{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-local-binds -Wno-unused-matches #-} -- | -- Module : Language.Halide.Type -- Description : Low-level types -- Copyright : (c) Tom Westerhout, 2023 module Language.Halide.Type ( HalideTypeCode (..) , HalideType (..) , IsHalideType (..) , CxxExpr , CxxVar , CxxRVar , CxxVarOrRVar , CxxFunc , CxxParameter , CxxArgument , CxxImageParam , CxxVector , CxxUserContext , CxxCallable , CxxTarget , CxxStageSchedule , CxxString , Arguments (..) , Length , Append , argumentsAppend , FunctionArguments , FunctionReturn , All , UnCurry (..) , Curry (..) , defineIsHalideTypeInstances , instanceHasCxxVector , HasCxxVector (..) , IsTuple (..) , FromTuple , ToTuple , instanceCxxConstructible , CxxConstructible (..) -- defineCastableInstances, -- defineCurriedTypeFamily, -- defineUnCurriedTypeFamily, -- defineCurryInstances, -- defineUnCurryInstances, ) where import Data.Coerce import Data.Constraint import Data.Int import Data.Kind (Type) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Word import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import GHC.TypeLits import qualified Language.C.Inline as C import qualified Language.C.Inline.Unsafe as CU import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift) -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::Expr@. data CxxExpr -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::Var@. data CxxVar -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::RVar@. data CxxRVar -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::VarOrRVar@. data CxxVarOrRVar -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::Internal::Parameter@. data CxxParameter -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::Argument@. data CxxArgument -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::ImageParam@. data CxxImageParam -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::Func@. data CxxFunc -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::JITUserContext@. data CxxUserContext -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::Callable@. data CxxCallable -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::Target@. data CxxTarget -- | Haskell counterpart of @std::vector@. data CxxVector a -- | Haskell counterpart of @Halide::Internal::StageSchedule@. data CxxStageSchedule -- | Haskell counterpart of @std::string@ data CxxString class CxxConstructible a where cxxSizeOf :: Int cxxConstruct :: (Ptr a -> IO ()) -> IO (ForeignPtr a) cxxConstructWithDeleter :: Int -> FinalizerPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO ()) -> IO (ForeignPtr a) cxxConstructWithDeleter size deleter constructor = do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes size withForeignPtr fp constructor addForeignPtrFinalizer deleter fp pure fp -- data Split = -- SplitVar !Text !Text !Text !(Expr Int32) ! -- | Haskell counterpart of @halide_type_code_t@. data HalideTypeCode = HalideTypeInt | HalideTypeUInt | HalideTypeFloat | HalideTypeHandle | HalideTypeBfloat deriving stock (Read, Show, Eq, Lift) instance Enum HalideTypeCode where fromEnum :: HalideTypeCode -> Int fromEnum x = case x of HalideTypeInt -> 0 HalideTypeUInt -> 1 HalideTypeFloat -> 2 HalideTypeHandle -> 3 HalideTypeBfloat -> 4 toEnum :: Int -> HalideTypeCode toEnum x = case x of 0 -> HalideTypeInt 1 -> HalideTypeUInt 2 -> HalideTypeFloat 3 -> HalideTypeHandle 4 -> HalideTypeBfloat _ -> error $ "invalid HalideTypeCode: " <> show x -- | Haskell counterpart of @halide_type_t@. data HalideType = HalideType { halideTypeCode :: !HalideTypeCode , halideTypeBits :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 , halideTypeLanes :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word16 } deriving stock (Read, Show, Eq) instance Storable HalideType where sizeOf :: HalideType -> Int sizeOf _ = 4 alignment :: HalideType -> Int alignment _ = 4 peek :: Ptr HalideType -> IO HalideType peek p = HalideType <$> (toEnum . (fromIntegral :: Word8 -> Int) <$> peekByteOff p 0) <*> peekByteOff p 1 <*> peekByteOff p 2 poke :: Ptr HalideType -> HalideType -> IO () poke p (HalideType code bits lanes) = do pokeByteOff p 0 . (fromIntegral :: Int -> Word8) . fromEnum $ code pokeByteOff p 1 bits pokeByteOff p 2 lanes -- | Specifies that a type is supported by Halide. class Storable a => IsHalideType a where halideTypeFor :: proxy a -> HalideType toCxxExpr :: a -> IO (ForeignPtr CxxExpr) -- | Helper function to coerce 'Float' to 'CFloat' and 'Double' to 'CDouble' -- before passing them to inline-c quasiquotes. This is needed because inline-c -- assumes that @float@ in C corresponds to 'CFloat' in Haskell. optionallyCast :: String -> TH.TypeQ -> TH.ExpQ optionallyCast cType hsType' = do hsType <- hsType' hsTargetType <- C.getHaskellType False cType if hsType == hsTargetType then [e|id|] else [e|coerce|] -- | Template Haskell splice that defines instances of 'IsHalideType' for a -- given Haskell type. instanceIsHalideType :: (String, TH.TypeQ, HalideTypeCode) -> TH.DecsQ instanceIsHalideType (cType, hsType, typeCode) = C.substitute [("T", \x -> "$(" <> cType <> " " <> x <> ")")] [d| instance IsHalideType $hsType where halideTypeFor _ = HalideType typeCode bits 1 where bits = fromIntegral $ 8 * sizeOf (undefined :: $hsType) toCxxExpr y = cxxConstruct $ \ptr -> [CU.exp| void { new ($(Halide::Expr* ptr)) Halide::Expr{@T(x)} } |] where x = $(optionallyCast cType hsType) y |] -- | Derive 'IsHalideType' instances for all supported types. defineIsHalideTypeInstances :: TH.DecsQ defineIsHalideTypeInstances = concat <$> mapM instanceIsHalideType halideTypes instanceCxxConstructible :: String -> TH.DecsQ instanceCxxConstructible cType = C.substitute [ ("T", const cType) , ("Deleter", const $ "deleter(" <> cType <> "* p)") , ("Class", const . T.unpack . snd $ T.breakOnEnd "::" (T.pack cType)) ] [d| instance CxxConstructible $(C.getHaskellType False cType) where cxxSizeOf = fromIntegral [CU.pure| size_t { sizeof(@T()) } |] cxxConstruct = cxxConstructWithDeleter size deleter where size = fromIntegral [CU.pure| size_t { sizeof(@T()) } |] deleter = [C.funPtr| void @Deleter() { p->~@Class()(); } |] |] -- | Specifies that a given Haskell type can be used with @std::vector@. -- -- E.g. if we have @HasCxxVector Int16@, then using @std::vector*@ -- in inline-c quotes will work. class HasCxxVector a where newCxxVector :: Maybe Int -> IO (Ptr (CxxVector a)) deleteCxxVector :: Ptr (CxxVector a) -> IO () cxxVectorSize :: Ptr (CxxVector a) -> IO Int cxxVectorPushBack :: Ptr (CxxVector a) -> Ptr a -> IO () cxxVectorData :: Ptr (CxxVector a) -> IO (Ptr a) peekCxxVector :: Storable a => Ptr (CxxVector a) -> IO [a] -- | Template Haskell splice that defines an instance of 'HasCxxVector' for a given C type name. instanceHasCxxVector :: String -> TH.DecsQ instanceHasCxxVector cType = C.substitute [ ("T", const cType) , ("VEC", \var -> "$(std::vector<" ++ cType ++ ">* " ++ var ++ ")") ] [d| instance HasCxxVector $(C.getHaskellType False cType) where newCxxVector maybeSize = do v <- [CU.exp| std::vector<@T()>* { new std::vector<@T()>() } |] case maybeSize of Just size -> let n = fromIntegral size in [CU.exp| void { @VEC(v)->reserve($(size_t n)) } |] Nothing -> pure () pure v deleteCxxVector vec = [CU.exp| void { delete @VEC(vec) } |] cxxVectorSize vec = fromIntegral <$> [CU.exp| size_t { @VEC(vec)->size() } |] cxxVectorPushBack vec x = [CU.exp| void { @VEC(vec)->push_back(*$(@T()* x)) } |] cxxVectorData vec = [CU.exp| @T()* { @VEC(vec)->data() } |] peekCxxVector vec = do n <- cxxVectorSize vec allocaArray n $ \out -> do [CU.block| void { auto const& vec = *@VEC(vec); auto* out = $(@T()* out); std::uninitialized_copy(std::begin(vec), std::end(vec), out); } |] peekArray n out |] -- | List of all supported types. halideTypes :: [(String, TH.TypeQ, HalideTypeCode)] halideTypes = [ ("float", [t|Float|], HalideTypeFloat) , ("float", [t|CFloat|], HalideTypeFloat) , ("double", [t|Double|], HalideTypeFloat) , ("double", [t|CDouble|], HalideTypeFloat) , ("int8_t", [t|Int8|], HalideTypeInt) , ("int16_t", [t|Int16|], HalideTypeInt) , ("int32_t", [t|Int32|], HalideTypeInt) , ("int64_t", [t|Int64|], HalideTypeInt) , ("uint8_t", [t|Word8|], HalideTypeUInt) , ("uint16_t", [t|Word16|], HalideTypeUInt) , ("uint32_t", [t|Word32|], HalideTypeUInt) , ("uint64_t", [t|Word64|], HalideTypeUInt) ] infixr 5 ::: -- | A heterogeneous list. data Arguments (k :: [Type]) where Nil :: Arguments '[] (:::) :: !t -> !