module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Array.Internal (
NArray, Idx(..), Name,
order, namesR, names, size, sizesR, sizes, typeOf , dims, coords,
fromVector, fromMatrix,
parts, partsRaw,
mapTypes, mapNames,
renameSuperRaw, renameExplicit,
selDims, mapDims,
takeDiagT, atT,
firstIdx, fibers, matrixator, matrixatorFree,
asMatrix, asVector, asScalar,
) where
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix as LA
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix hiding (size,scalar,ident)
import Data.List
import Data.Function(on)
import Debug.Trace
dim x = LA.size x
trans x = x
ident n = diagRect 0 (konst 1 n) n n
debug m f x = trace (m ++ show (f x)) x
class (Num (Vector t), Normed (Vector t), Show t, Numeric t, Indexable (Vector t) t) => Coord t
instance Coord Double
instance Coord (Complex Double)
instance Coord I
type Name = String
data Idx i = Idx { iType :: i
, iDim :: Int
, iName :: Name
} deriving (Eq)
instance Eq i => Ord (Idx i) where
compare = compare `on` iName
data NArray i t = A { dims :: [Idx i]
, coords :: Vector t
mkNArray :: (Coord a) => [Idx i] -> Vector a -> NArray i a
mkNArray [] _ = error "array with empty dimensions, use scalar"
mkNArray dms vec = A dms v where
ds = map iDim dms
n = product ds
v = if dim vec == n && minimum ds > 0
then vec
else error $ show ds ++ " dimensions and " ++
show (dim vec) ++ " coordinates for mkNArray"
resetCoords :: Coord t => NArray i t -> Vector t -> NArray i t
resetCoords (A dms u) v | dim u == dim v = A dms v
| otherwise = error "wrong size in replaceCoords"
scalar :: Coord t => t -> NArray i t
scalar x = A [] (fromList [x])
renameRaw :: (Coord t, Compat i)
=> NArray i t
-> [Name]
-> NArray i t
renameRaw t ns = contract (renameSuperRaw t ns)
renameSuperRaw (A d v) l
| length l == length d = A d' v
| otherwise = error $ "renameRaw " ++ show d ++ " with " ++ show l
where d' = zipWith f d l
f i n = i {iName=n}
mapDims f (A d v) = A (map f d) v
mapTypes :: (i1 -> i2) -> NArray i1 t -> NArray i2 t
mapTypes f = mapDims (\i -> i {iType = f (iType i)})
mapNames :: (Name -> Name) -> NArray i t -> NArray i t
mapNames f = mapDims (\i -> i {iName = f (iName i)})
renameExplicit :: (Compat i, Coord t) => [(Name,Name)] -> NArray i t -> NArray i t
renameExplicit al = g . mapNames f where
f n = maybe n id (lookup n al)
g t = reorder orig (contract t) where orig = nub (namesR t) \\ common1 t
namesR :: NArray i t -> [Name]
namesR = map iName . dims
names :: NArray i t -> [Name]
names = sort . namesR
size :: Name -> NArray i t -> Int
size n t = (iDim . head) (filter ((n==).iName) (dims t))
sizesR :: NArray i t -> [Int]
sizesR = map iDim . dims
sizes :: NArray i t -> [Int]
sizes t = map (flip size t) (names t)
typeOf :: Compat i => Name -> NArray i t -> i
typeOf n t = (iType . head) (filter ((n==).iName) (dims t))
order :: NArray i t -> Int
order = length . dims
selDims ds = map f where
f n = head $ filter ((n==).iName) ds
common2 t1 t2 = [ n1 | n1 <- namesR t1, n2 <- namesR t2, n1==n2]
analyzeProduct :: (Coord t, Compat i) => NArray i t -> NArray i t -> Maybe (NArray i t, Int)
analyzeProduct a b = r where
nx = common2 a b
dx1 = selDims (dims a) nx
dx2 = selDims (dims b) nx
ok = and $ zipWith compat dx1 dx2
(tma,na) = matrixatorFree a nx
(mb,nb) = matrixatorFree b nx
mc = trans tma <> mb
da = selDims (dims a) na
db = selDims (dims b) nb
dc = da ++ db
c = A dc (flatten mc)
sz = product (map iDim dc)
r | ok = Just (c, sz)
| otherwise = Nothing
infixl 5 |*|
(|*|) :: (Coord t, Compat i) => NArray i t -> NArray i t -> NArray i t
t1 |*| t2 = case analyzeProduct t1 t2 of
Nothing -> error $ "wrong contraction2: "++(show $ dims t1)++" and "++(show $ dims t2)
Just (r,_) -> r
lastIdx name t = ((d1,d2),m) where
