This parser parses the contents of the attribute grammar into a list of rules. A rule can either be an assignment to an attribute of the LHS (synthesized attribute), and assignment to an attribute of the RHS (an inherited attribute), or a conditional statement. > { > {-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-} > module AttrGrammarParser (agParser) where > import ParseMonad.Class > import ParseMonad.Bootstrapped > import AttrGrammar > } > %name agParser > %tokentype { AgToken } > %token > "{" { AgTok_LBrace } > "}" { AgTok_RBrace } > ";" { AgTok_Semicolon } > "=" { AgTok_Eq } > where { AgTok_Where } > selfRef { AgTok_SelfRef _ } > subRef { AgTok_SubRef _ } > rightRef { AgTok_RightmostRef _ } > unknown { AgTok_Unknown _ } > > %monad { P } > %lexer { lexTokenP } { AgTok_EOF } > %% > agParser :: { [AgRule] } > : rules { $1 } > rules :: { [AgRule] } > : rule ";" rules { $1 : $3 } > | rule { $1 : [] } > | { [] } > rule :: { AgRule } > : selfRef "=" code { SelfAssign (selfRefVal $1) $3 } > | subRef "=" code { SubAssign (subRefVal $1) $3 } > | rightRef "=" code { RightmostAssign (rightRefVal $1) $3 } > | where code { Conditional $2 } > code :: { [AgToken] } > : "{" code0 "}" code { [$1] ++ $2 ++ [$3] ++ $4 } > | "=" code { $1 : $2 } > | selfRef code { $1 : $2 } > | subRef code { $1 : $2 } > | rightRef code { $1 : $2 } > | unknown code { $1 : $2 } > | { [] } > code0 :: { [AgToken] } > : "{" code0 "}" code0 { [$1] ++ $2 ++ [$3] ++ $4 } > | "=" code0 { $1 : $2 } > | ";" code0 { $1 : $2 } > | selfRef code0 { $1 : $2 } > | subRef code0 { $1 : $2 } > | rightRef code { $1 : $2 } > | unknown code0 { $1 : $2 } > | { [] } > { > happyError :: P a > happyError = failP (\l -> show l ++ ": Parse error\n") > }