/* -- translated by f2c (version 20100827). You must link the resulting object file with libf2c: on Microsoft Windows system, link with libf2c.lib; on Linux or Unix systems, link with .../path/to/libf2c.a -lm or, if you install libf2c.a in a standard place, with -lf2c -lm -- in that order, at the end of the command line, as in cc *.o -lf2c -lm Source for libf2c is in /netlib/f2c/libf2c.zip, e.g., http://www.netlib.org/f2c/libf2c.zip */ #include "f2c.h" /* Table of constant values */ static integer c__1 = 1; static logical c_false = FALSE_; static doublereal c_b25 = 1.; static doublereal c_b47 = 0.; static doublereal c_b50 = -1.; static integer c__2 = 2; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \BeginDoc \Name: dnaitr \Description: Reverse communication interface for applying NP additional steps to a K step nonsymmetric Arnoldi factorization. Input: OP*V_{k} - V_{k}*H = r_{k}*e_{k}^T with (V_{k}^T)*B*V_{k} = I, (V_{k}^T)*B*r_{k} = 0. Output: OP*V_{k+p} - V_{k+p}*H = r_{k+p}*e_{k+p}^T with (V_{k+p}^T)*B*V_{k+p} = I, (V_{k+p}^T)*B*r_{k+p} = 0. where OP and B are as in dnaupd. The B-norm of r_{k+p} is also computed and returned. \Usage: call dnaitr ( IDO, BMAT, N, K, NP, NB, RESID, RNORM, V, LDV, H, LDH, IPNTR, WORKD, INFO ) \Arguments IDO Integer. (INPUT/OUTPUT) Reverse communication flag. ------------------------------------------------------------- IDO = 0: first call to the reverse communication interface IDO = -1: compute Y = OP * X where IPNTR(1) is the pointer into WORK for X, IPNTR(2) is the pointer into WORK for Y. This is for the restart phase to force the new starting vector into the range of OP. IDO = 1: compute Y = OP * X where IPNTR(1) is the pointer into WORK for X, IPNTR(2) is the pointer into WORK for Y, IPNTR(3) is the pointer into WORK for B * X. IDO = 2: compute Y = B * X where IPNTR(1) is the pointer into WORK for X, IPNTR(2) is the pointer into WORK for Y. IDO = 99: done ------------------------------------------------------------- When the routine is used in the "shift-and-invert" mode, the vector B * Q is already available and do not need to be recompute in forming OP * Q. BMAT Character*1. (INPUT) BMAT specifies the type of the matrix B that defines the semi-inner product for the operator OP. See dnaupd. B = 'I' -> standard eigenvalue problem A*x = lambda*x B = 'G' -> generalized eigenvalue problem A*x = lambda*M**x N Integer. (INPUT) Dimension of the eigenproblem. K Integer. (INPUT) Current size of V and H. NP Integer. (INPUT) Number of additional Arnoldi steps to take. NB Integer. (INPUT) Blocksize to be used in the recurrence. Only work for NB = 1 right now. The goal is to have a program that implement both the block and non-block method. RESID Double precision array of length N. (INPUT/OUTPUT) On INPUT: RESID contains the residual vector r_{k}. On OUTPUT: RESID contains the residual vector r_{k+p}. RNORM Double precision scalar. (INPUT/OUTPUT) B-norm of the starting residual on input. B-norm of the updated residual r_{k+p} on output. V Double precision N by K+NP array. (INPUT/OUTPUT) On INPUT: V contains the Arnoldi vectors in the first K columns. On OUTPUT: V contains the new NP Arnoldi vectors in the next NP columns. The first K columns are unchanged. LDV Integer. (INPUT) Leading dimension of V exactly as declared in the calling program. H Double precision (K+NP) by (K+NP) array. (INPUT/OUTPUT) H is used to store the generated upper Hessenberg matrix. LDH Integer. (INPUT) Leading dimension of H exactly as declared in the calling program. IPNTR Integer array of length 3. (OUTPUT) Pointer to mark the starting locations in the WORK for vectors used by the Arnoldi iteration. ------------------------------------------------------------- IPNTR(1): pointer to the current operand vector X. IPNTR(2): pointer to the current result vector Y. IPNTR(3): pointer to the vector B * X when used in the shift-and-invert mode. X is the current operand. ------------------------------------------------------------- WORKD Double precision work array of length 3*N. (REVERSE COMMUNICATION) Distributed array to be used in the basic Arnoldi iteration for reverse communication. The calling program should not use WORKD as temporary workspace during the iteration !!!!!! On input, WORKD(1:N) = B*RESID and is used to save some computation at the first step. INFO Integer. (OUTPUT) = 0: Normal exit. > 0: Size of the spanning invariant subspace of OP found. \EndDoc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \BeginLib \Local variables: xxxxxx real \References: 1. D.C. Sorensen, "Implicit Application of Polynomial Filters in a k-Step Arnoldi Method", SIAM J. Matr. Anal. Apps., 13 (1992), pp 357-385. 