--- swagger: "2.0" info: description: "## REST API for the BitMEX Trading Platform\n\n[View Changelog](/app/apiChangelog)\n\ \n\n\n#### Getting Started\n\n\n##### Fetching Data\n\nAll REST endpoints are\ \ documented below. You can try out any query right from this interface.\n\nMost\ \ table queries accept `count`, `start`, and `reverse` params. Set `reverse=true`\ \ to get rows newest-first.\n\nAdditional documentation regarding filters, timestamps,\ \ and authentication\nis available in [the main API documentation](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI).\n\ \n*All* table data is available via the [Websocket](/app/wsAPI). We highly recommend\ \ using the socket if you want\nto have the quickest possible data without being\ \ subject to ratelimits.\n\n##### Return Types\n\nBy default, all data is returned\ \ as JSON. Send `?_format=csv` to get CSV data or `?_format=xml` to get XML data.\n\ \n##### Trade Data Queries\n\n*This is only a small subset of what is available,\ \ to get you started.*\n\nFill in the parameters and click the `Try it out!` button\ \ to try any of these queries.\n\n* [Pricing Data](#!/Quote/Quote_get)\n\n* [Trade\ \ Data](#!/Trade/Trade_get)\n\n* [OrderBook Data](#!/OrderBook/OrderBook_getL2)\n\ \n* [Settlement Data](#!/Settlement/Settlement_get)\n\n* [Exchange Statistics](#!/Stats/Stats_history)\n\ \nEvery function of the BitMEX.com platform is exposed here and documented. Many\ \ more functions are available.\n\n##### Swagger Specification\n\n[⇩ Download\ \ Swagger JSON](swagger.json)\n\n\n\n## All API Endpoints\n\nClick to expand a\ \ section.\n" version: "1.2.0" title: "BitMEX API" termsOfService: "https://www.bitmex.com/app/terms" contact: email: "support@bitmex.com" basePath: "/api/v1" tags: - name: "Announcement" description: "Public Announcements" - name: "APIKey" description: "Persistent API Keys for Developers" - name: "Chat" description: "Trollbox Data" - name: "Execution" description: "Raw Order and Balance Data" - name: "Funding" description: "Swap Funding History" - name: "Instrument" description: "Tradeable Contracts, Indices, and History" - name: "Insurance" description: "Insurance Fund Data" - name: "Leaderboard" description: "Information on Top Users" - name: "Liquidation" description: "Active Liquidations" - name: "Notification" description: "Account Notifications" - name: "Order" description: "Placement, Cancellation, Amending, and History" - name: "OrderBook" description: "Level 2 Book Data" - name: "Position" description: "Summary of Open and Closed Positions" - name: "Quote" description: "Best Bid/Offer Snapshots & Historical Bins" - name: "Schema" description: "Dynamic Schemata for Developers" - name: "Settlement" description: "Historical Settlement Data" - name: "Stats" description: "Exchange Statistics" - name: "Trade" description: "Individual & Bucketed Trades" - name: "User" description: "Account Operations" consumes: - "application/json" - "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" produces: - "application/json" - "application/xml" - "text/xml" - "application/javascript" - "text/javascript" security: - apiKey: [] apiSignature: [] apiNonce: [] paths: /announcement: get: tags: - "Announcement" summary: "Get site announcements." operationId: "Announcement.get" parameters: - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Announcement" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /announcement/urgent: get: tags: - "Announcement" summary: "Get urgent (banner) announcements." operationId: "Announcement.getUrgent" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Announcement" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /apiKey: get: tags: - "APIKey" summary: "Get your API Keys." operationId: "APIKey.get" parameters: - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/APIKey" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" post: tags: - "APIKey" summary: "Create a new API Key." description: "API Keys can also be created via [this Python script](https://github.com/BitMEX/market-maker/blob/master/generate-api-key.py)\ \ See the [API Key Documentation](/app/apiKeys) for more information on capabilities." operationId: "APIKey.new" parameters: - name: "name" in: "formData" description: "Key name. This name is for reference only." required: false type: "string" - name: "cidr" in: "formData" description: "CIDR block to restrict this key to. To restrict to a single\ \ address, append \"/32\", e.g. Leave blank or set to\ \ to allow all IPs. Only one block may be set. <a href=\"http://software77.net/cidr-101.html\"\ >More on CIDR blocks</a>" required: false type: "string" - name: "permissions" in: "formData" description: "Key Permissions. All keys can read margin and position data.\ \ Additional permissions must be added. Available: [\"order\", \"orderCancel\"\ , \"withdraw\"]." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "enabled" in: "formData" description: "Set to true to enable this key on creation. Otherwise, it must\ \ be explicitly enabled via /apiKey/enable." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "token" in: "formData" description: "OTP Token (YubiKey, Google Authenticator)" required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/APIKey" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" delete: tags: - "APIKey" summary: "Remove an API Key." operationId: "APIKey.remove" parameters: - name: "apiKeyID" in: "formData" description: "API Key ID (public component)." required: true type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/inline_response_200" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /apiKey/disable: post: tags: - "APIKey" summary: "Disable an API Key." operationId: "APIKey.disable" parameters: - name: "apiKeyID" in: "formData" description: "API Key ID (public component)." required: true type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/APIKey" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /apiKey/enable: post: tags: - "APIKey" summary: "Enable an API Key." operationId: "APIKey.enable" parameters: - name: "apiKeyID" in: "formData" description: "API Key ID (public component)." required: true type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/APIKey" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /chat: get: tags: - "Chat" summary: "Get chat messages." operationId: "Chat.get" parameters: - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting ID for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: true - name: "channelID" in: "query" description: "Channel id. GET /chat/channels for ids. Leave blank for all." required: false type: "number" format: "double" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Chat" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] post: tags: - "Chat" summary: "Send a chat message." operationId: "Chat.new" parameters: - name: "message" in: "formData" required: true type: "string" - name: "channelID" in: "formData" description: "Channel to post to. Default 1 (English)." required: false type: "number" default: 1 format: "double" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Chat" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /chat/channels: get: tags: - "Chat" summary: "Get available channels." operationId: "Chat.getChannels" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ChatChannels" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /chat/connected: get: tags: - "Chat" summary: "Get connected users." description: "Returns an array with browser users in the first position and\ \ API users (bots) in the second position." operationId: "Chat.getConnected" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConnectedUsers" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /execution: get: tags: - "Execution" summary: "Get all raw executions for your account." description: "This returns all raw transactions, which includes order opening\ \ and cancelation, and order status\nchanges. It can be quite noisy. More\ \ focused information is available at `/execution/tradeHistory`.\n\nYou may\ \ also use the `filter` param to target your query. Specify an array as a\ \ filter value, such as\n`{\"execType\": [\"Settlement\", \"Trade\"]}` to\ \ filter on multiple values.\n\nSee [the FIX Spec](http://www.onixs.biz/fix-dictionary/5.0.SP2/msgType_8_8.html)\ \ for explanations of these fields.\n" operationId: "Execution.get" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Execution" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /execution/tradeHistory: get: tags: - "Execution" summary: "Get all balance-affecting executions. This includes each trade, insurance\ \ charge, and settlement." operationId: "Execution.getTradeHistory" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Execution" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /funding: get: tags: - "Funding" summary: "Get funding history." operationId: "Funding.get" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Funding" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /instrument: get: tags: - "Instrument" summary: "Get instruments." description: "This returns all instruments and indices, including those that\ \ have settled or are unlisted. Use this endpoint if you want to query for\ \ individual instruments or use a complex filter. Use `/instrument/active`\ \ to return active instruments, or use a filter like `{\"state\": \"Open\"\ }`." operationId: "Instrument.get" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Instrument" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /instrument/active: get: tags: - "Instrument" summary: "Get all active instruments and instruments that have expired in <24hrs." operationId: "Instrument.getActive" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Instrument" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /instrument/indices: get: tags: - "Instrument" summary: "Get all price indices." operationId: "Instrument.getIndices" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Instrument" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /instrument/activeAndIndices: get: tags: - "Instrument" summary: "Helper method. Gets all active instruments and all indices. This is\ \ a join of the result of /indices and /active." operationId: "Instrument.getActiveAndIndices" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Instrument" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /instrument/activeIntervals: get: tags: - "Instrument" summary: "Return all active contract series and interval pairs." description: "This endpoint is useful for determining which pairs are live.\ \ It returns two arrays of strings. The first is intervals, such as `[\"\ BVOL:daily\", \"BVOL:weekly\", \"XBU:daily\", \"XBU:monthly\", ...]`. These\ \ identifiers are usable in any query's `symbol` param. The second array is\ \ the current resolution of these intervals. Results are mapped at the same\ \ index." operationId: "Instrument.getActiveIntervals" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/InstrumentInterval" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /instrument/compositeIndex: get: tags: - "Instrument" summary: "Show constituent parts of an index." description: "Composite indices are built from multiple external price sources.\n\ \nUse this endpoint to get the underlying prices of an index. For example,\ \ send a `symbol` of `.XBT` to\nget the ticks and weights of the constituent\ \ exchanges that build the \".XBT\" index.\n\nA tick with reference `\"BMI\"\ ` and weight `null` is the composite index tick.\n" operationId: "Instrument.getCompositeIndex" parameters: - name: "account" in: "query" required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "The composite index symbol." required: false type: "string" default: ".XBT" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/IndexComposite" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /insurance: get: tags: - "Insurance" summary: "Get insurance fund history." operationId: "Insurance.get" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Insurance" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /leaderboard: get: tags: - "Leaderboard" summary: "Get current leaderboard." operationId: "Leaderboard.get" parameters: - name: "method" in: "query" description: "Ranking type. Options: \"notional\", \"ROE\"" required: false type: "string" default: "notional" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Leaderboard" security: [] /liquidation: get: tags: - "Liquidation" summary: "Get liquidation orders." operationId: "Liquidation.get" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Liquidation" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /notification: get: tags: - "Notification" summary: "Get your current notifications." description: "This is an upcoming feature and currently does not return data." operationId: "Notification.get" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Notification" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /order: get: tags: - "Order" summary: "Get your orders." description: "To get open orders only, send {\"open\": true} in the filter param.