-- | Project HashFlare.io user account balance given the ExchangeRates, MEF and actual Payouts tables.

module Data.HashFlare.Projection where

import Data.HashFlare
import Data.Money
import Data.Maybe

-- XXX stupid linear projection. Again, cryptocurrencies have network difficulty...

-- | Given rates, mef, and payouts tables, project the account once
projectAccountOnce :: ExchangeRates -> MEFTable -> PayoutTable -> UserAccount -> UserAccount
projectAccountOnce et mt pt u = makeUserAccount b' cs
  where cs = accountContracts u
        b = accountBalance u
        b' = b ^+^ ptot ^-^ (fromJust $ exchangeTo et mtot BTC)
        ptot = userAccountPayout pt u
        mtot = userAccountMEF mt u

-- | Given rates, mef, and payouts tables, project the account over given number of steps (days)
projectAccount :: Int -> ExchangeRates -> MEFTable -> PayoutTable -> UserAccount -> UserAccount
projectAccount n et mt pt u = iterate (projectAccountOnce et mt pt) u !! n

-- | Project the account and return its balance exchanged into sym
projectAccountExchangeTo :: (CurrencySymbol a) => a -> Int -> ExchangeRates -> MEFTable -> PayoutTable -> UserAccount -> Maybe (Money a)
projectAccountExchangeTo sy n et mt pt u = exchangeTo et b sy
  where b = accountBalance $ projectAccount n et mt pt u

projectAccountUSD = projectAccountExchangeTo USD
projectAccountBTC = projectAccountExchangeTo BTC
projectAccountRUB = projectAccountExchangeTo RUB