module IndexingTest ( tests ) where import Control.Monad (liftM2) import Data.Either (isRight) import H3.Data (LatLng(LatLng)) import H3.Indexing (latLngToCell, cellToLatLng, cellToBoundary) import H3.Miscellaneous (degsToRads, radsToDegs) import H3.Inspection (h3ToString, stringToH3) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "LatLng To Cell" [ latLngToCellWithKnownValues , testLatLngToAddressWithCenterValues ] , testGroup "Cell To LatLng" [ cellToLatLngWithKnowValue , testAddressToLatLngWithCenterValues ] , testGroup "Cell To Boundary" [ testCellToBoundary ] ] -- The following implements latLngToCellWithKnownValues :: Test latLngToCellWithKnownValues = testProperty "Testing known conversion from latitude-longitude to cell string" $ isRight h3strE && h3strE == expectedResultE where latRads = degsToRads 20 lngRads = degsToRads 123 inputLatLng = (LatLng latRads lngRads) inputResolution = 2 h3indexE = latLngToCell inputLatLng inputResolution h3strE = h3indexE >>= h3ToString expectedResultE = Right "824b9ffffffffff" (=~) :: LatLng -> LatLng -> Bool (=~) (LatLng lat1 lng1) (LatLng lat2 lng2) = abs (lat1 - lat2) < tol && abs (lng1 - lng2) < tol where tol = 1e-10 -- The following was taken from cellToLatLngWithKnowValue :: Test cellToLatLngWithKnowValue = testProperty "Testing known conversion from cell string to latitude-longitude" $ isRight latLngE && check where latLngRadsToDegs (LatLng lat lng) = LatLng (radsToDegs lat) (radsToDegs lng) latLngE = (stringToH3 "8928342e20fffff") >>= cellToLatLng >>= (return . latLngRadsToDegs) expectedResultE = Right $ LatLng 37.5012466151 (-122.5003039349) check = either (const False) id (liftM2 (=~) latLngE expectedResultE) -- The following was taken from -- Note that the CLI test lists 7 LatLng pairs in the polygon, where the first is identical to the last. -- The C API (through this Haskell binding) instead returns 6 LatLng values. -- The Python package (though on h3 version <4) also returns 6 LatLng values. testCellToBoundary :: Test testCellToBoundary = testProperty "Testing known value of cell to boundary" $ isRight actualResultE && lengthCheck && valCheck where h3str = "8928342e20fffff" latLngRadsToDegs (LatLng lat lng) = LatLng (radsToDegs lat) (radsToDegs lng) actualResultE = stringToH3 h3str >>= cellToBoundary >>= (return . map latLngRadsToDegs) expectedBoundary = [ LatLng 37.4997389893 (-122.4990471431) , LatLng 37.5014245698 (-122.4979805011) , LatLng 37.5029321860 (-122.4992373065) , LatLng 37.5027541980 (-122.5015607527) , LatLng 37.5010686174 (-122.5026273256) , LatLng 37.4995610248 (-122.5013705214) ] expectedResultE = Right expectedBoundary lengthCheck = either (const False) id (liftM2 (\lls1 lls2 -> length lls1 == length lls2) actualResultE expectedResultE) valCheck = either (const False) id (liftM2 (\lls1 lls2 -> and (map (uncurry (=~)) (zip lls1 lls2))) actualResultE expectedResultE) -- The following are taken from the files "*centers.txt" located at -- latLngTestValues :: [(Int, String, LatLng)] latLngTestValues = [ ( 8, "880a000001fffff", LatLng (64.436597) (89.573069) ) , ( 8, "880a000003fffff", LatLng (64.442945) (89.584180) ) , ( 8, "880a000005fffff", LatLng (64.428979) (89.581150) ) , ( 8, "880a000007fffff", LatLng (64.435326) (89.592260) ) , ( 8, "880a000009fffff", LatLng (64.437865) (89.553875) ) , ( 8, "880a00000bfffff", LatLng (64.444214) (89.564982) ) , ( 8, "880a00000dfffff", LatLng (64.430248) (89.561962) ) , ( 11, "8b0a00000000fff", LatLng (64.436597) (89.573069) ) , ( 11, "8b0a00000001fff", LatLng (64.437011) (89.573357) ) , ( 11, "8b0a00000002fff", LatLng (64.436260) (89.573790) ) , ( 11, "8b0a00000003fff", LatLng (64.436674) (89.574079) ) , ( 11, "8b0a00000004fff", LatLng (64.436519) (89.572058) ) , ( 11, "8b0a00000005fff", LatLng (64.436933) (89.572347) ) , ( 15, "8f0a00000000000", LatLng (64.436597) (89.573069) ) , ( 15, "8f0a00000000001", LatLng (64.436605) (89.573074) ) , ( 15, "8f0a00000000002", LatLng (64.436590) (89.573083) ) , ( 15, "8f0a00000000003", LatLng (64.436598) (89.573089) ) , ( 15, "8f0a00000000004", LatLng (64.436595) (89.573048) ) , ( 15, "8f0a00000000005", LatLng (64.436603) (89.573054) ) ] testLatLngToAddressWithCenterValues :: Test testLatLngToAddressWithCenterValues = testProperty "Testing coordinate to address mapping with known center values" $ either (const False) id testResult where testResult = and <$> mapM processRecord latLngTestValues -- For a single latitude-longitude pair, convert to radians, get the cell, then convert to cell address, and finally -- check against the provided cell address processRecord (res, cellAddr, latLng) = (latLngToCell (convertToRads latLng) res) >>= h3ToString >>= (return . (==cellAddr)) convertToRads (LatLng lat lng) = LatLng (degsToRads lat) (degsToRads lng) testAddressToLatLngWithCenterValues :: Test testAddressToLatLngWithCenterValues = testProperty "Testing address to coordinate mapping with known center values" $ either (const False) id testResult where testResult = and <$> mapM processRecord latLngTestValues -- For a single latitude-longitude pair, convert address to H3 index, then to coordinates, change from radians to degrees, -- and finally check against the provided latitude and longitude processRecord (_, cellAddr, latLng) = (approxEq latLng) <$> latLngRadsToDegs <$> ((stringToH3 cellAddr) >>= cellToLatLng) latLngRadsToDegs (LatLng lat lng) = LatLng (radsToDegs lat) (radsToDegs lng) approxEq :: LatLng -> LatLng -> Bool approxEq (LatLng lat1 lng1) (LatLng lat2 lng2) = abs (lat1 - lat2) < tol && abs (lng1 - lng2) < tol where tol = 1e-6