{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Hakyll.Convert.Wordpress (readPosts, distill) where import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale, parseTimeM, rfc822DateFormat) import Data.XML.Types (Element (..), Name (..), elementChildren, elementText) import Hakyll.Convert.Common import Text.RSS.Import import Text.RSS.Syntax import qualified Text.XML as XML -- | Returns only public posts readPosts :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe [RSSItem]) readPosts f = do doc <- XML.readFile (XML.def :: XML.ParseSettings) f let root = XML.toXMLElement $ XML.documentRoot doc return $ fmap select (elementToRSS root) where select = filter isPublished . rssItems . rssChannel isPublished :: RSSItem -> Bool isPublished i = "publish" `elem` getStatus i distill :: Bool -> RSSItem -> DistilledPost distill extractComments item = DistilledPost { dpTitle = rssItemTitle item, dpBody = body, dpUri = link, dpTags = tags, dpCategories = categories, dpDate = date } where body = if extractComments then T.intercalate "\n" [ content, "", "


", comments ] else content link = fromMaybe "" (rssItemLink item) content = T.unlines (map strContent contentTags) categories = rssCategoriesOfType "category" tags = rssCategoriesOfType "post_tag" contentTags = concatMap (findElements contentTag) (rssItemOther item) rssCategoriesOfType ty = [ rssCategoryValue c | c <- rssItemCategories item, rssCategoryDomain c == Just ty ] contentTag = Name { nameLocalName = "encoded", nameNamespace = Just "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/", namePrefix = Just "content" } comments = T.intercalate "\n" $ map formatComment commentTags commentTags = rssItemOther item >>= findElements commentTag commentTag = wordpressTag "comment" -- date = case parseTime' =<< rssItemPubDate item of Nothing -> fromJust $ parseTime' "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC" Just d -> d parseTime' d = msum $ map (\f -> parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale f (T.unpack d)) [ rfc822DateFormat ] -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- helpers -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- formatComment :: Element -> T.Text formatComment commentElement = T.intercalate "\n" [ "
", T.concat [ "

", "On ", pubdate, ", ", author, " wrote:", "

" ], "
", comment, "
", "
" ] where pubdate = fromMaybe "unknown date" $ findField "comment_date" author = fromMaybe "unknown author" $ findField "comment_author" comment = fromMaybe "" $ findField "comment_content" findField name = strContent <$> findChild (wordpressTag name) commentElement wordpressTag :: T.Text -> Name wordpressTag name = Name { nameLocalName = name, nameNamespace = Just "http://wordpress.org/export/1.2/", namePrefix = Just "wp" } getStatus :: RSSItem -> [T.Text] getStatus item = map strContent statusTags where statusTags = concatMap (findElements (wordpressTag "status")) (rssItemOther item) -- | Find all non-nested elements which are named `name`, starting with `root`. -- ("Non-nested" means we don't search sub-elements of an element that's named -- `name`.) findElements :: Name -> Element -> [Element] findElements name element = if elementName element == name then [element] else concatMap (findElements name) (elementChildren element) -- | Find first immediate child of `root` which is named `name`. findChild :: Name -> Element -> Maybe Element findChild name element = let subelements = elementChildren element matching = filter (\child -> elementName child == name) subelements in listToMaybe matching -- | The contents of the element (ignoring non-text sub-elements). strContent :: Element -> T.Text strContent element = T.concat $ elementText element