{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Language.Halide.FuncSpec (spec) where import Control.Monad.ST (RealWorld) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as SM import Language.Halide import Test.Hspec hiding (parallel) import Utils importHalide data Matrix v a = Matrix { matrixRows :: !Int , matrixCols :: !Int , matrixData :: !(v a) } deriving stock (Show, Eq) instance IsHalideType a => IsHalideBuffer (Matrix (SM.MVector RealWorld) a) 2 a where withHalideBufferImpl (Matrix n m v) f = SM.unsafeWith v $ \dataPtr -> bufferFromPtrShapeStrides dataPtr [n, m] [1, n] f spec :: Spec spec = do describe "indexing" $ do it "supports empty tuples" $ do let x = mkExpr (5 :: Double) f <- define "f" () $ x * x - 2 * x + 5 + 3 / x g <- define "g" () $ f ! () realize g [] peekToList `shouldReturn` [20.6] describe "vectorize" $ do it "vectorizes loops" $ do i <- mkVar "i" ii <- mkVar "inner" func <- define "func" i $ (3 * i + 1) * (i - 5) -- by default, nothing is vectorized prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldNotContainText` "vectorized" s `shouldNotContainText` "[0, 3]" void $ split TailShiftInwards i (i, ii) 4 func >>= vectorize ii -- now, the inner loop is vectorized prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldContainText` "vectorized i.inner" s `shouldContainText` "in [0, 3]" let n = 10 realize func [n] peekToList `shouldReturn` [(3 * k + 1) * (k - 5) | k <- [0 .. fromIntegral n - 1]] describe "unroll" $ do it "unrolls loops" $ do i <- mkVar "i" ii <- mkVar "inner" func <- define "func" i $ (3 * i + 1) * (i - 5) -- by default, nothing is unrolled prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldNotContainText` "unrolled" s `shouldNotContainText` "[0, 2]" void $ split TailGuardWithIf i (i, ii) 3 func >>= unroll ii -- now, the inner loop is unrolled prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldContainText` "unrolled i.inner" s `shouldContainText` "in [0, 2]" let n = 17 realize func [n] peekToList `shouldReturn` [(3 * k + 1) * (k - 5) | k <- [0 .. fromIntegral n - 1]] describe "reorder" $ do it "reorders loops" $ do x <- mkVar "x" y <- mkVar "y" z <- mkVar "z" func <- define "func" (x, y, z) $ x * (x + y) - 3 * z -- we have -- -- for z -- for y -- for x prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s & "for z" `appearsBeforeText` "for y" s & "for y" `appearsBeforeText` "for x" void $ reorder [z, x, y] func -- now we expect -- -- for y -- for x -- for z prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s & "for y" `appearsBeforeText` "for x" s & "for x" `appearsBeforeText` "for z" describe "split" $ do it "splits loops into sub-loops" $ do x <- mkVar "x" y <- mkVar "y" func <- define "func" (x, y) $ x * y -- we have -- -- for y -- for x prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s & "for y" `appearsBeforeText` "for x" s `shouldNotContainText` "outer" s `shouldNotContainText` "inner" outer <- mkVar "outer" inner <- mkVar "inner" void $ split TailGuardWithIf x (outer, inner) 7 func -- now we expect -- -- for y -- for x.outer -- for x.inner prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s & "for y" `appearsBeforeText` "for x.outer" s & "for x.outer" `appearsBeforeText` "for x.inner" describe "fuse" $ do it "merges sub-loops into one" $ do x <- mkVar "x" y <- mkVar "y" func <- define "func" (x, y) $ x * y -- we have -- -- for y -- for x prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldNotContainText` "common" common <- mkVar "common" void $ fuse (x, y) common func -- now we expect -- -- for common prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldNotContainText` "for x:" s `shouldNotContainText` "for y" s `shouldContainText` "for x.common" describe "parallel" $ do it "marks dimensions as parallel" $ do x <- mkVar "x" y <- mkVar "y" func <- define "func" (x, y) $ x * y prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> s `shouldNotContainText` "parallel" void $ parallel x func >>= serial y prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> s `shouldContainText` "parallel x" describe "gpuBlocks" $ do it "marks dimensions as corresponding to GPU blocks" $ do do x <- mkVar "x" y <- mkVar "y" func <- define "func" (x, y) $ x * y prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldNotContainText` "gpu_block" s `shouldNotContainText` "Default_GPU" void $ gpuBlocks DeviceDefaultGPU (x, y) func prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldContainText` "gpu_block y" s `shouldContainText` "gpu_block x" do x <- mkVar "x" y <- mkVar "y" func <- define "func" (x, y) $ x * y prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldNotContainText` "gpu_block" s `shouldNotContainText` "CUDA" void $ gpuBlocks DeviceCUDA y func prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldContainText` "gpu_block y" describe "gpuThreads" $ do it "marks dimensions as corresponding to GPU threads" $ do do x <- mkVar "x" y <- mkVar "y" func <- define "func" (x, y) $ x * y prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldNotContainText` "gpu_thread" s `shouldNotContainText` "Default_GPU" void $ gpuThreads DeviceDefaultGPU (x, y) func prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldContainText` "gpu_thread y" s `shouldContainText` "gpu_thread x" do x <- mkVar "x" y <- mkVar "y" func <- define "func" (x, y) $ x * y prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldNotContainText` "gpu_block" s `shouldNotContainText` "gpu_thread" s `shouldNotContainText` "CUDA" void $ gpuBlocks DeviceCUDA y func >>= gpuThreads DeviceCUDA x prettyLoopNest func >>= \s -> do s `shouldContainText` "gpu_block y" s `shouldContainText` "gpu_thread x" describe "reductions" $ do it "computes reductions" $ do asBufferParam @1 @Int32 ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5] :: [Int32]) $ \src -> do n <- (.extent) <$> dim 0 src r <- mkRVar "r" 0 n i <- mkVar "i" f <- define "sum" i 0 update f (0 :: Expr Int32) $ f ! (0 :: Expr Int32) + src ! r realize f [1] peekToList `shouldReturn` ([15] :: [Int32]) describe "undef" $ do it "allows to skip stores" $ do i <- mkVar "i" f <- define "f" i $ bool (i `gt` 5) i 0 update f i $ bool ((f ! i) `eq` 0) (2 * i) undef realize f [10] peekToList `shouldReturn` ([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10] <> [6 .. 9] :: [Int32])