{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

Module      : Hackage.Mirror
Description : Create your own a mirror of Hackage
Copyright   : (c) FPComplete.com, 2015
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : Tim Dysinger <tim@fpcomplete.com>
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

This module will help you create a mirror of Hackage on your own
server or S3 bucket. An S3 bucket can be a cost effective way of
serving a hackage mirror.

module Hackage.Mirror (Options(..), mirrorHackage)

import qualified Aws as Aws
    ( Transaction,
      Credentials(Credentials, accessKeyID, iamToken, secretAccessKey,
      aws )
import qualified Aws.S3 as Aws
    ( S3Configuration,
      getObject )
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
    ( Entry(entryContent),
      Entries(Done, Fail, Next),
      read )
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry as Tar
    ( Entry(entryTime) )
import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted ( concurrently )
import Control.Concurrent.STM
    ( modifyTVar, writeTVar, readTVarIO, newTVarIO, atomically )
import Control.Exception.Lifted ( SomeException, try, finally )
import Control.Monad ( void, when, unless, mfilter )
import Control.Monad.Catch ( MonadMask )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) )
import Control.Monad.Logger
    ( MonadLogger, logWarn, logInfo, logError, logDebug )
import Control.Monad.Morph ( MonadTrans(lift), MFunctor(hoist) )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
    ( MonadBaseControl(liftBaseWith), control )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
    ( ResourceT,
      monadThrow )
import Control.Retry ( retrying, (<>) )
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA512 as SHA512 ( hashlazy )
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
    ( ByteString, null, fromChunks )
import Data.Conduit ( Source, yield, unwrapResumable, ($=), ($$) )
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
    ( sourceLbs, sourceFile, sinkLbs, sinkFile )
import qualified Data.Conduit.Lazy as CL
    ( MonadActive, lazyConsume )
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL ( mapMaybeM )
import Data.Conduit.Zlib as CZ
    ( WindowBits(WindowBits), ungzip, compress )
import Data.Default ( def )
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
    ( insert, fromList, lookup, toList, empty )
import Data.IORef ( newIORef )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf )
import Data.Serialize ( encode, decodeLazy )
import qualified Data.Text as T ( unpack, pack, isInfixOf )
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T ( encodeUtf8 )
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
    ( Response(responseBody),
      parseUrl )
import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, createDirectoryIfMissing )
import System.FilePath
    ( splitDirectories, addExtension, takeDirectory, (</>) )
import System.IO ( hClose )
import System.IO.Temp ( withSystemTempFile )
import Text.Shakespeare.Text ( st )

-- | Options to pass to mirrorHackage
data Options =
  Options {verbose :: Bool       -- ^ Verbose Output?
          ,rebuild :: Bool       -- ^ Rebuild Mirror?
          ,mirrorFrom :: String  -- ^ Hackage Source URL eg: https://hackage.haskell.org
          ,mirrorTo :: String    -- ^ Mirror Destination URL eg: s3://my-hackage-mirror-bucket
          ,s3AccessKey :: String -- ^ Amazon ACCESS_KEY_ID for S3
          ,s3SecretKey :: String -- ^ Amazon SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for S3

data Package =
  Package {packageName :: !String
          ,packageVersion :: !String
          ,packageCabal :: !BL.ByteString
          ,packageIdentifier :: !ByteString
          ,packageTarEntry :: !Tar.Entry}

data PathKind
  = UrlPath
  | S3Path
  | FilePath

packageFullName :: Package -> String
packageFullName Package {..} = packageName <> "-" <> packageVersion

pathKind :: String -> PathKind
pathKind url
    | "http://" `isPrefixOf` url || "https://" `isPrefixOf` url = UrlPath
    | "s3://" `isPrefixOf` url = S3Path
    | otherwise = FilePath

indexPackages :: (MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m, MonadBaseControl IO m,
                  CL.MonadActive m)
              => Source m ByteString -> Source m Package
indexPackages src = do
    lbs <- lift $ CL.lazyConsume src
    sinkEntries $ Tar.read (BL.fromChunks lbs)
    sinkEntries (Tar.Next ent entries)
        | Tar.NormalFile cabal _ <- Tar.entryContent ent = do
            case splitDirectories (Tar.entryPath ent) of
                [name, vers, _] ->
                    yield $ Package name vers cabal
                        (T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (name <> vers))) ent
                ["preferred-versions"] -> return ()
                _ -> $(logError) $ "Failed to parse package name: "
                               <> T.pack (Tar.entryPath ent)
            sinkEntries entries
        | otherwise = sinkEntries entries
    sinkEntries Tar.Done = return ()
    sinkEntries (Tar.Fail e) =
        monadThrow $ userError $ "Failed to read tar file: " ++ show e

downloadFromPath :: MonadResource m => String -> String -> Source m ByteString
downloadFromPath path file = do
    let p = path </> file
    exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist p
    when exists $ CB.sourceFile p

downloadFromUrl :: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m,
                    MonadThrow m)
                => Manager -> String -> String -> Source m ByteString
downloadFromUrl mgr path file = do
    req  <- lift $ parseUrl (path </> file)
    resp <- lift $ http req mgr
    (src, _fin) <- lift $ unwrapResumable (responseBody resp)
    -- jww (2013-11-20): What to do with fin?

