{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, DeriveFunctor #-}

module Data.GI.CodeGen.Conversions
    ( convert
    , genConversion
    , unpackCArray
    , computeArrayLength

    , callableHasClosures

    , hToF
    , fToH
    , haskellType
    , isoHaskellType
    , foreignType

    , argumentType
    , elementType
    , elementMap
    , elementTypeAndMap

    , isManaged
    , typeIsNullable
    , typeIsPtr
    , maybeNullConvert
    , nullPtrForType

    , getIsScalar
    , typeAllocInfo
    , TypeAllocInfo(..)

    , apply
    , mapC
    , literal
    , Constructor(..)
    ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure, Applicative)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Int
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable (TypeRep, tyConName, typeRepTyCon, typeOf)
import Data.Word
import GHC.Exts (IsString(..))

import Foreign.C.Types (CInt, CUInt, CLong, CULong)
import Foreign.Storable (sizeOf)

import Data.GI.CodeGen.API
import Data.GI.CodeGen.Code
import Data.GI.CodeGen.GObject
import Data.GI.CodeGen.SymbolNaming
import Data.GI.CodeGen.Type
import Data.GI.CodeGen.Util

-- | The free monad.
data Free f r = Free (f (Free f r)) | Pure r

instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
  fmap f = go where
    go (Pure a)  = Pure (f a)
    go (Free fa) = Free (go <$> fa)

instance (Functor f) => Applicative (Free f) where
    pure = Pure
    Pure a <*> Pure b = Pure $ a b
    Pure a <*> Free mb = Free $ fmap a <$> mb
    Free ma <*> b = Free $ (<*> b) <$> ma

instance (Functor f) => Monad (Free f) where
    return = Pure
    (Free x) >>= f = Free (fmap (>>= f) x)
    (Pure r) >>= f = f r

-- | Lift some command to the Free monad.
liftF :: (Functor f) => f r -> Free f r
liftF command = Free (fmap Pure command)

-- String identifying a constructor in the generated code, which is
-- either (by default) a pure function (indicated by the P
-- constructor) or a function returning values on a monad (M
-- constructor). 'Id' denotes the identity function.
data Constructor = P Text | M Text | Id
                   deriving (Eq,Show)
instance IsString Constructor where
    fromString = P . T.pack

data FExpr next = Apply Constructor next
                | MapC Map Constructor next
                | Literal Constructor next
                  deriving (Show, Functor)

type Converter = Free FExpr ()

-- Different available maps.
data Map = Map | MapFirst | MapSecond
         deriving (Show)

-- Naming for the maps.
mapName :: Map -> Text
mapName Map = "map"
mapName MapFirst = "mapFirst"
mapName MapSecond = "mapSecond"

-- Naming for the monadic versions of the maps that we use
monadicMapName :: Map -> Text
monadicMapName Map = "mapM"
monadicMapName MapFirst = "mapFirstA"
monadicMapName MapSecond = "mapSecondA"

apply :: Constructor -> Converter
apply f = liftF $ Apply f ()

mapC :: Constructor -> Converter
mapC f = liftF $ MapC Map f ()

mapFirst :: Constructor -> Converter
mapFirst f = liftF $ MapC MapFirst f ()

mapSecond :: Constructor -> Converter
mapSecond f = liftF $ MapC MapSecond f ()

literal :: Constructor -> Converter
literal f = liftF $ Literal f ()

genConversion :: Text -> Converter -> CodeGen Text
genConversion l (Pure ()) = return l
genConversion l (Free k) = do
  let l' = prime l
  case k of
    Apply (P f) next ->
        do line $ "let " <> l' <> " = " <> f <> " " <> l
           genConversion l' next
    Apply (M f) next ->
        do line $ l' <> " <- " <> f <> " " <> l
           genConversion l' next
    Apply Id next -> genConversion l next

    MapC m (P f) next ->
        do line $ "let " <> l' <> " = " <> mapName m <> " " <> f <> " " <> l
           genConversion l' next
    MapC m (M f) next ->
        do line $ l' <> " <- " <> monadicMapName m <> " " <> f <> " " <> l
           genConversion l' next
    MapC _ Id next -> genConversion l next

    Literal (P f) next ->
        do line $ "let " <> l <> " = " <> f
           genConversion l next
    Literal (M f) next ->
        do line $ l <> " <- " <> f
           genConversion l next
    Literal Id next -> genConversion l next

