{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | -- Module : Main -- Copyright : Herbert Valerio Riedel, Andreas Abel -- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later -- module Main where import qualified Data.Aeson as J import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as J import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Bits import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Search as BSS import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Foldable (toList) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Maybe import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) #endif import qualified Distribution.Package as C import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as C import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec as C import qualified Distribution.Parsec as C import qualified Distribution.Fields as C import qualified Distribution.Fields.Field as C (fieldAnn) import qualified Distribution.Pretty as C import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as C import qualified Distribution.Version as C import qualified Distribution.Text as C import Lens.Micro import Lens.Micro.Mtl import Lens.Micro.TH import Network.Http.Client import Network.NetRc import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Options.Applicative as OA import System.Directory import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitFailure) import System.FilePath import System.IO.Error (tryIOError, isDoesNotExistError) import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams import System.Process.ByteString (readProcessWithExitCode) import Text.HTML.TagSoup import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Paths_hackage_cli import qualified Data.Version as V import qualified Distribution.Types.BuildInfo.Lens as LC import qualified Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription.Lens as LC -- import Cabal import Distribution.Server.Util.CabalRevisions import IndexShaSum import CabalEdit type PkgName = ByteString type PkgVer = ByteString showVersion :: C.Version -> String showVersion = C.display pkgVerToVersion :: PkgVer -> C.Version pkgVerToVersion = fromMaybe (error "invalid version") . C.simpleParse . BS8.unpack pkgVerInRange :: PkgVer -> C.VersionRange -> Bool pkgVerInRange v vr = pkgVerToVersion v `C.withinRange` vr type HIO = StateT HConn IO data HConn = HConn { _hcMkConn :: IO Connection , _hcConn :: Maybe Connection , _hcReqCnt :: Natural -- ^ requests submitted on current 'Connection' , _hcRspCnt :: Natural -- ^ responses read from current 'Connection' } makeLenses ''HConn -- | Requests that can be issued in current connection before exhausting the 50-req/conn server limit hcReqLeft :: SimpleGetter HConn Natural -- (Natural -> f Natural) -> HConn -> f HConn hcReqLeft = hcReqCnt . to f where f n | n > lim = 0 | otherwise = lim - n lim = 50 setUA :: RequestBuilder () setUA = setHeader "User-Agent" uaStr where uaStr = "hackage-cli/" <> BS8.pack (V.showVersion Paths_hackage_cli.version) hackageSendGET :: ByteString -> ByteString -> HIO () hackageSendGET p a = do q1 <- liftIO $ buildRequest $ do http GET p setUA setAccept a lft <- use hcReqLeft unless (lft > 0) $ fail "hackageSendGET: request budget exhausted for current connection" c <- openHConn liftIO $ sendRequest c q1 emptyBody hcReqCnt += 1 hackagePutTgz :: ByteString -> ByteString -> HIO ByteString hackagePutTgz p tgz = do q1 <- liftIO $ buildRequest $ do http PUT p setUA -- setAccept "application/json" -- wishful thinking setContentType "application/x-tar" -- setContentEncoding "gzip" setContentLength (fromIntegral $ BS.length tgz) lft <- use hcReqLeft unless (lft > 0) $ fail "hackagePutTgz: request budget exhausted for current connection" c <- openHConn liftIO $ sendRequest c q1 (bsBody tgz) resp <- liftIO $ try (receiveResponse c concatHandler') closeHConn hcReqCnt += 1 case resp of Right bs -> -- do -- liftIO $ BS.writeFile "raw.out" bs return bs Left e@HttpClientError {} -> -- do return (BS8.pack $ show e) hackageRecvResp :: HIO ByteString hackageRecvResp = do c <- openHConn reqCnt <- use hcReqCnt rspCnt <- use hcRspCnt unless (reqCnt > rspCnt) $ fail "hackageRecvResp: not response available to receive" resp <- liftIO $ receiveResponse c concatHandler' hcRspCnt += 1 return resp -- | Whether to operate in review/test mode or publish the revision for real data DryWetRun = DryRun -- ^ review/test mode | WetRun -- ^ publish hackagePostCabal :: (ByteString,ByteString) -> (PkgName,PkgVer) -> ByteString -> DryWetRun -> HIO ByteString hackagePostCabal cred (pkgn,pkgv) rawcab dry = do when (boundary `BS.isInfixOf` rawcab) $ fail "WTF... cabal file contains boundary-pattern" q1 <- liftIO $ buildRequest $ do http POST urlpath setUA uncurry setAuthorizationBasic cred setAccept "application/json" -- wishful thinking setContentType ("multipart/form-data; boundary="<>boundary) -- RFC2388 setContentLength bodyLen c <- reOpenHConn liftIO $ sendRequest c q1 (bsBody body) resp <- liftIO $ try (receiveResponse c concatHandler') closeHConn case resp of Right bs -> -- do -- liftIO $ BS.writeFile "raw.out" bs return (BS8.unlines [ h2 <> ":\n" <> renderTags ts | (h2, ts) <- scrape200 bs ]) Left e@HttpClientError {} -> -- do -- Hackage currently timeouts w/ 503 guru meditation errors, -- which usually means that the transaction has succeeded -- liftIO $ BS.writeFile "raw.out" bs return (BS8.pack $ show e) where urlpath = mconcat [ "/package/", pkgn, "-", pkgv, "/", pkgn, ".cabal/edit" ] isDry DryRun = True isDry WetRun = False body = Builder.toLazyByteString $ multiPartBuilder boundary [ ("cabalfile",[],[],rawcab) , if isDry dry then ("review", [],[],"Review changes") else ("publish",[],[],"Publish new revision") ] bodyLen = fromIntegral $ BSL.length body boundary = "4d5bb1565a084d78868ff0178bdf4f61" -- scrape200 :: ByteString -> (Bool, h2parts) scrape200 html = h2parts where tags = parseTags (html :: ByteString) h2parts = [ (t,map cleanText $ takeWhile (/= TagClose "form") xs) | (TagOpen "h2" _: TagText t: TagClose "h2": xs) <- partitions (== TagOpen "h2" []) tags , t /= "Advice on adjusting version constraints" ] cleanText (TagText t) | t' == "", '\n' `BS8.elem` t = TagText "\n" | otherwise = TagText t where t' = fst . BS8.spanEnd (=='\n') . BS8.dropWhile (=='\n') $ t cleanText x = x class ToBuilder a where toBuilder :: a -> Builder.Builder instance ToBuilder ByteString where toBuilder = Builder.byteString instance ToBuilder BSL.ByteString where toBuilder = Builder.lazyByteString bsBody :: ToBuilder a => a -> Streams.OutputStream Builder.Builder -> IO () bsBody bs = Streams.write (Just (toBuilder bs)) -- | Upload a candidate to Hackage -- -- This is a bit overkill, as one could easily just use @curl(1)@ for this: -- -- > curl --form package=@"$PKGID".tar.gz -u "${CREDS}" https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/candidates/ -- hackagePushCandidate :: (ByteString,ByteString) -> (FilePath,ByteString) -> HIO ByteString hackagePushCandidate cred (tarname,rawtarball) = do when (boundary `BS.isInfixOf` rawtarball) $ fail "WTF... tarball contains boundary-pattern" q1 <- liftIO $ buildRequest $ do http POST urlpath setUA uncurry setAuthorizationBasic