{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | Bindings to @rcore@ module Raylib.Core ( -- * High level initWindow, windowShouldClose, closeWindow, isWindowReady, isWindowFullscreen, isWindowHidden, isWindowMinimized, isWindowMaximized, isWindowFocused, isWindowResized, isWindowState, setWindowState, clearWindowState, toggleFullscreen, toggleBorderlessWindowed, maximizeWindow, minimizeWindow, restoreWindow, setWindowIcon, setWindowIcons, setWindowTitle, setWindowPosition, setWindowMonitor, setWindowMinSize, setWindowMaxSize, setWindowSize, setWindowOpacity, setWindowFocused, getWindowHandle, getScreenWidth, getScreenHeight, getRenderWidth, getRenderHeight, getMonitorCount, getCurrentMonitor, getMonitorPosition, getMonitorWidth, getMonitorHeight, getMonitorPhysicalWidth, getMonitorPhysicalHeight, getMonitorRefreshRate, getWindowPosition, getWindowScaleDPI, getMonitorName, setClipboardText, getClipboardText, enableEventWaiting, disableEventWaiting, swapScreenBuffer, pollInputEvents, waitTime, showCursor, hideCursor, isCursorHidden, enableCursor, disableCursor, isCursorOnScreen, clearBackground, beginDrawing, endDrawing, beginMode2D, endMode2D, beginMode3D, endMode3D, beginTextureMode, endTextureMode, beginShaderMode, endShaderMode, beginBlendMode, endBlendMode, beginScissorMode, endScissorMode, beginVrStereoMode, endVrStereoMode, loadVrStereoConfig, loadShader, loadShaderFromMemory, isShaderReady, getShaderLocation, getShaderLocationAttrib, setShaderValue, setShaderValueV, nativeSetShaderValue, nativeSetShaderValueV, setShaderValueMatrix, setShaderValueTexture, unloadShader, getScreenToWorldRay, getScreenToWorldRayEx, getCameraMatrix, getCameraMatrix2D, getWorldToScreen, getScreenToWorld2D, getWorldToScreenEx, getWorldToScreen2D, setTargetFPS, getFPS, getFrameTime, getTime, setRandomSeed, getRandomValue, loadRandomSequence, takeScreenshot, setConfigFlags, traceLog, setTraceLogLevel, openURL, setLoadFileDataCallback, setSaveFileDataCallback, setLoadFileTextCallback, setSaveFileTextCallback, loadFileData, saveFileData, exportDataAsCode, loadFileText, saveFileText, fileExists, directoryExists, isFileExtension, getFileLength, getFileExtension, getFileName, getFileNameWithoutExt, getDirectoryPath, getPrevDirectoryPath, getWorkingDirectory, getApplicationDirectory, changeDirectory, isPathFile, loadDirectoryFiles, loadDirectoryFilesEx, isFileDropped, loadDroppedFiles, getFileModTime, compressData, decompressData, encodeDataBase64, decodeDataBase64, loadAutomationEventList, newAutomationEventList, exportAutomationEventList, setAutomationEventList, setAutomationEventBaseFrame, startAutomationEventRecording, stopAutomationEventRecording, playAutomationEvent, peekAutomationEventList, freeAutomationEventList, isKeyPressed, isKeyPressedRepeat, isKeyDown, isKeyReleased, isKeyUp, setExitKey, getKeyPressed, getCharPressed, isGamepadAvailable, getGamepadName, isGamepadButtonPressed, isGamepadButtonDown, isGamepadButtonReleased, isGamepadButtonUp, getGamepadButtonPressed, getGamepadAxisCount, getGamepadAxisMovement, setGamepadMappings, setGamepadVibration, isMouseButtonPressed, isMouseButtonDown, isMouseButtonReleased, isMouseButtonUp, getMouseX, getMouseY, getMousePosition, getMouseDelta, setMousePosition, setMouseOffset, setMouseScale, getMouseWheelMove, getMouseWheelMoveV, setMouseCursor, getTouchX, getTouchY, getTouchPosition, getTouchPointId, getTouchPointCount, setGesturesEnabled, isGestureDetected, getGestureDetected, getGestureHoldDuration, getGestureDragVector, getGestureDragAngle, getGesturePinchVector, getGesturePinchAngle, -- * Native c'initWindow, c'windowShouldClose, c'closeWindow, c'isWindowReady, c'isWindowFullscreen, c'isWindowHidden, c'isWindowMinimized, c'isWindowMaximized, c'isWindowFocused, c'isWindowResized, c'isWindowState, c'setWindowState, c'clearWindowState, c'toggleFullscreen, c'toggleBorderlessWindowed, c'maximizeWindow, c'minimizeWindow, c'restoreWindow, c'setWindowIcon, c'setWindowIcons, c'setWindowTitle, c'setWindowPosition, c'setWindowMonitor, c'setWindowMinSize, c'setWindowMaxSize, c'setWindowSize, c'setWindowOpacity, c'setWindowFocused, c'getWindowHandle, c'getScreenWidth, c'getScreenHeight, c'getRenderWidth, c'getRenderHeight, c'getMonitorCount, c'getCurrentMonitor, c'getMonitorPosition, c'getMonitorWidth, c'getMonitorHeight, c'getMonitorPhysicalWidth, c'getMonitorPhysicalHeight, c'getMonitorRefreshRate, c'getWindowPosition, c'getWindowScaleDPI, c'getMonitorName, c'setClipboardText, c'getClipboardText, c'enableEventWaiting, c'disableEventWaiting, c'swapScreenBuffer, c'pollInputEvents, c'waitTime, c'showCursor, c'hideCursor, c'isCursorHidden, c'enableCursor, c'disableCursor, c'isCursorOnScreen, c'clearBackground, c'beginDrawing, c'endDrawing, c'beginMode2D, c'endMode2D, c'beginMode3D, c'endMode3D, c'beginTextureMode, c'endTextureMode, c'beginShaderMode, c'endShaderMode, c'beginBlendMode, c'endBlendMode, c'beginScissorMode, c'endScissorMode, c'beginVrStereoMode, c'endVrStereoMode, c'loadVrStereoConfig, c'unloadVrStereoConfig, c'loadShader, c'loadShaderFromMemory, c'isShaderReady, c'getShaderLocation, c'getShaderLocationAttrib, c'setShaderValue, c'setShaderValueV, c'setShaderValueMatrix, c'setShaderValueTexture, c'unloadShader, c'getScreenToWorldRay, c'getScreenToWorldRayEx, c'getCameraMatrix, c'getCameraMatrix2D, c'getWorldToScreen, c'getScreenToWorld2D, c'getWorldToScreenEx, c'getWorldToScreen2D, c'setTargetFPS, c'getFPS, c'getFrameTime, c'getTime, c'setRandomSeed, c'getRandomValue, c'loadRandomSequence, c'takeScreenshot, c'setConfigFlags, c'traceLog, c'setTraceLogLevel, c'memAlloc, c'memRealloc, c'memFree, c'openURL, c'setLoadFileDataCallback, c'setSaveFileDataCallback, c'setLoadFileTextCallback, c'setSaveFileTextCallback, c'loadFileData, c'unloadFileData, c'saveFileData, c'exportDataAsCode, c'loadFileText, c'unloadFileText, c'saveFileText, c'fileExists, c'directoryExists, c'isFileExtension, c'getFileLength, c'getFileExtension, c'getFileName, c'getFileNameWithoutExt, c'getDirectoryPath, c'getPrevDirectoryPath, c'getWorkingDirectory, c'getApplicationDirectory, c'changeDirectory, c'isPathFile, c'loadDirectoryFiles, c'loadDirectoryFilesEx, c'unloadDirectoryFiles, c'isFileDropped, c'loadDroppedFiles, c'unloadDroppedFiles, c'getFileModTime, c'compressData, c'decompressData, c'encodeDataBase64, c'decodeDataBase64, c'loadAutomationEventList, c'exportAutomationEventList, c'setAutomationEventList, c'setAutomationEventBaseFrame, c'startAutomationEventRecording, c'stopAutomationEventRecording, c'playAutomationEvent, c'isKeyPressed, c'isKeyPressedRepeat, c'isKeyDown, c'isKeyReleased, c'isKeyUp, c'setExitKey, c'getKeyPressed, c'getCharPressed, c'isGamepadAvailable, c'getGamepadName, c'isGamepadButtonPressed, c'isGamepadButtonDown, c'isGamepadButtonReleased, c'isGamepadButtonUp, c'getGamepadButtonPressed, c'getGamepadAxisCount, c'getGamepadAxisMovement, c'setGamepadMappings, c'setGamepadVibration, c'isMouseButtonPressed, c'isMouseButtonDown, c'isMouseButtonReleased, c'isMouseButtonUp, c'getMouseX, c'getMouseY, c'getMousePosition, c'getMouseDelta, c'setMousePosition, c'setMouseOffset, c'setMouseScale, c'getMouseWheelMove, c'getMouseWheelMoveV, c'setMouseCursor, c'getTouchX, c'getTouchY, c'getTouchPosition, c'getTouchPointId, c'getTouchPointCount, c'setGesturesEnabled, c'isGestureDetected, c'getGestureDetected, c'getGestureHoldDuration, c'getGestureDragVector, c'getGestureDragAngle, c'getGesturePinchVector, c'getGesturePinchAngle, -- * Callbacks