{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Hans.HashTable ( HashTable(), newHashTable, lookup, delete, deletes, mapHashTable, mapHashTableM_, filterHashTable, alter, keys, hasKey, size, ) where import Prelude hiding (lookup) import Control.Monad (replicateM,forM_) import Data.Array (Array,listArray,(!)) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Hashable (Hashable,hash) import Data.IORef (IORef,newIORef,atomicModifyIORef',readIORef) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Ord (comparing) data HashTable k a = HashTable { htSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int , htBuckets :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Array Int (Bucket k a)) } type Bucket k a = IORef [(k,a)] -- | Create a new hash table with the given size. newHashTable :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => Int -> IO (HashTable k a) newHashTable htSize = do buckets <- replicateM htSize (newIORef []) return HashTable { htBuckets = listArray (0,htSize - 1) buckets , .. } mapBuckets :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => ([(k,a)] -> [(k,a)]) -> HashTable k a -> IO () mapBuckets f HashTable { .. } = go 0 where update bucket = (f bucket, ()) go ix | ix < htSize = do atomicModifyIORef' (htBuckets ! ix) update go (succ ix) | otherwise = return () {-# INLINE mapBuckets #-} filterHashTable :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> a -> Bool) -> HashTable k a -> IO () filterHashTable p = mapBuckets (filter (uncurry p)) {-# INLINE filterHashTable #-} -- | Monadic mapping over the values of a hash table. mapHashTableM_ :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> a -> IO ()) -> HashTable k a -> IO () mapHashTableM_ f HashTable { .. } = go 0 where go ix | ix < htSize = do bs <- readIORef (htBuckets ! ix) mapM_ (\(k,a) -> f k a) bs go (ix + 1) | otherwise = return () {-# INLINE mapHashTableM_ #-} mapHashTable :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> a -> a) -> HashTable k a -> IO () mapHashTable f = mapBuckets (map f') where f' (k,a) = (k, f k a) {-# INLINE mapHashTable #-} getBucket :: Hashable k => HashTable k a -> k -> Bucket k a getBucket HashTable { .. } k = htBuckets ! key where key = hash k `mod` htSize {-# INLINE getBucket #-} modifyBucket :: Hashable k => HashTable k a -> k -> ([(k,a)] -> ([(k,a)],b)) -> IO b modifyBucket ht k = atomicModifyIORef' (getBucket ht k) {-# INLINE modifyBucket #-} lookup :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HashTable k a -> IO (Maybe a) lookup k ht = do bucket <- readIORef (getBucket ht k) return $! List.lookup k bucket {-# INLINE lookup #-} delete :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HashTable k a -> IO () delete k ht = modifyBucket ht k (\ bucket -> (removeEntry bucket, ())) where removeEntry (entry @ (k',_):rest) | k' == k = rest | otherwise = let rest' = removeEntry rest in rest' `seq` (entry : rest') removeEntry [] = [] {-# INLINE delete #-} -- | Delete a collection of keys from the table. This is good for multiple -- deletes, as deletes from the same bucket can be grouped together. deletes :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => [k] -> HashTable k a -> IO () deletes ks ht = forM_ groups $ \ grp -> case grp of (_,ix):_ -> atomicModifyIORef' (htBuckets ht ! ix) (\ bucket -> (bucket `without` grp, ())) _ -> return () where -- keys grouped by bucket groups = List.groupBy ((==) `on` snd) $ List.sortBy (comparing snd) $ [ (k, hash k `mod` htSize ht) | k <- ks ] -- remove entries from the bucket without = List.foldl' (\b (k,_) -> remove k b) remove k = go where go [] = [] go (e@(k',_):rest) | k == k' = rest | otherwise = e:go rest -- | Create, update, or delete an entry in the hash table, returning some -- additional value derived from the operation. -- NOTE: This operation is only useful when you need to perform any of these -- operations at the same time -- the specialized versions of the individual -- behaviors all perform slightly better. alter :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (Maybe a -> (Maybe a, b)) -> k -> HashTable k a -> IO b alter f k ht = modifyBucket ht k (update id) where update mkBucket (e@(k',a):rest) | k == k' = finish mkBucket (Just a) rest | otherwise = update (\l -> mkBucket ( e : l )) rest update mkBucket [] = finish mkBucket Nothing [] finish mkBucket mb rest = case f mb of (Just a, b) -> (mkBucket ((k,a):rest), b) (Nothing,b) -> (mkBucket rest , b) {-# INLINE alter #-} size :: HashTable k a -> IO Int size HashTable { .. } = loop 0 0 where loop acc ix | ix < htSize = do bucket <- readIORef (htBuckets ! ix) (loop $! acc + length bucket) (ix + 1) | otherwise = return acc -- | Gives back an (unsorted) list of all the keys present in the hash table. keys :: HashTable k a -> IO [k] keys HashTable { .. } = go [] 0 where go acc ix | ix < htSize = do bucket <- readIORef (htBuckets ! ix) go (map fst bucket ++ acc) (ix + 1) | otherwise = return acc hasKey :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HashTable k a -> IO Bool hasKey k ht = do b <- readIORef (getBucket ht k) return $! any (\ (k',_) -> k == k') b {-# INLINE hasKey #-}