cred setAccept "application/json" -- wishful thinking setContentType ("multipart/form-data; boundary="<>boundary) -- RFC2388 setContentLength bodyLen c <- reOpenHConn liftIO $ sendRequest c q1 (bsBody body) resp <- liftIO $ try (receiveResponse c (\r is -> (,) r <$> concatHandler r is)) closeHConn case resp of Right (rc,bs) -> do return (BS8.pack (show rc) <> bs) Left (HttpClientError code bs) -> return (BS8.pack ("code=" <> show code <> "\n") <> bs) -- Hackage currently timeouts w/ 503 guru meditation errors, -- which usually means that the transaction has succeeded where urlpath = "/packages/candidates/" body = Builder.toLazyByteString $ multiPartBuilder boundary [ ("package", [("filename", BS8.pack tarname)] , ["Content-Type: application/gzip"], rawtarball)] bodyLen = fromIntegral $ BSL.length body boundary = "4d5bb1565a084d78868ff0178bdf4f61" -- | Simplified RFC2388 multipart/form-data formatter -- -- TODO: make a streaming-variant multiPartBuilder :: ByteString -> [(ByteString,[(ByteString,ByteString)],[ByteString],ByteString)] -> Builder.Builder multiPartBuilder boundary mparts = mconcat $ concatMap mkPart mparts ++ trailer where mkPart (name, xprops, xhdrs, payload) = [ dash, bs boundary, crlf , bs"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"", bs name, bs"\"" ] ++ concat [ [bs "; ", bs k, bs"=\"", bs v, bs"\"" ] | (k,v) <- xprops ] ++ [ crlf ] ++ concat [ [bs h, crlf] | h <- xhdrs ] ++ [ crlf , bs payload, crlf ] trailer = [ dash, bs boundary, dash, crlf ] crlf = bs"\r\n" dash = bs"--" bs = Builder.byteString fetchVersions :: PkgName -> HIO [(PkgVer,PkgVerStatus)] fetchVersions pkgn = do hackageSendGET ("/package/" <> pkgn <> "/preferred") "application/json" resp <- hackageRecvResp case decodeVersions resp of Right xs -> pure xs Left err -> fail err fetchCabalFile :: PkgName -> PkgVer -> HIO ByteString fetchCabalFile pkgn pkgv = do hackageSendGET urlpath "text/plain" hackageRecvResp where urlpath = mconcat ["/package/", pkgn, "-", pkgv, "/", pkgn, ".cabal"] fetchCabalFiles :: PkgName -> [PkgVer] -> HIO [(PkgVer,ByteString)] fetchCabalFiles pkgn pkgvs0 = do -- HTTP pipelining tmp <- go [] pkgvs0 return (concat . reverse $ tmp) where go acc [] = pure acc go acc vs0 = do (_,lft) <- getHConn let (vs,vs') = nsplitAt lft vs0 when (null vs) $ fail "fetchCabalFiles: the impossible happened" -- HTTP-pipeline requests; compensates a bit for SSL-induced latency mcabs <- forM (mkPipeline 4 vs) $ \case Left pkgv -> do -- request let urlpath = mconcat ["/package/", pkgn, "-", pkgv, "/", pkgn, ".cabal"] -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ show urlpath hackageSendGET urlpath "text/plain" return Nothing Right pkgv -> do -- response -- liftIO $ putStrLn ("read " ++ show pkgv) resp <- hackageRecvResp return $ Just (pkgv, resp) go (catMaybes mcabs : acc) vs' -- Left means request; Right means receive mkPipeline :: Natural -> [a] -> [Either a a] mkPipeline maxQ vs | not postCond = error "mkPipeline: internal error" -- paranoia | otherwise = concat [ map Left rqs1 , concat [ [Left v1, Right v2] | (v1,v2) <- zip rqs2 res2 ] , map Right res3 ] where (rqs1,rqs2) = nsplitAt n vs (res2,res3) = nsplitAt m vs postCond = sameLen rqs2 res2 && sameLen rqs1 res3 l = nlength vs n = min l maxQ m = l-n sameLen [] [] = True sameLen (_:xs) (_:ys) = sameLen xs ys sameLen [] (_:_) = False sameLen (_:_) [] = False fetchAllCabalFiles :: PkgName -> C.VersionRange -> HIO [(PkgVer,Maybe ByteString)] fetchAllCabalFiles pkgn vrange = do vs <- fetchVersions pkgn liftIO $ putStrLn ("Found " ++ show (length vs) ++ " package versions for " ++ show pkgn ++ ", downloading now...") let (wanted,unwanted) = List.partition (`pkgVerInRange` vrange) (map fst vs) fetched <- map (fmap Just) <$> fetchCabalFiles pkgn wanted pure (List.sortOn (pkgVerToVersion . fst) (fetched ++ [ (v,Nothing) | v <- unwanted ])) data PkgVerStatus = Normal | UnPreferred | Deprecated deriving (Eq,Show) instance NFData PkgVerStatus where rnf !