module Network.AWS.S3Bucket (
createBucketIn, createBucket, createBucketWithPrefixIn,
createBucketWithPrefix, deleteBucket, getBucketLocation,
emptyBucket, listBuckets, listObjects, listAllObjects,
isBucketNameValid, getObjectStorageClass,
getVersioningConfiguration, setVersioningConfiguration,
S3Bucket(S3Bucket, bucket_name, bucket_creation_date),
) where
import Network.AWS.Authentication as Auth
import Network.AWS.AWSResult
import Network.AWS.S3Object
import Network.AWS.AWSConnection
import Network.AWS.ArrowUtils
import Network.HTTP as HTTP
import Network.Stream()
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Char (toLower, isAlphaNum)
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import qualified Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs
import Control.Monad
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Codec.Utils
import Data.Digest.MD5
import Codec.Text.Raw
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow.ArrowTree
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlOptions
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlKeywords
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ReadDocument
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs
data S3Bucket = S3Bucket { bucket_name :: String,
bucket_creation_date :: String
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data VersioningConfiguration = VersioningConfiguration {
versioningStatus :: VersioningStatus,
mfaDeleteEnabled :: Bool
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
data VersioningStatus = VersioningDisabled | VersioningEnabled | VersioningSuspended
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
createBucketWithPrefixIn :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> String
-> IO (AWSResult String)
createBucketWithPrefixIn aws pre location =
do suffix <- randomName
let name = pre ++ "-" ++ suffix
res <- createBucketIn aws name location
either (\x -> case x of
AWSError _ _ -> createBucketWithPrefixIn aws pre location
otherwise -> return (Left x))
(\_ -> return (Right name)) res
createBucketWithPrefix :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> IO (AWSResult String)
createBucketWithPrefix aws pre =
createBucketWithPrefixIn aws pre "US"
randomName :: IO String
randomName =
do rdata <- randomIO :: IO Integer
return $ take 10 $ show $ hexdumpBy "" 999
(hash (toOctets (10::Integer) (abs rdata)))
createBucketIn :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> String
-> IO (AWSResult ())
createBucketIn aws bucket location =
let constraint = if location == "US"
then ""
else "<CreateBucketConfiguration><LocationConstraint>" ++ location ++ "</LocationConstraint></CreateBucketConfiguration>"
do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket "" "" [] (L.pack constraint) PUT)
return (either Left (\_ -> Right ()) res)
createBucket :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> IO (AWSResult ())
createBucket aws bucket =
createBucketIn aws bucket "US"
getBucketLocation :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> IO (AWSResult String)
getBucketLocation aws bucket =
do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket "?location" "" [] L.empty GET)
case res of
Left x -> return (Left x)
Right y -> do bs <- parseBucketLocationXML (L.unpack (rspBody y))
return (Right bs)
parseBucketLocationXML :: String -> IO String
parseBucketLocationXML s =
do results <- runX (readString [withValidate no] s >>> processLocation)
return $ case results of
[] -> "US"
x:_ -> x
processLocation :: ArrowXml a => a (Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs.NTree XNode) String
processLocation = (text <<< atTag "LocationConstraint")
>>> arr id
deleteBucket :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> IO (AWSResult ())
deleteBucket aws bucket =
do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket "" "" [] L.empty DELETE)
return (either Left (\_ -> Right ()) res)
emptyBucket :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> IO (AWSResult ())
emptyBucket aws bucket =
do res <- listAllObjects aws bucket (ListRequest "" "" "" 0)
let objFromRes x = S3Object bucket (key x) "" [] L.empty
case res of
Left x -> return (Left x)
Right y -> deleteObjects aws (map objFromRes y)
deleteObjects :: AWSConnection
-> [S3Object]
-> IO (AWSResult ())
deleteObjects _ [] = return (Right ())
deleteObjects aws (x:xs) =
do dr <- deleteObject aws x
case dr of
Left o -> return (Left o)
Right _ -> deleteObjects aws xs
listBuckets :: AWSConnection
-> IO (AWSResult [S3Bucket])
listBuckets aws =
do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws "" "" "" [] L.empty GET)
case res of
Left x -> return (Left x)
Right y -> do bs <- parseBucketListXML (L.unpack (rspBody y))
return (Right bs)
parseBucketListXML :: String -> IO [S3Bucket]
parseBucketListXML x = runX (readString [withValidate no] x >>> processBuckets)
