module InspectionTest ( tests ) where import Data.List (sort) import H3.Indexing (latLngToCell) import H3.Inspection ( h3ToString , stringToH3 , getResolution , getBaseCellNumber , isValidCell , isResClassIII , isPentagon , getIcosahedronFaces ) import TestTypes ( GenLatLng(GenLatLng) , Resolution(Resolution) ) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "Known values for inspection methods" [ testGetResolutionWithKnownValue , testGetBaseCellNumberWithKnownValue , testIsInvalidCell , testIsValidCell , testIsResClassIII , testIsPentagon , testGetIcosahedronFaces ] , testGroup "Convert between H3Index and Cell Address" [ testIntToString , testStringToInt ] , testGroup "Testing inspection methods with mock values" [ testGetResolution , testIntToStringToInt , testIsValidWithMockData , testGetIcosahedronFacesWithMockData ] ] -- The following was taken from testGetResolutionWithKnownValue :: Test testGetResolutionWithKnownValue = testProperty "Testing getResolution" $ actualResE == expectedResE where actualResE = getResolution <$> stringToH3 "85283473fffffff" expectedResE = Right 5 -- The following was taken from testGetBaseCellNumberWithKnownValue :: Test testGetBaseCellNumberWithKnownValue = testProperty "Testing getBaseCellNumber" $ actualResE == expectedResE where actualResE = getBaseCellNumber <$> stringToH3 "85283473fffffff" expectedResE = Right 20 -- The following is from testIsInvalidCell :: Test testIsInvalidCell = testProperty "Testing invalid cell value" $ actualResultE == expectedResultE where actualResultE = (/=0) . isValidCell <$> (stringToH3 "85283473ffff") expectedResultE = Right False -- The following is from testIsValidCell :: Test testIsValidCell = testProperty "Testing cell value is valid" $ actualResultE == expectedResultE where actualResultE = (/=0) . isValidCell <$> (stringToH3 "85283473fffffff") expectedResultE = Right True testIsResClassIII :: Test testIsResClassIII = testProperty "Testing isResClassIII" $ actualResultE == expectedResultE where actualResultE = (/=0) . isResClassIII <$> (stringToH3 "85283473fffffff") expectedResultE = Right True -- This is taken from testIsPentagon :: Test testIsPentagon = testProperty "Testing isPentagon" $ actualResultE == expectedResultE where actualResultE = (/=0) . isPentagon <$> (stringToH3 "85283473fffffff") expectedResultE = Right False -- This is taken from testGetIcosahedronFaces :: Test testGetIcosahedronFaces = testProperty "Testing getIcosahedronFaces" $ actualResultE == expectedResultE where actualResultE = sort <$> (stringToH3 "81743ffffffffff" >>= getIcosahedronFaces) expectedResultE = Right [3, 4, 8, 9, 13] testIntToString :: Test testIntToString = testProperty "Testing conversion from H3 index to cell address" $ actualValE == expectedValE where actualValE = h3ToString 599686042433355775 expectedValE = Right "85283473fffffff" testStringToInt :: Test testStringToInt = testProperty "Testing conversion from cell address to H3 index" $ actualValE == expectedValE where actualValE = stringToH3 "85283473fffffff" expectedValE = Right 599686042433355775 testGetResolution :: Test testGetResolution = testProperty "test resulution matches value used to get H3 index" $ \(GenLatLng latLng) (Resolution res) -> let actualResE = getResolution <$> latLngToCell latLng res expectedResE = Right res in actualResE == expectedResE testIntToStringToInt :: Test testIntToStringToInt = testProperty "test conversion from int to string and back to int" $ \(GenLatLng latLng) (Resolution res) -> let h3indexE = latLngToCell latLng res actualResultE = h3indexE >>= h3ToString >>= stringToH3 expectedResultE = h3indexE in actualResultE == expectedResultE testIsValidWithMockData :: Test testIsValidWithMockData = testProperty "test isValidCell" $ \(GenLatLng latLng) (Resolution res) -> let actualResultE = (/=0) . isValidCell <$> latLngToCell latLng res expectedResultE = Right True in actualResultE == expectedResultE testGetIcosahedronFacesWithMockData :: Test testGetIcosahedronFacesWithMockData = testProperty "test getIcosahedronFaces" $ \(GenLatLng latLng) (Resolution res) -> let resultE = latLngToCell latLng res >>= getIcosahedronFaces >>= (return . checkList) checkList = all (\val -> (-1) <= val && val <= 19) in either (const False) id resultE