_ = () decodeVersions :: ByteString -> Either String [(PkgVer,PkgVerStatus)] decodeVersions bs = do obj <- J.eitherDecode' (BSL.fromStrict bs) flip J.parseEither obj $ \o -> do normal <- o J..:? "normal-version" unpreferred <- o J..:? "unpreferred-version" deprecated <- o J..:? "deprecated-version" pure $ toPairs Normal normal ++ toPairs UnPreferred unpreferred ++ toPairs Deprecated deprecated where toPairs :: PkgVerStatus -> Maybe [String] -> [(PkgVer,PkgVerStatus)] toPairs s (Just vs) = [(BS8.pack v, s) | v <- vs] toPairs _ _ = [] closeHConn :: HIO () closeHConn = do mhc <- use hcConn forM_ mhc $ \hc -> do liftIO $ closeConnection hc hcConn .= Nothing reqCnt <- use hcReqCnt rspCnt <- use hcRspCnt unless (reqCnt == rspCnt) $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ concat ["warning: req-cnt=", show reqCnt, " rsp-cnt=", show rspCnt] hcReqCnt .= 0 hcRspCnt .= 0 openHConn :: HIO Connection openHConn = use hcConn >>= \case Just c -> return c Nothing -> do mkConn <- use hcMkConn c <- liftIO mkConn hcConn .= Just c hcReqCnt .= 0 -- redundant hcRspCnt .= 0 -- redundant return c reOpenHConn :: HIO Connection reOpenHConn = closeHConn >> openHConn getHConn :: HIO (Connection,Natural) getHConn = do lft <- use hcReqLeft c <- if lft > 0 then openHConn else reOpenHConn (,) c <$> use hcReqLeft nlength :: [a] -> Natural nlength = fromIntegral . length nsplitAt :: Natural -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) nsplitAt n = splitAt i where i = fromMaybe (error "nsplitAt: overflow") $ toIntegralSized n findLibrarySection :: [C.Field C.Position] -> Maybe (Int, Int) findLibrarySection [] = Nothing findLibrarySection (C.Section (C.Name (C.Position row _) "library") [] fs : _) = Just (row, findIndent fs) where findIndent [] = 4 findIndent (f : _) = case C.fieldAnn f of C.Position _ col -> pred col findLibrarySection (_ : fs) = findLibrarySection fs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CLI Interface data Options = Options { optVerbose :: !Bool , optHost :: !Hostname , optCommand :: !Command } deriving Show data PullCOptions = PullCOptions { optPlCPkgName :: !PkgName , optPlCIncrRev :: !Bool , optPlCForce :: !Bool , optPlCPkgVers :: Maybe C.VersionRange } deriving Show data SyncCOptions = SyncCOptions { optSyCFile :: FilePath , optSyCIncrRev :: !Bool , optSyCForce :: !Bool } deriving Show data ListCOptions = ListCOptions { optLCPkgName :: !PkgName , optNoAnn :: !Bool , optRevUrls :: !Bool } deriving Show data PushCOptions = PushCOptions { optPsCIncrRev :: !Bool , optPsCPublish :: !Bool , optPsCFiles :: [FilePath] } deriving Show data PushPCOptions = PushPCOptions { optPPCFiles :: [FilePath] } deriving Show data CheckROptions = CheckROptions { optCRNew :: FilePath , optCROrig :: FilePath } deriving Show data AddBoundOptions = AddBoundOptions { optABPackageName :: C.PackageName , optABVersionRange :: C.VersionRange , optForce :: Bool -- ^ Disable the check whether bound is subsumed by existing constraints. , optABMessage :: [String] , optABFiles :: [FilePath] } deriving Show data Command = ListCabal !ListCOptions | PullCabal !PullCOptions | PushCabal !PushCOptions | SyncCabal !SyncCOptions | PushCandidate !PushPCOptions | CheckRevision !CheckROptions | IndexShaSum !IndexShaSumOptions | AddBound !AddBoundOptions deriving Show optionsParserInfo :: ParserInfo Options optionsParserInfo = info (helper <*> verOption <*> oParser) (fullDesc <> header "hackage-cli - CLI tool for Hackage" <> footer footerStr) where footerStr = unwords [ "Each command has a sub-`--help` text. Hackage credentials are expected to be" , "stored in an `${HOME}/.netrc`-entry (or `.netrc.gpg`) for the respective Hackage hostname." , "E.g. \"machine hackage.haskell.org login MyUserName password TrustNo\"." , "All interactions with Hackage occur TLS-encrypted via the HTTPS protocol." ] bstr = BS8.pack <$> str prsc :: C.Parsec s => OA.ReadM s prsc = OA.eitherReader C.eitherParsec vrange = do s <- str case C.simpleParse s of Nothing -> fail "invalid version range" Just vr -> pure vr listcoParser = ListCabal <$> (ListCOptions <$> OA.argument bstr (metavar "PKGNAME" <> action "file") <*> switch (long "no-annotations" <> help "don't add preferred-versions annotations") <*> switch (long "rev-urls" <> help "list revision URLs")) pullcoParser = PullCabal <$> (PullCOptions <$> OA.argument bstr (metavar "PKGNAME" <> action "file") <*> switch (long "incr-rev" <> help "increment x-revision field") <*> switch (long "force" <> help "force overwriting existing files") <*> optional (OA.argument vrange (metavar "VERSION-CONSTRAINT"))) synccoParser = SyncCabal <$> (SyncCOptions <$> OA.argument str (metavar "CABALFILE" <> action "file") <*> switch (long "incr-rev" <> help "increment x-revision field") <*> switch (long "force" <> help "force overwriting local file with older revision")) pushcoParser = PushCabal <$> (PushCOptions <$> switch (long "incr-rev" <> help "increment x-revision field") <*> switch (long "publish" <> help "publish revision (review-mode)") <*> some (OA.argument str (metavar "CABALFILES..." <> action "file"))) pushpcoParser = PushCandidate <$> (PushPCOptions <$> some (OA.argument str (metavar "TARBALLS..." <> action "file"))) checkrevParsser = CheckRevision <$> (CheckROptions <$> OA.argument str (metavar "NEWCABAL" <> action "file") <*> OA.argument str (metavar "OLDCABAL" <> action "file")) indexssParser = IndexShaSum <$> (IndexShaSumOptions <$> switch (long "flat" <> help "flat filesystem layout (used by mirrors)") <*> OA.argument str (metavar "INDEX-TAR" <> action "file") <*> optional (OA.argument str (metavar "BASEDIR" <> action "directory"))) addboundParser = AddBound <$> (AddBoundOptions <$> OA.argument prsc (metavar "DEPENDENCY") <*> OA.argument prsc (metavar "VERSIONRANGE") <*> OA.switch (long "force" <> help "Add bound even if it is already subsumed by existing constraints.") <*> many (OA.option str (OA.short 'm' <> OA.long "message" <> metavar "MSG" <> help "Use given MSG as a comment. If multiple -m options are given, their values are concatenated with 'unlines'.")) <*> some (OA.argument str (metavar "CABALFILES..." <> action "file"))) oParser = Options <$> switch (long "verbose" <> help "Enable verbose output.") <*> option bstr (long "hostname" <> metavar "HOSTNAME" <> value "hackage.haskell.org" <> help "Hackage hostname" <> showDefault) <*> subparser (mconcat [ command "pull-cabal" (info (helper <*> pullcoParser) (progDesc "Download .cabal files for a package.")) , command "push-cabal" (info (helper <*> pushcoParser) (progDesc "Upload revised .cabal files.")) , command "sync-cabal" (info (helper <*> synccoParser) (progDesc "Update/sync local .cabal file with latest revision on Hackage.")) , command "push-candidate" (info (helper <*> pushpcoParser) (progDesc "Upload package candidate(s).")) , command "list-versions" (info (helper <*> listcoParser) (progDesc "List versions for a package.")) , command "check-revision" (info (helper <*> checkrevParsser) (progDesc "Validate revision.")) , command "index-sha256sum" (info (helper <*> indexssParser) (progDesc "Generate sha256sum-format file.")) , command "add-bound" (info (helper <*> addboundParser) (progDesc "Add bound to the library section of a package, unless the bound is redundant. The .cabal file is edited in place.")) ]) verOption = infoOption verMsg (long "version" <> help "Output version information and exit.") where verMsg = "hackage-cli " <> V.showVersion Paths_hackage_cli.version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do opts <- execParser optionsParserInfo mainWithOptions opts mainWithOptions :: Options -> IO () mainWithOptions Options {..} = do case optCommand of PullCabal (PullCOptions {..}) -> do let pkgn = optPlCPkgName cs <- runHConn (fetchAllCabalFiles pkgn (fromMaybe C.anyVersion optPlCPkgVers)) forM_ cs $ \(v,mraw) -> case mraw of Nothing -> putStrLn ("skipped excluded " ++ BS8.unpack v) Just raw0 -> do let fn = BS8.unpack $ pkgn <> "-" <> v <> ".cabal" let raw | optPlCIncrRev = incrXrev raw0 | otherwise = raw0 doesFileExist fn >>= \case False -> do BS.writeFile fn raw putStrLn ("saved " ++ fn ++ " (" ++ show (BS.length raw) ++ " bytes)") True -> if optPlCForce then do BS.writeFile fn raw putStrLn ("overwritten " ++ fn ++ " (" ++ show (BS.length raw) ++ " bytes)") else putStrLn ("WARNING: skipped existing " ++ fn ++ " (use --force to overwrite)") return () SyncCabal (SyncCOptions {..}) -> do (pkgn,pkgv,xrev) <- pkgDescToPkgIdXrev <$> C.readGenericPackageDescription C.deafening optSyCFile cab0 <- BS.readFile optSyCFile BS8.putStrLn $ mconcat [ "local : " , pkgn, "-", pkgv, "-r", BS8.pack (show xrev) , " ('", BS8.pack optSyCFile, "')" ] cab' <- runHConn (fetchCabalFile pkgn pkgv) let (pkgn',pkgv',xrev') = pkgDescToPkgIdXrev $ parseGenericPackageDescription' cab' BS8.putStrLn $ mconcat [ "remote: " , pkgn', "-", pkgv', "-r", BS8.pack (show xrev') ] let cab'' = cabalEditXRev (xrev'+1) cab' bakfn = optSyCFile <> "~" case () of _ | optSyCIncrRev, cab'' == cab0 -> do putStrLn "INFO: local and (incremented) latest remote .cabal revision are already identical! Nothing to do." _ | not optSyCForce, xrev' < xrev -> do putStrLn "ERROR: Local file has higher revision number than Hackage - aborting! (use --force to allow this)" exitFailure _ | optSyCIncrRev, cab'' /= cab0 -> do when (cab' == cab0) $ do putStrLn "NOTE: local and (non-incremented) latest remote .cabal revision are identical." BS.writeFile bakfn cab0 putStrLn ("INFO: saved backup of original local file to " <> bakfn) BS.writeFile optSyCFile cab'' BS8.putStrLn $ mconcat [ "local : " , pkgn, "-", pkgv, "-r", BS8.pack (show $ xrev'+1) , " ('", BS8.pack optSyCFile, "')" ] _ | cab' == cab0 -> do putStrLn "INFO: local and latest remote .cabal revision are already identical! Nothing to do." _ -> do BS.writeFile bakfn cab0 putStrLn ("INFO: saved backup of original local file to " <> bakfn) BS.writeFile optSyCFile cab' BS8.putStrLn $ mconcat [ "local : " , pkgn, "-", pkgv, "-r", BS8.pack (show $ xrev') , " ('", BS8.pack optSyCFile, "')" ] ListCabal (ListCOptions {..}) -> do let pkgn = optLCPkgName vs <- runHConn (fetchVersions pkgn) unless optNoAnn $ putStrLn $ concat [ "Found ", show (length vs), " package versions for " , show pkgn, " ([U]npreferred, [D]eprecated):" ] if optRevUrls then do forM_ vs $ \(v,_) -> do let pid = pkgn <> "-" <> v BS8.putStrLn $ mconcat [ " - https://hackage.haskell.org/package/", pid, "/revisions/" ] else do forM_ vs $ \(v,unp) -> do let status = case unp of _ | optNoAnn -> "" Normal -> " " Deprecated -> "[D] " UnPreferred -> "[U] " BS8.putStrLn $ status <> pkgn <> "-" <> v return () PushCabal (PushCOptions {..