mk'loadFileDataCallback, mk'saveFileDataCallback, mk'loadFileTextCallback, mk'saveFileTextCallback, createLoadFileDataCallback, createSaveFileDataCallback, createLoadFileTextCallback, createSaveFileTextCallback, ) where import Data.IORef (modifyIORef', readIORef) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Foreign ( Ptr, Storable (peek, poke, sizeOf), castFunPtr, castPtr, finalizeForeignPtr, fromBool, malloc, newArray, peekArray, toBool, withForeignPtr, ) import Foreign.C ( CBool (..), CDouble (..), CFloat (..), CInt (..), CLong (..), CString, CUChar (..), CUInt (..), newCString, peekCString, withCString, ) import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr) import Raylib.Internal (WindowResources, addAutomationEventList, addFunPtr, addShaderId, defaultWindowResources, shaderLocations, unloadAutomationEventLists, unloadFrameBuffers, unloadFunPtrs, unloadShaders, unloadSingleAutomationEventList, unloadSingleShader, unloadTextures, unloadVaoIds, unloadVboIds) import Raylib.Internal.Foreign (configsToBitflag, pop, popCArray, popCString, withFreeable, withFreeableArray, withFreeableArrayLen, withMaybeCString) import Raylib.Internal.TH (genNative) import Raylib.Types ( AutomationEvent, AutomationEventList, AutomationEventListRef, BlendMode, C'LoadFileDataCallback, C'LoadFileTextCallback, C'SaveFileDataCallback, C'SaveFileTextCallback, Camera2D, Camera3D, Color, ConfigFlag, FilePathList, GamepadAxis, GamepadButton, Gesture, Image, KeyboardKey, LoadFileDataCallback, LoadFileTextCallback, Matrix, MouseButton, MouseCursor, Ray, RenderTexture, SaveFileDataCallback, SaveFileTextCallback, Shader (shader'id), ShaderUniformData, ShaderUniformDataV, Texture, TraceLogLevel, Vector2, Vector3, VrDeviceInfo, VrStereoConfig, unpackShaderUniformData, unpackShaderUniformDataV, ) $( genNative [ ("c'initWindow", "InitWindow_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> CString -> IO ()|], False), ("c'windowShouldClose", "WindowShouldClose_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'closeWindow", "CloseWindow_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'isWindowReady", "IsWindowReady_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'isWindowFullscreen", "IsWindowFullscreen_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'isWindowHidden", "IsWindowHidden_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'isWindowMinimized", "IsWindowMinimized_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'isWindowMaximized", "IsWindowMaximized_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'isWindowFocused", "IsWindowFocused_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'isWindowResized", "IsWindowResized_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'isWindowState", "IsWindowState_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CUInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'setWindowState", "SetWindowState_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CUInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'clearWindowState", "ClearWindowState_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CUInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'toggleFullscreen", "ToggleFullscreen_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'toggleBorderlessWindowed", "ToggleBorderlessWindowed_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'maximizeWindow", "MaximizeWindow_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'minimizeWindow", "MinimizeWindow_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'restoreWindow", "RestoreWindow_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowIcon", "SetWindowIcon_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Image -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowIcons", "SetWindowIcons_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Image -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowTitle", "SetWindowTitle_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowPosition", "SetWindowPosition_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowMonitor", "SetWindowMonitor_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowMinSize", "SetWindowMinSize_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowMaxSize", "SetWindowMaxSize_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowSize", "SetWindowSize_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowOpacity", "SetWindowOpacity_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CFloat -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setWindowFocused", "SetWindowFocused_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'getWindowHandle", "GetWindowHandle_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO (Ptr ())|], False), ("c'getScreenWidth", "GetScreenWidth_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getScreenHeight", "GetScreenHeight_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getRenderWidth", "GetRenderWidth_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getRenderHeight", "GetRenderHeight_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getMonitorCount", "GetMonitorCount_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getCurrentMonitor", "GetCurrentMonitor_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getMonitorPosition", "GetMonitorPosition_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getMonitorWidth", "GetMonitorWidth_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'getMonitorHeight", "GetMonitorHeight_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'getMonitorPhysicalWidth", "GetMonitorPhysicalWidth_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'getMonitorPhysicalHeight", "GetMonitorPhysicalHeight_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'getMonitorRefreshRate", "GetMonitorRefreshRate_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'getWindowPosition", "GetWindowPosition_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getWindowScaleDPI", "GetWindowScaleDPI_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getMonitorName", "GetMonitorName_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CString|], False), ("c'setClipboardText", "SetClipboardText_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO ()|], False), ("c'getClipboardText", "GetClipboardText_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CString|], False), ("c'enableEventWaiting", "EnableEventWaiting_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'disableEventWaiting", "DisableEventWaiting_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'swapScreenBuffer", "SwapScreenBuffer_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'pollInputEvents", "PollInputEvents_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'waitTime", "WaitTime_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CDouble -> IO ()|], False), ("c'showCursor", "ShowCursor_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'hideCursor", "HideCursor_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'isCursorHidden", "IsCursorHidden_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'enableCursor", "EnableCursor_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'disableCursor", "DisableCursor_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'isCursorOnScreen", "IsCursorOnScreen_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'clearBackground", "ClearBackground_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Color -> IO ()|], False), ("c'beginDrawing", "BeginDrawing_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'endDrawing", "EndDrawing_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'beginMode2D", "BeginMode2D_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Camera2D -> IO ()|], False), ("c'endMode2D", "EndMode2D_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'beginMode3D", "BeginMode3D_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Camera3D -> IO ()|], False), ("c'endMode3D", "EndMode3D_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'beginTextureMode", "BeginTextureMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr RenderTexture -> IO ()|], False), ("c'endTextureMode", "EndTextureMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'beginShaderMode", "BeginShaderMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Shader -> IO ()|], False), ("c'endShaderMode", "EndShaderMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'beginBlendMode", "BeginBlendMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'endBlendMode", "EndBlendMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'beginScissorMode", "BeginScissorMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'endScissorMode", "EndScissorMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'beginVrStereoMode", "BeginVrStereoMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr VrStereoConfig -> IO ()|], False), ("c'endVrStereoMode", "EndVrStereoMode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'loadVrStereoConfig", "LoadVrStereoConfig_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr VrDeviceInfo -> IO (Ptr VrStereoConfig)|], False), ("c'unloadVrStereoConfig", "UnloadVrStereoConfig_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr VrStereoConfig -> IO ()|], False), ("c'loadShader", "LoadShader_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> CString -> IO (Ptr Shader)|], False), ("c'loadShaderFromMemory", "LoadShaderFromMemory_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> CString -> IO (Ptr Shader)|], False), ("c'isShaderReady", "IsShaderReady_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Shader -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'getShaderLocation", "GetShaderLocation_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Shader -> CString -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'getShaderLocationAttrib", "GetShaderLocationAttrib_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Shader -> CString -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'setShaderValue", "SetShaderValue_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Shader -> CInt -> Ptr () -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setShaderValueV", "SetShaderValueV_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Shader -> CInt -> Ptr () -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setShaderValueMatrix", "SetShaderValueMatrix_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Shader -> CInt -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setShaderValueTexture", "SetShaderValueTexture_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Shader -> CInt -> Ptr Texture -> IO ()|], False), ("c'unloadShader", "UnloadShader_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Shader -> IO ()|], False), ("c'getScreenToWorldRay", "GetScreenToWorldRay_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Vector2 -> Ptr Camera3D -> IO (Ptr Ray)|], False), ("c'getScreenToWorldRayEx", "GetScreenToWorldRayEx_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Vector2 -> Ptr Camera3D -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO (Ptr Ray)|], False), ("c'getCameraMatrix", "GetCameraMatrix_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Camera3D -> IO (Ptr Matrix)|], False), ("c'getCameraMatrix2D", "GetCameraMatrix2D_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Camera2D -> IO (Ptr Matrix)|], False), ("c'getWorldToScreen", "GetWorldToScreen_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Vector3 -> Ptr Camera3D -> IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getScreenToWorld2D", "GetScreenToWorld2D_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Vector2 -> Ptr Camera2D -> IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getWorldToScreenEx", "GetWorldToScreenEx_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Vector3 -> Ptr Camera3D -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getWorldToScreen2D", "GetWorldToScreen2D_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr Vector2 -> Ptr Camera2D -> IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'setTargetFPS", "SetTargetFPS_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'getFPS", "GetFPS_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getFrameTime", "GetFrameTime_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CFloat|], False), ("c'getTime", "GetTime_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CDouble|], False), ("c'setRandomSeed", "SetRandomSeed_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CUInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'getRandomValue", "GetRandomValue_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'loadRandomSequence", "LoadRandomSequence_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CUInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr CInt)|], False), ("c'takeScreenshot", "TakeScreenshot_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setConfigFlags", "SetConfigFlags_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CUInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'traceLog", "TraceLog_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CString -> IO ()|], False), -- Uses varags, can't implement complete functionality ("c'setTraceLogLevel", "SetTraceLogLevel_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'memAlloc", "MemAlloc_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO (Ptr ())|], False), ("c'memRealloc", "MemRealloc_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr () -> CInt -> IO (Ptr ())|], False), ("c'memFree", "MemFree_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr () -> IO ()|], False), ("c'openURL", "OpenURL_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setLoadFileDataCallback", "SetLoadFileDataCallback_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|C'LoadFileDataCallback -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setSaveFileDataCallback", "SetSaveFileDataCallback_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|C'SaveFileDataCallback -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setLoadFileTextCallback", "SetLoadFileTextCallback_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|C'LoadFileTextCallback -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setSaveFileTextCallback", "SetSaveFileTextCallback_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|C'SaveFileTextCallback -> IO ()|], False), ("c'loadFileData", "LoadFileData_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr CUChar)|], True), ("c'unloadFileData", "UnloadFileData_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr CUChar -> IO ()|], False), ("c'saveFileData", "SaveFileData_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> Ptr () -> CInt -> IO CBool|], True), ("c'exportDataAsCode", "ExportDataAsCode_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> CString -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'loadFileText", "LoadFileText_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CString|], True), ("c'unloadFileText", "UnloadFileText_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO ()|], False), ("c'saveFileText", "SaveFileText_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> CString -> IO CBool|], True), ("c'fileExists", "FileExists_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'directoryExists", "DirectoryExists_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isFileExtension", "IsFileExtension_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> CString -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'getFileLength", "GetFileLength_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'getFileExtension", "GetFileExtension_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CString|], False), ("c'getFileName", "GetFileName_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CString|], False), ("c'getFileNameWithoutExt", "GetFileNameWithoutExt_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CString|], False), ("c'getDirectoryPath", "GetDirectoryPath_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CString|], False), ("c'getPrevDirectoryPath", "GetPrevDirectoryPath_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CString|], False), ("c'getWorkingDirectory", "GetWorkingDirectory_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CString|], False), ("c'getApplicationDirectory", "GetApplicationDirectory_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CString|], False), ("c'changeDirectory", "ChangeDirectory_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isPathFile", "IsPathFile_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'loadDirectoryFiles", "LoadDirectoryFiles_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO (Ptr FilePathList)|], False), ("c'loadDirectoryFilesEx", "LoadDirectoryFilesEx_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO (Ptr FilePathList)|], False), ("c'unloadDirectoryFiles", "UnloadDirectoryFiles_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr FilePathList -> IO ()|], False), ("c'isFileDropped", "IsFileDropped_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CBool|], False), ("c'loadDroppedFiles", "LoadDroppedFiles_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO (Ptr FilePathList)|], False), ("c'unloadDroppedFiles", "UnloadDroppedFiles_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr FilePathList -> IO ()|], False), ("c'getFileModTime", "GetFileModTime_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CLong|], False), ("c'compressData", "CompressData_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr CUChar)|], False), ("c'decompressData", "DecompressData_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr CUChar)|], False), ("c'encodeDataBase64", "EncodeDataBase64_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString|], False), ("c'decodeDataBase64", "DecodeDataBase64_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr CUChar -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr CUChar)|], False), ("c'loadAutomationEventList", "LoadAutomationEventList_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO (Ptr AutomationEventList)|], False), ("c'exportAutomationEventList", "ExportAutomationEventList_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr AutomationEventList -> CString -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'setAutomationEventList", "SetAutomationEventList_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr AutomationEventList -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setAutomationEventBaseFrame", "SetAutomationEventBaseFrame_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'startAutomationEventRecording", "StartAutomationEventRecording_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'stopAutomationEventRecording", "StopAutomationEventRecording_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO ()|], False), ("c'playAutomationEvent", "PlayAutomationEvent", "rl_bindings.h", [t|Ptr AutomationEvent -> IO ()|], False), ("c'isKeyPressed", "IsKeyPressed_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isKeyPressedRepeat", "IsKeyPressedRepeat_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isKeyDown", "IsKeyDown_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isKeyReleased", "IsKeyReleased_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isKeyUp", "IsKeyUp_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'setExitKey", "SetExitKey_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'getKeyPressed", "GetKeyPressed_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getCharPressed", "GetCharPressed_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'isGamepadAvailable", "IsGamepadAvailable_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'getGamepadName", "GetGamepadName_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CString|], False), ("c'isGamepadButtonPressed", "IsGamepadButtonPressed_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isGamepadButtonDown", "IsGamepadButtonDown_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isGamepadButtonReleased", "IsGamepadButtonReleased_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isGamepadButtonUp", "IsGamepadButtonUp_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'getGamepadButtonPressed", "GetGamepadButtonPressed_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getGamepadAxisCount", "GetGamepadAxisCount_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'getGamepadAxisMovement", "GetGamepadAxisMovement_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO CFloat|], False), ("c'setGamepadMappings", "SetGamepadMappings_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CString -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'setGamepadVibration", "SetGamepadVibration_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO ()|], False), ("c'isMouseButtonPressed", "IsMouseButtonPressed_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isMouseButtonDown", "IsMouseButtonDown_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isMouseButtonReleased", "IsMouseButtonReleased_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'isMouseButtonUp", "IsMouseButtonUp_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'getMouseX", "GetMouseX_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getMouseY", "GetMouseY_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getMousePosition", "GetMousePosition_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getMouseDelta", "GetMouseDelta_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'setMousePosition", "SetMousePosition_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setMouseOffset", "SetMouseOffset_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'setMouseScale", "SetMouseScale_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CFloat -> CFloat -> IO ()|], False), ("c'getMouseWheelMove", "GetMouseWheelMove_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CFloat|], False), ("c'getMouseWheelMoveV", "GetMouseWheelMoveV_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'setMouseCursor", "SetMouseCursor_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'getTouchX", "GetTouchX_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getTouchY", "GetTouchY_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getTouchPosition", "GetTouchPosition_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getTouchPointId", "GetTouchPointId_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CInt -> IO CInt|], False), ("c'getTouchPointCount", "GetTouchPointCount_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'setGesturesEnabled", "SetGesturesEnabled_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CUInt -> IO ()|], False), ("c'isGestureDetected", "IsGestureDetected_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|CUInt -> IO CBool|], False), ("c'getGestureDetected", "GetGestureDetected_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CInt|], False), ("c'getGestureHoldDuration", "GetGestureHoldDuration_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CFloat|], False), ("c'getGestureDragVector", "GetGestureDragVector_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getGestureDragAngle", "GetGestureDragAngle_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CFloat|], False), ("c'getGesturePinchVector", "GetGesturePinchVector_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO (Ptr Vector2)|], False), ("c'getGesturePinchAngle", "GetGesturePinchAngle_", "rl_bindings.h", [t|IO CFloat|], False) ] ) initWindow :: Int -> Int -> String -> -- | This value must be passed to some @load*@ and @unload*@ functions for -- automatic memory management. IO WindowResources initWindow width height title = withCString title (c'initWindow (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)) >> defaultWindowResources windowShouldClose :: IO Bool windowShouldClose = toBool <$> c'windowShouldClose closeWindow :: WindowResources -> IO () closeWindow wr = do unloadShaders wr unloadTextures wr unloadFrameBuffers wr unloadVaoIds wr unloadVboIds wr unloadAutomationEventLists wr unloadFunPtrs wr c'closeWindow isWindowReady :: IO Bool isWindowReady = toBool <$> c'isWindowReady isWindowFullscreen :: IO Bool isWindowFullscreen = toBool <$> c'isWindowFullscreen isWindowHidden :: IO Bool isWindowHidden = toBool <$> c'isWindowHidden isWindowMinimized :: IO Bool isWindowMinimized = toBool <$> c'isWindowMinimized isWindowMaximized :: IO Bool isWindowMaximized = toBool <$> c'isWindowMaximized isWindowFocused :: IO Bool isWindowFocused = toBool <$> c'isWindowFocused isWindowResized :: IO Bool isWindowResized = toBool <$> c'isWindowResized isWindowState :: [ConfigFlag] -> IO Bool isWindowState flags = toBool <$> c'isWindowState (fromIntegral $ configsToBitflag flags) setWindowState :: [ConfigFlag] -> IO () setWindowState = c'setWindowState . fromIntegral . configsToBitflag clearWindowState :: [ConfigFlag] -> IO () clearWindowState = c'clearWindowState . fromIntegral . configsToBitflag toggleFullscreen :: IO () toggleFullscreen = c'toggleFullscreen toggleBorderlessWindowed :: IO () toggleBorderlessWindowed = c'toggleBorderlessWindowed maximizeWindow :: IO () maximizeWindow = c'maximizeWindow minimizeWindow :: IO () minimizeWindow = c'minimizeWindow restoreWindow :: IO () restoreWindow = c'restoreWindow setWindowIcon :: Image -> IO () setWindowIcon image = withFreeable image c'setWindowIcon setWindowIcons :: [Image] -> IO () setWindowIcons images = withFreeableArrayLen images (\l ptr -> c'setWindowIcons ptr (fromIntegral l)) setWindowTitle :: String -> IO () setWindowTitle title = withCString title c'setWindowTitle setWindowPosition :: Int -> Int -> IO () setWindowPosition x y = c'setWindowPosition (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setWindowMonitor :: Int -> IO () setWindowMonitor = c'setWindowMonitor . fromIntegral setWindowMinSize :: Int -> Int -> IO () setWindowMinSize x y = c'setWindowMinSize (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setWindowMaxSize :: Int -> Int -> IO () setWindowMaxSize x y = c'setWindowMaxSize (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setWindowSize :: Int -> Int -> IO () setWindowSize x y = c'setWindowSize (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setWindowOpacity :: Float -> IO () setWindowOpacity opacity = c'setWindowOpacity $ realToFrac opacity setWindowFocused :: IO () setWindowFocused = c'setWindowFocused getWindowHandle :: IO (Ptr ()) getWindowHandle = c'getWindowHandle getScreenWidth :: IO Int getScreenWidth = fromIntegral <$> c'getScreenWidth getScreenHeight :: IO Int getScreenHeight = fromIntegral <$> c'getScreenHeight getRenderWidth :: IO Int getRenderWidth = fromIntegral <$> c'getRenderWidth getRenderHeight :: IO Int getRenderHeight = fromIntegral <$> c'getRenderHeight getMonitorCount :: IO Int getMonitorCount = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorCount getCurrentMonitor :: IO Int getCurrentMonitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getCurrentMonitor getMonitorPosition :: Int -> IO Vector2 getMonitorPosition monitor = c'getMonitorPosition (fromIntegral monitor) >>= pop getMonitorWidth :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorWidth monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorWidth (fromIntegral monitor) getMonitorHeight :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorHeight monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorHeight (fromIntegral monitor) getMonitorPhysicalWidth :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorPhysicalWidth monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorPhysicalWidth (fromIntegral monitor) getMonitorPhysicalHeight :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorPhysicalHeight monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorPhysicalHeight (fromIntegral monitor) getMonitorRefreshRate :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorRefreshRate monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorRefreshRate (fromIntegral monitor) getWindowPosition :: IO Vector2 getWindowPosition = c'getWindowPosition >>= pop getWindowScaleDPI :: IO Vector2 getWindowScaleDPI = c'getWindowScaleDPI >>= pop getMonitorName :: Int -> IO String getMonitorName monitor = c'getMonitorName (fromIntegral monitor) >>= peekCString setClipboardText :: String -> IO () setClipboardText text = withCString text c'setClipboardText getClipboardText :: IO String getClipboardText = c'getClipboardText >>= peekCString enableEventWaiting :: IO () enableEventWaiting = c'enableEventWaiting disableEventWaiting :: IO () disableEventWaiting = c'disableEventWaiting swapScreenBuffer :: IO () swapScreenBuffer = c'swapScreenBuffer pollInputEvents :: IO () pollInputEvents = c'pollInputEvents waitTime :: Double -> IO () waitTime seconds = c'waitTime $ realToFrac seconds showCursor :: IO () showCursor = c'showCursor hideCursor :: IO () hideCursor = c'hideCursor isCursorHidden :: IO Bool isCursorHidden = toBool <$> c'isCursorHidden enableCursor :: IO () enableCursor = c'enableCursor disableCursor :: IO () disableCursor = c'disableCursor isCursorOnScreen :: IO Bool isCursorOnScreen = toBool <$> c'isCursorOnScreen clearBackground :: Color -> IO () clearBackground color = withFreeable color c'clearBackground beginDrawing :: IO () beginDrawing = c'beginDrawing endDrawing :: IO () endDrawing = c'endDrawing beginMode2D :: Camera2D -> IO () beginMode2D camera = withFreeable camera