module Data.HashTable.ST.Basic
( HashTable
, new
, newSized
, delete
, lookup
, insert
, mutate
, mapM_
, foldM
, computeOverhead
) where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad hiding (foldM, mapM_)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.Hashable as H
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as A
import Data.STRef
import GHC.Exts
import Prelude hiding (lookup, mapM_, read)
import qualified Data.HashTable.Class as C
import Data.HashTable.Internal.Array
import Data.HashTable.Internal.CacheLine
import Data.HashTable.Internal.IntArray (Elem)
import qualified Data.HashTable.Internal.IntArray as U
import Data.HashTable.Internal.Utils
newtype HashTable s k v = HT (STRef s (HashTable_ s k v))
type SizeRefs s = A.MutableByteArray s
intSz :: Int
intSz = (finiteBitSize (0::Int) `div` 8)
readLoad :: SizeRefs s -> ST s Int
readLoad = flip A.readByteArray 0
writeLoad :: SizeRefs s -> Int -> ST s ()
writeLoad = flip A.writeByteArray 0
readDelLoad :: SizeRefs s -> ST s Int
readDelLoad = flip A.readByteArray 1
writeDelLoad :: SizeRefs s -> Int -> ST s ()
writeDelLoad = flip A.writeByteArray 1
newSizeRefs :: ST s (SizeRefs s)
newSizeRefs = do
let asz = 2 * intSz
a <- A.newAlignedPinnedByteArray asz intSz
A.fillByteArray a 0 asz 0
return a
data HashTable_ s k v = HashTable
{ _size :: !Int
, _load :: !(SizeRefs s)
, _hashes :: !(U.IntArray s)
, _keys :: !(MutableArray s k)
, _values :: !(MutableArray s v)
instance C.HashTable HashTable where
new = new
newSized = newSized
insert = insert
delete = delete
lookup = lookup
foldM = foldM
mapM_ = mapM_
lookupIndex = lookupIndex
nextByIndex = nextByIndex
computeOverhead = computeOverhead
mutate = mutate
instance Show (HashTable s k v) where
show _ = "<HashTable>"
new :: ST s (HashTable s k v)
new = newSized 1
newSized :: Int -> ST s (HashTable s k v)
newSized n = do
debug $ "entering: newSized " ++ show n
let m = nextBestPrime $ ceiling (fromIntegral n / maxLoad)
ht <- newSizedReal m
newRef ht
newSizedReal :: Int -> ST s (HashTable_ s k v)
newSizedReal m = do
let m' = ((m + numElemsInCacheLine 1) `div` numElemsInCacheLine)
* numElemsInCacheLine
h <- U.newArray m'
k <- newArray m undefined
v <- newArray m undefined
ld <- newSizeRefs
return $! HashTable m ld h k v
delete :: (Hashable k, Eq k) =>
(HashTable s k v)
-> k
-> ST s ()
delete htRef k = do
ht <- readRef htRef
slots <- findSafeSlots ht k h
when (trueInt (_slotFound slots)) $ deleteFromSlot ht (_slotB1 slots)
!h = hash k
lookup :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (HashTable s k v) -> k -> ST s (Maybe v)
lookup htRef !k = do
ht <- readRef htRef
lookup' ht
lookup' (HashTable sz _ hashes keys values) = do
let !b = whichBucket h sz
debug $ "lookup h=" ++ show h ++ " sz=" ++ show sz ++ " b=" ++ show b
go b 0 sz
!h = hash k
!he = hashToElem h
go !b !start !end = do
debug $ concat [ "lookup'/go: "
, show b
, "/"
, show start
, "/"
, show end
idx <- forwardSearch2 hashes b end he emptyMarker
debug $ "forwardSearch2 returned " ++ show idx
if (idx < 0 || idx < start || idx >= end)
then return Nothing
else do
h0 <- U.readArray hashes idx
debug $ "h0 was " ++ show h0
if recordIsEmpty h0
then do
debug $ "record empty, returning Nothing"
return Nothing
else do
k' <- readArray keys idx
if k == k'
then do
debug $ "value found at " ++ show idx
v <- readArray values idx
