{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  HBooru.Types
-- Copyright   :  (c) Mateusz Kowalczyk 2013-2014
-- License     :  GPL-3
-- Maintainer  :  fuuzetsu@fuuzetsu.co.uk
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Module definining types used by the library.
module HBooru.Types where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
import Data.Vinyl
import Data.Vinyl.TH
import Network.HTTP.Conduit (HttpException(..))
import Prelude
import Text.XML.HXT.Core hiding (mkName, (<+>))

-- | Tags used for searching in sites. No special escaping is done.
-- Note that many sites would treat a tag like \"striped panties\"
-- as two separate tags and you wouldn't get the results you were after.
type Tag = String

-- | Data format used by various 'Site's. See instances for currently used
-- formats.
class DataFormat a where

-- | Used as one of the data formats.
data XML = XML deriving Show

-- | Used as one of the data formats.
data JSON = JSON deriving Show

instance DataFormat XML where
instance DataFormat JSON where

-- | Thanks to this class, we're able to provide instances converting
-- from a 'DataFormat' to 'Response'. This is useful if we need a 'DataFormat'
-- while we only have a type that's an instance of 'Response'. Note that the
-- functional dependency currently requires that there is only one way to coerce
-- between two types.
class Response r  CoerceResponse x r | x  r, r  x where
  -- | Given something and a 'String', we get the appropriate 'Response'.
  -- For example with @instance 'CoerceResponse' 'XML' 'XMLResponse'@:
  -- >>> toResponse XML "<SomeXML></SomeXML>"
  -- XMLReponse "<SomeXML></SomeXML>"
  toResponse  x  String  r
  -- | Given some kind of 'Response', we get the appropriate value back,
  -- depending on the class instance.
  -- For example with @instance 'CoerceResponse' 'XML' 'XMLResponse'@:
  -- >>> fromResponse $ XMLReponse "<SomeXML></SomeXML>"
  -- XML
  fromResponse  r  x

instance CoerceResponse XML XMLResponse where
  toResponse _ = XMLResponse
  fromResponse _ = XML

instance CoerceResponse JSON JSONResponse where
  toResponse _ = JSONResponse
  fromResponse _ = JSON

-- | Class specifying a parser that can fetch posts. A post usually
-- consists of links to the image, samples, and some meta-data. The
-- reason for this class is that sometimes we might get different
-- information based on the 'DataFormat' we use so we use type
-- families to denote this rather than forcing the library user to
-- make do with our best guess on what goes into the post. It also
-- allows us to use different post types for sites that provide
-- different information.
class (Site s, DataFormat r)  PostParser s r where
  type ImageTy s r
  -- | Given a parser working with 'DataFormat' specified by an instance of
  -- this class, we require through 'CoerceResponse' that it is able to parse
  -- responses in the format so what we actually pass into this function is
  -- the 'Site' this parser works with (so that we can pick the appropriate data
  -- type for the posts) and a 'Response' matching the 'DataFormat' (through a
  -- class instance). For @PostParser 'Gelbooru' 'XML'@ instance, example use
  -- might go like
  -- @
  -- do fc \<- 'XMLResponse' <$> 'readFile' \"gelbooruResponse.xml\"
  --    -- the type of images is actually inferred for us
  --    let images ∷ ['HBooru.Parsers.Gelbooru.GelbooruPost']
  --        images = parseResponse 'HBooru.Parsers.Gelbooru.Gelbooru' fc
  --    return images
  -- @
  -- The cool thing is that we can't feed anything but 'XMLResponse' to an
  -- XML parser.
  parseResponse  CoerceResponse r r'  s  r'  [ImageTy s r]

