{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-| Module : AWS.Lambda.Runtime Description : Runtime methods useful when constructing Haskell handlers for the AWS Lambda Custom Runtime. Copyright : (c) Nike, Inc., 2018 License : BSD3 Maintainer : nathan.fairhurst@nike.com, fernando.freire@nike.com Stability : stable These are runtimes designed for AWS Lambda, which accept a handler and return an application that will retreive and execute events as long as a container continues to exist. Many of these runtimes use "AWS.Lambda.Combinators" under the hood. For those interested in peeking below the abstractions provided here, please refer to that module. -} module AWS.Lambda.Runtime ( pureRuntime, pureRuntimeWithContext, fallibleRuntime, fallibleRuntimeWithContext, ioRuntime, ioRuntimeWithContext, readerTRuntime, mRuntimeWithContext ) where import AWS.Lambda.RuntimeClient (getBaseRuntimeRequest, getNextEvent, sendEventError, sendEventSuccess, sendInitError) import AWS.Lambda.Combinators (withIOInterface, withFallibleInterface, withPureInterface, withoutContext) import AWS.Lambda.Context (LambdaContext(..), HasLambdaContext(..), runReaderTLambdaContext) import AWS.Lambda.Internal (StaticContext, DynamicContext(DynamicContext), mkContext) import Control.Applicative ((<*>), liftA2) import Control.Exception (SomeException, displayException) import Control.Monad (forever) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, try) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, local) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, decode) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSW import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BSI import Data.Text (unpack) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime) import Network.HTTP.Simple (Request, getResponseBody, getResponseHeader) import System.Environment (setEnv) import System.Envy (decodeEnv) exactlyOneHeader :: [a] -> Maybe a exactlyOneHeader [a] = Just a exactlyOneHeader _ = Nothing maybeToEither :: b -> Maybe a -> Either b a maybeToEither b ma = case ma of Nothing -> Left b Just a -> Right a -- Note: Does not allow whitespace readMaybe :: (Read a) => String -> Maybe a readMaybe s = case reads s of [(x,"")] -> Just x _ -> Nothing -- TODO: There must be a better way to do this decodeHeaderValue :: FromJSON a => BSC.ByteString -> Maybe a decodeHeaderValue = decode . BSW.pack . fmap BSI.c2w . BSC.unpack -- An empty array means we successfully decoded, but nothing was there -- If we have exactly one element, our outer maybe signals successful decode, -- and our inner maybe signals that there was content sent -- If we had more than one header value, the event was invalid decodeOptionalHeader :: FromJSON a => [BSC.ByteString] -> Maybe (Maybe a) decodeOptionalHeader header = case header of [] -> Just Nothing [x] -> fmap Just $ decodeHeaderValue x _ -> Nothing runtimeLoop :: (HasLambdaContext r, MonadReader r m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m, FromJSON event, ToJSON result) => Request -> StaticContext -> (event -> m result) -> m () runtimeLoop baseRuntimeRequest staticContext fn = do -- Get an event nextRes <- liftIO $ getNextEvent baseRuntimeRequest -- If we got an event but our requestId is invalid/missing, there's no hope of meaningful recovery let reqIdBS = head $ getResponseHeader "Lambda-Runtime-Aws-Request-Id" nextRes let mTraceId = fmap decodeUtf8 $ exactlyOneHeader $ getResponseHeader "Lambda-Runtime-Trace-Id" nextRes let mFunctionArn = fmap decodeUtf8 $ exactlyOneHeader $ getResponseHeader "Lambda-Runtime-Invoked-Function-Arn" nextRes let mDeadline = do header <- exactlyOneHeader (getResponseHeader "Lambda-Runtime-Deadline-Ms" nextRes) milliseconds :: Double <- readMaybe $ BSC.unpack header return $ posixSecondsToUTCTime $ realToFrac $ milliseconds / 1000 let mClientContext = decodeOptionalHeader $ getResponseHeader "Lambda-Runtime-Client-Context" nextRes let mIdentity = decodeOptionalHeader $ getResponseHeader "Lambda-Runtime-Cognito-Identity" nextRes -- Populate the context with values from headers let eCtx = -- combine our StaticContext and possible DynamicContext into a LambdaContext fmap (mkContext staticContext) -- convert the Maybe DynamicContext into an Either String DynamicContext $ maybeToEither "Runtime Error: Unable to decode Context from event response." -- Build the Dynamic Context, collapsing individual Maybes into a single Maybe $ DynamicContext (decodeUtf8 reqIdBS) <$> mTraceId <*> mFunctionArn <*> mDeadline <*> mClientContext <*> mIdentity let eEvent = first displayException $ getResponseBody nextRes result <- case liftA2 (,) eCtx eEvent of Left e -> return $ Left e Right (ctx, event) -> local (withContext ctx) $ do -- Propagate the tracing header (Exception safe for this env var name) liftIO $ setEnv "_X_AMZN_TRACE_ID" $ unpack $ xRayTraceId ctx {- Catching like this is _usually_ considered bad practice, but this is a true case where we want to both catch all errors and propogate information about them. See: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- -} -- Put any exceptions in an Either caughtResult <- try (fn event) -- Map the Either (via first) so it is an `Either String a` return $ first (displayException :: SomeException -> String) caughtResult liftIO $ case result of Right r -> sendEventSuccess baseRuntimeRequest reqIdBS r Left e -> sendEventError baseRuntimeRequest reqIdBS e --TODO: Revisit all names before we put them under contract -- | For any monad that supports IO/catch/Reader LambdaContext. -- -- Use this if you need caching behavours or are comfortable -- manipulating monad transformers and want full control over -- your monadic interface. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, DeriveGeneric \#-} -- -- module Main where -- -- import AWS.Lambda.Context (LambdaContext(..)) -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime (mRuntimeWithContext) -- import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask) -- import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (StateT, runStateT, get, put) -- import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) -- import Data.Text (unpack) -- import System.Environment (getEnv) -- -- data Named = { -- name :: String -- } deriving Generic -- instance FromJSON Named -- -- myHandler :: Named -> StateT Int (ReaderT LambdaContext IO String) -- myHandler Named { name } = do -- LambdaContext { functionName } <- ask -- greeting <- getEnv \"GREETING\" -- -- greetingCount <- get -- put $ greetingCount + 1 -- -- return $ greeting ++ name ++ " (" ++ show greetingCount ++ ") from " ++ unpack functionName ++ "!" -- -- main :: IO () -- main = runStateT (mRuntimeWithContext myHandler) 0 -- @ mRuntimeWithContext :: (HasLambdaContext r, MonadCatch m, MonadReader r m, MonadIO m, FromJSON event, ToJSON result) => (event -> m result) -> m () mRuntimeWithContext fn = do -- TODO: Hide the implementation details of Request and StaticContext. -- If we instead have a method that returns an opaque RuntimeClientConfig -- that encapsulates these details, and then all clientMethods accept -- the RuntimeClientConfig instead of a baseRuntimeRequest. baseRuntimeRequest <- liftIO getBaseRuntimeRequest possibleStaticCtx <- liftIO $ (decodeEnv :: IO (Either String StaticContext)) case possibleStaticCtx of Left err -> liftIO $ sendInitError baseRuntimeRequest err Right staticContext -> forever $ runtimeLoop baseRuntimeRequest staticContext fn -- | For functions that can read the lambda context and use IO within the same monad. -- -- Use this for handlers that need any form of side-effect such as reading -- environment variables or making network requests, and prefer to access the -- AWS Lambda Context in the same monad. -- However, do not use this runtime if you need stateful (caching) behaviors. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, DeriveGeneric \#-} -- -- module Main where -- -- import AWS.Lambda.Context (LambdaContext(..)) -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime (readerTRuntime) -- import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask) -- import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) -- import Data.Text (unpack) -- import System.Environment (getEnv) -- -- data Named = { -- name :: String -- } deriving Generic -- instance FromJSON Named -- -- myHandler :: Named -> ReaderT LambdaContext IO String -- myHandler Named { name } = do -- LambdaContext { functionName } <- ask -- greeting <- getEnv \"GREETING\" -- return $ greeting ++ name ++ " from " ++ unpack functionName ++ "!" -- -- main :: IO () -- main = readerTRuntime myHandler -- @ readerTRuntime :: (FromJSON event, ToJSON result) => (event -> ReaderT LambdaContext IO result) -> IO () readerTRuntime = runReaderTLambdaContext . mRuntimeWithContext -- | For functions with IO that can fail in a pure way (or via throw). -- -- Use this for handlers that need any form of side-effect such as reading -- environment variables or making network requests, and also need the -- AWS Lambda Context as input. -- However, do not use this runtime if you need stateful (caching) behaviors. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, DeriveGeneric \#-} -- -- module Main where -- -- import AWS.Lambda.Context (LambdaContext(..)) -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime (ioRuntimeWithContext) -- import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) -- import Data.Text (unpack) -- import System.Environment (getEnv) -- -- data Named = { -- name :: String -- } deriving Generic -- instance FromJSON Named -- -- myHandler :: LambdaContext -> Named -> IO String -- myHandler (LambdaContext { functionName }) (Named { name }) = do -- greeting <- getEnv \"GREETING\" -- return $ greeting ++ name ++ " from " ++ unpack functionName ++ "!" -- -- main :: IO () -- main = ioRuntimeWithContext myHandler -- @ ioRuntimeWithContext :: (FromJSON event, ToJSON result) => (LambdaContext -> event -> IO (Either String result)) -> IO () ioRuntimeWithContext = readerTRuntime . withIOInterface -- | For functions with IO that can fail in a pure way (or via throw). -- -- Use this for handlers that need any form of side-effect such as reading -- environment variables or making network requests. -- However, do not use this runtime if you need stateful (caching) behaviors. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, DeriveGeneric \#-} -- -- module Main where -- -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime (ioRuntime) -- import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) -- import System.Environment (getEnv) -- -- data Named = { -- name :: String -- } deriving Generic -- instance FromJSON Named -- -- myHandler :: Named -> IO String -- myHandler (Named { name }) = do -- greeting <- getEnv \"GREETING\" -- return $ greeting ++ name -- -- main :: IO () -- main = ioRuntime myHandler -- @ ioRuntime :: (FromJSON event, ToJSON result) => (event -> IO (Either String result)) -> IO () ioRuntime = readerTRuntime . withIOInterface . withoutContext -- | For pure functions that can still fail. -- -- Use this for simple handlers that just translate input to output without side-effects, -- but can fail and need the AWS Lambda Context as input. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, DeriveGeneric \#-} -- -- module Main where -- -- import AWS.Lambda.Context (LambdaContext(..)) -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime (fallibleRuntimeWithContext) -- import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) -- import Data.Text (unpack) -- -- data Named = { -- name :: String -- } deriving Generic -- instance FromJSON Named -- -- myHandler :: LambdaContext -> Named -> Either String String -- myHandler (LambdaContext { functionName }) (Named { name }) = -- if name == \"World\" then -- Right "Hello, World from " ++ unpack functionName ++ "!" -- else -- Left "Can only greet the world." -- -- main :: IO () -- main = fallibleRuntimeWithContext myHandler -- @ fallibleRuntimeWithContext :: (FromJSON event, ToJSON result) => (LambdaContext -> event -> Either String result) -> IO () fallibleRuntimeWithContext = readerTRuntime . withFallibleInterface -- | For pure functions that can still fail. -- -- Use this for simple handlers that just translate input to output without side-effects, -- but can fail. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, DeriveGeneric \#-} -- -- module Main where -- -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime (fallibleRuntime) -- import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) -- -- data Named = { -- name :: String -- } deriving Generic -- instance FromJSON Named -- -- myHandler :: Named -> Either String String -- myHandler (Named { name }) = -- if name == \"World\" then -- Right "Hello, World!" -- else -- Left "Can only greet the world." -- -- main :: IO () -- main = fallibleRuntime myHandler -- @ fallibleRuntime :: (FromJSON event, ToJSON result) => (event -> Either String result) -> IO () fallibleRuntime = readerTRuntime . withFallibleInterface . withoutContext -- | For pure functions that can never fail that also need access to the context. -- -- Use this for simple handlers that just translate input to output without side-effects, -- but that need the AWS Lambda Context as input. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, DeriveGeneric \#-} -- -- module Main where -- -- import AWS.Lambda.Context (LambdaContext(..)) -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime (pureRuntimeWithContext) -- import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) -- import Data.Text (unpack) -- -- data Named = { -- name :: String -- } deriving Generic -- instance FromJSON Named -- -- myHandler :: LambdaContext -> Named -> String -- myHandler (LambdaContext { functionName }) (Named { name }) = -- "Hello, " ++ name ++ " from " ++ unpack functionName ++ "!" -- -- main :: IO () -- main = pureRuntimeWithContext myHandler -- @ pureRuntimeWithContext :: (FromJSON event, ToJSON result) => (LambdaContext -> event -> result) -> IO () pureRuntimeWithContext = readerTRuntime . withPureInterface -- | For pure functions that can never fail. -- -- Use this for simple handlers that just translate input to output without side-effects. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, DeriveGeneric \#-} -- -- module Main where -- -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime (pureRuntime) -- import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) -- -- data Named = { -- name :: String -- } deriving Generic -- instance FromJSON Named -- -- myHandler :: Named -> String -- myHandler Named { name } = "Hello, " ++ name ++ "!" -- -- main :: IO () -- main = pureRuntime myHandler -- @ pureRuntime :: (FromJSON event, ToJSON result) => (event -> result) -> IO () pureRuntime = readerTRuntime . withPureInterface . withoutContext