2. R.B. Lehoucq, "Analysis and Implementation of an Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration", Rice University Technical Report TR95-13, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics. \Routines called: dgetv0 ARPACK routine to generate the initial vector. ivout ARPACK utility routine that prints integers. second ARPACK utility routine for timing. dmout ARPACK utility routine that prints matrices dvout ARPACK utility routine that prints vectors. dlabad LAPACK routine that computes machine constants. dlamch LAPACK routine that determines machine constants. dlascl LAPACK routine for careful scaling of a matrix. dlanhs LAPACK routine that computes various norms of a matrix. dgemv Level 2 BLAS routine for matrix vector multiplication. daxpy Level 1 BLAS that computes a vector triad. dscal Level 1 BLAS that scales a vector. dcopy Level 1 BLAS that copies one vector to another . ddot Level 1 BLAS that computes the scalar product of two vectors. dnrm2 Level 1 BLAS that computes the norm of a vector. \Author Danny Sorensen Phuong Vu Richard Lehoucq CRPC / Rice University Dept. of Computational & Houston, Texas Applied Mathematics Rice University Houston, Texas \Revision history: xx/xx/92: Version ' 2.4' \SCCS Information: @(#) FILE: naitr.F SID: 2.4 DATE OF SID: 8/27/96 RELEASE: 2 \Remarks The algorithm implemented is: restart = .false. Given V_{k} = [v_{1}, ..., v_{k}], r_{k}; r_{k} contains the initial residual vector even for k = 0; Also assume that rnorm = || B*r_{k} || and B*r_{k} are already computed by the calling program. betaj = rnorm ; p_{k+1} = B*r_{k} ; For j = k+1, ..., k+np Do 1) if ( betaj < tol ) stop or restart depending on j. ( At present tol is zero ) if ( restart ) generate a new starting vector. 2) v_{j} = r(j-1)/betaj; V_{j} = [V_{j-1}, v_{j}]; p_{j} = p_{j}/betaj 3) r_{j} = OP*v_{j} where OP is defined as in dnaupd For shift-invert mode p_{j} = B*v_{j} is already available. wnorm = || OP*v_{j} || 4) Compute the j-th step residual vector. w_{j} = V_{j}^T * B * OP * v_{j} r_{j} = OP*v_{j} - V_{j} * w_{j} H(:,j) = w_{j}; H(j,j-1) = rnorm rnorm = || r_(j) || If (rnorm > 0.717*wnorm) accept step and go back to 1) 5) Re-orthogonalization step: s = V_{j}'*B*r_{j} r_{j} = r_{j} - V_{j}*s; rnorm1 = || r_{j} || alphaj = alphaj + s_{j}; 6) Iterative refinement step: If (rnorm1 > 0.717*rnorm) then rnorm = rnorm1 accept step and go back to 1) Else rnorm = rnorm1 If this is the first time in step 6), go to 5) Else r_{j} lies in the span of V_{j} numerically. Set r_{j} = 0 and rnorm = 0; go to 1) EndIf End Do \EndLib ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Subroutine */ int igraphdnaitr_(integer *ido, char *bmat, integer *n, integer *k, integer *np, integer *nb, doublereal *resid, doublereal *rnorm, doublereal *v, integer *ldv, doublereal *h__, integer *ldh, integer * ipntr, doublereal *workd, integer *info) { /* Initialized data */ IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical first = TRUE_; /* System generated locals */ integer h_dim1, h_offset, v_dim1, v_offset, i__1, i__2; doublereal d__1, d__2; /* Builtin functions */ double sqrt(doublereal); /* Local variables */ integer i__; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer j; real t0, t1, t2 = 0, t3, t4, t5; integer jj; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer ipj, irj; integer nbx = 0; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer ivj; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE doublereal ulp; doublereal tst1; extern doublereal igraphddot_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *); IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer ierr, iter; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE doublereal unfl, ovfl; integer nopx = 0; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer itry; extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *); doublereal temp1; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical orth1, orth2, step3, step4; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE doublereal betaj; extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdgemv_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *); integer infol; extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdcopy_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdaxpy_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdmout_(integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, char *, ftnlen); doublereal xtemp[2]; real tmvbx = 0; extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdvout_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, char *, ftnlen); IGRAPH_F77_SAVE doublereal wnorm; extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphivout_(integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, char *, ftnlen), igraphdgetv0_(integer *, char *, integer *, logical *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdlabad_(doublereal *, doublereal *); IGRAPH_F77_SAVE doublereal rnorm1; extern doublereal igraphdlamch_(char *); extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlascl_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *); extern doublereal igraphdlanhs_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *); extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphsecond_(real *); integer logfil, ndigit, nitref = 0, mnaitr = 0; real titref = 0, tnaitr = 0; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer msglvl; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE doublereal smlnum; integer nrorth = 0; IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical rstart; integer nrstrt = 0; real tmvopx = 0; /* %----------------------------------------------------% | Include files for debugging and timing information | %----------------------------------------------------% %------------------% | Scalar Arguments | %------------------% %-----------------% | Array Arguments | %-----------------% %------------% | Parameters | %------------% %---------------% | Local Scalars | %---------------% %-----------------------% | Local Array Arguments | %-----------------------% %----------------------% | External Subroutines | %----------------------% %--------------------% | External Functions | %--------------------% %---------------------% | Intrinsic Functions | %---------------------% %-----------------% | Data statements | %-----------------% Parameter adjustments */ --workd; --resid; v_dim1 = *ldv; v_offset = 1 + v_dim1; v -= v_offset; h_dim1 = *ldh; h_offset = 1 + h_dim1; h__ -= h_offset; --ipntr; /* Function Body %-----------------------% | Executable Statements | %-----------------------% */ if (first) { /* %-----------------------------------------% | Set machine-dependent constants for the | | the splitting and deflation criterion. | | If norm(H) <= sqrt(OVFL), | | overflow should not occur. | | REFERENCE: LAPACK subroutine dlahqr | %-----------------------------------------% */ unfl = igraphdlamch_("safe minimum"); ovfl = 1. / unfl; igraphdlabad_(&unfl, &ovfl); ulp = igraphdlamch_("precision"); smlnum = unfl * (*n / ulp); first = FALSE_; } if (*ido == 0) { /* %-------------------------------% | Initialize timing statistics | | & message level for debugging | %-------------------------------% */ igraphsecond_(&t0); msglvl = mnaitr; /* %------------------------------% | Initial call to this routine | %------------------------------% */ *info = 0; step3 = FALSE_; step4 = FALSE_; rstart = FALSE_; orth1 = FALSE_; orth2 = FALSE_; j = *k + 1; ipj = 1; irj = ipj + *n; ivj = irj + *n; } /* %-------------------------------------------------% | When in reverse communication mode one of: | | STEP3, STEP4, ORTH1, ORTH2, RSTART | | will be .true. when .... | | STEP3: return from computing OP*v_{j}. | | STEP4: return from computing B-norm of OP*v_{j} | | ORTH1: return from computing B-norm of r_{j+1} | | ORTH2: return from computing B-norm of | | correction to the residual vector. | | RSTART: return from OP computations needed by | | dgetv0. | %-------------------------------------------------% */ if (step3) { goto L50; } if (step4) { goto L60; } if (orth1) { goto L70; } if (orth2) { goto L90; } if (rstart) { goto L30; } /* %-----------------------------% | Else this is the first step | %-----------------------------% %--------------------------------------------------------------% | | | A R N O L D I I T E R A T I O N L O O P | | | | Note: B*r_{j-1} is already in WORKD(1:N)=WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1) | %--------------------------------------------------------------% */ L1000: if (msglvl > 1) { igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, &j, &ndigit, "_naitr: generating Arnoldi vect" "or number", (ftnlen)40); igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__1, rnorm, &ndigit, "_naitr: B-norm of the curren" "t residual is", (ftnlen)41); } /* %---------------------------------------------------% | STEP 1: Check if the B norm of j-th residual | | vector is zero. Equivalent to determing whether | | an exact j-step Arnoldi factorization is present. | %---------------------------------------------------% */ betaj = *rnorm; if (*rnorm > 0.) { goto