-- Given an array, together with its type, return the code for reading
-- its length.
computeArrayLength :: Text -> Type -> ExcCodeGen Text
computeArrayLength array (TCArray _ _ _ t) = do
  reader <- findReader
  return $ "fromIntegral $ " <> reader <> " " <> array
    where findReader = case t of
                     TBasicType TUInt8 -> return "B.length"
                     TBasicType _      -> return "length"
                     TInterface _      -> return "length"
                     TCArray{}         -> return "length"
                     _ -> notImplementedError $
                          "Don't know how to compute length of " <> tshow t
computeArrayLength _ t =
    notImplementedError $ "computeArrayLength called on non-CArray type "
                            <> tshow t

convert :: Text -> BaseCodeGen e Converter -> BaseCodeGen e Text
convert l c = do
  c' <- c
  genConversion l c'

hObjectToF :: Type -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Constructor
hObjectToF t transfer =
  if transfer == TransferEverything
  then do
    isGO <- isGObject t
    if isGO
    then return $ M "B.ManagedPtr.disownObject"
    else badIntroError "Transferring a non-GObject object"
  -- castPtr since we accept any instance of the class associated with
  -- the GObject, not just the precise type of the GObject, while the
  -- foreign function declaration requires a pointer of the precise
  -- type.
  else return $ M "unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr"

hVariantToF :: Transfer -> CodeGen Constructor
hVariantToF transfer =
  if transfer == TransferEverything
  then return $ M "B.GVariant.disownGVariant"
  else return $ M "unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr"

hParamSpecToF :: Transfer -> CodeGen Constructor
hParamSpecToF transfer =
  if transfer == TransferEverything
  then return $ M "B.GParamSpec.disownGParamSpec"
  else return $ M "unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr"

hBoxedToF :: Transfer -> CodeGen Constructor
hBoxedToF transfer =
  if transfer == TransferEverything
  then return $ M "B.ManagedPtr.disownBoxed"
  else return $ M "unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr"

hStructToF :: Struct -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Constructor
hStructToF s transfer =
    if transfer /= TransferEverything || structIsBoxed s then
        hBoxedToF transfer
    else do
        when (structSize s == 0) $
             badIntroError "Transferring a non-boxed struct with unknown size!"
        return $ M "unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr"

hUnionToF :: Union -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Constructor
hUnionToF u transfer =
    if transfer /= TransferEverything || unionIsBoxed u then
        hBoxedToF transfer
    else do
        when (unionSize u == 0) $
             badIntroError "Transferring a non-boxed union with unknown size!"
        return $ M "unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr"

-- Given the Haskell and Foreign types, returns the name of the
-- function marshalling between both.
hToF' :: Type -> Maybe API -> TypeRep -> TypeRep -> Transfer
            -> ExcCodeGen Constructor
hToF' t a hType fType transfer
    | ( hType == fType ) = return Id
    | TError <- t = hBoxedToF transfer
    | TVariant <- t = hVariantToF transfer
    | TParamSpec <- t = hParamSpecToF transfer
    | Just (APIEnum _) <- a = return "(fromIntegral . fromEnum)"
    | Just (APIFlags _) <- a = return "gflagsToWord"
    | Just (APIObject _) <- a = hObjectToF t transfer
    | Just (APIInterface _) <- a = hObjectToF t transfer
    | Just (APIStruct s) <- a = hStructToF s transfer
    | Just (APIUnion u) <- a = hUnionToF u transfer
    -- Converting callback types requires more context, we leave that
    -- as a special case to be implemented by the caller.
    | Just (APICallback _) <- a = error "Cannot handle callback type here!! "
    | TByteArray <- t = return $ M "packGByteArray"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TUTF8) <- t =
        return $ M "packZeroTerminatedUTF8CArray"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TFileName) <- t =
        return $ M "packZeroTerminatedFileNameArray"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TPtr) <- t =
        return $ M "packZeroTerminatedPtrArray"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TUInt8) <- t =
        return $ M "packZeroTerminatedByteString"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TBoolean) <- t =
        return $ M "(packMapZeroTerminatedStorableArray (fromIntegral . fromEnum))"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TGType) <- t =
        return $ M "(packMapZeroTerminatedStorableArray gtypeToCGtype)"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType _) <- t =
        return $ M "packZeroTerminatedStorableArray"
    | TCArray False _ _ (TBasicType TUTF8) <- t =
        return $ M "packUTF8CArray"
    | TCArray False _ _ (TBasicType TFileName) <- t =
        return $ M "packFileNameArray"
    | TCArray False _ _ (TBasicType TPtr) <- t =
        return $ M "packPtrArray"
    | TCArray False _ _ (TBasicType TUInt8) <- t =
        return $ M "packByteString"
    | TCArray False _ _ (TBasicType TBoolean) <- t =
        return $ M "(packMapStorableArray (fromIntegral . fromEnum))"
    | TCArray False _ _ (TBasicType TGType) <- t =
        return $ M "(packMapStorableArray gtypeToCGType)"
    | TCArray False _ _ (TBasicType TFloat) <- t =
        return $ M "(packMapStorableArray realToFrac)"
    | TCArray False _ _ (TBasicType TDouble) <- t =
        return $ M "(packMapStorableArray realToFrac)"
    | TCArray False _ _ (TBasicType _) <- t =
        return $ M "packStorableArray"
    | TCArray{}  <- t = notImplementedError $
                   "Don't know how to pack C array of type " <> tshow t
    | otherwise = case (tshow hType, tshow fType) of
               ("T.Text", "CString") -> return $ M "textToCString"
               ("[Char]", "CString") -> return $ M "stringToCString"
               ("Char", "CInt")      -> return "(fromIntegral . ord)"
               ("Bool", "CInt")      -> return "(fromIntegral . fromEnum)"
               ("Float", "CFloat")   -> return "realToFrac"
               ("Double", "CDouble") -> return "realToFrac"
               ("GType", "CGType")   -> return "gtypeToCGType"
               _                     -> notImplementedError $
                                        "Don't know how to convert "
                                        <> tshow hType <> " into "
                                        <> tshow fType <> ".\n"
                                        <> "Internal type: "
                                        <> tshow t

