Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
Lookup the documentation of a name in a module (and in a specific package in the case of ambiguity).
- printDocumentationInitialized :: String -> ModuleName -> Maybe String -> [String] -> IO Bool
- printDocumentation :: DynFlags -> String -> ModuleName -> Maybe String -> Maybe PackageConfig -> Ghc Bool
- showPackageName :: PackageIdentifier -> String
- printWithPackage :: DynFlags -> Bool -> String -> ModuleName -> PackageConfig -> Ghc Bool
- printWithInterface :: DynFlags -> Bool -> PackageConfig -> String -> ModuleName -> InstalledInterface -> Ghc Bool
- printType :: GhcMonad m => DynFlags -> ModuleName -> t -> String -> m ()
- printArgs :: InstalledInterface -> String -> Ghc ()
- indentAfter :: Int -> String -> String
- descendSearch :: DynFlags -> String -> Name -> PackageConfig -> Ghc Bool
- formatDoc :: Doc String -> String
- doc :: Doc String -> String
- normalize :: [Char] -> [Char]
- trim :: [Char] -> [Char]
- formatExample :: Example -> String
- interfaceNameMap :: InstalledInterface -> Map String (Doc String)
- interfaceArgMap :: InstalledInterface -> Map String (Map Int (Doc Name))
- getPackagesByModule :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> IO (Either [Module] [PackageConfig])
- getHaddockInterfacesByPackage :: PackageConfig -> IO [Either String InterfaceFile]
- withInitializedPackages :: [String] -> (DynFlags -> Ghc a) -> IO a
- run :: Ghc a -> IO a
- showppr :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> a -> String
- sdoc :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
- showSDocForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> String
printDocumentationInitialized :: String -> ModuleName -> Maybe String -> [String] -> IO Bool Source
Print documentation with an initialized package set.
printDocumentation :: DynFlags -> String -> ModuleName -> Maybe String -> Maybe PackageConfig -> Ghc Bool Source
Print the documentation of a name in the given module.
showPackageName :: PackageIdentifier -> String Source
Show the package name e.g. base.
printWithPackage :: DynFlags -> Bool -> String -> ModuleName -> PackageConfig -> Ghc Bool Source
Print the documentation with the given package.
printWithInterface :: DynFlags -> Bool -> PackageConfig -> String -> ModuleName -> InstalledInterface -> Ghc Bool Source
Print the documentation from the given interface.
printArgs :: InstalledInterface -> String -> Ghc () Source
Print the documentation of the arguments.
indentAfter :: Int -> String -> String Source
Indent after the first line.
descendSearch :: DynFlags -> String -> Name -> PackageConfig -> Ghc Bool Source
The module symbol doesn't actually exist in the module we intended, so we descend into the module that it does exist in and restart our search process.
formatExample :: Example -> String Source
Format an example to plain text.
interfaceNameMap :: InstalledInterface -> Map String (Doc String) Source
Get a mapping from names to doc string of that name from a Haddock interface.
interfaceArgMap :: InstalledInterface -> Map String (Map Int (Doc Name)) Source
Get a mapping from names to doc string of that name from a Haddock interface.
getPackagesByModule :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> IO (Either [Module] [PackageConfig]) Source
Search for a module's package, returning suggestions if not found.
getHaddockInterfacesByPackage :: PackageConfig -> IO [Either String InterfaceFile] Source
Get the Haddock interfaces of the given package.
withInitializedPackages :: [String] -> (DynFlags -> Ghc a) -> IO a Source
Run an action with an initialized GHC package set.
showppr :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> a -> String Source
showSDocForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> String Source
Wraps showSDocForUser