module CPPTests (tests) where import Control.Exception (catch) import qualified Data.Text as T import Development.IDE.Test (Cursor, expectDiagnostics, expectNoMoreDiagnostics) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types hiding (SemanticTokenAbsolute (..), SemanticTokenRelative (..), SemanticTokensEdit (..), mkRange) import Language.LSP.Test -- import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import Config import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "cpp" [ testCase "cpp-error" $ do let content = T.unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}", "module Testing where", "#ifdef FOO", "foo = 42" ] -- The error locations differ depending on which C-preprocessor is used. -- Some give the column number and others don't (hence maxBound == -1 unsigned). Assert either -- of them. (run $ expectError content (2, maxBound)) `catch` ( \e -> do let _ = e :: HUnitFailure run $ expectError content (2, 1) ) , testWithDummyPluginEmpty "cpp-ghcide" $ do _ <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines ["{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}" ,"main =" ,"#ifdef __GHCIDE__" ," worked" ,"#else" ," failed" ,"#endif" ] expectDiagnostics [("A.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Error, (3, 2), "Variable not in scope: worked")])] ] where expectError :: T.Text -> Cursor -> Session () expectError content cursor = do _ <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" content expectDiagnostics [ ( "Testing.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Error, cursor, "error: unterminated")] ) ] expectNoMoreDiagnostics 0.5