{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module UI.Cards (runCardsUI, Card) where import Brick import Lens.Micro.Platform import Types import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.List (dropWhileEnd) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import Text.Wrap import Data.Text (pack) import UI.BrickHelpers import UI.Settings (getShowHints, getShowControls) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border.Style as BS import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C import qualified Graphics.Vty as V type Event = () type Name = () data CardState = DefinitionState { _flipped :: Bool } | MultipleChoiceState { _highlighted :: Int , _number :: Int , _tried :: Map Int Bool -- indices of tried choices } | MultipleAnswerState { _highlighted :: Int , _selected :: Map Int Bool , _number :: Int , _entered :: Bool } | OpenQuestionState { _gapInput :: Map Int String , _highlighted :: Int , _number :: Int , _entered :: Bool , _correctGaps :: Map Int Bool } | ReorderState { _highlighted :: Int , _grabbed :: Bool , _order :: Map Int (Int, String) , _entered :: Bool , _number :: Int } data State = State { _cards :: [Card] -- list of flashcards , _index :: Int -- current card index , _nCards :: Int -- number of cards , _currentCard :: Card , _cardState :: CardState , _showHints :: Bool , _showControls :: Bool -- , _incorrectCards :: [Int] -- list of indices of incorrect answers } makeLenses ''CardState makeLenses ''State defaultCardState :: Card -> CardState defaultCardState Definition{} = DefinitionState { _flipped = False } defaultCardState (MultipleChoice _ _ ics) = MultipleChoiceState { _highlighted = 0 , _number = length ics + 1 , _tried = M.fromList [(i, False) | i <- [0..length ics]] } defaultCardState (OpenQuestion _ perforated) = OpenQuestionState { _gapInput = M.empty , _highlighted = 0 , _number = nGapsInPerforated perforated , _entered = False , _correctGaps = M.fromList [(i, False) | i <- [0..nGapsInPerforated perforated - 1]] } defaultCardState (MultipleAnswer _ answers) = MultipleAnswerState { _highlighted = 0 , _selected = M.fromList [(i, False) | i <- [0..NE.length answers-1]] , _entered = False , _number = NE.length answers } defaultCardState (Reorder _ elements) = ReorderState { _highlighted = 0 , _grabbed = False , _order = M.fromList (zip [0..] (NE.toList elements)) , _entered = False , _number = NE.length elements } app :: App State Event Name app = App { appDraw = drawUI , appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor , appHandleEvent = handleEvent , appStartEvent = return , appAttrMap = const theMap } runCardsUI :: GlobalState -> [Card] -> IO State runCardsUI gs deck = do hints <- getShowHints controls <- getShowControls let initialState = State { _cards = deck , _index = 0 , _currentCard = head deck , _cardState = defaultCardState (head deck) , _nCards = length deck , _showHints = hints , _showControls = controls } defaultMain app initialState --------------------------------------------------- --------------------- DRAWING --------------------- --------------------------------------------------- drawUI :: State -> [Widget Name] drawUI s = [drawCardUI s <=> drawInfo s] drawInfo :: State -> Widget Name drawInfo s = if not (s ^. showControls) then emptyWidget else strWrap . ("ESC: quit" <>) $ case s ^. cardState of DefinitionState {} -> ", ENTER: flip card / continue" MultipleChoiceState {} -> ", ENTER: submit answer / continue" MultipleAnswerState {} -> ", ENTER: select / continue, c: submit selection" OpenQuestionState {} -> ", LEFT/RIGHT/TAB: navigate gaps, ENTER: submit answer / continue, F1: show answer" ReorderState {} -> ", ENTER: grab, c: submit answer" drawCardBox :: Widget Name -> Widget Name drawCardBox w = C.center $ withBorderStyle BS.unicodeRounded $ B.border $ withAttr textboxAttr $ hLimitPercent 60 w drawProgress :: State -> Widget Name drawProgress s = C.hCenter $ str (show (s^.index + 1) ++ "/" ++ show (s^.nCards)) drawCardUI :: State -> Widget Name drawCardUI s = let p = 1 in joinBorders $ drawCardBox $ (<=> drawProgress s) $ case (s ^. cards) !! (s ^. index) of Definition title descr -> drawHeader title <=> B.hBorder <=> padLeftRight p (drawDef s descr <=> str " ") MultipleChoice question correct others -> drawHeader question <=> B.hBorder <=> padLeftRight p (drawChoices s (listMultipleChoice correct others) <=> str " ") OpenQuestion title perforated -> drawHeader title <=> B.hBorder <=> padLeftRight p (drawPerforated s perforated <=> str " ") MultipleAnswer question options -> drawHeader question <=> B.hBorder <=> padRight (Pad p) (drawOptions s options <=> str " ") Reorder question elements -> drawHeader question <=> B.hBorder <=> padLeftRight p (drawReorder s elements <=> str " ") drawHeader :: String -> Widget Name drawHeader title = withAttr titleAttr $ padLeftRight 1 $ hCenteredStrWrap title wrapSettings :: WrapSettings wrapSettings = WrapSettings {preserveIndentation=False, breakLongWords=True} isSpace' :: Char -> Bool isSpace' '\r' = True isSpace' a = isSpace a drawDescr :: String -> Widget Name drawDescr descr = strWrapWith wrapSettings descr' where descr' = dropWhileEnd isSpace' descr drawDef :: State -> String -> Widget Name drawDef s def = if s ^. showHints then drawHintedDef s def else drawNormalDef s def drawHintedDef :: State -> String -> Widget Name drawHintedDef s def = case s ^. cardState of DefinitionState {_flipped=f} -> if f then drawDescr def else drawDescr [if isSpace' char then char else '_' | char <- def] _ -> error "impossible: " drawNormalDef:: State -> String -> Widget Name drawNormalDef s def = case s ^. cardState of DefinitionState {_flipped=f} -> if f then drawDescr def else Widget Greedy Fixed $ do c <- getContext let w = c^.availWidthL let def' = dropWhileEnd isSpace' def render . vBox $ [str " " | _ <- wrapTextToLines wrapSettings w (pack def')] _ -> error "impossible: " listMultipleChoice :: CorrectOption -> [IncorrectOption] -> [String] listMultipleChoice c = reverse . listMultipleChoice' [] 0 c where listMultipleChoice' opts i (CorrectOption j cStr) [] = if i == j then cStr : opts else opts listMultipleChoice' opts i c'@(CorrectOption j cStr) ics@(IncorrectOption icStr : ics') = if i == j then listMultipleChoice' (cStr : opts) (i+1) c' ics else listMultipleChoice' (icStr : opts) (i+1) c' ics' drawChoices :: State -> [String] -> Widget Name drawChoices s options = case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of (MultipleChoiceState {_highlighted=i, _tried=kvs}, MultipleChoice _ (CorrectOption k _) _) -> vBox formattedOptions where formattedOptions :: [Widget Name] formattedOptions = [ prefix <+> coloring (drawDescr opt) | (j, opt) <- zip [0..] options, let prefix = if i == j then withAttr highlightedChoiceAttr (str "* ") else str " " chosen = M.findWithDefault False j kvs coloring = case (chosen, j==k) of (False, _) -> id (True, False) -> withAttr incorrectChoiceAttr (True, True) -> withAttr correctChoiceAttr ] _ -> error "impossible" drawOptions :: State -> NonEmpty Option -> Widget Name drawOptions s = case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of (MultipleAnswerState {_highlighted=j, _selected=kvs, _entered=submitted}, _) -> vBox . NE.toList . NE.map drawOption . (`NE.zip` NE.fromList [0..]) where drawOption (Option kind text, i) = coloring (str "[") <+> coloring (highlighting (str symbol)) <+> coloring (str "] ") <+> drawDescr text where symbol = if (i == j && not submitted) || enabled then "*" else " " enabled = M.findWithDefault False i kvs highlighting = if i == j && not submitted then withAttr highlightedOptAttr else id coloring = case (submitted, enabled, kind) of (True, True, Correct) -> withAttr correctOptAttr (True, False, Incorrect) -> withAttr correctOptAttr (True, _, _) -> withAttr incorrectOptAttr (False, True, _) -> withAttr selectedOptAttr _ -> id _ -> error "hopefully this is never shown" drawPerforated :: State -> Perforated -> Widget Name drawPerforated s p = drawSentence s $ perforatedToSentence p drawSentence :: State -> Sentence -> Widget Name drawSentence state sentence = Widget Greedy Fixed $ do c <- getContext let w = c^.availWidthL render $ makeSentenceWidget w state sentence makeSentenceWidget :: Int -> State -> Sentence -> Widget Name makeSentenceWidget w state = vBox . fst . makeSentenceWidget' 0 0 where makeSentenceWidget' :: Int -> Int -> Sentence -> ([Widget Name], Bool) makeSentenceWidget' padding _ (Normal s) = let (ws, _, fit) = wrapStringWithPadding padding w s in (ws, fit) makeSentenceWidget' padding i (Perforated pre _ post) = case state ^. cardState of OpenQuestionState {_gapInput = kvs, _highlighted=j, _entered=submitted, _correctGaps=cgs} -> let (ws, n, fit') = wrapStringWithPadding padding w pre gap = M.findWithDefault "" i kvs n' = w - n - textWidth gap cursor :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -- i is the index of the gap that we are drawing; j is the gap that is currently selected cursor = if i == j then showCursor () (Location (textWidth gap, 0)) else id correct = M.findWithDefault False i cgs coloring = case (submitted, correct) of (False, _) -> withAttr gapAttr (True, False) -> withAttr incorrectGapAttr (True, True) -> withAttr correctGapAttr gapWidget = cursor $ coloring (str gap) in if n' >= 0 then let (ws1@(w':ws'), fit) = makeSentenceWidget' (w-n') (i+1) post in if fit then ((ws & _last %~ (<+> (gapWidget <+> w'))) ++ ws', fit') else ((ws & _last %~ (<+> gapWidget)) ++ ws1, fit') else let (ws1@(w':ws'), fit) = makeSentenceWidget' (textWidth gap) (i+1) post in if fit then (ws ++ [gapWidget <+> w'] ++ ws', fit') else (ws ++ [gapWidget] ++ ws1, fit') _ -> error "PANIC!" wrapStringWithPadding :: Int -> Int -> String -> ([Widget Name], Int, Bool) wrapStringWithPadding padding w s | null (words s) = ([str ""], padding, True) | otherwise = if textWidth (head (words s)) < w - padding then let startsWithSpace = head s == ' ' s' = if startsWithSpace then " " <> replicate padding 'X' <> tail s else replicate padding 'X' ++ s lastLetter = last s postfix = if lastLetter == ' ' then T.pack [lastLetter] else T.empty ts = wrapTextToLines wrapSettings w (pack s') & ix 0 %~ (if startsWithSpace then (T.pack " " `T.append`) . T.drop (padding + 1) else T.drop padding) ts' = ts & _last %~ (`T.append` postfix) padding' = textWidth (last ts') + (if length ts' == 1 then 1 else 0) * padding in (map txt (filter (/=T.empty) ts'), padding', True) else let lastLetter = last s (x: xs) = s s' = if x == ' ' then xs else s postfix = if lastLetter == ' ' then T.pack [lastLetter] else T.empty ts = wrapTextToLines wrapSettings w (pack s') ts' = ts & _last %~ (`T.append` postfix) in (map txt (filter (/=T.empty) ts'), textWidth (last ts'), False) drawReorder :: State -> NonEmpty (Int, String) -> Widget Name drawReorder s elements = case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of (ReorderState {_highlighted=j, _grabbed=g, _order=kvs, _number=n, _entered=submitted}, Reorder _ _) -> vBox . flip map (map (\i -> (i, kvs M.! i)) [0..n-1]) $ \(i, (k, text)) -> let color = case (i == j, g) of (True, True ) -> withAttr grabbedElementAttr (True, False) -> withAttr highlightedElementAttr _ -> id number = case (submitted, i+1 == k) of (False, _) -> str (show (i+1) <> ". ") (True, False) -> withAttr incorrectElementAttr (str (show k <> ". ")) (True, True ) -> withAttr correctElementAttr (str (show k <> ". ")) in number <+> color (drawDescr text) _ -> error "cardstate mismatch" ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Events ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- handleEvent :: State -> BrickEvent Name Event -> EventM Name (Next State) handleEvent s (VtyEvent e) = case e of V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> halt s V.EvKey (V.KChar 'c') [V.MCtrl] -> halt s V.EvKey V.KRight [V.MCtrl] -> next s V.EvKey V.KLeft [V.MCtrl] -> previous s ev -> case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of (DefinitionState{_flipped = f}, _) -> case ev of V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> if f then next s else continue $ s & cardState.flipped %~ not _ -> continue s (MultipleChoiceState {_highlighted = i, _number = n, _tried = kvs}, MultipleChoice _ (CorrectOption j _) _) -> case ev of V.EvKey V.KUp [] -> continue up V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue up V.EvKey V.KDown [] -> continue down V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [] -> continue down V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> if frozen then next s else continue $ s & cardState.tried %~ M.insert i True _ -> continue s where frozen = M.findWithDefault False j kvs down = if i < n-1 && not frozen then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1 else s up = if i > 0 && not frozen then s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1 else s (MultipleAnswerState {_highlighted = i, _number = n, _entered = submitted}, MultipleAnswer {}) -> case ev of V.EvKey V.KUp [] -> continue up V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue up V.EvKey V.KDown [] -> continue down V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [] -> continue down V.EvKey (V.KChar 'c') [] -> continue $ s & (cardState.entered) .~ True V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> if frozen then next s else continue $ s & cardState.selected %~ M.adjust not i _ -> continue s where frozen = submitted down = if i < n-1 && not frozen then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1 else s up = if i > 0 && not frozen then s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1 else s (OpenQuestionState {_highlighted = i, _number = n, _gapInput = kvs, _correctGaps = cGaps}, OpenQuestion _ perforated) -> let correct = M.foldr (&&) True cGaps in case ev of V.EvKey (V.KFun 1) [] -> continue $ s & cardState.gapInput .~ correctAnswers & cardState.entered .~ True & cardState.correctGaps .~ M.fromAscList [(i, True) | i <- [0..n-1]] where correctAnswers = M.fromAscList $ zip [0..] $ map NE.head (sentenceToGaps (perforatedToSentence perforated)) V.EvKey (V.KChar '\t') [] -> continue $ if i < n - 1 && not correct then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1 else s & (cardState.highlighted) .~ 0 V.EvKey V.KRight [] -> continue $ if i < n - 1 && not correct then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1 else s V.EvKey V.KLeft [] -> continue $ if i > 0 && not correct then s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1 else s V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [] -> continue $ if correct then s else s & cardState.gapInput.at i.non "" %~ (++[c]) V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> if correct then next s else continue s' where sentence = perforatedToSentence perforated gaps = sentenceToGaps sentence s' = s & (cardState.correctGaps) %~ M.mapWithKey (\j _ -> M.findWithDefault "" j kvs `elem` gaps !! j) & (cardState.entered) .