getForeignConstructor :: Type -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Constructor
getForeignConstructor t transfer = do
  a <- findAPI t
  hType <- haskellType t
  fType <- foreignType t
  hToF' t a hType fType transfer

hToF_PackedType :: Type -> Text -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Converter
hToF_PackedType t packer transfer = do
  innerConstructor <- getForeignConstructor t transfer
  return $ do
    mapC innerConstructor
    apply (M packer)

-- | Try to find the `hash` and `equal` functions appropriate for the
-- given type, when used as a key in a GHashTable.
hashTableKeyMappings :: Type -> ExcCodeGen (Text, Text)
hashTableKeyMappings (TBasicType TPtr) = return ("gDirectHash", "gDirectEqual")
hashTableKeyMappings (TBasicType TUTF8) = return ("gStrHash", "gStrEqual")
hashTableKeyMappings t =
    notImplementedError $ "GHashTable key of type " <> tshow t <> " unsupported."

-- | `GHashTable` tries to fit every type into a pointer, the
-- following function tries to find the appropriate
-- (destroy,packer,unpacker) for the given type.
hashTablePtrPackers :: Type -> ExcCodeGen (Text, Text, Text)
hashTablePtrPackers (TBasicType TPtr) =
    return ("Nothing", "ptrPackPtr", "ptrUnpackPtr")
hashTablePtrPackers (TBasicType TUTF8) =
    return ("(Just ptr_to_g_free)", "cstringPackPtr", "cstringUnpackPtr")
hashTablePtrPackers t =
    notImplementedError $ "GHashTable element of type " <> tshow t <> " unsupported."

hToF_PackGHashTable :: Type -> Type -> ExcCodeGen Converter
hToF_PackGHashTable keys elems = do
  -- We will be adding elements to the Hash list with appropriate
  -- destructors, so we always want a fresh copy.
  keysConstructor <- getForeignConstructor keys TransferEverything
  elemsConstructor <- getForeignConstructor elems TransferEverything
  (keyHash, keyEqual) <- hashTableKeyMappings keys
  (keyDestroy, keyPack, _) <- hashTablePtrPackers keys
  (elemDestroy, elemPack, _) <- hashTablePtrPackers elems
  return $ do
    apply (P "Map.toList")
    mapFirst keysConstructor
    mapSecond elemsConstructor
    mapFirst (P keyPack)
    mapSecond (P elemPack)
    apply (M (T.intercalate " " ["packGHashTable", keyHash, keyEqual,
                                 keyDestroy, elemDestroy]))

hToF :: Type -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Converter
hToF (TGList t) transfer = do
  isPtr <- typeIsPtr t
  when (not isPtr) $
       badIntroError ("'" <> tshow t <>
                      "' is not a pointer type, cannot pack into a GList.")
  hToF_PackedType t "packGList" transfer
hToF (TGSList t) transfer = do
  isPtr <- typeIsPtr t
  when (not isPtr) $
       badIntroError ("'" <> tshow t <>
                      "' is not a pointer type, cannot pack into a GSList.")
  hToF_PackedType t "packGSList" transfer
hToF (TGArray t) transfer = hToF_PackedType t "packGArray" transfer
hToF (TPtrArray t) transfer = hToF_PackedType t "packGPtrArray" transfer
hToF (TGHash ta tb) _ = hToF_PackGHashTable ta tb
-- Arrays without length info are just passed along.
hToF (TCArray False (-1) (-1) _) _ = return $ Pure ()
hToF (TCArray zt _ _ t@(TCArray{})) transfer = do
  let packer = if zt
               then "packZeroTerminated"
               else "pack"
  hToF_PackedType t (packer <> "PtrArray") transfer

hToF (TCArray zt _ _ t@(TInterface _)) transfer = do
  isScalar <- getIsScalar t
  let packer = if zt
               then "packZeroTerminated"
               else "pack"
  if isScalar
  then hToF_PackedType t (packer <> "StorableArray") transfer
  else do
    api <- findAPI t
    let size = case api of
                 Just (APIStruct s) -> structSize s
                 Just (APIUnion u) -> unionSize u
                 _ -> 0
    if size == 0 || zt
    then hToF_PackedType t (packer <> "PtrArray") transfer
    else hToF_PackedType t (packer <> "BlockArray " <> tshow size) transfer

