-- Verify.hs: OpenPGP (RFC4880) signature verification
-- Copyright © 2012-2013  Clint Adams
-- This software is released under the terms of the ISC license.
-- (See the LICENSE file).

module Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Verify (
 , verify
 , verifyTK
) where

import Control.Monad (guard, liftM2)

import Crypto.PubKey.HashDescr (HashDescr(..))
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.DSA as DSA
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 as P15

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.IxSet ((@=))
import qualified Data.IxSet as IxSet
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..), diffUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Data.Serialize.Put (runPut)

import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Fingerprint (eightOctetKeyID, fingerprint)
import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Internal (countBits, integerToBEBS, PktStreamContext(..), issuer, emptyPSC, hashDescr)
import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.SerializeForSigs (putPartialSigforSigning, putSigTrailer, payloadForSig)
import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Types
import Data.Conduit.OpenPGP.Keyring.Instances ()

verifySig :: Keyring -> Pkt -> PktStreamContext -> Maybe UTCTime -> Either String Verification -- FIXME: check expiration here?
verifySig kr sig@(SignaturePkt (SigV4 st _ _ hs _ _ _)) state mt = do
    v <- verify kr sig mt (payloadForSig st state)
    _ <- mapM_ (checkIssuer (eightOctetKeyID (_verificationSigner v)) . sspPayload) hs
    return v
        checkIssuer :: EightOctetKeyId -> SigSubPacketPayload -> Either String Bool
        checkIssuer signer (Issuer i) = if signer == i then Right True else Left "issuer subpacket does not match"
        checkIssuer _ _ = Right True
verifySig _ _ _ _ = Left "This should never happen."

verifyTK :: Keyring -> Maybe UTCTime -> TK -> Either String TK
verifyTK kr mt key = do
    revokers <- checkRevokers key
    revs <- checkKeyRevocations revokers key
    let uids = filter (\(_, sps) -> sps /= []) . checkUidSigs $ _tkUIDs key -- FIXME: check revocations here?
    let uats = filter (\(_, sps) -> sps /= []) . checkUAtSigs $ _tkUAts key -- FIXME: check revocations here?
    let subs = concatMap checkSub $ _tkSubs key -- FIXME: check revocations here?
    return (TK (_tkPKP key) (_tkmSKA key) revs uids uats subs)
        checkRevokers = Right . concat . rights . map verifyRevoker . filter isRevokerP . _tkRevs
        checkKeyRevocations :: [(PubKeyAlgorithm, TwentyOctetFingerprint)] -> TK -> Either String [SignaturePayload]
        checkKeyRevocations rs k = Prelude.sequence . concatMap (filterRevs rs) . rights . map (liftM2 fmap (,) (vSig kr)) . _tkRevs $ k
        checkUidSigs :: [(String, [SignaturePayload])] -> [(String, [SignaturePayload])]
        checkUidSigs = map (\(uid, sps) -> (uid, (rights . map (\sp -> fmap (const sp) (vUid kr (uid, sp)))) sps))
        checkUAtSigs :: [([UserAttrSubPacket], [SignaturePayload])] -> [([UserAttrSubPacket], [SignaturePayload])]
        checkUAtSigs = map (\(uat, sps) -> (uat, (rights . map (\sp -> fmap (const sp) (vUAt kr (uat, sp)))) sps))
        checkSub :: (Pkt, SignaturePayload, Maybe SignaturePayload) -> [(Pkt, SignaturePayload, Maybe SignaturePayload)]
        checkSub (pkt, sp, mrp) = if revokedSub pkt mrp then [] else checkSub' pkt sp
        revokedSub :: Pkt -> Maybe SignaturePayload -> Bool
        revokedSub _ Nothing = False
        revokedSub p (Just rp) = vSubSig kr p rp
        checkSub' :: Pkt -> SignaturePayload -> [(Pkt, SignaturePayload, Maybe SignaturePayload)]
        checkSub' p sp = guard (vSubSig kr p sp) >> return (p, sp, Nothing)
        getHasheds (SigV4 _ _ _ ha _ _ _) = ha
        getHasheds _ = []
	filterRevs :: [(PubKeyAlgorithm, TwentyOctetFingerprint)] -> (SignaturePayload, Verification) -> [Either String SignaturePayload]
	filterRevs vokers spv = case spv of
                                     (s@(SigV4 SignatureDirectlyOnAKey _ _ _ _ _ _), _) -> [Right s]
                                     (s@(SigV4 KeyRevocationSig pka _ _ _ _ _), v) -> if any (\(p,f) -> p == pka && f == fingerprint (_verificationSigner v)) vokers then [Left "Key revoked"] else [Right s]
				     _ -> []
        isKeyRevocation (SigV4 KeyRevocationSig _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
        isKeyRevocation _ = False
        isRevokerP (SigV4 SignatureDirectlyOnAKey _ _ h u _ _) = any isRevocationKeySSP h && any isIssuerSSP u
        isRevokerP _ = False
        isRevocationKeySSP (SigSubPacket _ (RevocationKey {})) = True
        isRevocationKeySSP _ = False
        isIssuerSSP (SigSubPacket _ (Issuer _)) = True
        isIssuerSSP _ = False
        vUid :: Keyring -> (String, SignaturePayload) -> Either String Verification
        vUid keyring (uid, sp) = verifySig keyring (SignaturePkt sp) emptyPSC { lastPrimaryKey = PublicKeyPkt (_tkPKP key), lastUIDorUAt = UserIdPkt uid } mt
        vUAt :: Keyring -> ([UserAttrSubPacket], SignaturePayload) -> Either String Verification
        vUAt keyring (uat, sp) = verifySig keyring (SignaturePkt sp) emptyPSC { lastPrimaryKey = PublicKeyPkt (_tkPKP key), lastUIDorUAt = UserAttributePkt uat } mt
        vSig :: Keyring -> SignaturePayload -> Either String Verification
        vSig keyring sp = verifySig keyring (SignaturePkt sp) emptyPSC { lastPrimaryKey = PublicKeyPkt (_tkPKP key) } mt
        vSubSig :: Keyring -> Pkt -> SignaturePayload -> Bool
        vSubSig keyring sk sp = case verifySig keyring (SignaturePkt sp) emptyPSC { lastPrimaryKey = PublicKeyPkt (_tkPKP key), lastSubkey = sk} mt of
                                Left _ -> False
				Right _ -> True
        verifyRevoker :: SignaturePayload -> Either String [(PubKeyAlgorithm, TwentyOctetFingerprint)]
        verifyRevoker sp = do
            _ <- vSig kr sp
            return (map (\(SigSubPacket _ (RevocationKey _ pka fp)) -> (pka, fp)) . filter isRevocationKeySSP $ getHasheds sp)

