{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

module Hans.Tcp.RecvWindow (
    -- * Receive Window
    rcvNxt, setRcvNxt,

    -- ** Sequence Numbers
  ) where

import           Hans.Lens
import           Hans.Tcp.Packet

import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import           Data.Word (Word16)

-- Segments --------------------------------------------------------------------

data Segment = Segment { segStart :: !TcpSeqNum
                         -- ^ The first byte occupied by this segment

                       , segEnd :: !TcpSeqNum
                         -- ^ The last byte occupied by this segment

                       , segHdr  :: !TcpHeader
                       , segBody :: !S.ByteString
                       } deriving (Show)

mkSegment :: TcpHeader -> S.ByteString -> Segment
mkSegment segHdr segBody =
  Segment { segStart = tcpSeqNum segHdr
          , segEnd   = tcpSegLastSeqNum segHdr (S.length segBody)
          , .. }

-- | The next segment number, directly after this one.
segNext :: Segment -> TcpSeqNum
segNext Segment { .. } = segEnd + 1

-- | Drop data off of the front of this segment.
trimSeg :: Int -> Segment -> Maybe Segment
trimSeg len seg@Segment { .. }
  | len' <= 0 =
    Just seg

  | len' >= S.length segBody =

  | otherwise =
    Just $! Segment { segStart = segStart + fromIntegral len'
                    , segHdr   = segHdr { tcpSeqNum = tcpSeqNum segHdr
                                                    + fromIntegral len }
                    , segBody  = S.drop len segBody
                    , .. }


  flag l | view l segHdr = 1
         | otherwise     = 0

  -- adjust the length to account for syn/fin
  len' = len - flag tcpSyn - flag tcpFin

-- | Resolve overlap between two segments. It's assumed that the two segments do
-- actually overlap. Overlap is resolved by trimming the front of the later
-- packet.
resolveOverlap :: Segment -> Segment -> [Segment]
resolveOverlap a b =
  case trimSeg (fromTcpSeqNum (segEnd x - segStart y)) y of
    Just y' -> [x,y']
    Nothing -> error "resolveOverlap: invariant violated"
  (x,y) | segStart a < segStart b = (a,b) -- a overlaps b
        | otherwise               = (b,a) -- b overlaps a

-- Receive Window --------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The receive window.
--  1. All segments in rwSegments are within the window defined by rwRcvNxt and
--     rwRcvWnd
--  2. The segments in rwSegments should not overlap
data Window = Window { wSegments :: ![Segment]
                       -- ^ Out of order segments.

                     , wRcvNxt :: !TcpSeqNum
                       -- ^ Left-edge of the receive window

                     , wRcvRight :: !TcpSeqNum
                       -- ^ Right-edge of the receive window

                     , wMax :: !TcpSeqNum
                       -- ^ Maximum size of the receive window
                     } deriving (Show)

emptyWindow :: TcpSeqNum -> Int -> Window
emptyWindow wRcvNxt maxWin =
  Window { wSegments = []
         , wRcvRight = wRcvNxt + wMax
         , .. }
  wMax = fromIntegral maxWin

-- | The value of RCV.WND.
rcvWnd :: Lens' Window Word16
rcvWnd f Window { .. } =
  fmap (\ wnd -> Window { wRcvRight = wRcvNxt + fromIntegral wnd, .. })
       (f (fromTcpSeqNum (wRcvRight - wRcvNxt)))

-- | The left edge of the receive window.
rcvNxt :: Getting r Window TcpSeqNum
rcvNxt  = to wRcvNxt

-- | The right edge of the receive window, RCV.NXT + RCV.WND.
rcvRight :: Getting r Window TcpSeqNum
rcvRight  = to wRcvRight

-- | Only sets RCV.NXT when the segment queue is empty. Returns 'True' when the
-- value has been successfully changed.
setRcvNxt :: TcpSeqNum -> Window -> (Window,Bool)
setRcvNxt nxt win
  | null (wSegments win) = (win { wRcvNxt = nxt, wRcvRight = nxt + wMax win }, True)
  | otherwise            = (win, False)

-- | Check an incoming segment, and queue it in the receive window. When the
-- segment received was valid 'Just' is returned, including segments in the
-- receive window were unblocked by it.
-- NOTE: when Just[] is returned, this should be a signal to issue a duplicate
-- ACK, as we've receive something out of sequence (fast retransmit).
recvSegment :: TcpHeader -> S.ByteString -> Window
            -> (Window, Maybe [(TcpHeader,S.ByteString)])
recvSegment hdr body win

    -- add the trimmed frame to the receive queue
  | Just seg <- sequenceNumberValid (wRcvNxt win) (wRcvRight win) hdr body =
    let (win', segs) = addSegment seg win
     in (win', Just [ (segHdr,segBody) | Segment { .. } <- segs ])

    -- drop the invalid frame
  | otherwise =
    (win, Nothing)