(d1,d2) = span (\d -> iName d /= name) (dims t)
c = product (map iDim d2)
m = reshape c (coords t)
firstIdx name t = (nd,m')
where ((d1,d2),m) = lastIdx name t
m' = reshape c $ flatten $ trans m
nd = d2++d1
c = dim (coords t) `div` (iDim $ head d2)
fibers :: Coord t => Name -> NArray i t -> Matrix t
fibers n = snd . firstIdx n
matrixator :: (Coord t) => NArray i t
-> [Name]
-> [Name]
-> Matrix t
matrixator t nr nc = reshape s (coords q) where
q = reorder (nr++nc) t
s = product (map (flip size t) nc)
matrixatorFree :: (Coord t)
=> NArray i t
-> [Name]
-> (Matrix t, [Name])
matrixatorFree t nr = (reshape s (coords q), nc) where
q = tridx nr t
nc = drop (length nr) (map iName (dims q))
s = product (map (flip size t) nc)
parts :: (Coord t)
=> NArray i t
-> Name
-> [NArray i t]
parts a name | name `elem` (namesR a) = map (reorder orig) (partsRaw a name)
| otherwise = error $ "parts: " ++ show name ++ " is not a dimension of "++(show $ namesR a)
where orig = namesR a \\ [name]
partsRaw a name = map f (toRows m)
where (_:ds,m) = firstIdx name a
f t = A {dims=ds, coords=t}
tridx [] t = t
tridx (name:rest) t = A (d:ds) (vjoin ts) where
d = case lastIdx name t of
((_,d':_),_) -> d'
_ -> error "wrong index sequence to reorder"
ps = map (tridx rest) (partsRaw t name)
ts = map coords ps
ds = dims (head ps)
reorder :: (Coord t) => [Name] -> NArray i t -> NArray i t
reorder ns b | ns == namesR b = b
| sort ns == sort (namesR b) = tridx ns b
| otherwise = error $ "wrong index sequence " ++ show ns
++ " to reorder "++(show $ namesR b)
mapArray :: (Coord b) => (Vector a -> Vector b) -> NArray i a -> NArray i b
mapArray f t
| null (dims t) = scalar (f (coords t)!0)
| otherwise = mkNArray (dims t) (f (coords t))
liftNA2 f (A d1 v1) (A _d2 v2) = A d1 (f v1 v2)
class (Eq a, Show (Idx a)) => Compat a where
compat :: Idx a -> Idx a -> Bool
opos :: Idx a -> Idx a
contract1 t name1 name2 | ok = foldl1' (liftNA2 (+)) y
| otherwise = error $ "wrong contraction1: "
++(show $ dims t)++" "
++ name1++" "++name2
where ok = (compat <$> getName t name1 <*> getName t name2) == Just True
x = map (flip partsRaw name2) (partsRaw t name1)
y = map head $ zipWith drop [0..] x
getName t name = d where
l = filter ((==name).iName) (dims t)
d = if null l
then Nothing
else Just (head l)
contract1c t n = contract1 renamed n n'
where n' = " "++n++" "
renamed = renameSuperRaw (t) auxnames
auxnames = h ++ (n':r)
(h,_:r) = break (==n) (namesR t)
common1 t = [ n1 | (a,n1) <- x , (b,n2) <- x, a>b, n1==n2]
where x = zip [0 ::Int ..] (namesR t)
contract t = foldl' contract1c t (common1 t)
sameStructure :: (Eq i) => NArray i t1 -> NArray i t2 -> Bool
sameStructure a b = sortBy (compare `on` iName) (dims a) == sortBy (compare `on` iName) (dims b)
zipArray :: (Coord a, Coord b, Compat i)
=> (Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c)
-> NArray i a
-> NArray i b
-> NArray i c
zipArray o a b = liftNA2 o a' b' where
(a',b') = makeConformantT (a,b)
newIndex:: (Coord t, Compat i) =>
-> Name
-> [NArray i t]
-> NArray i t
newIndex i name ts = r where
ds = Idx i (length ts) name : (dims (head cts))
cts = makeConformant ts
r = mkNArray ds (vjoin $ map coords cts)
basisOf :: Coord t => NArray i t -> [NArray i t]
basisOf t = map (dims t `mkNArray`) $ toRows (ident . dim . coords $ t)
common :: (Eq a) => (b->a) -> [b] -> Maybe a
common f = commonval . map f where
commonval :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Maybe a
commonval [] = Nothing
commonval [a] = Just a
commonval (a:b:xs) = if a==b then commonval (b:xs) else Nothing
asMatrix :: (Coord t) => NArray i t -> Matrix t
asMatrix a | order a == 2 = reshape c (coords a')
| otherwise = error $ "asMatrix requires a 2nd order array."
