{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

module Hans.IP4.Fragments (
    newFragTable, cleanupFragTable,
  ) where

import           Hans.Config
import qualified Hans.HashTable as HT
import           Hans.IP4.Packet
import           Hans.Lens (view)
import           Hans.Monad
import           Hans.Network.Types (NetworkProtocol)
import           Hans.Threads (forkNamed)
import           Hans.Time (toUSeconds)

import           Control.Concurrent (ThreadId,threadDelay,killThread)
import           Control.Monad (forever)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import           Data.Time.Clock

-- | Keys are of the form @(src,dest,prot,ident)@.
type Key = (IP4,IP4,NetworkProtocol,IP4Ident)

type Table  = HT.HashTable Key Buffer

-- XXX: there isn't any way to limit the size of the fragment table right now.
data FragTable = FragTable { ftEntries     :: !Table
                           , ftDuration    :: !NominalDiffTime
                           , ftPurgeThread :: !ThreadId

newFragTable :: Config -> IO FragTable
newFragTable Config { .. } =
  do ftEntries     <- HT.newHashTable 31
     ftPurgeThread <- forkNamed "IP4 Fragment Purge Thread"
                          (purgeEntries cfgIP4FragTimeout ftEntries)
     return FragTable { ftDuration = cfgIP4FragTimeout, .. }

cleanupFragTable :: FragTable -> IO ()
cleanupFragTable FragTable { .. } = killThread ftPurgeThread

-- | Handle an incoming fragment. If the fragment is buffered, but doesn't
-- complete the packet, the escape continuation is invoked.
processFragment :: FragTable -> IP4Header -> S.ByteString
                -> Hans (IP4Header,S.ByteString)

processFragment FragTable { .. } hdr body

    -- no fragments
  | not (view ip4MoreFragments hdr) && view ip4FragmentOffset hdr == 0 =
    return (hdr,body)

    -- fragment
  | otherwise =
    do mb <- io $ do now <- getCurrentTime
                     let expire = addUTCTime ftDuration now
                         frag   = mkFragment hdr body
                         key    = mkKey hdr

                     HT.alter (updateBuffer expire hdr frag) key ftEntries
       case mb of
         -- abort packet processing here, as there's nothing left to do
         Nothing           -> escape

         -- return the reassembled packet
         Just (hdr',body') -> return (hdr',body')
{-# INLINE processFragment #-}

-- Table Purging ---------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Every second, purge the fragment table of entries that have expired.
purgeEntries :: NominalDiffTime -> Table -> IO ()
purgeEntries lifetime entries = forever $
  do threadDelay halfLife

     now <- getCurrentTime
     HT.filterHashTable (\_ Buffer { .. } -> bufExpire < now) entries

  halfLife = toUSeconds (lifetime / 2)

-- Fragment Operations ---------------------------------------------------------

-- INVARIANT: When new fragments are inserted into bufFragments, they are merged
-- together when possible. This makes it easier to check the state of the whole
-- buffer.
data Buffer = Buffer { bufExpire    :: !UTCTime
                     , bufSize      :: !(Maybe Int)
                     , bufHeader    :: !(Maybe IP4Header)
                     , bufFragments :: ![Fragment]

data Fragment = Fragment { fragStart   :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
                         , fragEnd     :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
                         , fragPayload ::                 [S.ByteString]
                         } deriving (Show)

mkKey :: IP4Header -> Key
mkKey IP4Header { .. } = (ip4SourceAddr,ip4DestAddr,ip4Protocol,ip4Ident)

mkFragment :: IP4Header -> S.ByteString -> Fragment
mkFragment hdr body = Fragment { .. }
  fragStart   = fromIntegral (view ip4FragmentOffset hdr)
  fragEnd     = fragStart + S.length body
  fragPayload = [body]

-- | Create a buffer, given an expiration time, initial fragment, and
-- 'IP4Header' of that initial fragment. The initial header is included for the
-- case where the initial fragment is also the first fragment in the sequence.
mkBuffer :: UTCTime -> IP4Header -> Fragment -> Buffer
mkBuffer bufExpire hdr frag =
  addFragment hdr frag
  Buffer { bufHeader    = Nothing
         , bufSize      = Nothing
         , bufFragments = []
         , .. }

-- | For use with HT.alter. When the first element is 'Just', the second will
-- be 'Nothing', indicating that the entry in the table should be updated, and
-- there's no result yet. When the first element is 'Nothing', the second will
-- be 'Just', indicating that the entry should be removed from the table, and
-- that this is the final buffer.
updateBuffer :: UTCTime -> IP4Header -> Fragment -> Maybe Buffer
               -> (Maybe Buffer,Maybe (IP4Header,S.ByteString))

-- the entry already exists in the table, removing it if it's full
updateBuffer _ hdr frag (Just buf) =
  let buf' = addFragment hdr frag buf
   in case bufFull buf' of
        Just res -> (Nothing, Just res)
        Nothing  -> (Just buf', Nothing)

-- create a new entry in the table
updateBuffer expire hdr frag Nothing =
  let buf = mkBuffer expire hdr frag
   in buf `seq` (Just buf, Nothing)

-- | When the buffer is full and all fragments are accounted for, reassemble it
-- into a new packet.
bufFull :: Buffer -> Maybe (IP4Header,S.ByteString)
bufFull Buffer { .. }

  | Just size <- bufSize
  , Just hdr  <- bufHeader
  , [Fragment { .. }] <- bufFragments
  , fragEnd == size =
    Just (hdr, S.concat fragPayload)

  | otherwise =

-- | Insert the fragment into the buffer.
addFragment :: IP4Header -> Fragment -> Buffer -> Buffer
addFragment hdr frag buf =
  Buffer { bufExpire    = bufExpire buf
         , bufSize      = size'
         , bufHeader    = case bufHeader buf of
                            Nothing | view ip4FragmentOffset hdr == 0 -> Just hdr
                            _                                         -> bufHeader buf

         , bufFragments = insertFragment (bufFragments buf)


  size' | view ip4MoreFragments hdr = bufSize buf
        | otherwise                 = Just $! fragEnd frag

  insertFragment frags@(f:fs)
    | fragEnd   frag == fragStart f = mergeFragment frag f : fs
    | fragStart frag == fragEnd f   = mergeFragment f frag : fs
    | fragStart frag <  fragStart f = frag : frags
    | otherwise                     = f : insertFragment fs

  insertFragment [] = [frag]

mergeFragment :: Fragment -> Fragment -> Fragment
mergeFragment a b =
  Fragment { fragStart   = fragStart a
           , fragEnd     = fragEnd b
           , fragPayload = fragPayload a ++ fragPayload b