(Arguments ts) -> Arguments (t ': ts) -- | A type family that returns the length of a type-level list. type family Length (xs :: [k]) :: Nat where Length '[] = 0 Length (x ': xs) = 1 + Length xs -- | Append to a type-level list. type family Append (xs :: [k]) (y :: k) :: [k] where Append '[] y = '[y] Append (x ': xs) y = x ': Append xs y -- | Append a value to 'Arguments' argumentsAppend :: Arguments xs -> t -> Arguments (Append xs t) argumentsAppend = go where go :: forall xs t. Arguments xs -> t -> Arguments (Append xs t) go Nil y = y ::: Nil go (x ::: xs) y = x ::: go xs y -- | Return the list of arguments to of a function type. type family FunctionArguments (f :: Type) :: [Type] where FunctionArguments (a -> b) = a ': FunctionArguments b FunctionArguments a = '[] -- | Get the return type of a function. type family FunctionReturn (f :: Type) :: Type where FunctionReturn (a -> b) = FunctionReturn b FunctionReturn a = a -- | Apply constraint to all types in a list. type family All (c :: Type -> Constraint) (ts :: [Type]) :: Constraint where All c '[] = () All c (t ': ts) = (c t, All c ts) -- | A helper typeclass to convert a normal curried function to a function that -- takes 'Arguments' as input. -- -- For instance, if we have a function @f :: Int -> Float -> Double@, then it -- will be converted to @f' :: Arguments '[Int, Float] -> Double@. class UnCurry (f :: Type) (args :: [Type]) (r :: Type) | args r -> f where uncurryG :: f -> Arguments args -> r instance (FunctionArguments f ~ '[], FunctionReturn f ~ r, f ~ r) => UnCurry f '[] r where uncurryG f Nil = f {-# INLINE uncurryG #-} instance (UnCurry f args r) => UnCurry (a -> f) (a ': args) r where uncurryG f (a ::: args) = uncurryG (f a) args {-# INLINE uncurryG #-} -- | A helper typeclass to convert a function that takes 'Arguments' as input -- into a normal curried function. This is the inverse of 'UnCurry'. -- -- For instance, if we have a function @f :: Arguments '[Int, Float] -> Double@, then -- it will be converted to @f' :: Int -> Float -> Double@. class Curry (args :: [Type]) (r :: Type) (f :: Type) | args r -> f where curryG :: (Arguments args -> r) -> f instance Curry '[] r r where curryG f = f Nil {-# INLINE curryG #-} instance Curry args r f => Curry (a ': args) r (a -> f) where curryG f a = curryG (\args -> f (a ::: args)) -- | Type family that maps @'Arguments' ts@ to the corresponding tuple type. type family ToTuple t where ToTuple (Arguments '[]) = () ToTuple (Arguments '[a1]) = a1 ToTuple (Arguments '[a1, a2]) = (a1, a2) ToTuple (Arguments '[a1, a2, a3]) = (a1, a2, a3) ToTuple (Arguments '[a1, a2, a3, a4]) = (a1, a2, a3, a4) ToTuple (Arguments '[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]) = (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) -- | Type family that maps tuples to the corresponding @'Arguments' ts@ type. This is essentially the inverse -- of 'ToTuple'. type family FromTuple t type instance FromTuple () = Arguments '[] type instance FromTuple (a1, a2) = Arguments '[a1, a2] type instance FromTuple (a1, a2, a3) = Arguments '[a1, a2, a3] type instance FromTuple (a1, a2, a3, a4) = Arguments '[a1, a2, a3, a4] type instance FromTuple (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) = Arguments '[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5] -- | Specifies that there is an isomorphism between a type @a@ and a tuple @t@. -- -- We use this class to convert between 'Arguments' and normal tuples. class (ToTuple a ~ t, FromTuple t ~ a) => IsTuple a t | a -> t, t -> a where toTuple :: a -> t fromTuple :: t -> a instance IsTuple (Arguments '[]) () where toTuple Nil = () fromTuple () = Nil instance IsTuple (Arguments '[a1, a2]) (a1, a2) where toTuple (a1 ::: a2 ::: Nil) = (a1, a2) fromTuple (a1, a2) = a1 ::: a2 ::: Nil instance IsTuple (Arguments '[a1, a2, a3]) (a1, a2, a3) where toTuple (a1 ::: a2 ::: a3 ::: Nil) = (a1, a2, a3) fromTuple (a1, a2, a3) = a1 ::: a2 ::: a3 ::: Nil instance IsTuple (Arguments '[a1, a2, a3, a4]) (a1, a2, a3, a4) where toTuple (a1 ::: a2 ::: a3 ::: a4 ::: Nil) = (a1, a2, a3, a4) fromTuple (a1, a2, a3, a4) = a1 ::: a2 ::: a3 ::: a4 ::: Nil instance IsTuple (Arguments '[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]) (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) where toTuple (a1 ::: a2 ::: a3 ::: a4 ::: a5 ::: Nil) = (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) fromTuple (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) = a1 ::: a2 ::: a3 ::: a4 ::: a5 ::: Nil -- instance IsTuple (Arguments '[Expr a]) (Expr a) where -- toTuple (x ::: Nil) = x -- fromTuple () = Nil