-- | Describes whether a response from a 'Site' in given 'DataFormat'
-- allows us to get the information about total number of posts matching our
-- query. Some sites don't provide this information.
class (Site s, DataFormat r)  Counted s r where
  -- | Parses out the number of available images from a response.
  parseCount  CoerceResponse r r'  s  r'  Integer

class (Counted s r, Postable s r)  PostablePaged s r where
  -- | Similar to 'postUrl' but requests images from specific page if
  -- the site allows it.
  postUrlPaged  s  r  [Tag]  Integer  String
  postUrlPaged s r ts i = postUrl s r ts ++ "&pid=" ++ show i

-- | If we can make an API request to 'Site' in a specific 'DataFormat', we can
-- use instances of this class to pass in
class PostParser s r  Postable s r where
  -- | Given a 'Site', a 'DataFormat' and a list of 'Tag's, an instance of this
  -- class should be able to return a 'String' at which we can find data in
  -- 'DataFormat' format that honours our tags. This is effectively a URL
  -- builder for POST requests.
  postUrl  s  r  [Tag]  String
  -- | Provides information about whether there's a hard limit on the amount of
  -- posts we can fetch from the site at once. The reason for this function here
  -- rather than in 'Site' is that we might be parsing data without an API we
  -- can post to at all and we're getting our data through other means.
  hardLimit  s  r  Limit

-- | Describes a site for a parser. The reason why this isn't a simple data type
-- is to allow us to write additional parsers in the future without modifying
-- this library if we wish to do so.
class Site s where

-- | Rating used on *booru sites.
data Rating = Safe | Questionable | Explicit deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Denotes whethere there's a hard limit on the number of posts
-- we can fetch at a time from a site. NoLimit implies that we can fetch
-- everything at once and not that we don't know. See 'Counted' for a way to
-- potentially retrieve number of posts present on the site.
data Limit = NoLimit | Limit Integer deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | One of the formats we can receive responses from sites in. For things
-- like parsers parametrisation, use 'XML' instead and use methods in
-- 'CoerceResponse' if you need to.
data XMLResponse = XMLResponse String deriving Show

-- | One of the formats we can receive responses from sites in. For things
-- like parsers parametrisation, use 'JSON' instead and use methods in
-- 'CoerceResponse' if you need to.
data JSONResponse = JSONResponse String deriving Show

-- | Specifies what is considered a response. You'll almost certainly also
-- want new 'DataFormat' and 'CoerceResponse' instances if you're adding some
-- here. This class assumes that all responses carry the response in a string we
-- can extract. Note that this is not for use as network response if you're
-- scraping, only for putting data into after you have done all the error
-- checking and whatnot.
class Response r where
  -- | Extract the response string.
  getResponse  r  String

instance Response XMLResponse where
  getResponse (XMLResponse x) = x

instance Response JSONResponse where
  getResponse (JSONResponse x) = x

instance Functor (LA XmlTree) where
  fmap f (LA g) = LA $ fmap fmap fmap f g

bA  ArrowApply cat  cat c' b  (b  cat c' c)  cat c' c
bA mx f = (arr (\a -> mx >>> arr (\x -> (f x, a)) >>> app) &&& arr id) >>> app

instance Applicative (LA XmlTree) where
  pure x = LA . const $ return x
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad (LA XmlTree) where
  return = pure
  (>>=) = bA

-- | Parse failures from various parsers
newtype ParseFailure = PF String deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Error ParseFailure where
  noMsg = PF noMsg
  strMsg = PF . strMsg

-- | Alias for our parser monad with failure possibility
type Parse = Either ParseFailure

data RealWorldExcs = Network HttpException
                   | IOE IOException
                   | SomethingElse String
                   deriving (Show)

instance Error RealWorldExcs where
  noMsg = SomethingElse noMsg
  strMsg = SomethingElse . strMsg

