdeTestFs [copyDir "hover"]) $ do doc <- openDoc sfp "haskell" waitForProgressDone _x <- waitForTypecheck doc found <- get doc pos check found targetRange checkHover :: (HasCallStack) => Maybe Hover -> Session [Expect] -> Session () checkHover hover expectations = traverse_ check =<< expectations where check :: (HasCallStack) => Expect -> Session () check expected = case hover of Nothing -> unless (expected == ExpectNoHover) $ liftIO $ assertFailure "no hover found" Just Hover{_contents = (InL MarkupContent{_value = standardizeQuotes -> msg}) ,_range = rangeInHover } -> case expected of ExpectRange expectedRange -> checkHoverRange expectedRange rangeInHover msg ExpectHoverRange expectedRange -> checkHoverRange expectedRange rangeInHover msg ExpectHoverText snippets -> liftIO $ traverse_ (`assertFoundIn` msg) snippets ExpectHoverExcludeText snippets -> liftIO $ traverse_ (`assertNotFoundIn` msg) snippets ExpectHoverTextRegex re -> liftIO $ assertBool ("Regex not found in " <> T.unpack msg) (msg =~ re :: Bool) ExpectNoHover -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ "Expected no hover but got " <> show hover _ -> pure () -- all other expectations not relevant to hover _ -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ "test not expecting this kind of hover info" <> show hover extractLineColFromHoverMsg :: T.Text -> [T.Text] extractLineColFromHoverMsg = T.splitOn ":" . head . T.splitOn "*" . last . T.splitOn (sourceFileName <> ":") checkHoverRange :: Range -> Maybe Range -> T.Text -> Session () checkHoverRange expectedRange rangeInHover msg = let lineCol = extractLineColFromHoverMsg msg -- looks like hovers use 1-based numbering while definitions use 0-based -- turns out that they are stored 1-based in RealSrcLoc by GHC itself. adjust Position{_line = l, _character = c} = Position{_line = l + 1, _character = c + 1} in case map (read . T.unpack) lineCol of [l,c] -> liftIO $ adjust (expectedRange ^. L.start) @=? Position l c _ -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ "expected: " <> show ("[...]" <> sourceFileName <> "::**[...]", Just expectedRange) <> "\n but got: " <> show (msg, rangeInHover) assertFoundIn :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Assertion assertFoundIn part whole = assertBool (T.unpack $ "failed to find: `" <> part <> "` in hover message:\n" <> whole) (part `T.isInfixOf` whole) assertNotFoundIn :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Assertion assertNotFoundIn part whole = assertBool (T.unpack $ "found unexpected: `" <> part <> "` in hover message:\n" <> whole) (not . T.isInfixOf part $ whole) sourceFilePath = T.unpack sourceFileName sourceFileName = "GotoHover.hs" mkFindTests tests = testGroup "get" [ testGroup "definition" $ mapMaybe fst tests , testGroup "hover" $ mapMaybe snd tests , testGroup "hover compile" [checkFileCompiles sourceFilePath $ expectDiagnostics [ ( "GotoHover.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Error, (62, 7), "Found hole: _")]) , ( "GotoHover.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Error, (65, 8), "Found hole: _")]) ]] , testGroup "type-definition" typeDefinitionTests , testGroup "hover-record-dot-syntax" recordDotSyntaxTests ] typeDefinitionTests = [ tst (getTypeDefinitions, checkDefs) aaaL14 sourceFilePath (pure tcData) "Saturated data con" , tst (getTypeDefinitions, checkDefs) aL20 sourceFilePath (pure [ExpectNoDefinitions]) "Polymorphic variable"] recordDotSyntaxTests = [ tst (getHover, checkHover) (Position 17 24) (T.unpack "RecordDotSyntax.hs") (pure [ExpectHoverText ["x :: MyRecord"]]) "hover over parent" , tst (getHover, checkHover) (Position 17 25) (T.unpack "RecordDotSyntax.hs") (pure [ExpectHoverText ["_ :: MyChild"]]) "hover over dot shows child" , tst (getHover, checkHover) (Position 17 26) (T.unpack "RecordDotSyntax.hs") (pure [ExpectHoverText ["_ :: MyChild"]]) "hover over child" ] test :: (HasCallStack) => (TestTree -> a) -> (TestTree -> b) -> Position -> [Expect] -> String -> (a, b) test runDef runHover look expect = testM runDef runHover look (return expect) testM :: (HasCallStack) => (TestTree -> a) -> (TestTree -> b) -> Position -> Session [Expect] -> String -> (a, b) testM runDef runHover look expect title = ( runDef $ tst def look sourceFilePath expect title , runHover $ tst hover look sourceFilePath expect title ) where def = (getDefinitions, checkDefs) hover = (getHover , checkHover) -- search locations expectations on results fffL4 = fffR ^. L.start; fffR = mkRange 8 4 8 7 ; fff = [ExpectRange fffR] fffL8 = Position 12 4 ; fffL14 = Position 18 7 ; aL20 = Position 19 15 aaaL14 = Position 18 20 ; aaa = [mkR 11 0 11 3] dcL7 = Position 11 11 ; tcDC = [mkR 7 23 9 16] dcL12 = Position 16 11 ; xtcL5 = Position 9 11 ; xtc = [ExpectHoverText ["Int", "Defined in ", "GHC.Types", "ghc-prim"]] tcL6 = Position 10 11 ; tcData = [mkR 7 0 9 16, ExpectHoverText ["TypeConstructor", "GotoHover.hs:8:1"]] vvL16 = Position 20 12 ; vv = [mkR 20 4 20 6] opL16 = Position 20 15 ; op = [mkR 21 2 21 4] opL18 = Position 22 22 ; opp = [mkR 22 13 22 17] aL18 = Position 22 20 ; apmp = [mkR 22 10 22 11] b'L19 = Position 23 13 ; bp = [mkR 23 6 23 7] xvL20 = Position 24 8 ; xvMsg = [ExpectHoverText ["pack", ":: String -> Text", "Data.Text", "text"]] clL23 = Position 27 11 ; cls = [mkR 25 0 26 20, ExpectHoverText ["MyClass", "GotoHover.hs:26:1"]] clL25 = Position 29 9 eclL15 = Position 19 8 ; ecls = [ExpectHoverText ["Num", "Defined in ", if ghcVersion < GHC910 then "GHC.Num" else "GHC.Internal.Num", "base"]] dnbL29 = Position 33 18 ; dnb = [ExpectHoverText [":: ()"], mkR 33 12 33 21] dnbL30 = Position 34 23 lcbL33 = Position 37 26 ; lcb = [ExpectHoverText [":: Char"], mkR 37 26 37 27] lclL33 = Position 37 22 mclL36 = Position 40 1 ; mcl = [mkR 40 0 40 14] mclL37 = Position 41 1 spaceL37 = Position 41 24 ; space = [ExpectNoDefinitions, ExpectHoverText [":: Char"]] docL41 = Position 45 1 ; doc = [ExpectHoverText ["Recognizable docs: kpqz"]] ; constr = [ExpectHoverText ["Monad m"]] eitL40 = Position 44 28 ; kindE = [ExpectHoverText [":: Type -> Type -> Type\n"]] intL40 = Position 44 34 ; kindI = [ExpectHoverText [":: Type\n"]] tvrL40 = Position 44 37 ; kindV = [ExpectHoverText [":: * -> *\n"]] intL41 = Position 45 20 ; litI = [ExpectHoverText ["7518"]] chrL36 = Position 41 24 ; litC = [ExpectHoverText ["'f'"]] txtL8 = Position 12 14 ; litT = [ExpectHoverText ["\"dfgy\""]] lstL43 = Position 47 12 ; litL = [ExpectHoverText ["[8391 :: Int, 6268]"]] outL45 = Position 49 3 ; outSig = [ExpectHoverText ["outer", "Bool"], mkR 50 0 50 5] innL48 = Position 52 5 ; innSig = [ExpectHoverText ["inner", "Char"], mkR 49 2 49 7] holeL60 = Position 62 7 ; hleInfo = [ExpectHoverText ["_ ::"]] holeL65 = Position 65 8 ; hleInfo2 = [ExpectHoverText ["_ :: a -> Maybe a"]] cccL17 = Position 17 16 ; docLink = [ExpectHoverTextRegex "\\*Defined in 'GHC.Types'\\* \\*\\(ghc-prim-[0-9.]+\\)\\*\n\n"] imported = Position 56 13 ; importedSig = getDocUri "Foo.hs" >>= \foo -> return [ExpectHoverText ["foo", "Foo", "Haddock"], mkL foo 5 0 5 3] reexported = Position 55 14 ; reexportedSig = getDocUri "Bar.hs" >>= \bar -> return [ExpectHoverText ["Bar", "Bar", "Haddock"], if ghcVersion >= GHC94 && ghcVersion < GHC910 then mkL bar 3 5 3 8 else mkL bar 3 0 3 14] thLocL57 = Position 59 10 ; thLoc = [ExpectHoverText ["Identity"]] cmtL68 = Position 67 0 ; lackOfdEq = [ExpectHoverExcludeText ["$dEq"]] import310 = Position 3 10; pkgTxt = [ExpectHoverText ["Data.Text\n\ntext-"]] in mkFindTests -- def hover look expect [ -- It suggests