processBuckets :: ArrowXml a => a (Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs.NTree XNode) S3Bucket
processBuckets = deep (isElem >>> hasName "Bucket") >>>
split >>> first (text <<< atTag "Name") >>>
second (text <<< atTag "CreationDate") >>>
unsplit (\x y -> S3Bucket x y)
data ListRequest =
ListRequest { prefix :: String,
marker :: String,
delimiter :: String,
max_keys :: Int
instance Show ListRequest where
show x = "prefix=" ++ urlEncode (prefix x) ++ "&" ++
"marker=" ++ urlEncode (marker x) ++ "&" ++
"delimiter=" ++ urlEncode (delimiter x) ++ "&" ++
"max-keys=" ++ show (max_keys x)
data ListResult =
ListResult {
key :: String,
last_modified :: String,
etag :: String,
size :: Integer,
storageClass :: StorageClass
} deriving (Show)
type IsTruncated = Bool
listObjects :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> ListRequest
-> IO (AWSResult (IsTruncated, [ListResult]))
listObjects aws bucket lreq =
do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket ""
('?' : show lreq) [] L.empty GET)
case res of
Left x -> return (Left x)
Right y -> do let objs = L.unpack (rspBody y)
tr <- isListTruncated objs
lr <- getListResults objs
return (Right (tr, lr))
listAllObjects :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> ListRequest
-> IO (AWSResult [ListResult])
listAllObjects aws bucket lp =
do let lp_max = lp {max_keys = 1000}
res <- listObjects aws bucket lp_max
case res of
Left x -> return (Left x)
Right y -> case y of
(True,lr) -> do let last_result = (key . last) lr
next_set <- listAllObjects aws bucket
(lp_max {marker = last_result})
either (\x -> return (Left x))
(\x -> return (Right (lr ++ x))) next_set
(False,lr) -> return (Right lr)
getObjectStorageClass :: AWSConnection
-> S3Object
-> IO (AWSResult StorageClass)
getObjectStorageClass c obj =
do res <- listObjects c (obj_bucket obj) (ListRequest (obj_name obj) "" "" 1)
return (either Left (\(t,xs) -> Right (head (map storageClass xs))) res)
isListTruncated :: String -> IO Bool
isListTruncated s =
do results <- runX (readString [withValidate no] s >>> processTruncation)
return $ case results of
[] -> False
x:_ -> x
processTruncation :: ArrowXml a => a (Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs.NTree XNode) Bool
processTruncation = (text <<< atTag "IsTruncated")
>>> arr (\x -> case (map toLower x) of
"true" -> True
"false" -> False
otherwise -> False)
getListResults :: String -> IO [ListResult]
getListResults s = runX (readString [withValidate no] s >>> processListResults)
processListResults :: ArrowXml a => a (Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs.NTree XNode) ListResult
processListResults = deep (isElem >>> hasName "Contents") >>>
((text <<< atTag "Key") &&&
(text <<< atTag "LastModified") &&&
(text <<< atTag "ETag") &&&
(text <<< atTag "Size") &&&
(text <<< atTag "StorageClass")) >>>
arr (\(a,(b,(c,(d,e)))) -> ListResult a b ((unquote . HTTP.urlDecode) c) (read d) (read e))
isBucketNameValid :: String -> Bool
isBucketNameValid n = and checks where
checks = [(length n >= 3),
(length n <= 63),
(isAlphaNum $ head n),
(not (elem '_' n)),
(not (isInfixOf ".-" n)),
(not (isInfixOf "-." n)),
((last n) /= '-')]
setVersioningConfiguration :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> VersioningConfiguration
-> IO (AWSResult ())
setVersioningConfiguration aws bucket vc =
do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket "" "?versioning" [] (L.pack (versioningConfigurationToXML vc)) PUT)
case res of
Left x -> return (Left x)
Right y -> return (Right ())
versioningConfigurationToXML :: VersioningConfiguration -> String
versioningConfigurationToXML vc =
case vc of
VersioningConfiguration VersioningEnabled _ -> versioningConfigXml "Enabled"
VersioningConfiguration _ _ -> versioningConfigXml "Suspended"
versioningConfigXml :: String -> String
versioningConfigXml status =
"<VersioningConfiguration xmlns=\"\"><Status>" ++ status ++ "</Status></VersioningConfiguration>"
getVersioningConfiguration :: AWSConnection
-> String
-> IO (AWSResult VersioningConfiguration)
getVersioningConfiguration aws bucket =
do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket "" "?versioning" [] L.empty GET)
case res of
Left x -> return (Left x)
Right y -> do vc <- parseVersionConfigXML (L.unpack (rspBody y))
return (Right vc)
parseVersionConfigXML :: String -> IO (VersioningConfiguration)
parseVersionConfigXML s =
do results <- runX (readString [withValidate no] s >>> processVersionConfig)
return $ case results of
[] -> (VersioningConfiguration VersioningSuspended True)
x:_ -> x
processVersionConfig =
deep (isElem >>> hasName "VersioningConfiguration") >>>
((text <<< atTag "Status")
>>> arr (\v -> case (map toLower v) of
"suspended" -> (VersioningConfiguration VersioningSuspended False)
"enabled" -> (VersioningConfiguration VersioningEnabled False)
arr (\x -> (VersioningConfiguration VersioningDisabled False))
unquote :: String -> String
unquote = filter (/= '"')