hToF t transfer = do
  a <- findAPI t
  hType <- haskellType t
  fType <- foreignType t
  constructor <- hToF' t a hType fType transfer
  return $ apply constructor

boxedForeignPtr :: Text -> Transfer -> CodeGen Constructor
boxedForeignPtr constructor transfer = return $
   case transfer of
     TransferEverything -> M $ parenthesize $ "wrapBoxed " <> constructor
     _ -> M $ parenthesize $ "newBoxed " <> constructor

suForeignPtr :: Bool -> TypeRep -> Transfer -> CodeGen Constructor
suForeignPtr isBoxed hType transfer = do
  let constructor = T.pack . tyConName . typeRepTyCon $ hType
  if isBoxed then
      boxedForeignPtr constructor transfer
  else return $ M $ parenthesize $
       case transfer of
         TransferEverything -> "wrapPtr " <> constructor
         _ -> "newPtr " <> constructor

structForeignPtr :: Struct -> TypeRep -> Transfer -> CodeGen Constructor
structForeignPtr s =
    suForeignPtr (structIsBoxed s)

unionForeignPtr :: Union -> TypeRep -> Transfer -> CodeGen Constructor
unionForeignPtr u =
    suForeignPtr (unionIsBoxed u)

fObjectToH :: Type -> TypeRep -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Constructor
fObjectToH t hType transfer = do
  let constructor = T.pack . tyConName . typeRepTyCon $ hType
  isGO <- isGObject t
  return $ M $ parenthesize $
    case transfer of
    TransferEverything ->
        if isGO
        then "wrapObject " <> constructor
        else "wrapPtr " <> constructor
    _ ->
        if isGO
        then "newObject " <> constructor
        else "newPtr " <> constructor

fCallbackToH :: TypeRep -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Constructor
fCallbackToH hType TransferNothing = do
  let constructor = T.pack . tyConName . typeRepTyCon $ hType
  return (P (callbackDynamicWrapper constructor))
fCallbackToH _ transfer =
  notImplementedError ("ForeignCallback with unsupported transfer type `"
                       <> tshow transfer <> "'")

fVariantToH :: Transfer -> CodeGen Constructor
fVariantToH transfer =
  return $ M $ case transfer of
                  TransferEverything -> "wrapGVariantPtr"
                  _ -> "newGVariantFromPtr"

fParamSpecToH :: Transfer -> CodeGen Constructor
fParamSpecToH transfer =
  return $ M $ case transfer of
                  TransferEverything -> "wrapGParamSpecPtr"
                  _ -> "newGParamSpecFromPtr"

fToH' :: Type -> Maybe API -> TypeRep -> TypeRep -> Transfer
         -> ExcCodeGen Constructor
fToH' t a hType fType transfer
    | ( hType == fType ) = return Id
    | Just (APIEnum _) <- a = return "(toEnum . fromIntegral)"
    | Just (APIFlags _) <- a = return "wordToGFlags"
    | TError <- t = boxedForeignPtr "GError" transfer
    | TVariant <- t = fVariantToH transfer
    | TParamSpec <- t = fParamSpecToH transfer
    | Just (APIStruct s) <- a = structForeignPtr s hType transfer
    | Just (APIUnion u) <- a = unionForeignPtr u hType transfer
    | Just (APIObject _) <- a = fObjectToH t hType transfer
    | Just (APIInterface _) <- a = fObjectToH t hType transfer
    | Just (APICallback _) <- a = fCallbackToH hType transfer
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TUTF8) <- t =
        return $ M "unpackZeroTerminatedUTF8CArray"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TFileName) <- t =
        return $ M "unpackZeroTerminatedFileNameArray"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TUInt8) <- t =
        return $ M "unpackZeroTerminatedByteString"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TPtr) <- t =
        return $ M "unpackZeroTerminatedPtrArray"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TBoolean) <- t =
        return $ M "(unpackMapZeroTerminatedStorableArray (/= 0))"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TGType) <- t =
        return $ M "(unpackMapZeroTerminatedStorableArray GType)"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TFloat) <- t =
        return $ M "(unpackMapZeroTerminatedStorableArray realToFrac)"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType TDouble) <- t =
        return $ M "(unpackMapZeroTerminatedStorableArray realToFrac)"
    | TCArray True _ _ (TBasicType _) <- t =
        return $ M "unpackZeroTerminatedStorableArray"
    | TCArray{}  <- t = notImplementedError $
                   "Don't know how to unpack C array of type " <> tshow t
    | TByteArray <- t = return $ M "unpackGByteArray"
    | TGHash _ _ <- t = notImplementedError "Foreign Hashes not supported yet"
    | otherwise = case (tshow fType, tshow hType) of
               ("CString", "T.Text") -> return $ M "cstringToText"
               ("CString", "[Char]") -> return $ M "cstringToString"
               ("CInt", "Char")      -> return "(chr . fromIntegral)"
               ("CInt", "Bool")      -> return "(/= 0)"
               ("CFloat", "Float")   -> return "realToFrac"
               ("CDouble", "Double") -> return "realToFrac"
               ("CGType", "GType")   -> return "GType"
               _                     ->
                   notImplementedError $ "Don't know how to convert "
                                           <> tshow fType <> " into "
                                           <> tshow hType <> ".\n"
                                           <> "Internal type: "
                                           <> tshow t