type ExcIO a = ErrorT RealWorldExcs IO a

makeUniverse' ''Symbol "ElF"
semantics ''ElF [ [t| "height" |]                :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "score" |]                 :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "file_url" |]              :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "parent_id" |]             :~> [t| Maybe Integer |]
                , [t| "sample_url" |]            :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "sample_width" |]          :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "sample_height" |]         :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "preview_url" |]           :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "rating" |]                :~> [t| Rating |]
                , [t| "tags" |]                  :~> [t| [Tag] |]
                , [t| "id" |]                    :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "width" |]                 :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "change" |]                :~> [t| Int |]
                , [t| "md5" |]                   :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "creator_id" |]            :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "has_children" |]          :~> [t| Bool |]
                , [t| "created_at" |]            :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "status" |]                :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "source" |]                :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "has_notes" |]             :~> [t| Maybe Bool |]
                , [t| "has_comments" |]          :~> [t| Maybe Bool |]
                , [t| "preview_width" |]         :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "preview_height" |]        :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "author" |]                :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "frames" |]                :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "frames_pending" |]        :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "frames_pending_string" |] :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "frames_string" |]         :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "is_held" |]               :~> [t| Bool |]
                , [t| "is_shown_in_index" |]     :~> [t| Bool |]
                , [t| "jpeg_file_size" |]        :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "jpeg_height" |]           :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "jpeg_url" |]              :~> [t| String |]
                , [t| "jpeg_width" |]            :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "sample_file_size" |]      :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "actual_preview_height" |] :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "actual_preview_width" |]  :~> [t| Integer |]
                , [t| "file_size" |]             :~> [t| Integer |]

-- | Handy synonym hiding 'ElF'.
type R a = PlainRec ElF a

-- | 'R' wrapped in a 'Parse'.
type PR a = Parse (R a)

-- * Commonly used fields

height  Proxy "height"
height = Proxy

score  Proxy "score"
score = Proxy

file_url  Proxy "file_url"
file_url = Proxy

parent_id  Proxy "parent_id"
parent_id = Proxy

sample_url  Proxy "sample_url"
sample_url = Proxy

sample_width  Proxy "sample_width"
sample_width = Proxy

sample_height  Proxy "sample_height"
sample_height = Proxy

preview_url  Proxy "preview_url"
preview_url = Proxy

rating  Proxy "rating"
rating = Proxy

tags  Proxy "tags"
tags = Proxy

id  Proxy "id"
id = Proxy

width  Proxy "width"
width = Proxy

change  Proxy "change"
change = Proxy

md5  Proxy "md5"
md5 = Proxy

creator_id  Proxy "creator_id"
creator_id = Proxy

has_children  Proxy "has_children"
has_children = Proxy

created_at  Proxy "created_at"
created_at = Proxy

status  Proxy "status"
status = Proxy

source  Proxy "source"
source = Proxy

has_notes  Proxy "has_notes"
has_notes = Proxy

has_comments  Proxy "has_comments"
has_comments = Proxy

preview_width  Proxy "preview_width"
preview_width = Proxy

preview_height  Proxy "preview_height"
preview_height = Proxy

author  Proxy "author"
author = Proxy

frames  Proxy "frames"
frames = Proxy

frames_pending  Proxy "frames_pending"
frames_pending = Proxy

frames_pending_string  Proxy "frames_pending_string"
frames_pending_string = Proxy

frames_string  Proxy "frames_string"
frames_string = Proxy

is_held  Proxy "is_held"
is_held = Proxy

is_shown_in_index  Proxy "is_shown_in_index"
is_shown_in_index = Proxy

jpeg_file_size  Proxy "jpeg_file_size"
jpeg_file_size = Proxy

jpeg_height  Proxy "jpeg_height"
jpeg_height = Proxy

jpeg_url  Proxy "jpeg_url"
jpeg_url = Proxy

jpeg_width  Proxy "jpeg_width"
jpeg_width = Proxy

sample_file_size  Proxy "sample_file_size"
sample_file_size = Proxy

actual_preview_height  Proxy "actual_preview_height"
actual_preview_height = Proxy

actual_preview_width  Proxy "actual_preview_width"
actual_preview_width = Proxy

file_size  Proxy "file_size"
file_size = Proxy