withS3 :: MonadResource m
       => Aws.Bucket -> String -> (Aws.Bucket -> String -> m a) -> m a
withS3 url file f = case splitDirectories (T.unpack url) of
    ["s3:", bucket] -> f (T.pack bucket) file
    ["s3:", bucket, prefix] -> f (T.pack bucket) $ prefix </> file
    _ -> monadThrow $ userError $ "Failed to parse S3 path: " ++ T.unpack url

awsRetry :: (MonadIO m, Aws.Transaction r a)
         => Aws.Configuration
         -> Aws.ServiceConfiguration r Aws.NormalQuery
         -> Manager
         -> r
         -> ResourceT m (Aws.Response (Aws.ResponseMetadata a) a)
awsRetry cfg svcfg mgr r =
    transResourceT liftIO $
        retrying def (const $ return . isLeft . Aws.responseResult) $ Aws.aws cfg svcfg mgr r
    isLeft Left{} = True
    isLeft Right{} = False

downloadFromS3 :: MonadResource m
               => Aws.Configuration
               -> Aws.S3Configuration Aws.NormalQuery
               -> Manager
               -> Aws.Bucket
               -> String
               -> Source m ByteString
downloadFromS3 cfg svccfg mgr bucket file = withS3 bucket file go where
    go bucket' (T.pack -> file') = do
        res  <- liftResourceT $
            awsRetry cfg svccfg mgr $ Aws.getObject bucket' file'
        case Aws.readResponse res of
            Left (_ :: SomeException) -> return ()
            Right gor -> do
                -- jww (2013-11-20): What to do with fin?
                (src, _fin) <- liftResourceT $ unwrapResumable $
                    responseBody (Aws.gorResponse gor)
                hoist liftResourceT src

download :: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m)
         => Aws.Configuration
         -> Aws.S3Configuration Aws.NormalQuery
         -> Manager
         -> String               -- ^ The server path, like /tmp/foo
         -> String               -- ^ The file's path within the server path
         -> Source m ByteString
download _ _ mgr path@(pathKind -> UrlPath) =
    downloadFromUrl mgr path
download cfg svccfg mgr path@(pathKind -> S3Path) =
    downloadFromS3 cfg svccfg mgr (T.pack path)
download _ _ _ path = downloadFromPath path

uploadToPath :: MonadResource m
             => String -> String -> Source m ByteString -> m ()
uploadToPath path file src = do
    let p = path </> file
    liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory p)
    src $$ CB.sinkFile p

uploadToS3 :: (MonadResource m, m ~ ResourceT IO)
           => Aws.Configuration
           -> Aws.S3Configuration Aws.NormalQuery
           -> Manager
           -> Aws.Bucket
           -> String
           -> Source m ByteString
           -> m ()
uploadToS3 cfg svccfg mgr bucket file src = withS3 bucket file go where
    go bucket' (T.pack -> file') = do
        lbs <- src $$ CB.sinkLbs
        res <- awsRetry cfg svccfg mgr $
            Aws.putObject bucket' file' (RequestBodyLBS lbs)
        -- Reading the response triggers an exception if one occurred during
        -- the upload.
        void $ Aws.readResponseIO res

upload :: (MonadResource m, m ~ ResourceT IO)
       => Aws.Configuration
       -> Aws.S3Configuration Aws.NormalQuery
       -> Manager
       -> String
       -> String
       -> Source m ByteString
       -> m ()
upload cfg svccfg mgr path@(pathKind -> S3Path) =
    uploadToS3 cfg svccfg mgr (T.pack path)
upload _ _ _ path = uploadToPath path

-- | Mirror Hackage using the supplied Options.
mirrorHackage :: (MonadMask m,MonadIO m,MonadLogger m,CL.MonadActive m,MonadBaseControl IO m) => Options -> m ()
mirrorHackage Options {..} = do
    ref <- liftIO (newIORef [])
    cfg <- mkCfg ref
    withManager $ \mgr -> do
        sums <- getChecksums cfg mgr
        putChecksums cfg mgr "00-checksums.bak" sums
        newSums <- liftIO $ newTVarIO sums
        changed <- liftIO $ newTVarIO False
        void $ go cfg mgr sums newSums changed `finally` do
            ch <- liftIO $ readTVarIO changed
            when ch $ do
                sums' <- liftIO $ readTVarIO newSums
                putChecksums cfg mgr "00-checksums.dat" sums'
    go cfg mgr sums newSums changed = do
        ents <- CL.lazyConsume $
            getEntries cfg mgr $= processEntries cfg mgr sums newSums changed