getHaskellConstructor :: Type -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Constructor
getHaskellConstructor t transfer = do
  a <- findAPI t
  hType <- haskellType t
  fType <- foreignType t
  fToH' t a hType fType transfer

fToH_PackedType :: Type -> Text -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Converter
fToH_PackedType t unpacker transfer = do
  innerConstructor <- getHaskellConstructor t transfer
  return $ do
    apply (M unpacker)
    mapC innerConstructor

fToH_UnpackGHashTable :: Type -> Type -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Converter
fToH_UnpackGHashTable keys elems transfer = do
  keysConstructor <- getHaskellConstructor keys transfer
  (_,_,keysUnpack) <- hashTablePtrPackers keys
  elemsConstructor <- getHaskellConstructor elems transfer
  (_,_,elemsUnpack) <- hashTablePtrPackers elems
  return $ do
    apply (M "unpackGHashTable")
    mapFirst (P keysUnpack)
    mapFirst keysConstructor
    mapSecond (P elemsUnpack)
    mapSecond elemsConstructor
    apply (P "Map.fromList")

fToH :: Type -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Converter
fToH (TGList t) transfer = do
  isPtr <- typeIsPtr t
  when (not isPtr) $
       badIntroError ("'" <> tshow t <>
                      "' is not a pointer type, cannot unpack from a GList.")
  fToH_PackedType t "unpackGList" transfer
fToH (TGSList t) transfer = do
  isPtr <- typeIsPtr t
  when (not isPtr) $
       badIntroError ("'" <> tshow t <>
                      "' is not a pointer type, cannot unpack from a GSList.")
  fToH_PackedType t "unpackGSList" transfer
fToH (TGArray t) transfer = fToH_PackedType t "unpackGArray" transfer
fToH (TPtrArray t) transfer = fToH_PackedType t "unpackGPtrArray" transfer
fToH (TGHash a b) transfer = fToH_UnpackGHashTable a b transfer
-- Arrays without length info are just passed along.
fToH (TCArray False (-1) (-1) _) _ = return $ Pure ()
fToH (TCArray True _ _ t@(TCArray{})) transfer =
  fToH_PackedType t "unpackZeroTerminatedPtrArray" transfer
fToH (TCArray True _ _ t@(TInterface _)) transfer = do
  isScalar <- getIsScalar t
  if isScalar
  then fToH_PackedType t "unpackZeroTerminatedStorableArray" transfer
  else fToH_PackedType t "unpackZeroTerminatedPtrArray" transfer

fToH t transfer = do
  a <- findAPI t
  hType <- haskellType t
  fType <- foreignType t
  constructor <- fToH' t a hType fType transfer
  return $ apply constructor

unpackCArray :: Text -> Type -> Transfer -> ExcCodeGen Converter
unpackCArray length (TCArray False _ _ t) transfer =
  case t of
    TBasicType TUTF8 -> return $ apply $ M $ parenthesize $
                        "unpackUTF8CArrayWithLength " <> length
    TBasicType TFileName -> return $ apply $ M $ parenthesize $
                            "unpackFileNameArrayWithLength " <> length
    TBasicType TUInt8 -> return $ apply $ M $ parenthesize $
                         "unpackByteStringWithLength " <> length
    TBasicType TPtr -> return $ apply $ M $ parenthesize $
                         "unpackPtrArrayWithLength " <> length
    TBasicType TBoolean -> return $ apply $ M $ parenthesize $
                         "unpackMapStorableArrayWithLength (/= 0) " <> length
    TBasicType TGType -> return $ apply $ M $ parenthesize $
                         "unpackMapStorableArrayWithLength GType " <> length
    TBasicType TFloat -> return $ apply $ M $ parenthesize $
                         "unpackMapStorableArrayWithLength realToFrac " <> length
    TBasicType TDouble -> return $ apply $ M $ parenthesize $
                         "unpackMapStorableArrayWithLength realToFrac " <> length
    TBasicType _ -> return $ apply $ M $ parenthesize $
                         "unpackStorableArrayWithLength " <> length
    TInterface _ -> do
           a <- findAPI t
           isScalar <- getIsScalar t
           hType <- haskellType t
           fType <- foreignType t
           innerConstructor <- fToH' t a hType fType transfer
           let (boxed, size) = case a of
                        Just (APIStruct s) -> (structIsBoxed s, structSize s)
                        Just (APIUnion u) -> (unionIsBoxed u, unionSize u)
                        _ -> (False, 0)
           let unpacker | isScalar    = "unpackStorableArrayWithLength"
                        | (size == 0) = "unpackPtrArrayWithLength"
                        | boxed       = "unpackBoxedArrayWithLength " <> tshow size
                        | otherwise   = "unpackBlockArrayWithLength " <> tshow size
           return $ do
             apply $ M $ parenthesize $ unpacker <> " " <> length
             mapC innerConstructor
    _ -> notImplementedError $
         "unpackCArray : Don't know how to unpack C Array of type " <> tshow t

unpackCArray _ _ _ = notImplementedError "unpackCArray : unexpected array type."