verify :: Keyring -> Pkt -> Maybe UTCTime -> ByteString -> Either String Verification
verify kr sig mt payload = do
    i <- maybe (Left "issuer not found") Right (issuer sig)
    potentialmatches <- if IxSet.null (kr @= i) then Left "pubkey not found" else Right (kr @= i)
    let allrelevantpkps = filter (\x -> issuer sig == Just (eightOctetKeyID x)) (concatMap (\x -> _tkPKP x:map subPKP (_tkSubs x)) (IxSet.toList potentialmatches))
    let results = map (\pkp -> verify' sig pkp (hashalgo sig) (finalPayload sig payload)) allrelevantpkps
    case rights results of
        [] -> Left (concatMap (++"/") (lefts results))
        [r] -> do _ <- isSignatureExpired sig mt
	          return (Verification r ((_signaturePayload . fromPkt) sig)) -- FIXME: this should also check expiration time and flags of the signing key
        _ -> Left "multiple successes; unexpected condition"
        subPKP (pack, _, _) = subPKP' pack
        subPKP' (PublicSubkeyPkt p) = p
        subPKP' (SecretSubkeyPkt p _) = p
        verify' (SignaturePkt s) (pub@(PKPayload V4 _ _ _ pkey)) ha pl = verify'' (pkaAndMPIs s) ha pub pkey pl
        verify' _ _ _ _ = error "This should never happen."
        verify'' (DSA,mpis) ha pub (DSAPubKey pkey) bs = verify''' (dsaVerify mpis ha pkey bs) pub
        verify'' (RSA,mpis) ha pub (RSAPubKey pkey) bs = verify''' (rsaVerify mpis ha pkey bs) pub
        verify'' _ _ _ _ _ = Left "unimplemented key type"
	verify''' f pub = if f then Right pub else Left "verification failed"
	dsaVerify mpis ha pkey bs = DSA.verify (dsaTruncate pkey . hashFunction (hashDescr ha)) pkey (dsaMPIsToSig mpis) bs
	rsaVerify mpis ha pkey bs = P15.verify (hashDescr ha) pkey bs (rsaMPItoSig mpis)
        dsaMPIsToSig mpis = (DSA.Signature (unMPI (mpis !! 0)) (unMPI (mpis !! 1)))
        rsaMPItoSig mpis = integerToBEBS (unMPI (head mpis))
        finalPayload s pl = B.concat [pl, sigbit s, trailer s]
        sigbit s = runPut $ putPartialSigforSigning s
        hashalgo :: Pkt -> HashAlgorithm
        hashalgo (SignaturePkt (SigV4 _ _ ha _ _ _ _)) = ha
        hashalgo _ = error "This should never happen."
        trailer :: Pkt -> ByteString
        trailer s@(SignaturePkt (SigV4 {})) = runPut $ putSigTrailer s
        trailer _ = B.empty
        dsaTruncate pkey bs = if countBits bs > dsaQLen pkey then B.take (fromIntegral (dsaQLen pkey) `div` 8) bs else bs -- FIXME: uneven bits
        dsaQLen = countBits . integerToBEBS . DSA.params_q . DSA.public_params
	pkaAndMPIs (SigV4 _ pka _ _ _ _ mpis) = (pka,mpis)
	pkaAndMPIs _ = error "This should never happen."
        isSignatureExpired :: Pkt -> Maybe UTCTime -> Either String Bool
        isSignatureExpired s Nothing = return False
        isSignatureExpired s (Just t) = if any (expiredBefore t) ((\(SigV4 _ _ _ h _ _ _) -> h) . _signaturePayload . fromPkt $ s) then Left "signature expired" else return True
        expiredBefore :: UTCTime -> SigSubPacket -> Bool
        expiredBefore ct (SigSubPacket _ (SigExpirationTime et)) = fromEnum ((posixSecondsToUTCTime . toEnum . fromEnum) et `diffUTCTime` ct) < 0
        expiredBefore _ _ = False