{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Eval ( tests, ) where import Control.Applicative.Combinators ( skipManyTill, ) import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test ( Session, anyMessage, documentContents, executeCommand, fullCaps, getCodeLenses, message, openDoc, runSession, ) import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types ( ApplyWorkspaceEditRequest, CodeLens (CodeLens, _command, _range), Command (Command, _title), Position (..), Range (..), TextDocumentIdentifier, ) import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import System.FilePath ( (<.>), (), ) import Test.Hls.Util (hlsCommand) import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup, ) import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure ( expectFailBecause, ignoreTestBecause, ) import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( testCase, (@?=), ) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "eval" [ testCase "Produces Evaluate code lenses" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps evalPath $ do doc <- openDoc "T1.hs" "haskell" lenses <- getEvalCodeLenses doc liftIO $ map (fmap _title . _command) lenses @?= [Just "Evaluate..."] , testCase "Produces Refresh code lenses" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps evalPath $ do doc <- openDoc "T2.hs" "haskell" lenses <- getEvalCodeLenses doc liftIO $ map (fmap _title . _command) lenses @?= [Just "Refresh..."] , testCase "Code lenses have ranges" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps evalPath $ do doc <- openDoc "T1.hs" "haskell" lenses <- getEvalCodeLenses doc liftIO $ map _range lenses @?= [Range (Position 4 0) (Position 5 0)] , testCase "Multi-line expressions have a multi-line range" $ do runSession hlsCommand fullCaps evalPath $ do doc <- openDoc "T3.hs" "haskell" lenses <- getEvalCodeLenses doc liftIO $ map _range lenses @?= [Range (Position 3 0) (Position 5 0)] , testCase "Executed expressions range covers only the expression" $ do runSession hlsCommand fullCaps evalPath $ do doc <- openDoc "T2.hs" "haskell" lenses <- getEvalCodeLenses doc liftIO $ map _range lenses @?= [Range (Position 4 0) (Position 5 0)] , testCase "Evaluation of expressions" $ goldenTest "T1.hs" , testCase "Reevaluation of expressions" $ goldenTest "T2.hs" , testCase "Evaluation of expressions w/ imports" $ goldenTest "T3.hs" , testCase "Evaluation of expressions w/ lets" $ goldenTest "T4.hs" , testCase "Refresh an evaluation" $ goldenTest "T5.hs" , testCase "Refresh an evaluation w/ lets" $ goldenTest "T6.hs" , testCase "Refresh a multiline evaluation" $ goldenTest "T7.hs" , testCase "Semantic and Lexical errors are reported" $ goldenTest "T8.hs" , testCase "Applies file LANGUAGE extensions" $ goldenTest "T9.hs" , testCase "Evaluate a type with :kind!" $ goldenTest "T10.hs" , testCase "Reports an error for an incorrect type with :kind!" $ goldenTest "T11.hs" , testCase "Shows a kind with :kind" $ goldenTest "T12.hs" , testCase "Reports an error for an incorrect type with :kind" $ goldenTest "T13.hs" , testCase "Returns a fully-instantiated type for :type" $ goldenTest "T14.hs" , testCase "Returns an uninstantiated type for :type +v, admitting multiple whitespaces around arguments" $ goldenTest "T15.hs" , testCase "Returns defaulted type for :type +d, admitting multiple whitespaces around arguments" $ goldenTest "T16.hs" , testCase ":type reports an error when given with unknown +x option" $ goldenTest "T17.hs" , testCase "Reports an error when given with unknown command" $ goldenTest "T18.hs" , testCase "Returns defaulted type for :type +d reflecting the default declaration specified in the >>> prompt" $ goldenTest "T19.hs" , expectFailBecause "known issue - see a note in P.R. #361" $ testCase ":type +d reflects the `default' declaration of the module" $ goldenTest "T20.hs" , testCase ":type handles a multilined result properly" $ goldenTest "T21.hs" , testCase ":t behaves exactly the same as :type" $ goldenTest "T22.hs" , testCase ":type does \"dovetails\" for short identifiers" $ goldenTest "T23.hs" , testCase ":kind! treats a multilined result properly" $ goldenTest "T24.hs" , testCase ":kind treats a multilined result properly" $ goldenTest "T25.hs" , testCase "local imports" $ goldenTest "T26.hs" , testCase "Preserves one empty comment line after prompt" $ goldenTest "T27.hs" , testCase "Multi line comments" $ goldenTest "TMulti.hs" , testCase "Evaluate expressions in Plain comments in both single line and multi line format" $ goldenTest "TPlainComment.hs" , testCase "Evaluate expressions in Haddock comments in both single line and multi line format" $ goldenTest "THaddock.hs" , testCase "Compare results (for Haddock tests only)" $ goldenTest "TCompare.hs" , testCase "Local Modules imports are accessible in a test" $ goldenTest "TLocalImport.hs" , -- , testCase "Local Modules can be imported in a test" $ goldenTest "TLocalImportInTest.hs" ignoreTestBecause "Unexplained but minor issue" $ testCase "Setting language option TupleSections" $ goldenTest "TLanguageOptionsTupleSections.hs" , testCase "IO expressions are supported, stdout/stderr output is ignored" $ goldenTest "TIO.hs" , testCase "Property checking" $ goldenTest "TProperty.hs" , testCase "Prelude has no special treatment, it is imported as stated in the module" $ goldenTest "TPrelude.hs" #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 808 , testCase "CPP support" $ goldenTest "TCPP.hs" , testCase "Literate Haskell Bird Style" $ goldenTest "TLHS.lhs" #endif -- , testCase "Literate Haskell LaTeX Style" $ goldenTest "TLHSLateX.lhs" ] goldenTest :: FilePath -> IO () goldenTest = goldenTestBy isEvalTest {- |Execute all CodeLens accepted by 'filter' Compare results with the contents of corresponding '.expected' file (and creates it, if missing) -} goldenTestBy :: (CodeLens -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO () goldenTestBy f input = runSession hlsCommand fullCaps evalPath $ do doc <- openDoc input "haskell" -- Execute lenses backwards, to avoid affecting their position in the source file codeLenses <- reverse <$> getCodeLensesBy f doc -- liftIO $ print codeLenses -- Execute sequentially mapM_ executeCmd $ [c | CodeLens{_command = Just c} <- codeLenses] edited <- replaceUnicodeQuotes <$> documentContents doc -- liftIO $ T.putStrLn edited let expectedFile = evalPath input <.> "expected" liftIO $ do -- Write expected file if missing missingExpected <- not <$> doesFileExist expectedFile when missingExpected $ T.writeFile expectedFile edited expected <- liftIO $ T.readFile expectedFile liftIO $ edited @?= expected getEvalCodeLenses :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session [CodeLens] getEvalCodeLenses = getCodeLensesBy isEvalTest getCodeLensesBy :: (CodeLens -> Bool) -> TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session [CodeLens] getCodeLensesBy f doc = filter f <$> getCodeLenses doc -- Execute command and wait for result executeCmd :: Command -> Session () executeCmd cmd = do executeCommand cmd _resp :: ApplyWorkspaceEditRequest <- skipManyTill anyMessage message -- liftIO $ print _resp return () -- Execute only Eval tests to avoid interference from other plugins (e.g ghcide:typesignature.add) isEvalTest :: CodeLens -> Bool isEvalTest (CodeLens _ (Just (Command _ cmd _)) _) | ":eval:" `T.isInfixOf` cmd = True isEvalTest _ = False replaceUnicodeQuotes :: T.Text -> T.Text replaceUnicodeQuotes = T.replace "‘" "'" . T.replace "’" "'" evalPath :: FilePath evalPath = "plugins/hls-eval-plugin/test/testdata"