-- Given a type find the typeclasses the type belongs to, and return
-- the representation of the type in the function signature and the
-- list of typeclass constraints for the type.
argumentType :: [Char] -> Type -> CodeGen ([Char], Text, [Text])
argumentType [] _               = error "out of letters"
argumentType letters (TGList a) = do
  (ls, name, constraints) <- argumentType letters a
  return (ls, "[" <> name <> "]", constraints)
argumentType letters (TGSList a) = do
  (ls, name, constraints) <- argumentType letters a
  return (ls, "[" <> name <> "]", constraints)
argumentType letters@(l:ls) t = do
  api <- findAPI t
  s <- tshow <$> haskellType t
  case api of
    -- Instead of restricting to the actual class,
    -- we allow for any object descending from it.
    Just (APIInterface _) -> do
      cls <- typeConstraint t
      return (ls, T.singleton l, [cls <> " " <> T.singleton l])
    Just (APIObject _) -> do
      isGO <- isGObject t
      if isGO
        then do cls <- typeConstraint t
                return (ls, T.singleton l, [cls <> " " <> T.singleton l])
        else return (letters, s, [])
    Just (APICallback cb) ->
      -- See [Note: Callables that throw]
      if callableThrows (cbCallable cb)
      then do
        ft <- tshow <$> foreignType t
        return (letters, ft, [])
        return (letters, s, [])
    _ -> return (letters, s, [])

haskellBasicType TPtr      = ptr $ typeOf ()
haskellBasicType TBoolean  = typeOf True
-- For all the platforms that we support (and those supported by glib)
-- we have gint == gint32. Encoding this assumption in the types saves
-- conversions.
haskellBasicType TInt      = case sizeOf (0 :: CInt) of
                               4 -> typeOf (0 :: Int32)
                               n -> error ("Unsupported `gint' length: " ++
                                           show n)
haskellBasicType TUInt     = case sizeOf (0 :: CUInt) of
                               4 -> typeOf (0 :: Word32)
                               n -> error ("Unsupported `guint' length: " ++
                                           show n)
haskellBasicType TLong     = typeOf (0 :: CLong)
haskellBasicType TULong    = typeOf (0 :: CULong)
haskellBasicType TInt8     = typeOf (0 :: Int8)
haskellBasicType TUInt8    = typeOf (0 :: Word8)
haskellBasicType TInt16    = typeOf (0 :: Int16)
haskellBasicType TUInt16   = typeOf (0 :: Word16)
haskellBasicType TInt32    = typeOf (0 :: Int32)
haskellBasicType TUInt32   = typeOf (0 :: Word32)
haskellBasicType TInt64    = typeOf (0 :: Int64)
haskellBasicType TUInt64   = typeOf (0 :: Word64)
haskellBasicType TGType    = "GType" `con` []
haskellBasicType TUTF8     = "T.Text" `con` []
haskellBasicType TFloat    = typeOf (0 :: Float)
haskellBasicType TDouble   = typeOf (0 :: Double)
haskellBasicType TUniChar  = typeOf ('\0' :: Char)
haskellBasicType TFileName = "[Char]" `con` []
haskellBasicType TIntPtr   = "CIntPtr" `con` []
haskellBasicType TUIntPtr  = "CUIntPtr" `con` []

-- This translates GI types to the types used for generated Haskell code.
haskellType :: Type -> CodeGen TypeRep
haskellType (TBasicType bt) = return $ haskellBasicType bt
-- We cannot really do anything sensible for a foreign array with no
-- length info, so just pass the pointer along.
haskellType (TCArray False (-1) (-1) t) =
    ptr <$> foreignType t
haskellType (TCArray _ _ _ (TBasicType TUInt8)) =
    return $ "ByteString" `con` []
haskellType (TCArray _ _ _ a) = do
  inner <- haskellType a
  return $ "[]" `con` [inner]
haskellType (TGArray a) = do
  inner <- haskellType a
  return $ "[]" `con` [inner]
haskellType (TPtrArray a) = do
  inner <- haskellType a
  return $ "[]" `con` [inner]
haskellType (TByteArray) = return $ "ByteString" `con` []
haskellType (TGList a) = do
  inner <- haskellType a
  return $ "[]" `con` [inner]
haskellType (TGSList a) = do
  inner <- haskellType a
  return $ "[]" `con` [inner]
haskellType (TGHash a b) = do
  innerA <- haskellType a
  innerB <- haskellType b
  return $ "Map.Map" `con` [innerA, innerB]
haskellType TError = return $ "GError" `con` []
haskellType TVariant = return $ "GVariant" `con` []
haskellType TParamSpec = return $ "GParamSpec" `con` []
haskellType (TInterface (Name "GObject" "Value")) = return $ "GValue" `con` []
haskellType (TInterface (Name "GObject" "Closure")) = return $ "Closure" `con` []
haskellType t@(TInterface n) = do
  api <- getAPI t
  tname <- qualifiedAPI n
  return $ case api of
             (APIFlags _) -> "[]" `con` [tname `con` []]
             _ -> tname `con` []

