{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | Lookup the documentation of a name in a module (and in a specific
-- package in the case of ambiguity).

module Haskell.Docs
  (module Haskell.Docs

import Haskell.Docs.Formatting
import Haskell.Docs.Haddock
import Haskell.Docs.Types

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import GHC hiding (verbosity)
import GhcMonad (liftIO)

-- -- | Print the documentation of a name in the given module.
  :: Bool              -- ^ Print modules only.
  -> Bool              -- ^ S-expression format.
  -> Maybe PackageName -- ^ Package.
  -> Maybe ModuleName  -- ^ Module name.
  -> Identifier        -- ^ Identifier.
  -> Ghc ()
searchAndPrintDoc ms ss pname mname ident =
  do (result,printPkg,printModule) <- search
     case result of
       Left err ->
         throw err
       Right (sortBy (comparing identDocPackageName) -> docs) ->
          if ss
             then printSexp (nub docs)
             else mapM_ (\(i,doc') ->
                           do when (not ms && i > 0)
                                   (liftIO (putStrLn ""))
                              printIdentDoc ms printPkg printModule doc')
                        (zip [0::Int ..] (nub docs))
  where search =
          case (pname,mname) of
            (Just p,Just m) -> fmap (,False,False) (searchPackageModuleIdent Nothing p m ident)
            (Nothing,Just m) -> fmap (,True,False) (searchModuleIdent Nothing m ident)
            _ -> fmap (,True,True) (searchIdent Nothing ident)