L40; } /* %---------------------------------------------------% | Invariant subspace found, generate a new starting | | vector which is orthogonal to the current Arnoldi | | basis and continue the iteration. | %---------------------------------------------------% */ if (msglvl > 0) { igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, &j, &ndigit, "_naitr: ****** RESTART AT STEP " "******", (ftnlen)37); } /* %---------------------------------------------% | ITRY is the loop variable that controls the | | maximum amount of times that a restart is | | attempted. NRSTRT is used by stat.h | %---------------------------------------------% */ betaj = 0.; ++nrstrt; itry = 1; L20: rstart = TRUE_; *ido = 0; L30: /* %--------------------------------------% | If in reverse communication mode and | | RSTART = .true. flow returns here. | %--------------------------------------% */ igraphdgetv0_(ido, bmat, &itry, &c_false, n, &j, &v[v_offset], ldv, &resid[1], rnorm, &ipntr[1], &workd[1], &ierr); if (*ido != 99) { goto L9000; } if (ierr < 0) { ++itry; if (itry <= 3) { goto L20; } /* %------------------------------------------------% | Give up after several restart attempts. | | Set INFO to the size of the invariant subspace | | which spans OP and exit. | %------------------------------------------------% */ *info = j - 1; igraphsecond_(&t1); tnaitr += t1 - t0; *ido = 99; goto L9000; } L40: /* %---------------------------------------------------------% | STEP 2: v_{j} = r_{j-1}/rnorm and p_{j} = p_{j}/rnorm | | Note that p_{j} = B*r_{j-1}. In order to avoid overflow | | when reciprocating a small RNORM, test against lower | | machine bound. | %---------------------------------------------------------% */ igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &v[j * v_dim1 + 1], &c__1); if (*rnorm >= unfl) { temp1 = 1. / *rnorm; igraphdscal_(n, &temp1, &v[j * v_dim1 + 1], &c__1); igraphdscal_(n, &temp1, &workd[ipj], &c__1); } else { /* %-----------------------------------------% | To scale both v_{j} and p_{j} carefully | | use LAPACK routine SLASCL | %-----------------------------------------% */ igraphdlascl_("General", &i__, &i__, rnorm, &c_b25, n, &c__1, &v[j * v_dim1 + 1], n, &infol); igraphdlascl_("General", &i__, &i__, rnorm, &c_b25, n, &c__1, &workd[ipj], n, &infol); } /* %------------------------------------------------------% | STEP 3: r_{j} = OP*v_{j}; Note that p_{j} = B*v_{j} | | Note that this is not quite yet r_{j}. See STEP 4 | %------------------------------------------------------% */ step3 = TRUE_; ++nopx; igraphsecond_(&t2); igraphdcopy_(n, &v[j * v_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &workd[ivj], &c__1); ipntr[1] = ivj; ipntr[2] = irj; ipntr[3] = ipj; *ido = 1; /* %-----------------------------------% | Exit in order to compute OP*v_{j} | %-----------------------------------% */ goto L9000; L50: /* %----------------------------------% | Back from reverse communication; | | WORKD(IRJ:IRJ+N-1) := OP*v_{j} | | if step3 = .true. | %----------------------------------% */ igraphsecond_(&t3); tmvopx += t3 - t2; step3 = FALSE_; /* %------------------------------------------% | Put another copy of OP*v_{j} into RESID. | %------------------------------------------% */ igraphdcopy_(n, &workd[irj], &c__1, &resid[1], &c__1); /* %---------------------------------------% | STEP 4: Finish extending the Arnoldi | | factorization to length j. | %---------------------------------------% */ igraphsecond_(&t2); if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') { ++nbx; step4 = TRUE_; ipntr[1] = irj; ipntr[2] = ipj; *ido = 2; /* %-------------------------------------% | Exit in order to compute B*OP*v_{j} | %-------------------------------------% */ goto L9000; } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') { igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1); } L60: /* %----------------------------------% | Back from reverse communication; | | WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1) := B*OP*v_{j} | | if step4 = .true. | %----------------------------------% */ if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') { igraphsecond_(&t3); tmvbx += t3 - t2; } step4 = FALSE_; /* %-------------------------------------% | The following is needed for STEP 5. | | Compute the B-norm of OP*v_{j}. | %-------------------------------------% */ if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') { wnorm = igraphddot_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1); wnorm = sqrt((abs(wnorm))); } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') { wnorm = igraphdnrm2_(n, &resid[1], &c__1); } /* %-----------------------------------------% | Compute