c'beginMode2D endMode2D :: IO () endMode2D = c'endMode2D beginMode3D :: Camera3D -> IO () beginMode3D camera = withFreeable camera c'beginMode3D endMode3D :: IO () endMode3D = c'endMode3D beginTextureMode :: RenderTexture -> IO () beginTextureMode renderTexture = withFreeable renderTexture c'beginTextureMode endTextureMode :: IO () endTextureMode = c'endTextureMode beginShaderMode :: Shader -> IO () beginShaderMode shader = withFreeable shader c'beginShaderMode endShaderMode :: IO () endShaderMode = c'endShaderMode beginBlendMode :: BlendMode -> IO () beginBlendMode = c'beginBlendMode . fromIntegral . fromEnum endBlendMode :: IO () endBlendMode = c'endBlendMode beginScissorMode :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () beginScissorMode x y width height = c'beginScissorMode (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) endScissorMode :: IO () endScissorMode = c'endScissorMode beginVrStereoMode :: VrStereoConfig -> IO () beginVrStereoMode config = withFreeable config c'beginVrStereoMode endVrStereoMode :: IO () endVrStereoMode = c'endVrStereoMode loadVrStereoConfig :: VrDeviceInfo -> IO VrStereoConfig loadVrStereoConfig deviceInfo = withFreeable deviceInfo c'loadVrStereoConfig >>= pop loadShader :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> WindowResources -> IO Shader loadShader vsFileName fsFileName wr = do shader <- withMaybeCString vsFileName (withMaybeCString fsFileName . c'loadShader) >>= pop addShaderId (shader'id shader) wr return shader loadShaderFromMemory :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> WindowResources -> IO Shader loadShaderFromMemory vsCode fsCode wr = do shader <- withMaybeCString vsCode (withMaybeCString fsCode . c'loadShaderFromMemory) >>= pop addShaderId (shader'id shader) wr return shader isShaderReady :: Shader -> IO Bool isShaderReady shader = toBool <$> withFreeable shader c'isShaderReady getShaderLocation :: Shader -> String -> WindowResources -> IO Int getShaderLocation shader uniformName wr = do let sId = shader'id shader let sLocs = shaderLocations wr locs <- readIORef sLocs case Map.lookup sId locs of Nothing -> do idx <- locIdx let newMap = Map.fromList [(uniformName, idx)] modifyIORef' sLocs (Map.insert sId newMap) return idx Just m -> case Map.lookup uniformName m of Nothing -> do idx <- locIdx let newMap = Map.insert uniformName idx m modifyIORef' sLocs (Map.insert sId newMap) return idx Just val -> return val where locIdx = fromIntegral <$> withFreeable shader (withCString uniformName . c'getShaderLocation) getShaderLocationAttrib :: Shader -> String -> IO Int getShaderLocationAttrib shader attribName = fromIntegral <$> withFreeable shader (withCString attribName . c'getShaderLocationAttrib) setShaderValue :: Shader -> String -> ShaderUniformData -> WindowResources -> IO () setShaderValue shader uniformName value wr = do idx <- getShaderLocation shader uniformName wr nativeSetShaderValue shader idx value setShaderValueV :: Shader -> String -> ShaderUniformDataV -> WindowResources -> IO () setShaderValueV shader uniformName values wr = do idx <- getShaderLocation shader uniformName wr nativeSetShaderValueV shader idx values nativeSetShaderValue :: Shader -> Int -> ShaderUniformData -> IO () nativeSetShaderValue shader locIndex value = do (uniformType, fptr) <- unpackShaderUniformData value withFreeable shader (\s -> withForeignPtr fptr (\ptr -> c'setShaderValue s (fromIntegral locIndex) ptr (fromIntegral $ fromEnum uniformType))) finalizeForeignPtr fptr nativeSetShaderValueV :: Shader -> Int -> ShaderUniformDataV -> IO () nativeSetShaderValueV shader locIndex values = do (uniformType, fptr, l) <- unpackShaderUniformDataV values withFreeable shader (\s -> withForeignPtr fptr (\ptr -> c'setShaderValueV s (fromIntegral locIndex) ptr (fromIntegral $ fromEnum uniformType) (fromIntegral l))) finalizeForeignPtr fptr setShaderValueMatrix :: Shader -> Int -> Matrix -> IO () setShaderValueMatrix shader locIndex mat = withFreeable shader (\s -> withFreeable mat (c'setShaderValueMatrix s (fromIntegral locIndex))) setShaderValueTexture :: Shader -> Int -> Texture -> IO () setShaderValueTexture shader locIndex tex = withFreeable shader (\s -> withFreeable tex (c'setShaderValueTexture s (fromIntegral locIndex))) -- | Unloads a shader from GPU memory (VRAM). Shaders are automatically unloaded -- when `closeWindow` is called, so manually unloading shaders is not required. -- In larger projects, you may want to manually unload shaders to avoid having -- them in VRAM for too long. unloadShader :: Shader -> WindowResources -> IO () unloadShader shader = unloadSingleShader (shader'id shader) getScreenToWorldRay :: Vector2 -> Camera3D -> IO Ray getScreenToWorldRay position camera = withFreeable position (withFreeable camera . c'getScreenToWorldRay) >>= pop getScreenToWorldRayEx :: Vector2 -> Camera3D -> Float -> Float -> IO Ray getScreenToWorldRayEx position camera width height = withFreeable position (\p -> withFreeable camera (\c -> c'getScreenToWorldRayEx p c (realToFrac width) (realToFrac height))) >>= pop getCameraMatrix :: Camera3D -> IO Matrix getCameraMatrix camera = withFreeable camera c'getCameraMatrix >>= pop getCameraMatrix2D :: Camera2D -> IO Matrix getCameraMatrix2D camera = withFreeable camera c'getCameraMatrix2D >>= pop getWorldToScreen :: Vector3 -> Camera3D -> IO Vector2 getWorldToScreen position camera = withFreeable position (withFreeable camera . c'getWorldToScreen) >>= pop getScreenToWorld2D :: Vector2 -> Camera2D -> IO Vector2 getScreenToWorld2D position camera = withFreeable position (withFreeable camera . c'getScreenToWorld2D) >>= pop getWorldToScreenEx :: Vector3 -> Camera3D -> Int -> Int -> IO Vector2 getWorldToScreenEx position camera width height = withFreeable position (\p -> withFreeable camera (\c -> c'getWorldToScreenEx p c (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))) >>= pop getWorldToScreen2D :: Vector2 -> Camera2D -> IO Vector2 getWorldToScreen2D position camera = withFreeable position (withFreeable camera . c'getWorldToScreen2D) >>= pop setTargetFPS :: Int -> IO () setTargetFPS fps = c'setTargetFPS $ fromIntegral fps getFPS :: IO Int getFPS = fromIntegral <$> c'getFPS getFrameTime :: IO Float getFrameTime = realToFrac <$> c'getFrameTime getTime :: IO Double getTime = realToFrac <$> c'getTime setRandomSeed :: Integer -> IO () setRandomSeed seed = c'setRandomSeed $ fromIntegral seed getRandomValue :: Int -> Int -> IO Int getRandomValue minVal maxVal = fromIntegral <$> c'getRandomValue (fromIntegral minVal) (fromIntegral maxVal) loadRandomSequence :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> IO [Int] loadRandomSequence count rMin rMax = map fromIntegral <$> (popCArray (fromIntegral count) =<< c'loadRandomSequence (fromIntegral count) (fromIntegral rMin) (fromIntegral rMax)) takeScreenshot :: String -> IO () takeScreenshot fileName = withCString fileName c'takeScreenshot setConfigFlags :: [ConfigFlag] -> IO () setConfigFlags flags = c'setConfigFlags $ fromIntegral $ configsToBitflag flags traceLog :: TraceLogLevel -> String -> IO () traceLog logLevel text = withCString text $ c'traceLog $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum logLevel setTraceLogLevel :: TraceLogLevel -> IO () setTraceLogLevel = c'setTraceLogLevel . fromIntegral . fromEnum openURL :: String -> IO () openURL url = withCString url c'openURL setLoadFileDataCallback :: LoadFileDataCallback -> WindowResources -> IO C'LoadFileDataCallback setLoadFileDataCallback callback window = do c <- createLoadFileDataCallback callback addFunPtr (castFunPtr c) window c'setLoadFileDataCallback c return c setSaveFileDataCallback :: (Storable a) => SaveFileDataCallback a -> WindowResources -> IO C'SaveFileDataCallback setSaveFileDataCallback callback window = do c <- createSaveFileDataCallback callback addFunPtr (castFunPtr c) window c'setSaveFileDataCallback c return c setLoadFileTextCallback :: LoadFileTextCallback -> WindowResources -> IO C'LoadFileTextCallback setLoadFileTextCallback callback window = do c <- createLoadFileTextCallback callback addFunPtr (castFunPtr c) window c'setLoadFileTextCallback c return c setSaveFileTextCallback :: SaveFileTextCallback -> WindowResources -> IO C'SaveFileTextCallback setSaveFileTextCallback callback window = do c <- createSaveFileTextCallback callback addFunPtr (castFunPtr c) window c'setSaveFileTextCallback c return c loadFileData :: String -> IO [Integer] loadFileData fileName = withFreeable 0 ( \size -> do withCString fileName ( \path -> do ptr <- c'loadFileData path size arrSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek size map fromIntegral <$> popCArray arrSize ptr ) ) saveFileData :: (Storable a) => String -> Ptr a -> Integer -> IO Bool saveFileData fileName contents bytesToWrite = toBool <$> withCString fileName (\s -> c'saveFileData s (castPtr contents) (fromIntegral bytesToWrite)) exportDataAsCode :: [Integer] -> Integer -> String -> IO Bool exportDataAsCode contents size fileName = toBool <$> withFreeableArray (map fromInteger contents) (\c -> withCString fileName (c'exportDataAsCode c (fromIntegral size))) loadFileText :: String -> IO String loadFileText fileName = withCString fileName c'loadFileText >>= popCString saveFileText :: String -> String -> IO Bool saveFileText fileName text = toBool <$> withCString fileName (withCString text . c'saveFileText) fileExists :: String -> IO Bool fileExists fileName = toBool <$> withCString fileName c'fileExists directoryExists :: String -> IO Bool directoryExists dirPath = toBool <$> withCString dirPath c'directoryExists isFileExtension :: String -> String -> IO Bool isFileExtension fileName ext = toBool <$> withCString fileName (withCString ext . c'isFileExtension) getFileLength :: String -> IO Bool getFileLength fileName = toBool <$> withCString fileName c'getFileLength getFileExtension :: String -> IO String getFileExtension fileName = withCString fileName c'getFileExtension >>= peekCString getFileName :: String -> IO String getFileName filePath = withCString filePath c'getFileName >>= peekCString getFileNameWithoutExt :: String -> IO String getFileNameWithoutExt fileName = withCString fileName c'getFileNameWithoutExt >>= peekCString getDirectoryPath :: String -> IO String getDirectoryPath filePath = withCString filePath c'getDirectoryPath >>= peekCString getPrevDirectoryPath :: String -> IO String getPrevDirectoryPath dirPath = withCString dirPath c'getPrevDirectoryPath >>= peekCString getWorkingDirectory :: IO String getWorkingDirectory = c'getWorkingDirectory >>= peekCString getApplicationDirectory :: IO String getApplicationDirectory = c'getApplicationDirectory >>= peekCString changeDirectory :: String -> IO Bool changeDirectory dir = toBool <$> withCString dir c'changeDirectory isPathFile :: String -> IO Bool isPathFile path = toBool <$> withCString path c'isPathFile loadDirectoryFiles :: String -> IO FilePathList loadDirectoryFiles dirPath = withCString dirPath c'loadDirectoryFiles >>= pop loadDirectoryFilesEx :: String -> String -> Bool -> IO FilePathList loadDirectoryFilesEx basePath filterStr scanSubdirs = withCString basePath (\b -> withCString filterStr (\f -> c'loadDirectoryFilesEx b f (fromBool scanSubdirs))) >>= pop isFileDropped :: IO Bool isFileDropped = toBool <$> c'isFileDropped loadDroppedFiles :: IO FilePathList loadDroppedFiles = do ptr <- c'loadDroppedFiles val <- peek ptr c'unloadDroppedFiles ptr return val getFileModTime :: String -> IO Integer getFileModTime fileName = fromIntegral <$> withCString fileName c'getFileModTime compressData :: [Integer] -> IO [Integer] compressData contents = do withFreeableArrayLen (map fromIntegral contents) ( \size c -> do withFreeable 0 ( \ptr -> do compressed <- c'compressData c (fromIntegral $ size * sizeOf (0 :: CUChar)) ptr compressedSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek ptr arr <- peekArray compressedSize compressed return $ map fromIntegral arr ) ) decompressData :: [Integer] -> IO [Integer] decompressData compressedData = do withFreeableArrayLen (map fromIntegral compressedData) ( \size c -> do withFreeable 0 ( \ptr -> do decompressed <- c'decompressData c (fromIntegral $ size * sizeOf (0 :: CUChar)) ptr decompressedSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek ptr arr <- peekArray decompressedSize decompressed return $ map fromIntegral arr ) ) encodeDataBase64 :: [Integer] -> IO [Integer] encodeDataBase64 contents = do withFreeableArrayLen (map fromIntegral contents) ( \size c -> do withFreeable 0 ( \ptr -> do encoded <- c'encodeDataBase64 c (fromIntegral $ size * sizeOf (0 :: CUChar)) ptr encodedSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek ptr arr <- peekArray encodedSize encoded return $ map fromIntegral arr ) ) decodeDataBase64 :: [Integer] -> IO [Integer] decodeDataBase64 encodedData = do withFreeableArray (map fromIntegral encodedData) ( \c -> do withFreeable 0 ( \ptr -> do decoded <- c'decodeDataBase64 c ptr decodedSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek ptr arr <- peekArray decodedSize decoded return $ map fromIntegral arr ) ) loadAutomationEventList :: String -> IO AutomationEventList loadAutomationEventList fileName = withCString fileName c'loadAutomationEventList >>= pop newAutomationEventList :: IO AutomationEventList newAutomationEventList = c'loadAutomationEventList nullPtr >>= pop exportAutomationEventList :: AutomationEventList -> String -> IO Bool exportAutomationEventList list fileName = toBool <$> withFreeable list (withCString fileName . c'exportAutomationEventList) setAutomationEventList :: AutomationEventList -> WindowResources -> IO AutomationEventListRef setAutomationEventList list wr = do ptr <- malloc poke ptr list c'setAutomationEventList ptr addAutomationEventList (castPtr ptr) wr return ptr setAutomationEventBaseFrame :: Int -> IO () setAutomationEventBaseFrame frame = c'setAutomationEventBaseFrame (fromIntegral frame) startAutomationEventRecording :: IO () startAutomationEventRecording = c'startAutomationEventRecording stopAutomationEventRecording :: IO () stopAutomationEventRecording = c'stopAutomationEventRecording playAutomationEvent :: AutomationEvent -> IO () playAutomationEvent event = withFreeable event c'playAutomationEvent peekAutomationEventList :: AutomationEventListRef -> IO AutomationEventList peekAutomationEventList = peek freeAutomationEventList :: AutomationEventListRef -> WindowResources -> IO () freeAutomationEventList list = unloadSingleAutomationEventList (castPtr list) isKeyPressed :: KeyboardKey -> IO Bool isKeyPressed key = toBool <$> c'isKeyPressed (fromIntegral $ fromEnum key) isKeyPressedRepeat :: KeyboardKey -> IO Bool isKeyPressedRepeat key = toBool <$> c'isKeyPressedRepeat (fromIntegral $ fromEnum key) isKeyDown :: KeyboardKey -> IO Bool isKeyDown key = toBool <$> c'isKeyDown (fromIntegral $ fromEnum key) isKeyReleased :: KeyboardKey -> IO Bool isKeyReleased key = toBool <$> c'isKeyReleased (fromIntegral $ fromEnum key) isKeyUp :: KeyboardKey -> IO Bool isKeyUp key = toBool <$> c'isKeyUp (fromIntegral $ fromEnum key) setExitKey :: KeyboardKey -> IO () setExitKey = c'setExitKey . fromIntegral . fromEnum getKeyPressed :: IO KeyboardKey getKeyPressed = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> c'getKeyPressed getCharPressed :: IO Int getCharPressed = fromIntegral <$> c'getCharPressed isGamepadAvailable :: Int -> IO Bool isGamepadAvailable gamepad = toBool <$> c'isGamepadAvailable (fromIntegral gamepad) getGamepadName :: Int -> IO String getGamepadName gamepad = c'getGamepadName (fromIntegral gamepad) >>= peekCString isGamepadButtonPressed :: Int -> GamepadButton -> IO Bool isGamepadButtonPressed gamepad button = toBool <$> c'isGamepadButtonPressed (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isGamepadButtonDown :: Int -> GamepadButton -> IO Bool isGamepadButtonDown gamepad button = toBool <$> c'isGamepadButtonDown (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isGamepadButtonReleased :: Int -> GamepadButton -> IO Bool isGamepadButtonReleased gamepad button = toBool <$> c'isGamepadButtonReleased (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isGamepadButtonUp :: Int -> GamepadButton -> IO Bool isGamepadButtonUp gamepad button = toBool <$> c'isGamepadButtonUp (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) getGamepadButtonPressed :: IO GamepadButton getGamepadButtonPressed = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> c'getGamepadButtonPressed getGamepadAxisCount :: Int -> IO Int getGamepadAxisCount gamepad = fromIntegral <$> c'getGamepadAxisCount (fromIntegral gamepad) getGamepadAxisMovement :: Int -> GamepadAxis -> IO Float getGamepadAxisMovement gamepad axis = realToFrac <$> c'getGamepadAxisMovement (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum axis) setGamepadMappings :: String -> IO Int setGamepadMappings mappings = fromIntegral <$> withCString mappings c'setGamepadMappings setGamepadVibration :: Int -> Float -> Float -> IO () setGamepadVibration gamepad leftMotor rightMotor = c'setGamepadVibration (fromIntegral gamepad) (realToFrac leftMotor) (realToFrac rightMotor) isMouseButtonPressed :: MouseButton -> IO Bool isMouseButtonPressed button = toBool <$> c'isMouseButtonPressed (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isMouseButtonDown :: MouseButton -> IO Bool isMouseButtonDown button = toBool <$> c'isMouseButtonDown (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isMouseButtonReleased :: MouseButton -> IO Bool isMouseButtonReleased button = toBool <$> c'isMouseButtonReleased (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isMouseButtonUp :: MouseButton -> IO Bool isMouseButtonUp button = toBool <$> c'isMouseButtonUp (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) getMouseX :: IO Int getMouseX = fromIntegral <$> c'getMouseX getMouseY :: IO Int getMouseY = fromIntegral <$> c'getMouseY getMousePosition :: IO Vector2 getMousePosition = c'getMousePosition >>= pop getMouseDelta :: IO Vector2 getMouseDelta = c'getMouseDelta >>= pop setMousePosition :: Int -> Int -> IO () setMousePosition x y = c'setMousePosition (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setMouseOffset :: Int -> Int -> IO () setMouseOffset x y = c'setMouseOffset (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setMouseScale :: Float -> Float -> IO () setMouseScale x y = c'setMouseScale (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) getMouseWheelMove :: IO Float getMouseWheelMove = realToFrac <$> c'getMouseWheelMove getMouseWheelMoveV :: IO Vector2 getMouseWheelMoveV = c'getMouseWheelMoveV >>= pop setMouseCursor :: MouseCursor -> IO () setMouseCursor cursor = c'setMouseCursor . fromIntegral $ fromEnum cursor getTouchX :: IO Int getTouchX = fromIntegral <$> c'getTouchX getTouchY :: IO Int getTouchY = fromIntegral <$> c'getTouchY getTouchPosition :: Int -> IO Vector2 getTouchPosition index = c'getTouchPosition (fromIntegral index) >>= pop getTouchPointId :: Int -> IO Int getTouchPointId index = fromIntegral <$> c'getTouchPointId (fromIntegral index) getTouchPointCount :: IO Int getTouchPointCount = fromIntegral <$> c'getTouchPointCount setGesturesEnabled :: [Gesture] -> IO () setGesturesEnabled flags = c'setGesturesEnabled (fromIntegral $ configsToBitflag flags) isGestureDetected :: Gesture -> IO Bool isGestureDetected gesture = toBool <$> c'isGestureDetected (fromIntegral $ fromEnum gesture) getGestureDetected :: IO Gesture getGestureDetected = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> c'getGestureDetected getGestureHoldDuration :: IO Float getGestureHoldDuration = realToFrac <$> c'getGestureHoldDuration getGestureDragVector :: IO Vector2 getGestureDragVector = c'getGestureDragVector >>= pop getGestureDragAngle :: IO Float getGestureDragAngle = realToFrac <$> c'getGestureDragAngle getGesturePinchVector :: IO Vector2 getGesturePinchVector = c'getGesturePinchVector >>= pop getGesturePinchAngle :: IO Float getGesturePinchAngle = realToFrac <$> c'getGesturePinchAngle foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper" mk'loadFileDataCallback :: (CString -> Ptr CUInt -> IO (Ptr CUChar)) -> IO C'LoadFileDataCallback -- foreign import ccall unsafe "dynamic" -- mK'loadFileDataCallback :: -- C'LoadFileDataCallback -> (CString -> Ptr CUInt -> IO (Ptr CUChar)) foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper" mk'saveFileDataCallback :: (CString -> Ptr () -> CUInt -> IO CInt) -> IO C'SaveFileDataCallback -- foreign import ccall unsafe "dynamic" -- mK'saveFileDataCallback :: -- C'SaveFileDataCallback -> (CString -> Ptr () -> CUInt -> IO CInt) foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper" mk'loadFileTextCallback :: (CString -> IO CString) -> IO C'LoadFileTextCallback -- foreign import ccall unsafe "dynamic" -- mK'loadFileTextCallback :: -- C'LoadFileTextCallback -> (CString -> IO CString) foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper" mk'saveFileTextCallback :: (CString -> CString -> IO CInt) -> IO C'SaveFileTextCallback -- foreign import ccall unsafe "dynamic" -- mK'saveFileTextCallback :: -- C'SaveFileTextCallback -> (CString -> CString -> IO CInt) createLoadFileDataCallback :: LoadFileDataCallback -> IO C'LoadFileDataCallback createLoadFileDataCallback callback = mk'loadFileDataCallback ( \fileName dataSize -> do fn <- peekCString fileName arr <- callback fn poke dataSize (fromIntegral (length arr) :: CUInt) newArray (map fromIntegral arr :: [CUChar]) ) createSaveFileDataCallback :: (Storable a) => SaveFileDataCallback a -> IO C'SaveFileDataCallback createSaveFileDataCallback callback = mk'saveFileDataCallback ( \fileName contents bytesToWrite -> do fn <- peekCString fileName fromBool <$> callback fn (castPtr contents) (fromIntegral bytesToWrite) ) createLoadFileTextCallback :: LoadFileTextCallback -> IO C'LoadFileTextCallback createLoadFileTextCallback callback = mk'loadFileTextCallback (\fileName -> peekCString fileName >>= callback >>= newCString) createSaveFileTextCallback :: SaveFileTextCallback -> IO C'SaveFileTextCallback createSaveFileTextCallback callback = mk'saveFileTextCallback ( \fileName content -> do fn <- peekCString fileName c <- peekCString content fromBool <$> callback fn c )