\n\ \nSee <a href=\"http://www.onixs.biz/fix-dictionary/5.0.SP2/msgType_D_68.html\"\ >the FIX Spec</a> for explanations of these fields." operationId: "Order.getOrders" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Order" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" post: tags: - "Order" summary: "Create a new order." description: "## Placing Orders\n\nThis endpoint is used for placing orders.\ \ See individual fields below for more details on their use.\n\n#### Order\ \ Types\n\nAll orders require a `symbol`. All other fields are optional except\ \ when otherwise specified.\n\nThese are the valid `ordType`s:\n\n* **Limit**:\ \ The default order type. Specify an `orderQty` and `price`.\n* **Market**:\ \ A traditional Market order. A Market order will execute until filled or\ \ your bankruptcy price is reached, at\n which point it will cancel.\n* **MarketWithLeftOverAsLimit**:\ \ A market order that, after eating through the order book as far as\n permitted\ \ by available margin, will become a limit order. The difference between this\ \ type and `Market` only\n affects the behavior in thin books. Upon reaching\ \ the deepest possible price, if there is quantity left over,\n a `Market`\ \ order will cancel the remaining quantity. `MarketWithLeftOverAsLimit` will\ \ keep the remaining\n quantity in the books as a `Limit`.\n* **Stop**: A\ \ Stop Market order. Specify an `orderQty` and `stopPx`. When the `stopPx`\ \ is reached, the order will be entered\n into the book.\n * On sell orders,\ \ the order will trigger if the triggering price is lower than the `stopPx`.\ \ On buys, higher.\n * Note: Stop orders do not consume margin until triggered.\ \ Be sure that the required margin is available in your\n account so that\ \ it may trigger fully.\n * `Close` Stops don't require an `orderQty`. See\ \ Execution Instructions below.\n* **StopLimit**: Like a Stop Market, but\ \ enters a Limit order instead of a Market order. Specify an `orderQty`, `stopPx`,\n\ \ and `price`.\n* **MarketIfTouched**: Similar to a Stop, but triggers are\ \ done in the opposite direction. Useful for Take Profit orders.\n* **LimitIfTouched**:\ \ As above; use for Take Profit Limit orders.\n\n#### Execution Instructions\n\ \nThe following `execInst`s are supported. If using multiple, separate with\ \ a comma (e.g. `LastPrice,Close`).\n\n* **ParticipateDoNotInitiate**: Also\ \ known as a Post-Only order. If this order would have executed on placement,\n\ \ it will cancel instead.\n* **AllOrNone**: Valid only for hidden orders\ \ (`displayQty: 0`). Use to only execute if the entire order would fill.\n\ * **MarkPrice, LastPrice, IndexPrice**: Used by stop and if-touched orders\ \ to determine the triggering price.\n Use only one. By default, `'MarkPrice'`\ \ is used. Also used for Pegged orders to define the value of `'LastPeg'`.\n\ * **ReduceOnly**: A `'ReduceOnly'` order can only reduce your position, not\ \ increase it. If you have a `'ReduceOnly'`\n limit order that rests in the\ \ order book while the position is reduced by other orders, then its order\ \ quantity will\n be amended down or canceled. If there are multiple `'ReduceOnly'`\ \ orders the least agresssive will be amended first.\n* **Close**: `'Close'`\ \ implies `'ReduceOnly'`. A `'Close'` order will cancel other active limit\ \ orders with the same side\n and symbol if the open quantity exceeds the\ \ current position. This is useful for stops: by canceling these orders, a\n\ \ `'Close'` Stop is ensured to have the margin required to execute, and can\ \ only execute up to the full size of your\n position. If not specified,\ \ a `'Close'` order has an `orderQty` equal to your current position's size.\n\ \n#### Linked Orders\n\nLinked Orders are an advanced capability. It is very\ \ powerful, but its use requires careful coding and testing.\nPlease follow\ \ this document carefully and use the [Testnet Exchange](https://testnet.bitmex.com)\ \ while developing.\n\nBitMEX offers four advanced Linked Order types:\n\n\ * **OCO**: *One Cancels the Other*. A very flexible version of the standard\ \ Stop / Take Profit technique.\n Multiple orders may be linked together\ \ using a single `clOrdLinkID`. Send a `contingencyType` of\n `OneCancelsTheOther`\ \ on the orders. The first order that fully or partially executes (or activates\n\ \ for `Stop` orders) will cancel all other orders with the same `clOrdLinkID`.\n\ * **OTO**: *One Triggers the Other*. Send a `contingencyType` of `'OneTriggersTheOther'`\ \ on the primary order and\n then subsequent orders with the same `clOrdLinkID`\ \ will be not be triggered until the primary order fully executes.\n* **OUOA**:\ \ *One Updates the Other Absolute*. Send a `contingencyType` of `'OneUpdatesTheOtherAbsolute'`\ \ on the orders. Then\n as one order has a execution, other orders with the\ \ same `clOrdLinkID` will have their order quantity amended\n down by the\ \ execution quantity.\n* **OUOP**: *One Updates the Other Proportional*. Send\ \ a `contingencyType` of `'OneUpdatesTheOtherProportional'` on the orders.\ \ Then\n as one order has a execution, other orders with the same `clOrdLinkID`\ \ will have their order quantity reduced proportionally\n by the fill percentage.\n\ \n#### Trailing Stops\n\nYou may use `pegPriceType` of `'TrailingStopPeg'`\ \ to create Trailing Stops. The pegged `stopPx` will move as the market\n\ moves away from the peg, and freeze as the market moves toward it.\n\nTo use,\ \ combine with `pegOffsetValue` to set the `stopPx` of your order. The peg\ \ is set to the triggering price\nspecified in the `execInst` (default `'MarkPrice'`).\ \ Use a negative offset for stop-sell and buy-if-touched orders.\n\nRequires\ \ `ordType`: `'Stop', 'StopLimit', 'MarketIfTouched', 'LimitIfTouched'`.\n\ \n#### Simple Quantities\n\nSend a `simpleOrderQty` instead of an `orderQty`\ \ to create an order denominated in the underlying currency.\nThis is useful\ \ for opening up a position with 1 XBT of exposure without having to calculate\ \ how many contracts it is.\n\n#### Rate Limits\n\nSee the [Bulk Order Documentation](#!/Order/Order_newBulk)\ \ if you need to place multiple orders at the same time.\nBulk orders require\ \ fewer risk checks in the trading engine and thus are ratelimited at **1/10**\ \ the normal rate.\n\nYou can also improve your reactivity to market movements\ \ while staying under your ratelimit by using the\n[Amend](#!/Order/Order_amend)\ \ and [Amend Bulk](#!/Order/Order_amendBulk) endpoints. This allows you to\ \ stay\nin the market and avoids the cancel/replace cycle.\n\n#### Tracking\ \ Your Orders\n\nIf you want to keep track of order IDs yourself, set a unique\ \ `clOrdID` per order.\nThis `clOrdID` will come back as a property on the\ \ order and any related executions (including on the WebSocket),\nand can\ \ be used to get or cancel the order. Max length is 36 characters.\n" operationId: "Order.new" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "formData" description: "Instrument symbol. e.g. 'XBTUSD'." required: true type: "string" - name: "side" in: "formData" description: "Order side. Valid options: Buy, Sell. Defaults to 'Buy' unless\ \ `orderQty` or `simpleOrderQty` is negative." required: false type: "string" - name: "simpleOrderQty" in: "formData" description: "Order quantity in units of the underlying instrument (i.e. Bitcoin)." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "quantity" in: "formData" description: "Deprecated: use `orderQty`." required: false type: "number" format: "int32" - name: "orderQty" in: "formData" description: "Order quantity in units of the instrument (i.e. contracts)." required: false type: "number" format: "int32" - name: "price" in: "formData" description: "Optional limit price for 'Limit', 'StopLimit', and 'LimitIfTouched'\ \ orders." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "displayQty" in: "formData" description: "Optional quantity to display in the book. Use 0 for a fully\ \ hidden order." required: false type: "number" format: "int32" - name: "stopPrice" in: "formData" description: "Deprecated: use `stopPx`." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "stopPx" in: "formData" description: "Optional trigger price for 'Stop', 'StopLimit', 'MarketIfTouched',\ \ and 'LimitIfTouched' orders. Use a price below the current price for stop-sell\ \ orders and buy-if-touched orders. Use `execInst` of 'MarkPrice' or 'LastPrice'\ \ to define the current price used for triggering." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "clOrdID" in: "formData" description: "Optional Client Order ID. This clOrdID will come back on the\ \ order and any related executions." required: false type: "string" - name: "clOrdLinkID" in: "formData" description: "Optional Client Order Link ID for contingent orders." required: false type: "string" - name: "pegOffsetValue" in: "formData" description: "Optional trailing offset from the current price for 'Stop',\ \ 'StopLimit', 'MarketIfTouched', and 'LimitIfTouched' orders; use a negative\ \ offset for stop-sell orders and buy-if-touched orders. Optional offset\ \ from the peg price for 'Pegged' orders." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "pegPriceType" in: "formData" description: "Optional peg price type. Valid options: LastPeg, MidPricePeg,\ \ MarketPeg, PrimaryPeg, TrailingStopPeg." required: false type: "string" - name: "type" in: "formData" description: "Deprecated: use `ordType`." required: false type: "string" - name: "ordType" in: "formData" description: "Order type. Valid options: Market, Limit, Stop, StopLimit, MarketIfTouched,\ \ LimitIfTouched, MarketWithLeftOverAsLimit, Pegged. Defaults to 'Limit'\ \ when `price` is specified. Defaults to 'Stop' when `stopPx` is specified.\ \ Defaults to 'StopLimit' when `price` and `stopPx` are specified." required: false type: "string" default: "Limit" - name: "timeInForce" in: "formData" description: "Time in force. Valid options: Day, GoodTillCancel, ImmediateOrCancel,\ \ FillOrKill. Defaults to 'GoodTillCancel' for 'Limit', 'StopLimit', 'LimitIfTouched',\ \ and 'MarketWithLeftOverAsLimit' orders." required: false type: "string" - name: "execInst" in: "formData" description: "Optional execution instructions. Valid options: ParticipateDoNotInitiate,\ \ AllOrNone, MarkPrice, IndexPrice, LastPrice, Close, ReduceOnly, Fixed.\ \ 'AllOrNone' instruction requires `displayQty` to be 0. 'MarkPrice', 'IndexPrice'\ \ or 'LastPrice' instruction valid for 'Stop', 'StopLimit', 'MarketIfTouched',\ \ and 'LimitIfTouched' orders." required: false type: "string" - name: "contingencyType" in: "formData" description: "Optional contingency type for use with `clOrdLinkID`. Valid\ \ options: OneCancelsTheOther, OneTriggersTheOther, OneUpdatesTheOtherAbsolute,\ \ OneUpdatesTheOtherProportional." required: false type: "string" - name: "text" in: "formData" description: "Optional order annotation. e.g. 'Take profit'." required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Order" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" put: tags: - "Order" summary: "Amend the quantity or price of an open order." description: "Send an `orderID` or `origClOrdID` to identify the order you wish\ \ to amend.\n\nBoth order quantity and price can be amended. Only one `qty`\ \ field can be used to amend.\n\nUse the `leavesQty` field to specify how\ \ much of the order you wish to remain open. This can be useful\nif you want\ \ to adjust your position's delta by a certain amount, regardless of how much\ \ of the order has\nalready filled.\n\nUse the `simpleOrderQty` and `simpleLeavesQty`\ \ fields to specify order size in Bitcoin, rather than contracts.\nThese fields\ \ will round up to the nearest contract.\n\nLike order placement, amending\ \ can be done in bulk. Simply send a request to `PUT /api/v1/order/bulk` with\n\ a JSON body of the shape: `{\"orders\": [{...