the j-th residual corresponding | | to the j step factorization. | | Use Classical Gram Schmidt and compute: | | w_{j} <- V_{j}^T * B * OP * v_{j} | | r_{j} <- OP*v_{j} - V_{j} * w_{j} | %-----------------------------------------% %------------------------------------------% | Compute the j Fourier coefficients w_{j} | | WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1) contains B*OP*v_{j}. | %------------------------------------------% */ igraphdgemv_("T", n, &j, &c_b25, &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[ipj], &c__1, &c_b47, &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &c__1); /* %--------------------------------------% | Orthogonalize r_{j} against V_{j}. | | RESID contains OP*v_{j}. See STEP 3. | %--------------------------------------% */ igraphdgemv_("N", n, &j, &c_b50, &v[v_offset], ldv, &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &c_b25, &resid[1], &c__1); if (j > 1) { h__[j + (j - 1) * h_dim1] = betaj; } igraphsecond_(&t4); orth1 = TRUE_; igraphsecond_(&t2); if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') { ++nbx; igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[irj], &c__1); ipntr[1] = irj; ipntr[2] = ipj; *ido = 2; /* %----------------------------------% | Exit in order to compute B*r_{j} | %----------------------------------% */ goto L9000; } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') { igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1); } L70: /* %---------------------------------------------------% | Back from reverse communication if ORTH1 = .true. | | WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1) := B*r_{j}. | %---------------------------------------------------% */ if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') { igraphsecond_(&t3); tmvbx += t3 - t2; } orth1 = FALSE_; /* %------------------------------% | Compute the B-norm of r_{j}. | %------------------------------% */ if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') { *rnorm = igraphddot_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1); *rnorm = sqrt((abs(*rnorm))); } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') { *rnorm = igraphdnrm2_(n, &resid[1], &c__1); } /* %-----------------------------------------------------------% | STEP 5: Re-orthogonalization / Iterative refinement phase | | Maximum NITER_ITREF tries. | | | | s = V_{j}^T * B * r_{j} | | r_{j} = r_{j} - V_{j}*s | | alphaj = alphaj + s_{j} | | | | The stopping criteria used for iterative refinement is | | discussed in Parlett's book SEP, page 107 and in Gragg & | | Reichel ACM TOMS paper; Algorithm 686, Dec. 1990. | | Determine if we need to correct the residual. The goal is | | to enforce ||v(:,1:j)^T * r_{j}|| .le. eps * || r_{j} || | | The following test determines whether the sine of the | | angle between OP*x and the computed residual is less | | than or equal to 0.717. | %-----------------------------------------------------------% */ if (*rnorm > wnorm * .717f) { goto L100; } iter = 0; ++nrorth; /* %---------------------------------------------------% | Enter the Iterative refinement phase. If further | | refinement is necessary, loop back here. The loop | | variable is ITER. Perform a step of Classical | | Gram-Schmidt using all the Arnoldi vectors V_{j} | %---------------------------------------------------% */ L80: if (msglvl > 2) { xtemp[0] = wnorm; xtemp[1] = *rnorm; igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__2, xtemp, &ndigit, "_naitr: re-orthonalization; " "wnorm and rnorm are", (ftnlen)47); igraphdvout_(&logfil, &j, &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &ndigit, "_naitr: j-th col" "umn of H", (ftnlen)24); } /* %----------------------------------------------------% | Compute V_{j}^T * B * r_{j}. | | WORKD(IRJ:IRJ+J-1) = v(:,1:J)'*WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1). | %----------------------------------------------------% */ igraphdgemv_("T", n, &j, &c_b25, &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[ipj], &c__1, &c_b47, &workd[irj], &c__1); /* %---------------------------------------------% | Compute the correction to the residual: | | r_{j} = r_{j} - V_{j} * WORKD(IRJ:IRJ+J-1). | | The correction to H is v(:,1:J)*H(1:J,1:J) | | + v(:,1:J)*WORKD(IRJ:IRJ+J-1)*e'_j. | %---------------------------------------------% */ igraphdgemv_("N", n, &j, &c_b50, &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[irj], &c__1, &c_b25, &resid[1], &c__1); igraphdaxpy_(&j, &c_b25, &workd[irj], &c__1, &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &c__1); orth2 = TRUE_; igraphsecond_(&t2); if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') { ++nbx; igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[irj], &c__1); ipntr[1] = irj; ipntr[2] = ipj; *ido = 2; /* %-----------------------------------% | Exit in order to compute B*r_{j}. | | r_{j} is the corrected residual. | %-----------------------------------% */ goto L9000; } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') { igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1); } L90: /* %---------------------------------------------------% | Back from reverse communication if ORTH2 = .true. | %---------------------------------------------------% */ if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') { igraphsecond_(&t3); tmvbx += t3 - t2; } /* %-----------------------------------------------------% | Compute the B-norm of the corrected residual r_{j}. | %-----------------------------------------------------% */ if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') { rnorm1 = igraphddot_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1); rnorm1 = sqrt((abs(rnorm1))); } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') { rnorm1 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &resid[1], &c__1); } if (msglvl > 0 && iter > 0) { igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, &j, &ndigit, "_naitr: Iterative refinement fo" "r Arnoldi residual", (ftnlen)49); if (msglvl > 2) { xtemp[0] = *rnorm; xtemp[1] = rnorm1; igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__2, xtemp, &ndigit, "_naitr: iterative refine" "ment ; rnorm and rnorm1 are", (ftnlen)51); } } /* %-----------------------------------------% | Determine if we need to perform another | | step of re-orthogonalization. | %-----------------------------------------% */ if (rnorm1 > *rnorm * .717f) { /* %---------------------------------------% | No need for further refinement. | | The cosine of the angle between the | | corrected residual vector and the old | | residual vector is greater than 0.717 | | In other words the corrected residual | | and the old residual vector share an | | angle of less than arcCOS(0.717) | %---------------------------------------% */ *rnorm = rnorm1; } else { /* %-------------------------------------------% | Another step of iterative refinement step | | is required. NITREF is used by stat.h | %-------------------------------------------% */ ++nitref; *rnorm = rnorm1; ++iter; if (iter <= 1) { goto L80; } /* %-------------------------------------------------% | Otherwise RESID is numerically in the span of V | %-------------------------------------------------% */ i__1 = *n; for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) { resid[jj] = 0.; /* L95: */ } *rnorm = 0.; } /* %----------------------------------------------% | Branch here directly if iterative refinement | | wasn't necessary or after at most NITER_REF | | steps of iterative refinement. | %----------------------------------------------% */ L100: rstart = FALSE_; orth2 = FALSE_; igraphsecond_(&t5); titref += t5 - t4; /* %------------------------------------% | STEP 6: Update j = j+1; Continue | %------------------------------------% */ ++j; if (j > *k + *np) { igraphsecond_(&t1); tnaitr += t1 - t0; *ido = 99; i__1 = *k + *np - 1; for (i__ = max(1,*k); i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { /* %--------------------------------------------% | Check for splitting and deflation. | | Use a standard test as in the QR algorithm | | REFERENCE: LAPACK subroutine dlahqr | %--------------------------------------------% */ tst1 = (d__1 = h__[i__ + i__ * h_dim1], abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = h__[ i__ + 1 + (i__ + 1) * h_dim1], abs(d__2)); if (tst1 == 0.) { i__2 = *k + *np; tst1 = igraphdlanhs_("1", &i__2, &h__[h_offset], ldh, &workd[*n + 1] ); } /* Computing MAX */ d__2 = ulp * tst1; if ((d__1 = h__[i__ + 1 + i__ * h_dim1], abs(d__1)) <= max(d__2, smlnum)) { h__[i__ + 1 + i__ * h_dim1] = 0.; } /* L110: */ } if (msglvl > 2) { i__1 = *k + *np; i__2 = *k + *np; igraphdmout_(&logfil, &i__1, &i__2, &h__[h_offset], ldh, &ndigit, "_na" "itr: Final upper Hessenberg matrix H of order K+NP", ( ftnlen)53); } goto L9000; } /* %--------------------------------------------------------% | Loop back to extend the factorization by another step. | %--------------------------------------------------------% */ goto L1000; /* %---------------------------------------------------------------% | | | E N D O F M A I N I T E R A T I O N L O O P | | | %---------------------------------------------------------------% */ L9000: return 0; /* %---------------% | End of dnaitr | %---------------% */ } /* igraphdnaitr_ */