either going to the constructor or to the field test broken yes fffL4 fff "field in record definition" , test yes yes fffL8 fff "field in record construction #1102" , test yes yes fffL14 fff "field name used as accessor" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/120 in Calculate.hs , test yes yes aaaL14 aaa "top-level name" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/120 , test yes yes dcL7 tcDC "data constructor record #1029" , test yes yes dcL12 tcDC "data constructor plain" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/121 , test yes yes tcL6 tcData "type constructor #1028" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/147 , test yes yes xtcL5 xtc "type constructor external #717,1028" , test yes yes xvL20 xvMsg "value external package #717" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/120 , test yes yes vvL16 vv "plain parameter" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/120 , test yes yes aL18 apmp "pattern match name" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/120 , test yes yes opL16 op "top-level operator #713" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/120 , test yes yes opL18 opp "parameter operator" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/120 , test yes yes b'L19 bp "name in backticks" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/120 , test yes yes clL23 cls "class in instance declaration #1027" , test yes yes clL25 cls "class in signature #1027" -- https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/pull/147 , test yes yes eclL15 ecls "external class in signature #717,1027" , test yes yes dnbL29 dnb "do-notation bind #1073" , test yes yes dnbL30 dnb "do-notation lookup" , test yes yes lcbL33 lcb "listcomp bind #1073" , test yes yes lclL33 lcb "listcomp lookup" , test yes yes mclL36 mcl "top-level fn 1st clause" , test yes yes mclL37 mcl "top-level fn 2nd clause #1030" , test yes yes spaceL37 space "top-level fn on space #1002" , test no yes docL41 doc "documentation #1129" , test no yes eitL40 kindE "kind of Either #1017" , test no yes intL40 kindI "kind of Int #1017" , test no broken tvrL40 kindV "kind of (* -> *) type variable #1017" , test no broken intL41 litI "literal Int in hover info #1016" , test no broken chrL36 litC "literal Char in hover info #1016" , test no broken txtL8 litT "literal Text in hover info #1016" , test no broken lstL43 litL "literal List in hover info #1016" , test yes yes cmtL68 lackOfdEq "no Core symbols #3280" , test no yes docL41 constr "type constraint in hover info #1012" , test no yes outL45 outSig "top-level signature #767" , test broken broken innL48 innSig "inner signature #767" , test no yes holeL60 hleInfo "hole without internal name #831" , test no yes holeL65 hleInfo2 "hole with variable" , test no yes cccL17 docLink "Haddock html links" , testM yes yes imported importedSig "Imported symbol" , if isWindows then -- Flaky on Windows: https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues/2997 testM no yes reexported reexportedSig "Imported symbol (reexported)" else testM yes yes reexported reexportedSig "Imported symbol (reexported)" , test no yes thLocL57 thLoc "TH Splice Hover" , test yes yes import310 pkgTxt "show package name and its version" ] where yes, broken :: (TestTree -> Maybe TestTree) yes = Just -- test should run and pass broken = Just . (`xfail` "known broken") no = const Nothing -- don't run this test at all --skip = const Nothing -- unreliable, don't run xfail :: TestTree -> String -> TestTree xfail = flip expectFailBecause checkFileCompiles :: FilePath -> Session () -> TestTree checkFileCompiles fp diag = testWithDummyPlugin ("hover: Does " ++ fp ++ " compile") (mkIdeTestFs [copyDir "hover"]) $ do _ <- openDoc fp "haskell" diag