import Test.Cabal.Prelude -- Test that unqualified command line constraints do not constrain setup -- dependencies. cabal should be able to install the local time-99999 by -- building its setup script with the installed time, even though the installed -- time doesn't fit the constraint. main = cabalTest $ withRepo "repo" $ do cabal "new-build" ["time", "--constraint=time==99999", "--dry-run"] -- Temporarily disabled recording here because output is not stable recordMode DoNotRecord $ do -- Constraining all uses of 'time' results in a cyclic dependency -- between 'Cabal' and the new 'time'. r <- fails $ cabal' "new-build" ["time", "--constraint=any.time==99999", "--dry-run"] assertOutputContains "cyclic dependencies; conflict set: time:setup.Cabal, time:setup.time" r