-- | Whether the callable has closure arguments (i.e. "user_data"
-- style arguments).
callableHasClosures :: Callable -> Bool
callableHasClosures = any (/= -1) . map argClosure . args

-- | Basically like `haskellType`, but for types which admit a "isomorphic"
-- version of the Haskell type distinct from the usual Haskell type.
-- Generally the Haskell type we expose is isomorphic to the foreign
-- type, but in some cases, such as callbacks with closure arguments,
-- this does not hold, as we omit the closure arguments. This function
-- returns a type which is actually isomorphic.
isoHaskellType :: Type -> CodeGen TypeRep
isoHaskellType t@(TInterface n) = do
  api <- findAPI t
  case api of
    Just (APICallback cb) -> do
        tname <- qualifiedAPI n
        if callableHasClosures (cbCallable cb)
        then return ((callbackHTypeWithClosures tname) `con` [])
        else return (tname `con` [])
    _ -> haskellType t
isoHaskellType t = haskellType t

foreignBasicType TBoolean  = "CInt" `con` []
foreignBasicType TUTF8     = "CString" `con` []
foreignBasicType TFileName = "CString" `con` []
foreignBasicType TUniChar  = "CInt" `con` []
foreignBasicType TFloat    = "CFloat" `con` []
foreignBasicType TDouble   = "CDouble" `con` []
foreignBasicType TGType    = "CGType" `con` []
foreignBasicType t         = haskellBasicType t

-- This translates GI types to the types used in foreign function calls.
foreignType :: Type -> CodeGen TypeRep
foreignType (TBasicType t) = return $ foreignBasicType t
foreignType (TCArray False (-1) (-1) t) =
    ptr <$> foreignType t
foreignType (TCArray zt _ _ t) = do
  api <- findAPI t
  let size = case api of
               Just (APIStruct s) -> structSize s
               Just (APIUnion u) -> unionSize u
               _ -> 0
  if size == 0 || zt
  then ptr <$> foreignType t
  else foreignType t
foreignType (TGArray a) = do
  inner <- foreignType a
  return $ ptr ("GArray" `con` [inner])
foreignType (TPtrArray a) = do
  inner <- foreignType a
  return $ ptr ("GPtrArray" `con` [inner])
foreignType (TByteArray) = return $ ptr ("GByteArray" `con` [])
foreignType (TGList a) = do
  inner <- foreignType a
  return $ ptr ("GList" `con` [inner])
foreignType (TGSList a) = do
  inner <- foreignType a
  return $ ptr ("GSList" `con` [inner])
foreignType (TGHash a b) = do
  innerA <- foreignType a
  innerB <- foreignType b
  return $ ptr ("GHashTable" `con` [innerA, innerB])
foreignType t@TError = ptr <$> haskellType t
foreignType t@TVariant = ptr <$> haskellType t
foreignType t@TParamSpec = ptr <$> haskellType t
foreignType (TInterface (Name "GObject" "Value")) = return $ ptr $ "GValue" `con` []
foreignType (TInterface (Name "GObject" "Closure")) =
    return $ ptr $ "Closure" `con` []
foreignType t@(TInterface n) = do
  isScalar <- getIsScalar t
  if isScalar
  then return $ "CUInt" `con` []
  else do
    api <- getAPI t
    case api of
      APICallback _ -> do
         tname <- qualifiedSymbol (callbackCType $ name n) n
         return (funptr $ tname `con` [])
      _ -> do
         tname <- qualifiedAPI n
         return (ptr $ tname `con` [])

getIsScalar :: Type -> CodeGen Bool
getIsScalar t = do
  a <- findAPI t
  case a of
    Nothing -> return False
    (Just (APIEnum _)) -> return True
    (Just (APIFlags _)) -> return True
    _ -> return False

-- | Information on how to allocate a type.
data TypeAllocInfo = TypeAllocInfo {
      typeAllocInfoIsBoxed :: Bool
    , typeAllocInfoSize    :: Int -- ^ In bytes.

