{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} import GHC.Paths import GHC import DynFlags import Linker import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Time import StringBuffer import Data.Dynamic import System.Directory import System.FilePath logIO :: MonadIO m => String -> m () logIO = liftIO . putStrLn withGHC :: Ghc a -> IO a withGHC action = defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do packageIDs <- getSessionDynFlags >>= (\d -> pure d { ghcLink = LinkInMemory , ghcMode = CompManager , hscTarget = HscAsm , optLevel = 2 , verbosity = 0 }) -- turn off the GHCi sandbox -- since it breaks OpenGL/GUI usage >>= (pure . (`gopt_unset` Opt_GhciSandbox)) >>= (pure . (if dynamicGhc then addWay' WayDyn else id)) -- We must call setSessionDynFlags before calling initPackages or any other GHC API >>= setSessionDynFlags getSession >>= \hscEnv -> liftIO $ linkPackages hscEnv packageIDs liftIO . initDynLinker =<< getSession action fileContentsStringToBuffer :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m (StringBuffer, UTCTime) fileContentsStringToBuffer fileContents = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime return (stringToStringBuffer fileContents, now) ourFile :: String ourFile = unlines [ "main = print $ 123456789" ] main :: IO () main = withGHC $ do logIO "" logIO "Starting..." let expression = "main" fileContents <- fileContentsStringToBuffer ourFile -- Set the target -- Create a dummy temporary file to sate GHC's desires for one, -- even though we're passing it the text as a buffer. tempDir <- liftIO $ getTemporaryDirectory now <- show . diffTimeToPicoseconds . realToFrac <$> liftIO getPOSIXTime let tempFile = tempDir </> "halive_" ++ now <.> "hs" liftIO $ writeFile tempFile "" target <- guessTarget tempFile Nothing logIO "Setting targets..." setTargets [target { targetContents = Just fileContents }] -- logIO "Dep analysis..." -- graph <- depanal [mkModuleName "Main"] False -- Reload the main target logIO "Loading..." -- setContext $ [ IIModule . mkModuleName $ "Main" ] loadSuccess <- load LoadAllTargets if succeeded loadSuccess then do logIO "Analyzing deps..." -- Get the dependencies of the main target (and update the session with them) graph <- depanal [] False -- -- We must parse and typecheck modules before they'll be available for usage -- forM_ graph (typecheckModule <=< parseModule) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804 let modSummaries = mgModSummaries graph #else let modSummaries = graph #endif -- Load the dependencies of the main target setContext (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . ms_mod_name <$> modSummaries) -- Compile the expression and return the result result <- dynCompileExpr expression case fromDynamic result of Just a -> liftIO (a :: IO ()) Nothing -> return () -- liftIO (print result) else do return ()