/* -*- mode: C -*- */ /* IGraph library. Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Gabor Csardi 334 Harvard st, Cambridge, MA, 02138 USA This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef IGRAPH_SCG_H #define IGRAPH_SCG_H #include "igraph_types.h" #include "igraph_vector.h" #include "igraph_matrix.h" #include "igraph_sparsemat.h" __BEGIN_DECLS typedef enum { IGRAPH_SCG_SYMMETRIC = 1, IGRAPH_SCG_LAPLACIAN = 2, IGRAPH_SCG_STOCHASTIC = 3 } igraph_scg_matrix_t; typedef enum { IGRAPH_SCG_OPTIMUM = 1, IGRAPH_SCG_INTERV_KM = 2, IGRAPH_SCG_INTERV = 3, IGRAPH_SCG_EXACT = 4 } igraph_scg_algorithm_t; typedef enum { IGRAPH_SCG_NORM_ROW = 1, IGRAPH_SCG_NORM_COL = 2 } igraph_scg_norm_t; typedef enum { IGRAPH_SCG_DIRECTION_DEFAULT = 1, IGRAPH_SCG_DIRECTION_LEFT = 2, IGRAPH_SCG_DIRECTION_RIGHT = 3 } igraph_scg_direction_t; int igraph_scg_grouping(const igraph_matrix_t *V, igraph_vector_t *groups, igraph_integer_t nt, const igraph_vector_t *nt_vec, igraph_scg_matrix_t mtype, igraph_scg_algorithm_t algo, const igraph_vector_t *p, igraph_integer_t maxiter); int igraph_scg_semiprojectors(const igraph_vector_t *groups, igraph_scg_matrix_t mtype, igraph_matrix_t *L, igraph_matrix_t *R, igraph_sparsemat_t *Lsparse, igraph_sparsemat_t *Rsparse, const igraph_vector_t *p, igraph_scg_norm_t norm); int igraph_scg_norm_eps(const igraph_matrix_t *V, const igraph_vector_t *groups, igraph_vector_t *eps, igraph_scg_matrix_t mtype, const igraph_vector_t *p, igraph_scg_norm_t norm); int igraph_scg_adjacency(const igraph_t *graph, const igraph_matrix_t *matrix, const igraph_sparsemat_t *sparsemat, const igraph_vector_t *ev, igraph_integer_t nt, const igraph_vector_t *nt_vec, igraph_scg_algorithm_t algo, igraph_vector_t *values, igraph_matrix_t *vectors, igraph_vector_t *groups, igraph_bool_t use_arpack, igraph_integer_t maxiter, igraph_t *scg_graph, igraph_matrix_t *scg_matrix, igraph_sparsemat_t *scg_sparsemat, igraph_matrix_t *L, igraph_matrix_t *R, igraph_sparsemat_t *Lsparse, igraph_sparsemat_t *Rsparse); int igraph_scg_stochastic(const igraph_t *graph, const igraph_matrix_t *matrix, const igraph_sparsemat_t *sparsemat, const igraph_vector_t *ev, igraph_integer_t nt, const igraph_vector_t *nt_vec, igraph_scg_algorithm_t algo, igraph_scg_norm_t norm, igraph_vector_complex_t *values, igraph_matrix_complex_t *vectors, igraph_vector_t *groups, igraph_vector_t *p, igraph_bool_t use_arpack, igraph_integer_t maxiter, igraph_t *scg_graph, igraph_matrix_t *scg_matrix, igraph_sparsemat_t *scg_sparsemat, igraph_matrix_t *L, igraph_matrix_t *R, igraph_sparsemat_t *Lsparse, igraph_sparsemat_t *Rsparse); int igraph_scg_laplacian(const igraph_t *graph, const igraph_matrix_t *matrix, const igraph_sparsemat_t *sparsemat, const igraph_vector_t *ev, igraph_integer_t nt, const igraph_vector_t *nt_vec, igraph_scg_algorithm_t algo, igraph_scg_norm_t norm, igraph_scg_direction_t direction, igraph_vector_complex_t *values, igraph_matrix_complex_t *vectors, igraph_vector_t *groups, igraph_bool_t use_arpack, igraph_integer_t maxiter, igraph_t *scg_graph, igraph_matrix_t *scg_matrix, igraph_sparsemat_t *scg_sparsemat, igraph_matrix_t *L, igraph_matrix_t *R, igraph_sparsemat_t *Lsparse, igraph_sparsemat_t *Rsparse); __END_DECLS #endif