-- | Increase the right edge of the window by n, clamping at the maximum window
-- size.
moveRcvRight :: Int -> Window -> (Window, ())
moveRcvRight n = \ win ->
  let rcvRight' = view rcvRight win + min (max 0 (fromIntegral n)) (wMax win)
   in (win { wRcvRight = rcvRight' }, ())
{-# INLINE moveRcvRight #-}

-- | Add a validated segment to the receive window, and return 
addSegment :: Segment -> Window -> (Window, [Segment])
addSegment seg win

    -- The new segment falls right at the beginning of the receive window. Move
    -- RCV.NXT and put the segment into the receive buffer.  Don't modify
    -- RCV.WND until the segment has been removed from the receive buffer.
  | segStart seg == wRcvNxt win =
    advanceLeft seg win

    -- As addSegment should only be called with the results of
    -- sequenceNumberValid, the only remaining case to consider is that the
    -- segment falls somewhere else within the window.
  | otherwise =
    (insertOutOfOrder seg win, [])

-- | Use this segment to advance the window, which may unblock zero or more out
-- of order segments. The list returned is always non-empty, as it includes the
-- segment that's given.
advanceLeft :: Segment -> Window -> (Window, [Segment])
advanceLeft seg win

    -- there were no other segments that might be unblocked by this one
  | null (wSegments win) =
    ( win { wRcvNxt = segNext seg }, [seg])

    -- see if this segment unblocks any others
  | otherwise =
    let win'             = insertOutOfOrder seg win -- to resolve overlap
        (nxt,valid,rest) = splitContiguous (wSegments win')
     in (win' { wSegments = rest, wRcvNxt = nxt }, valid)

-- | Insert a new segment into the receive window. NOTE: we don't need to worry
-- about trimming the segment to fit the window, as that's already been done by
-- sequenceNumberValid.
insertOutOfOrder :: Segment -> Window -> Window
insertOutOfOrder seg Window { .. } = Window { wSegments = segs', .. }
  segs' = loop seg wSegments

  loop new segs@(x:xs)

      -- new segment ends before x starts
    | segEnd new < segStart x = new : segs

      -- new segment starts after x
    | segStart new > segEnd x =
      x : loop new segs

      -- segments overlap
    | otherwise = resolveOverlap new x ++ xs

  loop new [] = [new]

-- | Split out contiguous segments, and out of order segments. NOTE: this
-- assumes that the segment list given does not contain any overlapping
-- segments, and is ordered.
-- NOTE: this should never be called with an empty list.
splitContiguous :: [Segment] -> (TcpSeqNum,[Segment],[Segment])

splitContiguous (seg:segs) = loop [seg] (segNext seg) segs
  loop acc from (x:xs) | segStart x == from = loop (x:acc) (segNext seg) xs
  loop acc from    xs                       = (from, reverse acc, xs)

splitContiguous [] = error "splitContiguous: empty list"

-- Window Checks ---------------------------------------------------------------

-- | This is the check described on page 68 of RFC793, which checks that data
-- falls within the expected receive window. When the check is successful, the
-- segment returned is one that has been trimmed to fit in the window (if
-- necessary).
-- When this produces a segment, the segment has these properties:
--  1. The sequence number is within the window
--  2. The segment body falls within the window
--  3. The segment has been copied from the original bytestring
-- The reason for point 3 is that when frames are allocated by devices, they are
-- likely allocated to the full MTU, and not resized. Copying here frees up some
-- memory.
sequenceNumberValid :: TcpSeqNum  -- ^ RCV.NXT
                    -> TcpSeqNum  -- ^ RCV.NXT + RCV.WND
                    -> TcpHeader
                    -> S.ByteString
                    -> Maybe Segment

sequenceNumberValid nxt wnd hdr@TcpHeader { .. } payload

  | payloadLen == 0 =
    if nullWindow
       -- test 1
       then if tcpSeqNum == nxt then Just (mkSegment hdr S.empty) else Nothing

       -- test 2
       else if seqNumInWindow   then Just (mkSegment hdr S.empty) else Nothing

  | otherwise =
    if nullWindow
       -- test 3
       then Nothing

       -- test 4
       else if | seqNumInWindow  -> Just (mkSegment hdr  seg')
               | dataEndInWindow -> Just (mkSegment hdr' seg')
               | otherwise       -> Nothing


  nullWindow = nxt == wnd
  payloadLen = tcpSegLen hdr (fromIntegral (S.length payload))
  segEnd     = tcpSeqNum + fromIntegral (payloadLen - 1)

  -- adjusted header for when the payload spans RCV.NXT
  hdr' = hdr { tcpSeqNum = nxt }

  -- XXX: this doesn't account for syn/fin at the moment
  -- trim the payload to fit in the window
  seg' = S.copy $ S.drop (fromTcpSeqNum (nxt    - tcpSeqNum))
                $ S.take (fromTcpSeqNum (segEnd - wnd)) payload

  seqNumInWindow  = nxt <= tcpSeqNum && tcpSeqNum < wnd
  dataEndInWindow = nxt <= segEnd    && segEnd    < wnd