        -- Use a temp file as a "backing store" to accumulate the new tarball.
        -- Only when it is complete and we've reached the end normally do we
        -- copy the file onto the server.  The checksum file is saved in all
        -- cases so that we know what we mirrored in this session; the index
        -- file, meanwhile, is always valid (albeit temporarily out-of-date if
        -- we abort due to an exception).
        withTemp "index" $ \temp -> do
            CB.sourceLbs (Tar.write ents)
                $= CZ.compress 7 (WindowBits 31) -- gzip compression
                $$ CB.sinkFile temp

            -- Writing the tarball is what causes the changed bit to be
            -- calculated, so we write it first to a temp file and then only
            -- upload it if necessary.
            ch <- liftIO $ readTVarIO changed
            when ch $ void $ do
                _ <- push cfg mgr "00-index.tar.gz" $ CB.sourceFile temp
                $(logInfo) [st|Uploaded 00-index.tar.gz|]

    processEntries cfg mgr sums newSums changed =
        CL.mapMaybeM $ \pkg@(Package {..}) -> do
            let sha = SHA512.hashlazy packageCabal
                et  = Tar.entryTime packageTarEntry
                new = case M.lookup packageIdentifier sums of
                    Nothing -> True
                    Just (et', _sha') -> et /= et'
            valid <- if new
                     then mirror cfg mgr pkg sha newSums changed
                     else return True
            return $ mfilter (const valid) (Just packageTarEntry)

    mirror cfg mgr pkg sha newSums changed = do
        let fname = packageFullName pkg
            dir   = "package" </> fname
            upath = addExtension dir ".tar.gz"
            dpath = dir </> addExtension fname ".tar.gz"
            cabal = dir </> addExtension (packageName pkg) ".cabal"
        (el, er) <-
            if rebuild
            then return (Right (), Right ())
            else do
                res <- concurrently
                    (push cfg mgr upath $ download cfg svccfg mgr from dpath)
                    (push cfg mgr cabal $ CB.sourceLbs (packageCabal pkg))
                $(logInfo) [st|Mirrored #{fname}|]
                return res
        case (el, er) of
            (Right (), Right ()) -> liftIO $ atomically $ do
                writeTVar changed True
                modifyTVar newSums $
                    M.insert (packageIdentifier pkg)
                        (Tar.entryTime (packageTarEntry pkg), sha)
                return True
            _ -> return False

    push cfg mgr file src = do
        eres <- try $ liftResourceT $ upload cfg svccfg mgr to file src
        case eres of
            Right () -> return ()
            Left e -> do
                let msg = T.pack (show (e :: SomeException))
                unless ("No tarball exists for this package version"
                        `T.isInfixOf` msg) $
                    $(logError) $ "FAILED " <> T.pack file <> ": " <> msg
        return eres

    getChecksums cfg mgr = do
        sums <- download cfg svccfg mgr to "00-checksums.dat" $$ CB.sinkLbs
        $(logInfo) [st|Downloaded checksums.dat from #{to}|]
        return $ if BL.null sums
                 then M.empty
                 else case decodeLazy sums of
                     Left _    -> M.empty
                     Right res -> M.fromList res

    putChecksums cfg mgr file sums = do
        void $ push cfg mgr file $ yield (encode (M.toList sums))
        $(logInfo) [st|Uploaded #{file}|]

    getEntries cfg mgr = do
        $(logInfo) [st|Downloading index.tar.gz from #{from}|]
        indexPackages $
            download cfg svccfg mgr from "00-index.tar.gz" $= CZ.ungzip

    withTemp :: MonadBaseControl IO m => String -> (FilePath -> m ()) -> m ()
    withTemp prefix f = control $ \run ->
        withSystemTempFile prefix $ \temp h -> hClose h >> run (f temp)

    mkCfg ref =
       liftBaseWith $ \run -> do
          return $ Aws.Configuration Aws.Timestamp Aws.Credentials
             { accessKeyID     = T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack s3AccessKey)
             , secretAccessKey = T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack s3SecretKey)
             , v4SigningKeys   = ref
             , iamToken        = Nothing
             (logger' run)
         logger' run ll text = do _stm <- run (log' ll text)
                                  return ()
         log' Aws.Warning = $logWarn
         log' Aws.Error  = $logError
         log' _ = $logDebug

    svccfg = Aws.defServiceConfig

    from = mirrorFrom
    to   = mirrorTo