}) -> do (username,password) <- maybe (fail "missing Hackage credentials") return =<< getHackageCreds putStrLn $ "Using Hackage credentials for username " ++ show username forM_ optPsCFiles $ \fn -> do (pkgn,pkgv,xrev) <- pkgDescToPkgIdXrev <$> C.readGenericPackageDescription C.deafening fn putStrLn $ concat [ "Pushing ", show fn , " (", BS8.unpack pkgn, "-", BS8.unpack pkgv, "~", show xrev, ")" , if not optPsCPublish then " [review-mode]" else "", " ..." ] let editCab | optPsCIncrRev = cabalEditXRev (xrev+1) | otherwise = id rawcab <- editCab <$> BS.readFile fn (dt,tmp) <- timeIt $ runHConn (hackagePostCabal (username,password) (pkgn,pkgv) rawcab (if optPsCPublish then WetRun else DryRun)) printf "Hackage response was (after %.3f secs):\n" dt putStrLn (replicate 80 '=') BS8.putStrLn (tidyHtml tmp) putStrLn (replicate 80 '=') PushCandidate (PushPCOptions {..}) -> do (username,password) <- maybe (fail "missing Hackage credentials") return =<< getHackageCreds putStrLn $ "Using Hackage credentials for username " ++ show username forM_ optPPCFiles $ \fn -> do putStrLn $ "reading " ++ show fn ++ " ..." rawtar <- BS.readFile fn putStrLn $ "uplading to Hackage..." tmp <- runHConn (hackagePushCandidate (username,password) (takeFileName fn, rawtar)) putStrLn "Hackage response was:" putStrLn (replicate 80 '=') BS8.putStrLn tmp putStrLn (replicate 80 '=') CheckRevision (CheckROptions {..}) -> do old <- BS.readFile optCROrig new <- BS.readFile optCRNew case diffCabalRevisions old new of Left err -> do putStrLn "change not allowed:" putStrLn err exitFailure Right [] -> do putStrLn "no-op change detected" exitFailure Right changes -> do putStrLn "change allowed:" forM_ changes $ \(Change _ what old' new') -> do putStrLn $ "what: " ++ what putStrLn $ " old: " ++ old' putStrLn $ " new: " ++ new' return () IndexShaSum opts -> IndexShaSum.run opts AddBound AddBoundOptions {..} -> forM_ optABFiles $ \fp -> do old <- BS.readFile fp -- idea is simple: -- - .cabal is line oriented file -- - find "library" section start -- - bonus: look of an indentation used from the next field/section there -- - insert data into a bytestring "manually" fs <- either (exitFailureWith . show) return $ C.readFields old (lin, indent) <- maybe (exitFailureWith $ "Cannot find library section in " ++ fp) return (findLibrarySection fs) let msgLines = map ("-- " ++) optABMessage bdLine = "build-depends: " ++ C.prettyShow optABPackageName ++ " " ++ C.prettyShow optABVersionRange midLines = [ BS8.pack $ replicate indent ' ' ++ l | l <- msgLines ++ [bdLine] ] ++ [""] -- also add an empty line separator (preLines, postLines) = splitAt lin $ BS8.lines old new = BS8.unlines (preLines ++ midLines ++ postLines) -- interpretation of version ranges let oldGpd = parseGenericPackageDescription' old newGpd = parseGenericPackageDescription' new oldRange = extractRange oldGpd optABPackageName newRange = extractRange newGpd optABPackageName oldRange' = C.intersectVersionRanges oldRange optABVersionRange -- Canonical forms (semantics) oldSem = C.toVersionIntervals oldRange -- existing range oldSem' = C.toVersionIntervals oldRange' -- range after adding the bound (theory) newSem = C.toVersionIntervals newRange -- range after adding the bound (practice) -- Necessity check: does the addition of the bound change the semantics? -- if not, it can be skipped. if not optForce && oldSem' == oldSem then do putStrLn $ concat [ "Skipping ", fp, ": bound already subsumed