}, {...}]}`, each object containing\ \ the fields used in this endpoint.\n" operationId: "Order.amend" parameters: - name: "orderID" in: "formData" description: "Order ID" required: false type: "string" - name: "origClOrdID" in: "formData" description: "Client Order ID. See POST /order." required: false type: "string" - name: "clOrdID" in: "formData" description: "Optional new Client Order ID, requires `origClOrdID`." required: false type: "string" - name: "simpleOrderQty" in: "formData" description: "Optional order quantity in units of the underlying instrument\ \ (i.e. Bitcoin)." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "orderQty" in: "formData" description: "Optional order quantity in units of the instrument (i.e. contracts)." required: false type: "number" format: "int32" - name: "simpleLeavesQty" in: "formData" description: "Optional leaves quantity in units of the underlying instrument\ \ (i.e. Bitcoin). Useful for amending partially filled orders." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "leavesQty" in: "formData" description: "Optional leaves quantity in units of the instrument (i.e. contracts).\ \ Useful for amending partially filled orders." required: false type: "number" format: "int32" - name: "price" in: "formData" description: "Optional limit price for 'Limit', 'StopLimit', and 'LimitIfTouched'\ \ orders." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "stopPx" in: "formData" description: "Optional trigger price for 'Stop', 'StopLimit', 'MarketIfTouched',\ \ and 'LimitIfTouched' orders. Use a price below the current price for stop-sell\ \ orders and buy-if-touched orders." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "pegOffsetValue" in: "formData" description: "Optional trailing offset from the current price for 'Stop',\ \ 'StopLimit', 'MarketIfTouched', and 'LimitIfTouched' orders; use a negative\ \ offset for stop-sell orders and buy-if-touched orders. Optional offset\ \ from the peg price for 'Pegged' orders." required: false type: "number" format: "double" - name: "text" in: "formData" description: "Optional amend annotation. e.g. 'Adjust skew'." required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Order" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" delete: tags: - "Order" summary: "Cancel order(s). Send multiple order IDs to cancel in bulk." description: "Either an orderID or a clOrdID must be provided." operationId: "Order.cancel" parameters: - name: "orderID" in: "formData" description: "Order ID(s)." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "clOrdID" in: "formData" description: "Client Order ID(s). See POST /order." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "text" in: "formData" description: "Optional cancellation annotation. e.g. 'Spread Exceeded'." required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Order" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /order/bulk: post: tags: - "Order" summary: "Create multiple new orders for the same symbol." description: "This endpoint is used for placing bulk orders. Valid order types\ \ are Market, Limit, Stop, StopLimit, MarketIfTouched, LimitIfTouched, MarketWithLeftOverAsLimit,\ \ and Pegged.\n\nEach individual order object in the array should have the\ \ same properties as an individual POST /order call.\n\nThis endpoint is much\ \ faster for getting many orders into the book at once. Because it reduces\ \ load on BitMEX\nsystems, this endpoint is ratelimited at `ceil(0.1 * orders)`.\ \ Submitting 10 orders via a bulk order call\nwill only count as 1 request,\ \ 15 as 2, 32 as 4, and so on.\n\nFor now, only `application/json` is supported\ \ on this endpoint.\n" operationId: "Order.newBulk" parameters: - name: "orders" in: "formData" description: "An array of orders." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Order" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" put: tags: - "Order" summary: "Amend multiple orders for the same symbol." description: "Similar to POST /amend, but with multiple orders. `application/json`\ \ only. Ratelimited at 50%." operationId: "Order.amendBulk" parameters: - name: "orders" in: "formData" description: "An array of orders." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Order" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /order/closePosition: post: tags: - "Order" summary: "Close a position. [Deprecated, use POST /order with execInst: 'Close']" description: "If no `price` is specified, a market order will be submitted to\ \ close the whole of your position. This will also close all other open orders\ \ in this symbol." operationId: "Order.closePosition" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "formData" description: "Symbol of position to close." required: true type: "string" - name: "price" in: "formData" description: "Optional limit price." required: false type: "number" format: "double" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: description: "Resulting close order." $ref: "#/definitions/Order" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /order/all: delete: tags: - "Order" summary: "Cancels all of your orders." operationId: "Order.cancelAll" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "formData" description: "Optional symbol. If provided, only cancels orders for that symbol." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "formData" description: "Optional filter for cancellation. Use to only cancel some orders,\ \ e.g. `{\"side\": \"Buy\"}`." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "text" in: "formData" description: "Optional cancellation annotation. e.g. 'Spread Exceeded'" required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "object" properties: {} 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /order/cancelAllAfter: post: tags: - "Order" summary: "Automatically cancel all your orders after a specified timeout." description: "Useful as a dead-man's switch to ensure your orders are canceled\ \ in case of an outage.\nIf called repeatedly, the existing offset will be\ \ canceled and a new one will be inserted in its place.\n\nExample usage:\ \ call this route at 15s intervals with an offset of 60000 (60s).\nIf this\ \ route is not called within 60 seconds, all your orders will be automatically\ \ canceled.\n\nThis is also available via [WebSocket](https://www.bitmex.com/app/wsAPI#dead-man-s-switch-auto-cancel-).\n" operationId: "Order.cancelAllAfter" parameters: - name: "timeout" in: "formData" description: "Timeout in ms. Set to 0 to cancel this timer. " required: true type: "number" format: "double" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "object" properties: {} 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /orderBook: get: tags: - "OrderBook" summary: "Get current orderbook [deprecated, use /orderBook/L2]." operationId: "OrderBook.get" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a series (e.g. XBT) to get data for\ \ the nearest contract in that series." required: true type: "string" - name: "depth" in: "query" description: "Orderbook depth." required: false type: "number" default: 25 minimum: 0 format: "int32" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/OrderBook" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /orderBook/L2: get: tags: - "OrderBook" summary: "Get current orderbook in vertical format." operationId: "OrderBook.getL2" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a series (e.g. XBT) to get data for\ \ the nearest contract in that series." required: true type: "string" - name: "depth" in: "query" description: "Orderbook depth per side. Send 0 for full depth." required: false type: "number" default: 25 minimum: 0 format: "int32" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/OrderBookL2" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /position: get: tags: - "Position" summary: "Get your positions." description: "See <a href=\"http://www.onixs.biz/fix-dictionary/5.0.SP2/msgType_AP_6580.html\"\ >the FIX Spec</a> for explanations of these fields." operationId: "Position.get" parameters: - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Table filter. For example, send {\"symbol\": \"XBTUSD\"}." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Which columns to fetch. For example, send [\"columnName\"]." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of rows to fetch." required: false type: "number" format: "int32" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Position" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /position/isolate: post: tags: - "Position" summary: "Enable isolated margin or cross margin per-position." description: "Users can switch isolate margin per-position. This function allows\ \ switching margin isolation (aka fixed margin) on and off." operationId: "Position.isolateMargin" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "formData" description: "Position symbol to isolate." required: true type: "string" - name: "enabled" in: "formData" description: "True for isolated margin, false for cross margin." required: false type: "boolean" default: true responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: description: "Affected position." $ref: "#/definitions/Position" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /position/riskLimit: post: tags: - "Position" summary: "Update your risk limit." description: "Risk Limits limit the size of positions you can trade at various\ \ margin levels. Larger positions require more margin. Please see the Risk\ \ Limit documentation for more details." operationId: "Position.updateRiskLimit" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "formData" description: "Symbol of position to isolate." required: true type: "string" - name: "riskLimit" in: "formData" description: "New Risk Limit, in Satoshis." required: true type: "number" format: "int64" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: description: "Affected position." $ref: "#/definitions/Position" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /position/transferMargin: post: tags: - "Position" summary: "Transfer equity in or out of a position." description: "When margin is isolated on a position, use this function to add\ \ or remove margin from the position. Note that you cannot remove margin below\ \ the initial margin threshold." operationId: "Position.transferIsolatedMargin" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "formData" description: "Symbol of position to isolate." required: true type: "string" - name: "amount" in: "formData" description: "Amount to transfer, in Satoshis. May be negative." required: true type: "number" format: "int64" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: description: "Affected position." $ref: "#/definitions/Position" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /position/leverage: post: tags: - "Position" summary: "Choose leverage for a position." description: "Users can choose an isolated leverage. This will automatically\ \ enable isolated margin." operationId: "Position.updateLeverage" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "formData" description: "Symbol of position to adjust." required: true type: "string" - name: "leverage" in: "formData" description: "Leverage value. Send a number between 0.01 and 100 to enable\ \ isolated margin with a fixed leverage. Send 0 to enable cross margin." required: true type: "number" format: "double" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: description: "Affected position." $ref: "#/definitions/Position" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" /quote: get: tags: - "Quote" summary: "Get Quotes." operationId: "Quote.get" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Quote" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /quote/bucketed: get: tags: - "Quote" summary: "Get previous quotes in time buckets." operationId: "Quote.getBucketed" parameters: - name: "binSize" in: "query" description: "Time interval to bucket by. Available options: [1m,5m,1h,1d]." required: false type: "string" default: "1m" - name: "partial" in: "query" description: "If true, will send in-progress (incomplete) bins for the current\ \ time period." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Quote" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /schema: get: tags: - "Schema" summary: "Get model schemata for data objects returned by this API." operationId: "Schema.get" parameters: - name: "model" in: "query" description: "Optional model filter. If omitted, will return all models." required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "object" properties: {} 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /schema/websocketHelp: get: tags: - "Schema" summary: "Returns help text & subject list for websocket usage." operationId: "Schema.websocketHelp" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "object" properties: {} 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /settlement: get: tags: - "Settlement" summary: "Get settlement history." operationId: "Settlement.get" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Settlement" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /stats: get: tags: - "Stats" summary: "Get exchange-wide and per-series turnover and volume statistics." operationId: "Stats.get" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Stats" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /stats/history: get: tags: - "Stats" summary: "Get historical exchange-wide and per-series turnover and volume statistics." operationId: "Stats.history" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/StatsHistory" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /stats/historyUSD: get: tags: - "Stats" summary: "Get a summary of exchange statistics in USD." operationId: "Stats.historyUSD" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/StatsUSD" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /trade: get: tags: - "Trade" summary: "Get Trades." description: "Please note that indices (symbols starting with `.`) post trades\ \ at intervals to the trade feed. These have a `size` of 0 and are used only\ \ to indicate a changing price.\n\nSee [the FIX Spec](http://www.onixs.biz/fix-dictionary/5.0.SP2/msgType_AE_6569.html)\ \ for explanations of these fields." operationId: "Trade.get" parameters: - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Trade" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /trade/bucketed: get: tags: - "Trade" summary: "Get previous trades in time buckets." operationId: "Trade.getBucketed" parameters: - name: "binSize" in: "query" description: "Time interval to bucket by. Available options: [1m,5m,1h,1d]." required: false type: "string" default: "1m" - name: "partial" in: "query" description: "If true, will send in-progress (incomplete) bins for the current\ \ time period." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "symbol" in: "query" description: "Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data\ \ for the nearest expiring contract in that series.\n\nYou can also send\ \ a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`,\ \ `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`." required: false type: "string" - name: "filter" in: "query" description: "Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as `{\"\ key\": \"value\"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced\ \ querying on timestamps. See the [Timestamp Docs](https://www.bitmex.com/app/restAPI#timestamp-filters)\ \ for more details." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "columns" in: "query" description: "Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all\ \ columns.\n\nNote that this method will always return item keys, even when\ \ not specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect." required: false type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "count" in: "query" description: "Number of results to fetch." required: false type: "number" default: 100 format: "int32" - name: "start" in: "query" description: "Starting point for results." required: false type: "number" default: 0 format: "int32" - name: "reverse" in: "query" description: "If true, will sort results newest first." required: false type: "boolean" default: false - name: "startTime" in: "query" description: "Starting date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" - name: "endTime" in: "query" description: "Ending date filter for results." required: false type: "string" format: "date-time" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/TradeBin" 400: description: "Parameter Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" security: [] /user/depositAddress: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Get a deposit address." operationId: "User.getDepositAddress" parameters: - name: "currency" in: "query" required: false type: "string" default: "XBt" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "string" /user/wallet: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Get your current wallet information." operationId: "User.getWallet" parameters: - name: "currency" in: "query" required: false type: "string" default: "XBt" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Wallet" /user/walletHistory: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Get a history of all of your wallet transactions (deposits, withdrawals,\ \ PNL)." operationId: "User.getWalletHistory" parameters: - name: "currency" in: "query" required: false type: "string" default: "XBt" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Transaction" /user/walletSummary: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Get a summary of all of your wallet transactions (deposits, withdrawals,\ \ PNL)." operationId: "User.getWalletSummary" parameters: - name: "currency" in: "query" required: false type: "string" default: "XBt" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Transaction" /user/minWithdrawalFee: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Get the minimum withdrawal fee for a currency." description: "This is changed based on network conditions to ensure timely withdrawals.\ \ During network congestion, this may be high. The fee is returned in the\ \ same currency." operationId: "User.minWithdrawalFee" parameters: - name: "currency" in: "query" required: false type: "string" default: "XBt" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "object" properties: {} security: [] /user/requestWithdrawal: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Request a withdrawal to an external wallet." description: "This will send a confirmation email to the email address on record,\ \ unless requested via an API Key with the `withdraw` permission." operationId: "User.requestWithdrawal" parameters: - name: "otpToken" in: "formData" description: "2FA token. Required if 2FA is enabled on your account." required: false type: "string" - name: "currency" in: "formData" description: "Currency you're withdrawing. Options: `XBt`" required: true type: "string" default: "XBt" - name: "amount" in: "formData" description: "Amount of withdrawal currency." required: true type: "number" format: "int64" - name: "address" in: "formData" description: "Destination Address." required: true type: "string" - name: "fee" in: "formData" description: "Network fee for Bitcoin withdrawals. If not specified, a default\ \ value will be calculated based on Bitcoin network conditions. You will\ \ have a chance to confirm this via email." required: false type: "number" format: "double" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Transaction" /user/cancelWithdrawal: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Cancel a withdrawal." operationId: "User.cancelWithdrawal" parameters: - name: "token" in: "formData" required: true type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Transaction" security: [] /user/confirmWithdrawal: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Confirm a withdrawal." operationId: "User.confirmWithdrawal" parameters: - name: "token" in: "formData" required: true type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Transaction" security: [] /user/requestEnableTFA: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Get secret key for setting up two-factor auth." description: "Use /confirmEnableTFA directly for Yubikeys. This fails if TFA\ \ is already enabled." operationId: "User.requestEnableTFA" parameters: - name: "type" in: "formData" description: "Two-factor auth type. Supported types: 'GA' (Google Authenticator)" required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "boolean" /user/confirmEnableTFA: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Confirm two-factor auth for this account. If using a Yubikey, simply\ \ send a token to this endpoint." operationId: "User.confirmEnableTFA" parameters: - name: "type" in: "formData" description: "Two-factor auth type. Supported types: 'GA' (Google Authenticator),\ \ 'Yubikey'" required: false type: "string" - name: "token" in: "formData" description: "Token from your selected TFA type." required: true type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "boolean" /user/disableTFA: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Disable two-factor auth for this account." operationId: "User.disableTFA" parameters: - name: "type" in: "formData" description: "Two-factor auth type. Supported types: 'GA' (Google Authenticator)" required: false type: "string" - name: "token" in: "formData" description: "Token from your selected TFA type." required: true type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "boolean" /user/confirmEmail: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Confirm your email address with a token." operationId: "User.confirm" parameters: - name: "token" in: "formData" required: true type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccessToken" security: [] /user/affiliateStatus: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Get your current affiliate/referral status." operationId: "User.getAffiliateStatus" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Affiliate" /user/checkReferralCode: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Check if a referral code is valid." description: "If the code is valid, responds with the referral code's discount\ \ (e.g. `0.1` for 10%). Otherwise, will return a 404." operationId: "User.checkReferralCode" parameters: - name: "referralCode" in: "query" required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "number" format: "double" security: [] /user/logout: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Log out of BitMEX." operationId: "User.logout" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" security: [] /user/logoutAll: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Log all systems out of BitMEX. This will revoke all of your account's\ \ access tokens, logging you out on all devices." operationId: "User.logoutAll" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "number" format: "double" /user/preferences: post: tags: - "User" summary: "Save user preferences." operationId: "User.savePreferences" parameters: - name: "prefs" in: "formData" required: true type: "string" format: "JSON" - name: "overwrite" in: "formData" description: "If true, will overwrite all existing preferences." required: false type: "boolean" default: false responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/User" /user: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Get your user model." operationId: "User.get" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/User" put: tags: - "User" summary: "Update your password, name, and other attributes." operationId: "User.update" parameters: - name: "firstname" in: "formData" required: false type: "string" - name: "lastname" in: "formData" required: false type: "string" - name: "oldPassword" in: "formData" required: false type: "string" - name: "newPassword" in: "formData" required: false type: "string" - name: "newPasswordConfirm" in: "formData" required: false type: "string" - name: "username" in: "formData" description: "Username can only be set once. To reset, email support." required: false type: "string" - name: "country" in: "formData" description: "Country of residence." required: false type: "string" - name: "pgpPubKey" in: "formData" description: "PGP Public Key. If specified, automated emails will be sentwith\ \ this key." required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/User" /user/commission: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Get your account's commission status." operationId: "User.getCommission" parameters: [] responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/UserCommission" /user/margin: get: tags: - "User" summary: "Get your account's margin status. Send a currency of \"all\" to receive\ \ an array of all supported currencies." operationId: "User.getMargin" parameters: - name: "currency" in: "query" required: false type: "string" default: "XBt" responses: 200: description: "Request was successful" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Margin" securityDefinitions: apiKey: type: "apiKey" name: "api-key" in: "header" apiSignature: type: "apiKey" name: "api-signature" in: "header" apiNonce: type: "apiKey" name: "api-nonce" in: "header" definitions: Announcement: type: "object" required: - "id" properties: id: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" link: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" title: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" content: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" date: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" description: "Public Announcements" example: date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" link: "link" id: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 title: "title" content: "content" Error: type: "object" required: - "error" properties: error: $ref: "#/definitions/Error_error" x-dataType: "ErrorError" x-any: type: "object" APIKey: type: "object" required: - "id" - "name" - "nonce" - "secret" - "userId" properties: id: type: "string" maxLength: 24 x-dataType: "Text" secret: type: "string" maxLength: 48 x-dataType: "Text" name: type: "string" maxLength: 64 x-dataType: "Text" nonce: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" cidr: type: "string" maxLength: 18 x-dataType: "Text" permissions: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/x-any" x-dataType: "[XAny]" enabled: type: "boolean" default: false x-dataType: "Bool" userId: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" created: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" description: "Persistent API Keys for Developers" example: permissions: - {} - {} created: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" name: "name" cidr: "cidr" id: "id" secret: "secret" nonce: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 userId: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 enabled: false Chat: type: "object" required: - "date" - "html" - "message" - "user" properties: id: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" date: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" user: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" message: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" html: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" fromBot: type: "boolean" default: false x-dataType: "Bool" channelID: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" description: "Trollbox Data" example: date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" html: "html" id: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 message: "message" user: "user" channelID: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 fromBot: false ChatChannels: type: "object" required: - "name" properties: id: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" name: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" example: name: "name" id: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 ConnectedUsers: type: "object" properties: users: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" bots: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" example: bots: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 users: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 Execution: type: "object" required: - "execID" properties: execID: type: "string" format: "guid" x-dataType: "Text" orderID: type: "string" format: "guid" x-dataType: "Text" clOrdID: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" clOrdLinkID: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" account: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" side: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" lastQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" lastPx: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" underlyingLastPx: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" lastMkt: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" lastLiquidityInd: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" simpleOrderQty: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" orderQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" price: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" displayQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" stopPx: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" pegOffsetValue: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" pegPriceType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" settlCurrency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" execType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" ordType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" timeInForce: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" execInst: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" contingencyType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" exDestination: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" ordStatus: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" triggered: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" workingIndicator: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" ordRejReason: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" simpleLeavesQty: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" leavesQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" simpleCumQty: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" cumQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" avgPx: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" commission: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" tradePublishIndicator: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" multiLegReportingType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" text: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" trdMatchID: type: "string" format: "guid" x-dataType: "Text" execCost: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" execComm: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" homeNotional: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" foreignNotional: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" transactTime: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" description: "Raw Order and Balance Data" example: symbol: "symbol" triggered: "triggered" clOrdLinkID: "clOrdLinkID" execInst: "execInst" homeNotional: 4.9652184929849543237878606305457651615142822265625 pegOffsetValue: 2.027123023002321833274663731572218239307403564453125 pegPriceType: "pegPriceType" execID: "execID" contingencyType: "contingencyType" foreignNotional: 5.02500479152029466689555192715488374233245849609375 lastMkt: "lastMkt" simpleCumQty: 1.231513536777255612975068288506008684635162353515625 execCost: 7.4577447736837658709418974467553198337554931640625 execComm: 1.173074250955943309548956676735542714595794677734375 settlCurrency: "settlCurrency" ordRejReason: "ordRejReason" price: 7.061401241503109105224211816675961017608642578125 trdMatchID: "trdMatchID" orderQty: 2.3021358869347654518833223846741020679473876953125 currency: "currency" commission: 6.8468526983526398765889098285697400569915771484375 text: "text" execType: "execType" timeInForce: "timeInForce" timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" ordStatus: "ordStatus" side: "side" simpleOrderQty: 5.63737665663332876420099637471139430999755859375 orderID: "orderID" lastPx: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 leavesQty: 7.3862819483858839220147274318151175975799560546875 cumQty: 1.024645700144157789424070870154537260532379150390625 tradePublishIndicator: "tradePublishIndicator" displayQty: 9.301444243932575517419536481611430644989013671875 simpleLeavesQty: 4.1456080298839363962315474054776132106781005859375 clOrdID: "clOrdID" lastQty: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 avgPx: 1.489415909854170383397331534069962799549102783203125 multiLegReportingType: "multiLegReportingType" workingIndicator: true lastLiquidityInd: "lastLiquidityInd" transactTime: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" exDestination: "exDestination" account: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 underlyingLastPx: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 stopPx: 3.61607674925191080461672754609026014804840087890625 ordType: "ordType" Funding: type: "object" required: - "symbol" - "timestamp" properties: timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" fundingInterval: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" fundingRate: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" fundingRateDaily: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" description: "Swap Funding History" example: symbol: "symbol" fundingRateDaily: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 fundingInterval: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" fundingRate: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 Instrument: type: "object" required: - "symbol" properties: symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" rootSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" state: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" typ: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" listing: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" front: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" expiry: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" settle: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" relistInterval: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" inverseLeg: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" sellLeg: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" buyLeg: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" positionCurrency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" underlying: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" quoteCurrency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" underlyingSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" reference: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" referenceSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" calcInterval: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" publishInterval: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" publishTime: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" maxOrderQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" maxPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" lotSize: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" tickSize: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" multiplier: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" settlCurrency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" underlyingToPositionMultiplier: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" underlyingToSettleMultiplier: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" quoteToSettleMultiplier: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" isQuanto: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" isInverse: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" initMargin: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" maintMargin: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" riskLimit: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" riskStep: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" limit: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" capped: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" taxed: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" deleverage: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" makerFee: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" takerFee: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" settlementFee: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" insuranceFee: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" fundingBaseSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" fundingQuoteSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" fundingPremiumSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" fundingTimestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" fundingInterval: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" fundingRate: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" indicativeFundingRate: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" rebalanceTimestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" rebalanceInterval: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" openingTimestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" closingTimestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" sessionInterval: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" prevClosePrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" limitDownPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" limitUpPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" bankruptLimitDownPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" bankruptLimitUpPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" prevTotalVolume: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" totalVolume: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" volume: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" volume24h: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevTotalTurnover: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" totalTurnover: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" turnover: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" turnover24h: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevPrice24h: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" vwap: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" highPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" lowPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" lastPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" lastPriceProtected: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" lastTickDirection: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" lastChangePcnt: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" bidPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" midPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" askPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" impactBidPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" impactMidPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" impactAskPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" hasLiquidity: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" openInterest: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" openValue: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" fairMethod: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" fairBasisRate: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" fairBasis: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" fairPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" markMethod: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" markPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" indicativeTaxRate: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" indicativeSettlePrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" settledPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" description: "Tradeable Contracts, Indices, and History" example: totalVolume: 6.438423552598546706349225132726132869720458984375 symbol: "symbol" capped: true vwap: 6.70401929795003592715829654480330646038055419921875 closingTimestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" typ: "typ" inverseLeg: "inverseLeg" reference: "reference" deleverage: true prevTotalTurnover: 1.2846590061165319429647979632136411964893341064453125 riskLimit: 4.1456080298839363962315474054776132106781005859375 fundingBaseSymbol: "fundingBaseSymbol" prevPrice24h: 5.94489560761401580890606055618263781070709228515625 limit: 1.231513536777255612975068288506008684635162353515625 highPrice: 3.35319334701124294184637619764544069766998291015625 fairMethod: "fairMethod" taxed: true state: "state" expiry: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" fundingPremiumSymbol: "fundingPremiumSymbol" publishInterval: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" calcInterval: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" lastChangePcnt: 7.05877035158235610623478351044468581676483154296875 publishTime: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" askPrice: 4.6523964329332461176136348512955009937286376953125 maintMargin: 2.027123023002321833274663731572218239307403564453125 takerFee: 1.489415909854170383397331534069962799549102783203125 multiplier: 5.63737665663332876420099637471139430999755859375 fairBasis: 3.258856561904760695824734284542500972747802734375 volume24h: 6.96511769763884558415156789124011993408203125 indicativeTaxRate: 6.6284642750877420525057459599338471889495849609375 settlementFee: 6.8468526983526398765889098285697400569915771484375 totalTurnover: 2.884162126668780246063761296682059764862060546875 turnover24h: 6.87805222012787620400331434211693704128265380859375 underlying: "underlying" quoteToSettleMultiplier: 9.301444243932575517419536481611430644989013671875 fairPrice: 4.078845849666752343409825698472559452056884765625 bidPrice: 6.51918095101838179772357761976309120655059814453125 fundingQuoteSymbol: "fundingQuoteSymbol" quoteCurrency: "quoteCurrency" volume: 3.557195227068097320710649000830017030239105224609375 impactMidPrice: 7.7403518187411730622216055053286254405975341796875 indicativeSettlePrice: 4.258773108174356281097061582840979099273681640625 sellLeg: "sellLeg" settledPrice: 1.0414449161182959269211778519093059003353118896484375 relistInterval: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" maxOrderQty: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 prevClosePrice: 5.02500479152029466689555192715488374233245849609375 maxPrice: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 underlyingToPositionMultiplier: 2.3021358869347654518833223846741020679473876953125 hasLiquidity: true openInterest: 3.05761002410493443193217899533919990062713623046875 riskStep: 7.3862819483858839220147274318151175975799560546875 settle: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" isQuanto: true buyLeg: "buyLeg" rootSymbol: "rootSymbol" tickSize: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 markMethod: "markMethod" markPrice: 0.202532411323639305322785730822943150997161865234375 underlyingSymbol: "underlyingSymbol" fundingTimestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" settlCurrency: "settlCurrency" makerFee: 1.024645700144157789424070870154537260532379150390625 lowPrice: 3.093745262666447448651751983561553061008453369140625 underlyingToSettleMultiplier: 7.061401241503109105224211816675961017608642578125 sessionInterval: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" fundingInterval: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" listing: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" indicativeFundingRate: 4.9652184929849543237878606305457651615142822265625 bankruptLimitDownPrice: 6.683562403749608193948006373830139636993408203125 turnover: 6.77832496304801335185175048536621034145355224609375 positionCurrency: "positionCurrency" timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" impactAskPrice: 3.02057969929162428712743349024094641208648681640625 referenceSymbol: "referenceSymbol" limitDownPrice: 9.965781217890562260208753286860883235931396484375 lastTickDirection: "lastTickDirection" openValue: 7.04836565559697003635619694250635802745819091796875 isInverse: true lotSize: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 rebalanceTimestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" openingTimestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" fairBasisRate: 5.5332583970349862312332334113307297229766845703125 lastPriceProtected: 0.885137473901165261480628032586537301540374755859375 midPrice: 0.10263654006109401706225980888120830059051513671875 insuranceFee: 7.4577447736837658709418974467553198337554931640625 impactBidPrice: 8.9695787981969115065794539987109601497650146484375 prevTotalVolume: 9.0183481860707832566959041287191212177276611328125 initMargin: 3.61607674925191080461672754609026014804840087890625 limitUpPrice: 9.3693102714106686335071572102606296539306640625 bankruptLimitUpPrice: 8.7620420127490010742121739895083010196685791015625 front: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" rebalanceInterval: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" fundingRate: 1.173074250955943309548956676735542714595794677734375 lastPrice: 7.14353804701230643559028976596891880035400390625 InstrumentInterval: type: "object" required: - "intervals" - "symbols" properties: intervals: type: "array" items: type: "string" x-dataType: "[Text]" symbols: type: "array" items: type: "string" x-dataType: "[Text]" example: intervals: - "intervals" - "intervals" symbols: - "symbols" - "symbols" IndexComposite: type: "object" required: - "timestamp" properties: timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" indexSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" reference: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" lastPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" weight: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" logged: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" example: reference: "reference" symbol: "symbol" indexSymbol: "indexSymbol" logged: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" weight: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" lastPrice: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 Insurance: type: "object" required: - "currency" - "timestamp" properties: currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" walletBalance: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" description: "Insurance Fund Data" example: walletBalance: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 currency: "currency" timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" Leaderboard: type: "object" required: - "name" properties: name: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" isRealName: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" isMe: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" profit: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" description: "Information on Top Users" example: isMe: true name: "name" isRealName: true profit: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 Liquidation: type: "object" required: - "orderID" properties: orderID: type: "string" format: "guid" x-dataType: "Text" symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" side: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" price: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" leavesQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" description: "Active Liquidations" example: symbol: "symbol" side: "side" orderID: "orderID" price: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 leavesQty: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 Notification: type: "object" required: - "body" - "date" - "title" - "ttl" properties: id: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" date: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" title: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" body: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" ttl: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" type: type: "string" enum: - "success" - "error" - "info" x-dataType: "E'Type" closable: type: "boolean" default: true x-dataType: "Bool" persist: type: "boolean" default: true x-dataType: "Bool" waitForVisibility: type: "boolean" default: true x-dataType: "Bool" sound: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" description: "Account Notifications" example: date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" waitForVisibility: true closable: true sound: "sound" id: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 persist: true title: "title" body: "body" type: "success" ttl: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 Order: type: "object" required: - "orderID" properties: orderID: type: "string" format: "guid" x-dataType: "Text" clOrdID: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" clOrdLinkID: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" account: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" side: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" simpleOrderQty: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" orderQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" price: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" displayQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" stopPx: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" pegOffsetValue: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" pegPriceType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" settlCurrency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" ordType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" timeInForce: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" execInst: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" contingencyType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" exDestination: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" ordStatus: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" triggered: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" workingIndicator: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" ordRejReason: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" simpleLeavesQty: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" leavesQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" simpleCumQty: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" cumQty: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" avgPx: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" multiLegReportingType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" text: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" transactTime: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" description: "Placement, Cancellation, Amending, and History" example: symbol: "symbol" triggered: "triggered" clOrdLinkID: "clOrdLinkID" execInst: "execInst" pegOffsetValue: 7.061401241503109105224211816675961017608642578125 pegPriceType: "pegPriceType" contingencyType: "contingencyType" simpleCumQty: 2.027123023002321833274663731572218239307403564453125 settlCurrency: "settlCurrency" ordRejReason: "ordRejReason" price: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 orderQty: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 currency: "currency" text: "text" timeInForce: "timeInForce" timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" ordStatus: "ordStatus" side: "side" simpleOrderQty: 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6.623518433804886029747649445198476314544677734375 account: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 openingComm: 1.024645700144157789424070870154537260532379150390625 lastPrice: 0.4182561061793121925944660688401199877262115478515625 Quote: type: "object" required: - "symbol" - "timestamp" properties: timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" bidSize: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" bidPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" askPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" askSize: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" description: "Best Bid/Offer Snapshots & Historical Bins" example: symbol: "symbol" askPrice: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 bidSize: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 bidPrice: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 askSize: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" Settlement: type: "object" required: - "symbol" - "timestamp" properties: timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" settlementType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" settledPrice: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" bankrupt: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" taxBase: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" taxRate: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" description: "Historical Settlement Data" example: settlementType: "settlementType" symbol: "symbol" taxRate: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 settledPrice: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 bankrupt: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" taxBase: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 Stats: type: "object" required: - "rootSymbol" properties: rootSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" volume24h: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" turnover24h: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" openInterest: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" openValue: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" description: "Exchange Statistics" example: openInterest: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 openValue: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 volume24h: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 currency: "currency" turnover24h: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 rootSymbol: "rootSymbol" StatsHistory: type: "object" required: - "date" - "rootSymbol" properties: date: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" rootSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" volume: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" turnover: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" example: date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" volume: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 currency: "currency" turnover: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 rootSymbol: "rootSymbol" StatsUSD: type: "object" required: - "rootSymbol" properties: rootSymbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" turnover24h: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" turnover30d: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" turnover365d: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" turnover: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" example: turnover30d: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 turnover365d: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 currency: "currency" turnover24h: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 turnover: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 rootSymbol: "rootSymbol" Trade: type: "object" required: - "symbol" - "timestamp" properties: timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" side: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" size: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" price: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" tickDirection: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" trdMatchID: type: "string" format: "guid" x-dataType: "Text" grossValue: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" homeNotional: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" foreignNotional: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" description: "Individual & Bucketed Trades" example: foreignNotional: 5.63737665663332876420099637471139430999755859375 symbol: "symbol" side: "side" tickDirection: "tickDirection" size: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 price: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 grossValue: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 trdMatchID: "trdMatchID" homeNotional: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" TradeBin: type: "object" required: - "symbol" - "timestamp" properties: timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" symbol: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" open: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" high: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" low: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" close: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" trades: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" volume: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" vwap: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" lastSize: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" turnover: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" homeNotional: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" foreignNotional: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" example: symbol: "symbol" vwap: 7.061401241503109105224211816675961017608642578125 trades: 5.63737665663332876420099637471139430999755859375 homeNotional: 2.027123023002321833274663731572218239307403564453125 volume: 2.3021358869347654518833223846741020679473876953125 foreignNotional: 4.1456080298839363962315474054776132106781005859375 high: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 low: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 lastSize: 9.301444243932575517419536481611430644989013671875 close: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 turnover: 3.61607674925191080461672754609026014804840087890625 open: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" Wallet: type: "object" required: - "account" - "currency" properties: account: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" prevDeposited: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevWithdrawn: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevTransferIn: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevTransferOut: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevAmount: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevTimestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" deltaDeposited: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" deltaWithdrawn: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" deltaTransferIn: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" deltaTransferOut: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" deltaAmount: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" deposited: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" withdrawn: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" transferIn: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" transferOut: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" amount: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" pendingCredit: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" pendingDebit: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" confirmedDebit: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" addr: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" script: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" withdrawalLock: type: "array" items: type: "string" x-dataType: "[Text]" example: deposited: 7.3862819483858839220147274318151175975799560546875 withdrawn: 1.231513536777255612975068288506008684635162353515625 deltaDeposited: 7.061401241503109105224211816675961017608642578125 prevWithdrawn: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 deltaWithdrawn: 9.301444243932575517419536481611430644989013671875 currency: "currency" prevAmount: 2.3021358869347654518833223846741020679473876953125 withdrawalLock: - "withdrawalLock" - "withdrawalLock" addr: "addr" prevTimestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" transferOut: 1.489415909854170383397331534069962799549102783203125 deltaAmount: 4.1456080298839363962315474054776132106781005859375 amount: 6.8468526983526398765889098285697400569915771484375 pendingDebit: 1.173074250955943309548956676735542714595794677734375 confirmedDebit: 4.9652184929849543237878606305457651615142822265625 pendingCredit: 7.4577447736837658709418974467553198337554931640625 script: "script" prevTransferOut: 5.63737665663332876420099637471139430999755859375 deltaTransferOut: 2.027123023002321833274663731572218239307403564453125 deltaTransferIn: 3.61607674925191080461672754609026014804840087890625 transferIn: 1.024645700144157789424070870154537260532379150390625 prevDeposited: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 prevTransferIn: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 account: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 Transaction: type: "object" required: - "transactID" properties: transactID: type: "string" format: "guid" x-dataType: "Text" account: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" transactType: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" amount: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" fee: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" transactStatus: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" address: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" tx: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" text: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" transactTime: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" example: amount: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 address: "address" transactType: "transactType" tx: "tx" transactID: "transactID" fee: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 transactTime: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" currency: "currency" text: "text" account: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 transactStatus: "transactStatus" timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" AccessToken: type: "object" required: - "id" properties: id: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" ttl: type: "number" format: "double" description: "time to live in seconds (2 weeks by default)" default: 1209600 x-dataType: "Double" created: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" userId: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" example: created: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" id: "id" ttl: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 userId: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 Affiliate: type: "object" required: - "account" - "currency" properties: account: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" prevPayout: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevTurnover: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevComm: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevTimestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" execTurnover: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" execComm: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" totalReferrals: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" totalTurnover: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" totalComm: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" payoutPcnt: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" pendingPayout: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" referrerAccount: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" example: execTurnover: 5.63737665663332876420099637471139430999755859375 totalTurnover: 9.301444243932575517419536481611430644989013671875 referrerAccount: 7.3862819483858839220147274318151175975799560546875 execComm: 2.3021358869347654518833223846741020679473876953125 totalReferrals: 7.061401241503109105224211816675961017608642578125 currency: "currency" pendingPayout: 4.1456080298839363962315474054776132106781005859375 prevPayout: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 prevComm: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 prevTimestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" account: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 prevTurnover: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 totalComm: 3.61607674925191080461672754609026014804840087890625 payoutPcnt: 2.027123023002321833274663731572218239307403564453125 timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" User: type: "object" required: - "email" - "username" properties: id: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" ownerId: type: "number" format: "int32" x-dataType: "Double" firstname: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" lastname: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" username: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" email: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" phone: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" created: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" lastUpdated: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" preferences: $ref: "#/definitions/UserPreferences" x-dataType: "UserPreferences" TFAEnabled: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" affiliateID: type: "string" maxLength: 6 x-dataType: "Text" pgpPubKey: type: "string" maxLength: 16384 x-dataType: "Text" country: type: "string" maxLength: 3 x-dataType: "Text" description: "Account Operations" example: country: "country" firstname: "firstname" preferences: hideNotifications: - "hideNotifications" - "hideNotifications" tickerGroup: "tickerGroup" animationsEnabled: true alertOnLiquidations: true locale: "en-US" hideConfirmDialogs: - "hideConfirmDialogs" - "hideConfirmDialogs" disableEmails: - "disableEmails" - "disableEmails" sounds: - "sounds" - "sounds" colorTheme: "colorTheme" currency: "currency" hideNameFromLeaderboard: true tradeLayout: "tradeLayout" strictTimeout: true orderBookBinning: "{}" debug: true strictIPCheck: false msgsSeen: - "msgsSeen" - "msgsSeen" orderControlsPlusMinus: true hideConnectionModal: true tickerPinned: true hideFromLeaderboard: false announcementsLastSeen: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" orderBookType: "orderBookType" orderClearImmediate: false chatChannelID: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 created: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" ownerId: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 affiliateID: "affiliateID" lastname: "lastname" lastUpdated: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" phone: "phone" TFAEnabled: "TFAEnabled" id: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 email: "email" pgpPubKey: "pgpPubKey" username: "username" UserCommission: type: "object" properties: makerFee: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" takerFee: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" settlementFee: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" maxFee: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" example: takerFee: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 makerFee: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 settlementFee: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 maxFee: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 Margin: type: "object" required: - "account" - "currency" properties: account: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" riskLimit: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevState: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" state: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" action: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" amount: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" pendingCredit: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" pendingDebit: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" confirmedDebit: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevRealisedPnl: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" prevUnrealisedPnl: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" grossComm: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" grossOpenCost: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" grossOpenPremium: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" grossExecCost: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" grossMarkValue: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" riskValue: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" taxableMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" initMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" maintMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" sessionMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" targetExcessMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" varMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" realisedPnl: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" unrealisedPnl: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" indicativeTax: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" unrealisedProfit: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" syntheticMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" walletBalance: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" marginBalance: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" marginBalancePcnt: type: "number" format: "double" default: 0 x-dataType: "Double" marginLeverage: type: "number" format: "double" default: 0 x-dataType: "Double" marginUsedPcnt: type: "number" format: "double" default: 0 x-dataType: "Double" excessMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" excessMarginPcnt: type: "number" format: "double" default: 0 x-dataType: "Double" availableMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" withdrawableMargin: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" timestamp: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" grossLastValue: type: "number" format: "int64" x-dataType: "Double" commission: type: "number" format: "double" default: 0 x-dataType: "Double" example: grossMarkValue: 1.231513536777255612975068288506008684635162353515625 marginUsedPcnt: 2.884162126668780246063761296682059764862060546875 marginLeverage: 1.2846590061165319429647979632136411964893341064453125 marginBalancePcnt: 6.96511769763884558415156789124011993408203125 unrealisedPnl: 9.3693102714106686335071572102606296539306640625 riskLimit: 6.02745618307040320615897144307382404804229736328125 prevUnrealisedPnl: 9.301444243932575517419536481611430644989013671875 walletBalance: 6.438423552598546706349225132726132869720458984375 grossLastValue: 3.35319334701124294184637619764544069766998291015625 action: "action" currency: "currency" commission: 3.093745262666447448651751983561553061008453369140625 state: "state" sessionMargin: 1.173074250955943309548956676735542714595794677734375 marginBalance: 3.557195227068097320710649000830017030239105224609375 timestamp: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" grossExecCost: 7.3862819483858839220147274318151175975799560546875 targetExcessMargin: 4.9652184929849543237878606305457651615142822265625 realisedPnl: 9.965781217890562260208753286860883235931396484375 varMargin: 5.02500479152029466689555192715488374233245849609375 indicativeTax: 6.683562403749608193948006373830139636993408203125 amount: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 maintMargin: 7.4577447736837658709418974467553198337554931640625 pendingDebit: 5.63737665663332876420099637471139430999755859375 riskValue: 1.024645700144157789424070870154537260532379150390625 confirmedDebit: 2.3021358869347654518833223846741020679473876953125 grossComm: 3.61607674925191080461672754609026014804840087890625 grossOpenPremium: 4.1456080298839363962315474054776132106781005859375 excessMarginPcnt: 6.87805222012787620400331434211693704128265380859375 withdrawableMargin: 6.70401929795003592715829654480330646038055419921875 pendingCredit: 5.962133916683182377482808078639209270477294921875 grossOpenCost: 2.027123023002321833274663731572218239307403564453125 prevState: "prevState" prevRealisedPnl: 7.061401241503109105224211816675961017608642578125 excessMargin: 6.77832496304801335185175048536621034145355224609375 unrealisedProfit: 8.7620420127490010742121739895083010196685791015625 initMargin: 6.8468526983526398765889098285697400569915771484375 syntheticMargin: 9.0183481860707832566959041287191212177276611328125 taxableMargin: 1.489415909854170383397331534069962799549102783203125 account: 0.80082819046101150206595775671303272247314453125 availableMargin: 5.94489560761401580890606055618263781070709228515625 UserPreferences: type: "object" properties: alertOnLiquidations: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" animationsEnabled: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" announcementsLastSeen: type: "string" format: "date-time" x-dataType: "DateTime" chatChannelID: type: "number" format: "double" x-dataType: "Double" colorTheme: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" currency: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" debug: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" disableEmails: 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"string" x-dataType: "Text" tickerPinned: type: "boolean" x-dataType: "Bool" tradeLayout: type: "string" x-dataType: "Text" example: hideNotifications: - "hideNotifications" - "hideNotifications" tickerGroup: "tickerGroup" animationsEnabled: true alertOnLiquidations: true locale: "en-US" hideConfirmDialogs: - "hideConfirmDialogs" - "hideConfirmDialogs" disableEmails: - "disableEmails" - "disableEmails" sounds: - "sounds" - "sounds" colorTheme: "colorTheme" currency: "currency" hideNameFromLeaderboard: true tradeLayout: "tradeLayout" strictTimeout: true orderBookBinning: "{}" debug: true strictIPCheck: false msgsSeen: - "msgsSeen" - "msgsSeen" orderControlsPlusMinus: true hideConnectionModal: true tickerPinned: true hideFromLeaderboard: false announcementsLastSeen: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" orderBookType: "orderBookType" orderClearImmediate: false chatChannelID: 1.46581298050294517310021547018550336360931396484375 inline_response_200: properties: success: type: "boolean" 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