where c = size (last (namesR a')) a'
a' = reorder (sort (namesR a)) a
asVector :: (Coord t) => NArray i t -> Vector t
asVector a | order a == 1 = coords a
| otherwise = error $ "asVector requires a 1st order array."
asScalar :: (Coord t) => NArray i t -> t
asScalar a | order a == 0 = coords a ! 0
| otherwise = error $ "asScalar requires a 0th order array."
fromVector :: (Coord t, Compat i) => i -> Vector t -> NArray i t
fromVector i v = mkNArray [Idx i (dim v) "1"] v
fromMatrix :: (Compat i, Coord t) => i -> i -> Matrix t -> NArray i t
fromMatrix ir ic m = mkNArray [Idx ir (rows m) "1",
Idx ic (cols m) "2"] (flatten m)
extract :: (Compat i, Coord t)
=> (Int -> NArray i t -> Bool)
-> Name
-> NArray i t
-> NArray i t
extract f name arr = reorder (namesR arr)
. newIndex (typeOf name arr) name
. map snd . filter (uncurry f)
$ zip [1..] (parts arr name)
onIndex :: (Coord a, Coord b, Compat i) =>
([NArray i a] -> [NArray i b])
-> Name
-> NArray i a
-> NArray i b
onIndex f name t = r where
r = if sort (namesR x) == sort (namesR t)
then reorder (namesR t) x
else x
x = newIndex (typeOf name t) name (f (parts t name))
extend alldims (A d v) = reorder (allnames) s where
allnames = map iName alldims
pref = alldims \\ d
n = product (map iDim pref)
s = A (pref++d) (vjoin (replicate n v))
conformable :: Compat i => [[Idx i]] -> Maybe [Idx i]
conformable ds | ok = Just alldims
| otherwise = Nothing
where alldims = nub (concat ds)
allnames = map iName alldims
ok = length (allnames) == length (nub allnames)
makeConformant :: (Coord t, Compat i) => [NArray i t] -> [NArray i t]
makeConformant ts =
case conformable (map dims ts) of
Just alldims -> map (extend alldims) ts
Nothing -> error $ "makeConformant with inconsistent dimensions "
++ show (map dims ts)
makeConformantT (t1,t2) =
case conformable [dims t1, dims t2] of
Just alldims -> (extend alldims t1, extend alldims t2)
Nothing -> error $ "makeConformantT with inconsistent dimensions "
++ show (dims t1, dims t2)
takeDiagT :: (Compat i, Coord t) => NArray i t -> [t]
takeDiagT t = map (asScalar . atT t) cds where
n = minimum (sizesR t)
o = order t
cds = map (replicate o) [0..n1]
atT :: (Compat i, Coord t) => NArray i t -> [Int] -> NArray i t
atT t c = atT' c t where
atT' cs = foldl1' (.) (map fpart cs)
fpart k q = parts q (head (namesR q)) !! k
smartProduct :: (Coord t, Compat i, Num (NArray i t)) => [NArray i t] -> NArray i t
smartProduct [] = 1
smartProduct [a] = a
smartProduct [a,b] = a*b
smartProduct ts = r where
n = length ts
ks = [0 .. n1]
xs = zip ks ts
g a b = case analyzeProduct a b of
Nothing -> error $ "inconsistent dimensions in smartProduct: "++(show $ dims a)++" and "++(show $ dims b)
Just (_,c) -> c
pairs = [ ((i,j), g a b) | (i,a) <- init xs, (j,b) <- drop (i+1) xs ]
(p,q) = fst $ minimumBy (compare `on` snd) pairs
r = smartProduct (ts!!p * ts!!q : (dropElemPos p . dropElemPos q) ts)
dropElemPos k xs = take k xs ++ drop (k+1) xs
seqIdx :: Int -> String -> [Name]
seqIdx n prefix = [prefix ++ show k | k <- [1 .. n] ]