haskell-gi-base-0.26.8: Foundation for libraries generated by haskell-gi
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Versions of hsc2hs older than 0.68.6 cannot deal with Haskell code including promoted constructors, so isolate the required types in here.

Warning: This module is internal, and might disappear in the future.



type GQuark = Word32 Source #

The Haskell type corresponding to a GQuark on the C side.

type C_gint = Int32 Source #

The Haskell type corresponding to a gint on the C side.

cgvalueSize :: Int Source #

The size in bytes of a GValue struct in C.

gerror_domain_offset :: Int Source #

The offset in bytes inside a GError of its domain field.

gerror_code_offset :: Int Source #

The offset in bytes inside a GError of its code field.

gerror_message_offset :: Int Source #

The offset in bytes inside a GError of its emssage field.