~ True V.EvKey V.KBS [] -> continue $ if correct then s else s & cardState.gapInput.ix i %~ backspace where backspace "" = "" backspace xs = init xs _ -> continue s (ReorderState {_highlighted = i, _entered = submitted, _grabbed=dragging, _number = n }, Reorder _ _) -> case ev of V.EvKey V.KUp [] -> continue up V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue up V.EvKey V.KDown [] -> continue down V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [] -> continue down V.EvKey (V.KChar 'c') [] -> continue $ s & (cardState.entered) .~ True V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> if frozen then next s else continue $ s & cardState.grabbed %~ not _ -> continue s where frozen = submitted down = case (frozen, i < n - 1, dragging) of (True, _, _) -> s (_, False, _) -> s (_, _, False) -> s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1 (_, _, True) -> s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1 & (cardState.order) %~ interchange i (i+1) up = case (frozen, i > 0, dragging) of (True, _, _) -> s (_, False, _) -> s (_, _, False) -> s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1 (_, _, True) -> s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1 & (cardState.order) %~ interchange i (i-1) _ -> error "impossible" handleEvent s _ = continue s next :: State -> EventM Name (Next State) next s | s ^. index + 1 < length (s ^. cards) = continue . updateState $ s & index +~ 1 | otherwise = halt s previous :: State -> EventM Name (Next State) previous s | s ^. index > 0 = continue . updateState $ s & index -~ 1 | otherwise = continue s updateState :: State -> State updateState s = let card = (s ^. cards) !! (s ^. index) in s & currentCard .~ card & cardState .~ defaultCardState card interchange :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> Map a b -> Map a b interchange i j kvs = let vali = kvs M.! i valj = kvs M.! j in M.insert j vali (M.insert i valj kvs) ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Attributes -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- titleAttr :: AttrName titleAttr = attrName "title" textboxAttr :: AttrName textboxAttr = attrName "textbox" highlightedChoiceAttr :: AttrName highlightedChoiceAttr = attrName "highlighted choice" incorrectChoiceAttr :: AttrName incorrectChoiceAttr = attrName "incorrect choice" correctChoiceAttr :: AttrName correctChoiceAttr = attrName "correct choice" highlightedOptAttr :: AttrName highlightedOptAttr = attrName "highlighted option" selectedOptAttr :: AttrName selectedOptAttr = attrName "selected option" correctOptAttr :: AttrName correctOptAttr = attrName "correct option" incorrectOptAttr :: AttrName incorrectOptAttr = attrName "incorrect option" gapAttr :: AttrName gapAttr = attrName "gap" incorrectGapAttr :: AttrName incorrectGapAttr = attrName "incorrect gap" correctGapAttr :: AttrName correctGapAttr = attrName "correct gap" highlightedElementAttr :: AttrName highlightedElementAttr = attrName "highlighted element" grabbedElementAttr :: AttrName grabbedElementAttr = attrName "grabbed element" correctElementAttr :: AttrName correctElementAttr = attrName "correct element" incorrectElementAttr :: AttrName incorrectElementAttr = attrName "incorrect element" theMap :: AttrMap theMap = attrMap V.defAttr [ (titleAttr, fg V.yellow) , (textboxAttr, V.defAttr) , (highlightedChoiceAttr, fg V.yellow) , (incorrectChoiceAttr, fg V.red) , (correctChoiceAttr, fg V.green) , (incorrectGapAttr, fg V.red `V.withStyle` V.underline) , (correctGapAttr, fg V.green `V.withStyle` V.underline) , (highlightedOptAttr, fg V.yellow) , (selectedOptAttr, fg V.blue) , (incorrectOptAttr, fg V.red) , (correctOptAttr, fg V.green) , (highlightedElementAttr, fg V.yellow) , (grabbedElementAttr, fg V.blue) , (correctElementAttr, fg V.green) , (incorrectElementAttr, fg V.red) , (gapAttr, V.defAttr `V.withStyle` V.underline) ]