{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Network.Hadoop.Read
    ( HdfsReadHandle
    , openRead
    , hdfsMapM_
    , hdfsFoldM

    -- * Convenience utilities
    , hdfsCat
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<$))
import           Control.Exception (IOException, throwIO)
import           Control.Monad (foldM)
import           Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask, catch)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import           Control.Monad.Loops (iterateUntilM)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.State
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import           Data.ProtocolBuffers
import           Data.ProtocolBuffers.Orphans ()
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import           Data.Word (Word64)

import qualified Data.Serialize.Get as Get
import qualified Data.Serialize.Put as Put

import           Data.Hadoop.Protobuf.ClientNameNode
import           Data.Hadoop.Protobuf.DataTransfer
import           Data.Hadoop.Protobuf.Hdfs
import           Data.Hadoop.Types
import           Network.Hadoop.Hdfs
import           Network.Hadoop.Rpc
import qualified Network.Hadoop.Socket as S
import qualified Network.Hadoop.Stream as Stream
import           Text.Printf (printf)

import           Prelude hiding (rem)


data HdfsReadHandle = HdfsReadHandle (Maybe SocksProxy) LocatedBlocks

-- | Open an HDFS path for reading.
-- This retrieves the block locations for an HDFS path, but does not
-- yet initiate any data transfers.
openRead :: HdfsPath -> Hdfs (Maybe HdfsReadHandle)
openRead path = do
    locs <- getField . locsLocations <$> hdfsInvoke "getBlockLocations" GetBlockLocationsRequest
        { catSrc    = putField (T.decodeUtf8 path)
        , catOffset = putField 0
        , catLength = putField maxBound
    case locs of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just ls -> do
            proxy <- hcProxy . cnConfig <$> getConnection
            return $ Just (HdfsReadHandle proxy ls)

-- | Print the contents of a file on HDFS to stdout
hdfsCat :: HdfsPath -> Hdfs ()
hdfsCat path = do
    h <- openRead path
    maybe (return ()) (hdfsMapM_ (liftIO . B.putStr)) h

-- | Map an action over the contents of a file on HDFS.
hdfsMapM_ :: (Functor m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) =>
    (ByteString -> m ()) -> HdfsReadHandle -> m ()
hdfsMapM_ f = hdfsFoldM (\_ x -> f x) ()

hdfsFoldM :: (Functor m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) =>
    (a -> ByteString -> m a) -> a -> HdfsReadHandle -> m a
hdfsFoldM f acc0 (HdfsReadHandle proxy l) = do
        let len = getField . lbFileLength $ l
        foldM (flip (execStateT . procBlock f proxy len)) acc0 (getField $ lbBlocks l)

procBlock :: (Functor m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) =>
    (a -> ByteString -> m a) -> Maybe SocksProxy -> Word64 -> LocatedBlock -> StateT a m ()
procBlock f proxy blockSize block = do
        let extended = getField . lbExtended $ block
            token = getField . lbToken $ block
        case getField . lbLocations $ block of
            [] -> error $ "No locations for block " ++ show extended
            ls -> failover [] ls (getLoc extended token) $ \es ->
                      error $ printf "All locations failed for block %s:\n%s"
                                  (show es) (show extended)
    failover es     []  _ err = err es
    failover es (x:xs) fn err = catch (fn x) handler
      where handler (e :: IOException) = failover ((e,x):es) xs fn err

    getLoc extended token l = do
        let i = getField (dnId l)
            host = getField . dnHostName $ i
            port = getField . dnXferPort $ i
            endpoint = Endpoint host (fromIntegral port)
        runBlock endpoint 0 extended token

    runBlock endpoint offset extended token = do
        let len = fromMaybe blockSize . getField . ebNumBytes $ extended
        S.bracketSocket proxy endpoint $ readBlock offset len extended token

    readBlock offset0 len extended token sock = () <$ go (0, offset0, len)
        go = iterateUntilM (\(_, _, rem) -> rem <= 0) $ \(nread, offset, rem) -> do
            len' <- readBlockPart offset rem extended token sock
            return (nread + len', offset + len', rem - len')

    readBlockPart offset rem extended token sock = do
        stream <- liftIO $ Stream.mkSocketStream sock
        b <- liftIO $ do
            Stream.runPut stream putReadRequest
            Stream.runGet stream decodeLengthPrefixedMessage
        readPackets b rem stream

        putReadRequest = do
          Put.putWord16be 28 -- Data Transfer Protocol Version, 2 bytes
          Put.putWord8 81    -- READ_BLOCK
          encodeLengthPrefixedMessage opReadBlock

        opReadBlock = OpReadBlock
            { orbHeader = putField coh
            , orbOffset = putField offset
            , orbLen    = putField rem
            , orbSendChecksums   = putField Nothing
            , orbCachingStrategy = putField Nothing
        coh = ClientOperationHeader
            { cohBaseHeader = putField bh
            , cohClientName = putField (T.pack "hh")
        bh = BaseHeader
            { bhBlock = putField extended
            , bhToken = putField (Just token)

    readPackets BlockOpResponse{..} len stream = fst <$> go (0, len)
        go = iterateUntilM (\(_, rem) -> rem <= 0) $ \(nread, rem) -> do
            len' <- readPacket (fromIntegral <$> b) stream
            return (nread + len', rem - len')

        m = getField borReadOpChecksumInfo
        c = getField . rociChecksum <$> m
        b = getField . csBytesPerChecksum <$> c

    readPacket bytesPerChecksum stream = do
        (dataLen, d) <- liftIO $ do
            _len <- Stream.runGet stream Get.getWord32be
            sz <- Stream.runGet stream Get.getWord16be
            bs <- Stream.runGet stream $ Get.getByteString (fromIntegral sz)
            ph <- decodeBytes bs
            let numChunks = countChunks ph
                dataLen = getField $ phDataLen ph
            _ <- Stream.runGet stream (Get.getByteString (4*numChunks))
            (dataLen,) <$>
                Stream.runGet stream (Get.getByteString (fromIntegral dataLen))
        get >>= \x -> lift (f x d) >>= put
        return (fromIntegral dataLen)
        countChunks :: PacketHeader -> Int
        countChunks PacketHeader{..} = (dataLen + b - 1) `div` b
            b = fromMaybe 512 bytesPerChecksum
            dataLen = fromIntegral $ getField phDataLen

    decodeBytes bs = case Get.runGetState decodeMessage bs 0 of
        Left err      -> throwIO (RemoteError "DecodeError" (T.pack err))
        Right (x, "") -> return x
        Right (_, _)  -> throwIO (RemoteError "DecodeError" "decoded response but did not consume enough bytes")