by existing constraints (use --force to add nevertheless)." ] else do -- sanity check: did the addition have the intended outcome? unless (newSem == oldSem') $ exitFailureWith $ unwords [ "Edit failed, version ranges don't match: " , C.prettyShow oldRange , "&&" , C.prettyShow optABVersionRange , "=/=" , C.prettyShow newRange ] -- write new version putStrLn $ unwords [ "Adding bound to", fp ] BS.writeFile fp new return () where mkHConn = do sslCtx <- baselineContextSSL pure $ HConn (openConnectionSSL sslCtx optHost 443) Nothing 0 0 runHConn act = do hc0 <- mkHConn flip evalStateT hc0 $ do res <- act closeHConn return res getNetrcContents :: IO (Maybe ByteString) getNetrcContents = do mhome <- lookupEnv "HOME" case mhome of Nothing -> return Nothing Just "" -> return Nothing Just ho -> do let fnGpg = ho ++ "/.netrc.gpg" let fn = ho ++ "/.netrc" gpgExists <- doesFileExist fnGpg if gpgExists then readGpg fnGpg else readPlain fn where readGpg fn = do (ec, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "gpg" ["--decrypt", fn] "" case ec of ExitSuccess -> return (Just out) ExitFailure _ -> BS.putStr err >> return Nothing readPlain fn = do ret <- tryIOError (BS.readFile fn) case ret of Left e | isDoesNotExistError e -> return Nothing | otherwise -> ioError e Right b -> return $! Just b getHackageCreds :: IO (Maybe (ByteString,ByteString)) getHackageCreds = do getNetrcContents >>= \case Nothing -> pure Nothing Just contents -> case parseNetRc "netrc" contents of Left _ -> fail "Invalid ${HOME}/.netrc(.gpg) found" Right NetRc {..} -> evaluate $ (\NetRcHost{..} -> (nrhLogin,nrhPassword)) <$> listToMaybe (filter ((== optHost) . nrhName) nrHosts) pkgDescToPkgIdXrev pdesc = force (BS8.pack pkgn, BS8.pack $ showVersion pkgv, read xrev :: PkgRev) where C.PackageIdentifier (C.unPackageName -> pkgn) pkgv = C.package . C.packageDescription $ pdesc xrev = fromMaybe "0" . lookup "x-revision" . C.customFieldsPD . C.packageDescription $ pdesc incrXrev :: ByteString -> ByteString incrXrev cabdata0 = cabalEditXRev (xrev0+1) cabdata0 where pdesc0 = parseGenericPackageDescription' cabdata0 (_,_,xrev0) = pkgDescToPkgIdXrev pdesc0 exitFailureWith e = do putStrLn e exitFailure parseGenericPackageDescription' bs = case snd $ C.runParseResult $ C.parseGenericPackageDescription bs of Left (_, es) -> error $ List.intercalate "\n" $ map (C.showPError "<.cabal>") $ toList es Right x -> x extractRange gpd pkgName = case vss of [] -> C.noVersion (v:vs) -> List.foldl' C.intersectVersionRanges v vs where vss = gpd ^.. LC.condLibrary . _Just . condTreeDataL . LC.targetBuildDepends . traverse . to ext . _Just ext (C.Dependency pkgName' vr _) | pkgName == pkgName' = Just vr | otherwise = Nothing condTreeDataL :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> C.CondTree v c a -> f (C.CondTree v c a) condTreeDataL f (C.CondNode x c cs) = f x <&> \y -> C.CondNode y c cs -- | Try to clean-up HTML fragments to be more readable tidyHtml :: ByteString -> ByteString tidyHtml = replace "&" "&" . -- must be last entity substitution replace ">" ">" . replace "<" "<" . replace "<p>" "" . -- tags must be replaced before entities replace "</p>" "\n" . replace "<li>" "\n * " . replace "</li>" "" . replace "</pre>" "`" . replace "<pre>" "`" . stripEnd where stripEnd = fst . BS8.spanEnd isSpace replace :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString replace old new = BSL.toStrict . BSS.replace old new timeIt :: IO a -> IO (Double, a) timeIt act = do t0 <- getTime res <- act t1 <- getTime let !dt = t1 - t0 pure (dt, res) where getTime :: IO Double getTime = realToFrac `fmap` getPOSIXTime