return $! Just v
else do
debug $ "value not found, recursing"
if idx < b
then go (idx + 1) (idx + 1) b
else go (idx + 1) start end
insert :: (Eq k, Hashable k) =>
(HashTable s k v)
-> k
-> v
-> ST s ()
insert htRef !k !v = do
ht <- readRef htRef
debug $ "insert: h=" ++ show h
slots@(SlotFindResponse foundInt b0 b1) <- findSafeSlots ht k h
let found = trueInt foundInt
debug $ "insert: findSafeSlots returned " ++ show slots
when (found && (b0 /= b1)) $ deleteFromSlot ht b1
insertIntoSlot ht b0 he k v
ht' <- checkOverflow ht
writeRef htRef ht'
!h = hash k
!he = hashToElem h
mutate :: (Eq k, Hashable k) =>
(HashTable s k v)
-> k
-> (Maybe v -> (Maybe v, a))
-> ST s a
mutate htRef !k !f = do
ht <- readRef htRef
let values = _values ht
debug $ "mutate h=" ++ show h
slots@(SlotFindResponse foundInt b0 b1) <- findSafeSlots ht k h
let found = trueInt foundInt
debug $ "findSafeSlots returned " ++ show slots
!mv <- if found
then fmap Just $ readArray values b1
else return Nothing
let (!mv', !result) = f mv
case (mv, mv') of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return ()
(Just _, Nothing) -> do
deleteFromSlot ht b1
(Nothing, Just v') -> do
insertIntoSlot ht b0 he k v'
ht' <- checkOverflow ht
writeRef htRef ht'
(Just _, Just v') -> do
when (b0 /= b1) $
deleteFromSlot ht b1
insertIntoSlot ht b0 he k v'
return result
!h = hash k
!he = hashToElem h
foldM :: (a -> (k,v) -> ST s a) -> a -> HashTable s k v -> ST s a
foldM f seed0 htRef = readRef htRef >>= work
work (HashTable sz _ hashes keys values) = go 0 seed0
go !i !seed | i >= sz = return seed
| otherwise = do
h <- U.readArray hashes i
if recordIsEmpty h || recordIsDeleted h
then go (i+1) seed
else do
k <- readArray keys i
v <- readArray values i
!seed' <- f seed (k, v)
go (i+1) seed'
mapM_ :: ((k,v) -> ST s b) -> HashTable s k v -> ST s ()
mapM_ f htRef = readRef htRef >>= work
work (HashTable sz _ hashes keys values) = go 0
go !i | i >= sz = return ()
| otherwise = do
h <- U.readArray hashes i
if recordIsEmpty h || recordIsDeleted h
then go (i+1)
else do
k <- readArray keys i
v <- readArray values i
_ <- f (k, v)
go (i+1)
computeOverhead :: HashTable s k v -> ST s Double
computeOverhead htRef = readRef htRef >>= work
work (HashTable sz' loadRef _ _ _) = do
!ld <- readLoad loadRef
let k = fromIntegral ld / sz
return $ constOverhead/sz + (2 + 2*ws*(1k)) / (k * ws)
ws = fromIntegral $! finiteBitSize (0::Int) `div` 8
sz = fromIntegral sz'
constOverhead = 14
insertRecord :: Int
-> U.IntArray s
-> MutableArray s k
-> MutableArray s v
-> Int
-> k
-> v
-> ST s ()
insertRecord !sz !hashes !keys !values !h !key !value = do
let !b = whichBucket h sz
debug $ "insertRecord sz=" ++ show sz ++ " h=" ++ show h ++ " b=" ++ show b
probe b
he = hashToElem h
probe !i = do
!idx <- forwardSearch2 hashes i sz emptyMarker deletedMarker
debug $ "forwardSearch2 returned " ++ show idx
assert (idx >= 0) $ do
U.writeArray hashes idx he
writeArray keys idx key
writeArray values idx value
checkOverflow :: (Eq k, Hashable k) =>
(HashTable_ s k v)
-> ST s (HashTable_ s k v)
checkOverflow ht@(HashTable sz ldRef _ _ _) = do
!ld <- readLoad ldRef
!dl <- readDelLoad ldRef
debug $ concat [ "checkOverflow: sz="
, show sz
, " entries="
, show ld
, " deleted="
, show dl ]
if fromIntegral (ld + dl) / fromIntegral sz > maxLoad
then if dl > ld `div` 2