-- | Information on how to allocate the given type, if known.
typeAllocInfo :: Type -> CodeGen (Maybe TypeAllocInfo)
typeAllocInfo t = do
  api <- findAPI t
  case api of
    Just (APIStruct s) -> case structSize s of
                            0 -> return Nothing
                            n -> let info = TypeAllocInfo {
                                              typeAllocInfoIsBoxed = structIsBoxed s
                                            , typeAllocInfoSize = n
                                 in return (Just info)
    _ -> return Nothing

-- | Returns whether the given type corresponds to a `ManagedPtr`
-- instance (a thin wrapper over a `ForeignPtr`).
isManaged   :: Type -> CodeGen Bool
isManaged TError = return True
isManaged TVariant = return True
isManaged TParamSpec = return True
isManaged t@(TInterface _) = do
  a <- findAPI t
  case a of
    Just (APIObject _)    -> return True
    Just (APIInterface _) -> return True
    Just (APIStruct _)    -> return True
    Just (APIUnion _)     -> return True
    _                     -> return False
isManaged _ = return False

-- | Returns whether the given type is represented by a pointer on the
-- C side.
typeIsPtr :: Type -> CodeGen Bool
typeIsPtr t = isJust <$> typePtrType t

-- | Distinct types of foreign pointers.
data FFIPtrType = FFIPtr    -- ^ Ordinary `Ptr`.
                | FFIFunPtr -- ^ `FunPtr`.

-- | For those types represented by pointers on the C side, return the
-- type of pointer which represents them on the Haskell FFI.
typePtrType :: Type -> CodeGen (Maybe FFIPtrType)
typePtrType (TBasicType TPtr) = return (Just FFIPtr)
typePtrType (TBasicType TUTF8) = return (Just FFIPtr)
typePtrType (TBasicType TFileName) = return (Just FFIPtr)
typePtrType t = do
  ft <- foreignType t
  case tyConName (typeRepTyCon ft) of
    "Ptr"    -> return (Just FFIPtr)
    "FunPtr" -> return (Just FFIFunPtr)
    _        -> return Nothing

-- | If the passed in type is nullable, return the conversion function
-- between the FFI pointer type (may be a `Ptr` or a `FunPtr`) and the
-- corresponding `Maybe` type.
maybeNullConvert :: Type -> CodeGen (Maybe Text)
maybeNullConvert (TBasicType TPtr) = return Nothing
maybeNullConvert (TGList _) = return Nothing
maybeNullConvert (TGSList _) = return Nothing
maybeNullConvert t = do
  pt <- typePtrType t
  case pt of
    Just FFIPtr -> return (Just "SP.convertIfNonNull")
    Just FFIFunPtr -> return (Just "SP.convertFunPtrIfNonNull")
    Nothing -> return Nothing

-- | An appropriate NULL value for the given type, for types which are
-- represented by pointers on the C side.
nullPtrForType :: Type -> CodeGen (Maybe Text)
nullPtrForType t = do
  pt <- typePtrType t
  case pt of
    Just FFIPtr -> return (Just "FP.nullPtr")
    Just FFIFunPtr -> return (Just "FP.nullFunPtr")
    Nothing -> return Nothing

-- | Returns whether the given type should be represented by a
-- `Maybe` type on the Haskell side. This applies to all properties
-- which have a C representation in terms of pointers, except for
-- G(S)Lists, for which NULL is a valid G(S)List, and raw pointers,
-- which we just pass through to the Haskell side. Notice that
-- introspection annotations can override this.
typeIsNullable :: Type -> CodeGen Bool
typeIsNullable t = isJust <$> maybeNullConvert t

-- If the given type maps to a list in Haskell, return the type of the
-- elements, and the function that maps over them.
elementTypeAndMap :: Type -> Text -> Maybe (Type, Text)
-- Passed along as a raw pointer.
elementTypeAndMap (TCArray False (-1) (-1) _) _ = Nothing
-- ByteString
elementTypeAndMap (TCArray _ _ _ (TBasicType TUInt8)) _ = Nothing
elementTypeAndMap (TCArray True _ _ t) _ = Just (t, "mapZeroTerminatedCArray")
elementTypeAndMap (TCArray False (-1) _ t) len =
    Just (t, parenthesize $ "mapCArrayWithLength " <> len)
elementTypeAndMap (TCArray False fixed _ t) _ =
    Just (t, parenthesize $ "mapCArrayWithLength " <> tshow fixed)
elementTypeAndMap (TGArray t) _ = Just (t, "mapGArray")
elementTypeAndMap (TPtrArray t) _ = Just (t, "mapPtrArray")
elementTypeAndMap (TGList t) _ = Just (t, "mapGList")
elementTypeAndMap (TGSList t) _ = Just (t, "mapGSList")
-- GHashTable is treated separately, see Transfer.hs
elementTypeAndMap _ _ = Nothing

-- Return just the element type.
elementType :: Type -> Maybe Type
elementType t = fst <$> elementTypeAndMap t undefined

-- Return just the map.
elementMap :: Type -> Text -> Maybe Text
elementMap t len = snd <$> elementTypeAndMap t len