{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Typed.Parameters where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Data.Kind (Type) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Text (Text, pack) import Database.Bolt (BoltActionT, IsValue (..), Record, Value, queryP) import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack, withFrozenCallStack) import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol) import Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Internal.Executer (formQuery) import Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Internal.Language (CypherDSL) import Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Typed.Types (SymbolS (..)) {- $setup >>> :set -XTypeApplications >>> :set -XOverloadedLabels >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings >>> :set -XTypeOperators >>> :load Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Typed.Instances Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Typed.Parameters >>> import Control.Monad.IO.Class >>> import Database.Bolt (BoltActionT, Record) >>> import Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL (returnF) >>> import Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Typed.Parameters -} -- | A wrapper around arbitrary 'CypherDSL' expression which stores type-level list of named -- parameters (@$foo@) with their types. -- -- It is convenient to write signatures using '(=:)' type synonym. newtype CypherDSLParams (params :: [(Symbol, Type)]) (a :: Type) = CypherDSLParams (CypherDSL a) -- | This type class ensures safety of queries with parameters by checking in compile time that -- all parameters are supplied and have correct type. -- -- Instances of this class will add more arguments to @fun@, one for each element in @params@. -- -- This should be considered an implementation detail. class QueryWithParams (params :: [(Symbol, Type)]) (m :: Type -> Type) fun | params m -> fun where -- | Internal function that accumulates parameters from type-level list. collectParams :: HasCallStack => CypherDSL () -> [(Text, Value)] -> fun -- | Base case: if there are no parameters, perform query with 'queryP'. instance MonadIO m => QueryWithParams '[] m (BoltActionT m [Record]) where collectParams dsl params = queryP (formQuery dsl) $ Map.fromList params -- | Recursion case: append the next parameter to accumulator and to function's type. instance (IsValue typ, QueryWithParams rest m fun) => QueryWithParams ('(field, typ) ': rest) m ((SymbolS field, typ) -> fun) where collectParams dsl params (SymbolS s, a) = collectParams @rest @m dsl ((pack s, toValue a) : params) -- | Run a query (in the form of 'CypherDSLParams'). This is a function of variable number of arguments. -- Actual number will be determined by type-level list @params@. -- -- A couple of examples: -- -- >>> dsl = CypherDSLParams (returnF []) :: CypherDSLParams '["foo" =: Int, "bar" =: Text] () -- >>> :t queryWithParams dsl -- queryWithParams dsl -- :: MonadIO m => -- (SymbolS "foo", Int) -- -> (SymbolS "bar", Text) -> BoltActionT m [Record] -- >>> :t queryWithParams dsl (#foo =: 42) -- queryWithParams dsl (#foo =: 42) -- :: MonadIO m => (SymbolS "bar", Text) -> BoltActionT m [Record] -- >>> :t queryWithParams dsl (#foo =: 42) (#bar =: "Hello") -- queryWithParams dsl (#foo =: 42) (#bar =: "Hello") -- :: MonadIO m => BoltActionT m [Record] -- >>> :t queryWithParams dsl (#foo =: True) -- ... -- ... Couldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘Bool’ -- ... -- >>> :t queryWithParams dsl (#bar =: 42) -- ... -- ... Couldn't match type ‘"bar"’ with ‘"foo"’ -- ... queryWithParams :: forall params m fun . MonadIO m => QueryWithParams params m fun => HasCallStack => CypherDSLParams params () -> fun queryWithParams (CypherDSLParams dsl) = collectParams @params @m dsl []