then rehashAll ht sz
else growTable ht
else return ht
rehashAll :: Hashable k => HashTable_ s k v -> Int -> ST s (HashTable_ s k v)
rehashAll (HashTable sz loadRef hashes keys values) sz' = do
debug $ "rehashing: old size " ++ show sz ++ ", new size " ++ show sz'
ht' <- newSizedReal sz'
let (HashTable _ loadRef' newHashes newKeys newValues) = ht'
readLoad loadRef >>= writeLoad loadRef'
rehash newHashes newKeys newValues
return ht'
rehash newHashes newKeys newValues = go 0
go !i | i >= sz = return ()
| otherwise = do
h0 <- U.readArray hashes i
when (not (recordIsEmpty h0 || recordIsDeleted h0)) $ do
k <- readArray keys i
v <- readArray values i
insertRecord sz' newHashes newKeys newValues
(hash k) k v
go $ i+1
growTable :: Hashable k => HashTable_ s k v -> ST s (HashTable_ s k v)
growTable ht@(HashTable sz _ _ _ _) = do
let !sz' = bumpSize maxLoad sz
rehashAll ht sz'
newtype Slot = Slot { _slot :: Int } deriving (Show)
instance Monoid Slot where
mempty = Slot maxBound
(Slot x1) `mappend` (Slot x2) =
let !m = mask x1 maxBound
in Slot $! (complement m .&. x1) .|. (m .&. x2)
data SlotFindResponse = SlotFindResponse {
_slotFound :: !Int
, _slotB0 :: !Int
, _slotB1 :: !Int
} deriving (Show)
findSafeSlots :: (Hashable k, Eq k) =>
(HashTable_ s k v)
-> k
-> Int
-> ST s SlotFindResponse
findSafeSlots (HashTable !sz _ hashes keys _) k h = do
debug $ "findSafeSlots: h=" ++ show h ++ " he=" ++ show he
++ " sz=" ++ show sz ++ " b0=" ++ show b0
response <- go mempty b0 False
debug $ "go returned " ++ show response
return response
!he = hashToElem h
!b0 = whichBucket h sz
haveWrapped !(Slot fp) !b = if fp == maxBound
then False
else b <= fp
go !fp !b !wrap = do
debug $ concat [ "go: fp="
, show fp
, " b="
, show b
, ", wrap="
, show wrap
, ", he="
, show he
, ", emptyMarker="
, show emptyMarker
, ", deletedMarker="
, show deletedMarker ]
!idx <- forwardSearch3 hashes b sz he emptyMarker deletedMarker
debug $ "forwardSearch3 returned " ++ show idx
++ " with sz=" ++ show sz ++ ", b=" ++ show b
if wrap && idx >= b0
then do
let !sl = fp `mappend` (Slot (error "impossible"))
return $! SlotFindResponse 0 (_slot sl) (_slot sl)
else do
assert (idx >= 0) $ return ()
h0 <- U.readArray hashes idx
debug $ "h0 was " ++ show h0
if recordIsEmpty h0
then do
let pl = fp `mappend` (Slot idx)
debug $ "empty, returning " ++ show pl
return $! SlotFindResponse 0 (_slot pl) (_slot pl)
else do
let !wrap' = haveWrapped fp idx
if recordIsDeleted h0
then do
let !pl = fp `mappend` (Slot idx)
debug $ "deleted, cont with pl=" ++ show pl
go pl (idx + 1) wrap'
if he == h0
then do
debug $ "found he == h0 == " ++ show h0
k' <- readArray keys idx
if k == k'
then do
debug $ "found at " ++ show idx
let !sl = fp `mappend` (Slot idx)
return $! SlotFindResponse 1 (_slot sl) idx
else go fp (idx + 1) wrap'
else go fp (idx + 1) wrap'
deleteFromSlot :: (HashTable_ s k v) -> Int -> ST s ()
deleteFromSlot (HashTable _ loadRef hashes keys values) idx = do
!he <- U.readArray hashes idx
when (recordIsFilled he) $ do
bumpDelLoad loadRef 1
bumpLoad loadRef (1)
U.writeArray hashes idx deletedMarker
writeArray keys idx undefined
writeArray values idx undefined
insertIntoSlot :: (HashTable_ s k v) -> Int -> Elem -> k -> v -> ST s ()
insertIntoSlot (HashTable _ loadRef hashes keys values) idx he k v = do
!heOld <- U.readArray hashes idx
let !heInt = fromIntegral heOld :: Int
!delInt = fromIntegral deletedMarker :: Int
!emptyInt = fromIntegral emptyMarker :: Int
!delBump = mask heInt delInt
!mLoad = mask heInt delInt .|. mask heInt emptyInt
!loadBump = mLoad .&. 1
bumpDelLoad loadRef delBump
bumpLoad loadRef loadBump
U.writeArray hashes idx he
writeArray keys idx k
writeArray values idx v
bumpLoad :: (SizeRefs s) -> Int -> ST s ()
bumpLoad ref i = do
!ld <- readLoad ref
writeLoad ref $! ld + i
bumpDelLoad :: (SizeRefs s) -> Int -> ST s ()
bumpDelLoad ref i = do
!ld <- readDelLoad ref
writeDelLoad ref $! ld + i
maxLoad :: Double
maxLoad = 0.82
emptyMarker :: Elem
emptyMarker = 0
deletedMarker :: Elem
deletedMarker = 1
trueInt :: Int -> Bool
trueInt (I# i#) = tagToEnum# i#
recordIsEmpty :: Elem -> Bool
recordIsEmpty = (== emptyMarker)
recordIsDeleted :: Elem -> Bool
recordIsDeleted = (== deletedMarker)
recordIsFilled :: Elem -> Bool
recordIsFilled !el = tagToEnum# isFilled#
!el# = U.elemToInt# el
!deletedMarker# = U.elemToInt# deletedMarker
!emptyMarker# = U.elemToInt# emptyMarker
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
!isFilled# = (el# /=# deletedMarker#) `andI#` (el# /=# emptyMarker#)
!delOrEmpty# = mask# el# deletedMarker# `orI#` mask# el# emptyMarker#
!isFilled# = 1# `andI#` notI# delOrEmpty#
hash :: (Hashable k) => k -> Int
hash = H.hash
hashToElem :: Int -> Elem
hashToElem !h = out
!(I# lo#) = h .&. U.elemMask
!m# = maskw# lo# 0# `or#` maskw# lo# 1#
!nm# = not# m#
!r# = ((int2Word# 2#) `and#` m#) `or#` (int2Word# lo# `and#` nm#)
!out = U.primWordToElem r#
newRef :: HashTable_ s k v -> ST s (HashTable s k v)
newRef = liftM HT . newSTRef
writeRef :: HashTable s k v -> HashTable_ s k v -> ST s ()
writeRef (HT ref) ht = writeSTRef ref ht
readRef :: HashTable s k v -> ST s (HashTable_ s k v)
readRef (HT ref) = readSTRef ref
debug :: String -> ST s ()
#ifdef DEBUG
debug s = unsafeIOToST (putStrLn s)
debug _ = return ()
lookupIndex :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => HashTable s k v -> k -> ST s (Maybe Word)
lookupIndex htRef !k = do
ht <- readRef htRef
lookup' ht
lookup' (HashTable sz _ hashes keys _values) = do
let !b = whichBucket h sz
debug $ "lookup h=" ++ show h ++ " sz=" ++ show sz ++ " b=" ++ show b
go b 0 sz
!h = hash k
!he = hashToElem h
go !b !start !end = do
debug $ concat [ "lookupIndex/go: "
, show b
, "/"
, show start
, "/"
, show end
idx <- forwardSearch2 hashes b end he emptyMarker
debug $ "forwardSearch2 returned " ++ show idx
if (idx < 0 || idx < start || idx >= end)
then return Nothing
else do
h0 <- U.readArray hashes idx
debug $ "h0 was " ++ show h0
if recordIsEmpty h0
then do
debug $ "record empty, returning Nothing"
return Nothing
else do
k' <- readArray keys idx
if k == k'
then do
debug $ "value found at " ++ show idx
return $! (Just $! fromIntegral idx)
else do
debug $ "value not found, recursing"
if idx < b
then go (idx + 1) (idx + 1) b
else go (idx + 1) start end
nextByIndex :: HashTable s k v -> Word -> ST s (Maybe (Word, k, v))
nextByIndex htRef i0 = readRef htRef >>= work
work (HashTable sz _ hashes keys values) = go (fromIntegral i0)
go i | i >= sz = return Nothing
| otherwise = do
h <- U.readArray hashes i
if recordIsEmpty h || recordIsDeleted h
then go (i+1)
else do
k <- readArray keys i
v <- readArray values i
let !i' = fromIntegral i
return (Just (i', k, v))